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noddy , to linux in What are some must have Linux compatible VSTs?

Surge XT is a must. Best FOSS synth there is IMO. 3 oscillators in 2 scenes. Filters, effects, all the LFOs and envelopes in the world, all the modulation, expression aftertouch, etc you need. A bunch of presets out of the box. Very flexible synth, though can be a bit learning curve to get going.

Honorable mentions to Dexed (basically a software DX7), GeonKick (for synthesizing drums), and pianoteq (proprietary, but best there is in piano synth with native linux support).

Gerula , (edited ) to memes in Housing is a Human Right, Hording unimaginable sums of Wealth, is not.

Rights are something that the society you live in and contribute to, grants you!

There are no inherent human rights to be had! Even being alive is a happening not a right! You’re born because your parents fucked, there was nothing special about it!

L.E. I see a lot of snowflakes are bothered by what I said, good. Maybe you start thinking once about what you have, instead of whining about what you would like!

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

I’m starting to think most of lemmy is populated by a bunch of kids who just read Marx and have no actual world experiences cause they’re 14.

JayDee ,

Let’s not forget that the only reason states exist is to serve those within them. If that state should fail to serve its people sufficiently, it’s been common throughout history that they’ve been dismantled by the people.

You are correct about natural rights. They are fought for. Many rights, such as workers’ rights, were strongly fought for and founded on blood (pretty much all of them in fact). However, when talking about rights, one remember the original meaning of the word: that which is morally good or honorable. The legal entitlement is preceded by the philosophical definition. In a just society legal rights should reflect moral rights as closely as possible.

Housing is necessary for life, and so depriving an individual of housing when housing is unutilized is equatable to murder, an injustice. This is why the post communicates that housing is a human right.

Gerula ,

Corect, but if the state is or isn’t serving those within, is a decision to be taken by the same individuals. Up to now those who are considering this are a small subset of the citizens which agrregate in underground forums and not actively trying to change the society and have a positive impact.

Housing is necessary for life but it was never a right in that society. Also necessary for life are water, clothing, food, medical assistance, etc. None of them are rights of the people within that society. It may not correct but it is what it is.

hakunawazo , to memes in How the mighty have fallen
mvirts , to memes in I just don't pay enough attention to politics .

Don’t ask, don’t tell?

satanicllamaplaza OP , to unixporn in [gnome] Theme based on ai art of my partner

Wallpaper: 4 custom midjourney and runway designs of my partner

icons: Material Black

shell: kripton v40

conky: nothing special actually hate conky recently

dash to panel: here … again nothing special

browser: Librewolf

browser theme: BLACK

Very simple pop os set up let me know what you think. only a year into linux

daisyKutter , avatar

Is there a place to get/buy the wallpapers?

satanicllamaplaza OP ,

You should make some. It’s really easy. Just learn a bit about effective prompt writing for ai.

Midjourney ai will give you the best results but it’s all text to image generation. “Girl with black hair sitting on a cliff looking out over a cyber punk city scape, vapor wave colors, anime art”

You of course can describe what ever you like and it will give you several vs. you can also have it touch up those vs.

Runway ai has both text to image and image to image. Upload a pic of what you want yourself or your partner or your dog, and write the prompt. Change the sliders to emphasize the promo or the original photo. It will also give you multiple options. Both are $10-$15 a month.

Watch some videos and have unlimited custom background artwork specially made for your vision.

Guenther_Amanita ,

Better yet, use EasyDiffusion.

It’s a one-click install, especially for Linux.
(I’d recommend setting it up in Distrobox for a cleaner environment.)

It runs local on your GPU. So, if you need heating, you can just use your PC now for the winter 😁

satanicllamaplaza OP ,

I will have to check that out. I tried a few local ai but my computer doesn’t handle them well. Love system 76 but their os is miles ahead of their builds ha ha. When I finish refurbishing my tower I’ll give that a shot.

Guenther_Amanita ,

You can still try it. On a not-as-powerful PC it will take a bit longer of course, the only thing I would recommend having is a GPU.
On a CPU it will take literally ages to create one picture, speaking from experience.

Just give it a try. Even if your laptop is a bit underpowered, half an hour for a set isn’t a huge problem. Just go cooking or showering in the meantime and let it process in the meanwhile 😁

daisyKutter , avatar


simin , to memes in How the mighty have fallen


Teppichbrand , to linux in What are some must have Linux compatible VSTs?

Just use Windows VSTs! This video was a game changer for me. Turned my vanilla Linux Mint into an audio production powerhouse with a single script. Bitwig, Reaper, Windows VSTs, low latency. Incedible!

circuitfarmer , to unixporn in [gnome] Theme based on ai art of my partner avatar

Looks great! Are you using Pop Shell for tiling?

satanicllamaplaza OP ,

I’m sorry is tiling the tiling manager? Cause yes. if you mean she’ll theme it’s Kripton v40

circuitfarmer , avatar

What I mean is that the two windows open in the bottom of the screenshot appear to be tiled with padding. It looks like Pop Shell is in your menubar as I look at it again, so I guess I answered my own question – but I’ve been looking for another way to tile windows in Gnome and I’m not sure it exists.

satanicllamaplaza OP ,

Oh yes it’s just default pop tiling. Yeah I’m pretty new to Linux. I would love to get out and explore but I also really trust pop a ton to kinda walk me through learning. I can’t wait for cosmic. After cosmic I’ll start experimenting more but this computer is first and foremost for school and I need it to be boringly reliable ha ha so pop it is.

circuitfarmer , avatar

Yep, makes sense. Pop is great tbh, unless you want bleeding edge packages. I haven’t had issues with it, and as I mentioned, I think Pop Shell is the only tiling option for Gnome.

loaExMachina , (edited ) to memes in I just don't pay enough attention to politics .

Bro, the left and right are originally French, not American, and they’re applied worldwide throughout various systems.

Long story short, in the original National Assembly in 1789, people with similar opinions ended up befriending each-other and sitting nearby during the session, so at one point you had all those who thought the revolution ought to go further (give more rights to more people, decrease the power of the king or outright depose him, etc…) sitting on the left, and all those who thought the revolution had gone to far already and ought to slow down sitting on the right.

Of course, by this metric, the very concept of a republic is far left, but the idea is that no matter what system you’re in, once it’s established enough, wanting to maintain the status quo is being a centrist, wanting change that puts more power in the hands of common people is left wing, and opposing such changes or wanting to undo them to “restore order”, often concentrating power in fewer hands, is right wing.

This “power” I speak of was at the beginning just political power, but through the 19th century, the focus shifted towards economic power. Therefore, since the late 19th century, a right wing policy a policy that favors the rich, and a left wing policy one that places restrictions on the rich and welfare policy for the poor to decrease inequality. This is why liberals were initially left wing, but neoliberalism is now mostly regarded as a wing ideology. These are policies that want a weaker state, but more rights/powers for rich individuals.

InquisitiveApathy ,

I am very surprised that there is only one legitimate reference to the original coining of these terms from the beginning of the French Revolution so far in this thread asking what these terms mean.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

It’s not exactly relevant to a modern conversation, even if the history does highlight the Overton Window and how being the “left” or “right” is still different from being a “leftist” or a “right winger” as left or right wing is usually relative to local politics and “leftist” vs “right winger” refers to broad ideologies.

superduperenigma , to memes in I hate sand

Where are you going with this? There’s a lot of directions you could take this meme and like half of them are problematic.

CaptainSpaceman ,

Thats the point. Hence why votes are mixed. Engage bait is the point, and we both fell for it

CommanderCloon ,

? Anakin is a tinfoil hat wearer and Padme is the reader

Grayox OP , avatar

Spoiler alert Anakin isnt the good guy and goes on the become Darth Vader.

mrunicornman ,


Grayox OP , avatar

I know right?! Kid had such a promising podracing career.

dangblingus ,

The very real implication is that Anakin is an online conspiracy theorist who generally always arrives at the conclusion that Jewish people control the world.

samus12345 , avatar

I didn’t even consider the Jews being to blame. That’s such an incredibly stupid take I forget it exists until I see it again.

Exosus ,

You should piss off both sides…

“Jews control the world, as they should!”

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Ah, the Bibi Pill.

EvolvedTurtle ,

I don’t know a thing about Jewish culture But tbh I’d be down for a change of pace

Probably better then what ever we got going on here

iAvicenna , to memes in Its the only way. avatar
iAvicenna , avatar

yes I know its not an adjective thanks

get_the_reference_ ,

It’s an adjective?

(Q: What kind of billionaires? A: Space billionaires!)

iAvicenna , avatar

it is a compound noun

get_the_reference_ ,

The distinction between a noun modified by an adjective or noun adjunct and a simple compound noun in English is not well defined. You can absolutely call space an adjective in this case.

Rosco , to unixporn in [gnome] Theme based on ai art of my partner

Looking good

Cowbee , to memes in I just don't pay enough attention to politics . avatar

Left wingers want collective ownership of the Means of Production, right wingers want individual ownership of the Means of Production.

What follows from that are generally a bunch of interconnected, intersectional views. Leftists tend to oppose hierarchy, rightists tend to support hierarchy.

stembolts , (edited )


Cowbee , avatar

To expand, left wingers analyze current events as a historical process and as an actionable future plan, considering current ownership itself unjust regardless of historical context, though certainly not made any better when combined with it. I don’t really see many making a mockery of their own position.

Right wingers do falsely claim that anyone can arrive at the top, they typically do so through some failed idea of meritocracy.

stembolts ,

Good additions. I actually struggled to find a good way to criticize the left because I am extremely left-leaning myself. I caught myseld writing a “cons bad” post and decided to attack the weaknesses I see in left-wing politics as a bit of a self-challenge, tho admittedly with only about two minutes of consideration. Judging by the points on the post my perspective is not very popular.

Tbh I should give this more thought, finding flaws in your own positions is a harder exercise than I realized. I’ll have to explore and flesh out these ideas a bit more.

Zerush , to memes in How the mighty have fallen avatar

Not all birds have forgotten, this one can gut a human in half a second.

psud ,

And this one will steal your lunch

platypus_plumba ,

the article says there are no records for that claim.

Cypher ,

Cassowaries have a claw on their middle toe that is up to 12cm long.

Im just going to assume it’s possible even if its unlikely.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

No witnesses.

Siegfried ,

Wait, floridians are afraid of wild cats?

peopleproblems , to memes in They wish

So ive put a lot of thot into this, and after going through what I did with my ex wife, I think it wouldn’t be a problem so long as

A. I know about it.

B. I get access to it and all paid content

C. No one else appears in it. This covers the whole “well that was an old video I uploaded” scenario too.

D. The relationship is otherwise secure.

E. But the real problem would be someone with an onlyfans wanting to date me.

Bunnylux , avatar

It’s fine to not want to date someone with an onlyfans, but I feel like the guys who go out of their way to say it usually have other red flags about

HonoraryMancunian ,

Basically men who: —

Could never get a woman that hot

Get jealous easily

Don’t like women having agency over their sexuality

Don’t like women having agency over themselves full stop

afraid_of_zombies ,

Right I don’t see where you get the ability to mindread people nor guilt people into being in a relationship that they don’t want to be in.

agitatedpotato ,

I just ask that people realize what I realize, which is it’s an issue with ME that I’m not secure enough to be with a person who I can see having sex with someone else. I cannot control my feelings but I am responsible for them, or at the very least, other people are not responsible for them(at least in this example anyway it’s not as if the of model was having sex with other people AT me.)

Bunnylux , avatar

It’s ok to be monogamous :)

agitatedpotato ,

Oh absolutely, I dont feel bad about that. But the feeling I get thinking about being with someone who does that kind of stuff is exactly a feeling of insecurity. It’s fine and normal, same way its normal to have a little anxiety or a little depression. In healthy doses it’s essentially just personality traits, but to me those feeling stem from insecurity. Perhaps it’s even innate and not something to be ‘fixed’ but it still feels like insecurity to me. But I’m realizing that I suppose I can only speak for myself here.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Except insecurity the word is used always as a pejorative.

agitatedpotato ,

It doesn’t have to. Same with anxiety, alone no one’s going to think the word itself is good, yet a healthy dose of anxiety is simply awareness.

afraid_of_zombies ,

It isn’t about what you think it should mean it matters how people use it.

agitatedpotato ,

Thats not what I think it should mean, thats how emotions work. Those feelings stem from insecurity. That’s factual. People say they’re so OCD when they like to be organized, is that what OCD means now?

afraid_of_zombies ,

I think you are aware that your comparison is false.

agitatedpotato ,

I think you’re grasping at straws because you don’t want to engage with complex feelings.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Fine you go around demanding everyone change the meaning of a word.

agitatedpotato ,

You seem to be the only one who doesn’t get it. Good luck with your emotional intelligence though.

afraid_of_zombies ,

“seem”. Making assumptions now.

agitatedpotato ,

Really scaping the bottom of the barrel. Seems to me is synonymous with looks to me. Got anything else or just more dissappontment for your English teacher?

MotoAsh ,

C and E sound indicative of some insecurities.

MySwellMojo ,

I mean, I wouldn’t want to deal with the mental gymnastics involved with my significant other getting down with other people

MotoAsh ,

An open relationship isn’t that weird of a concept to some. It’s about how much others mean to you, not how much of them you posess. People in these comments are fucking pathetic for not understanding this basic fact of healthy relationships: You do not own anyone else. To any degree. Period.

Nelots ,

That’s a neat story you got there, but literally nobody here is saying they do own someone else.

MotoAsh ,

Why yes you are correct: what I’m saying isn’t appliccable to 100% of people! Do you want a gold star for your basic observation?

It’s like you retards don’t understand that not everyone has or wants the same relationship.

You are in this comic.

AscendantSquid ,

I think most people here agree with you, it’s just that the way you’re speaking to them comes off as judgemental and kinda mean, so they respond accordingly.

Nelots ,

I said nobody here. I.e. these comments, the people you said think that. Would you like a participation trophy for your reading comprehension?

MySwellMojo ,

I mean we’re just chatting, but for some reason it feels like you’re yelling

MotoAsh ,

Not my problem Poe’s Law is real.

Nelots ,

do you want a gold star for your obsevation

you retards

you are in this comic

Haha yeah, only 75% of your comment was attempting to be insulting in some way! How could anybody think you’re being an ass? Poe’s law sure is crazy.

MotoAsh ,

Right, I’m definitely not commenting about the previous part of the discussion. Or did you forget that happened?

Retard is apparently appropriate.

Nelots ,

People in these comments are fucking pathetic…

Amazing how you children cannot…

I’m sorry for not going into further detail?? You’ve used belittling or downright insulting language in like 5/7 of your comments in this thread now. And the small page of profile digging I had to do to find those shows it’s not just this thread you’ve got an attitude in. Maybe you’re the problem and not everybody else?

MotoAsh ,

About conversations turning south? Absolutely, totally my fault. Though you’re still all retards fundamentally failing to understand how healthy relationships work or how what I said applies.

Nelots ,

The problem is that so far literally nobody has disagreed with you. Some people have said that open relationships aren’t for them, and then you went and said they’re claiming they own people??

Please point to a single instance where somebody has said they own someone else, or that they think open relationships are disgusting or some shit. No, I imagine we all understand how healthy relationships work but you’re too busy putting words in our mouths to see that you’re insulting people over things they never said.

MotoAsh ,

Do not take me speaking in generalities as specific accusations. You people really need to learn reading comprehension.

MySwellMojo ,


MySwellMojo ,

No ownership, but sharing time. I want to buy a house not a time-share. I want that deep emotional connection with someone. I don’t have the capacity to have more than one deep connection and would like someone similar. If my partner chooses they want something open, that’s fine, but we would transition to friends

Paradachshund ,

I think they were reacting to the “no one can appear even if it was an old video before we met” part.

MySwellMojo ,

I mean, there’s still mental gymnastics going on there. For me at least

BassaForte , avatar

Ah yes, be 100% ok with sharing your partner, or you’re insecure.

aphlamingphoenix ,

Right. Some people handle this well, others are not open to it. Willingness to adhere to monogamy is a thing that varies from person to person and must be discussed in any relationship. Ethical nonmonogamy is a thing, but it’s not for everyone, and it is a lot of communication and intimate work.

ShellMonkey , avatar

I find the notion of ENM peculiar. Just the name starting with ethical gives it an ‘exception to the rule’ feel, that the default is unethical.

It’s like the terms open or swingers (which is a slightly separate thing I get, but in the same space) didn’t exist before or are no longer acceptable.

aphlamingphoenix ,

I think ethical nonmonogamy casts a wider net. I wouldn’t call myself a swinger. I don’t do parties or anything like that. But I’m still not monogamous and it’s still not cheating since my partner and I have an existing arrangement and regular check-ins.

ShellMonkey , avatar

I guess I’m more getting at the term itself than the concept. People for a while have sometimes said ‘we have an open relationship’ which to my mind is functionally the same thing. The other nearest option would be non-partnered in which case a title isn’t needed anyhow.

The part that seems weird to me is by specifically labeling it as ethical, it implies that the standard non-monogomy is unethical which seems like a strange stance to tie a lifestyle to if usable terms exist.

Just the philosophical musings of a fairly vanilla middle age dude navigating the modern social world though. 🙂

MotoAsh ,

I said, “indicative of”, not, “yea you’re insecure”. Amazing how you children cannot parse basic perception from accusation.

YeetPics , avatar

Braindead comments are indicative of massive cerebral trauma.

Spendrill ,

Yes, but the vast majority of us do have some insecurities and you can at least be honest with yourself and your partner about them.

MotoAsh ,

Agreed, but know what they are. They aren’t lines to control someone with. They’re lines someone should agree with and should know may be signs of other controlling behavior. So many people are OK with being controlled and it’s frankly pathetic.

peopleproblems ,

Ha, C&E are actually relationship needs of mine, friend.

In fact, I think the others are more indicative of my insecurities, but hey, I’m not anxious-avoidant so I don’t know for sure.

MotoAsh ,

If you’re dealing with the boundaries healthily, then it’s not so much an insecurity and more of a limitation. If others are aware and OK with it, I’d call that healthily dealt with. Whether or not the limitation is a problem is merely a matter of preference, and luckily it sounds like yours line up.

I love how everyone assumes “indicative of” is a direct accusation… As if false red flags based on perception do not exist. People are so small minded.

agitatedpotato ,

Im someone for whom C is a necessity like the person you’re responding too and I think you’re 100% right.

It may not be a nessesarily pathological insecurity, but it absolutely is an insecurity.

If I felt more secure I’d probably be able to deal with it. I don’t think that means im a necessarily insecure person, or am someone for whom insecurity is a clinical problem, but at least comparatively that makes it an insecurity.

You can get depressed and not have depression, you can get insecure and not be an insecure person, heck you can even maintain a healthy amount of anxiety. These are essentially just human traits and there’s no shame in admitting that I have a trait that’s at least a little rooted in insecurity so long as it doesn’t negatively impact my life.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Ehehehehee, a lot of thot. Nice.

HonoraryMancunian ,

I wouldn’t mind C, so long as it’s someone where all 3 of us are willing to have some fun together privately anyway

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