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Pantherina , to memes in Simple Truth

Why would you not censor the face if you change the literal content of the sign?

Pantherina ,

And in the background is a really weirdly edited banner too.

MasterNerd , to memes in OH MY GOD IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY?!! avatar

Me when I try to follow a tutorial online without reading through it first

retrolasered , to memes in Boycott the triple-A games industry avatar

Couldnt help but hear zero punctuation as I read

Vespair ,
Presi300 , to unixporn in [Haiku] Summertime vibes avatar

Haiku is cool, though I have a hard time believing you actually use it for something…

Serpentian OP ,

Browser works, it’s enough for the average Windows user)

admin ,

If ssh works then the average Linux SysAdmin is covered too!

dan1101 , to memes in You cant fool me.

Burt Macklin, FBI.

Norodix , to memes in Boycott the triple-A games industry

But but but… Consoles are the AAA industry. Indies have a chance because of PC gaming.

umbrella , avatar

and nowadays im siding with the indies.

triple A has been pretty dissapointing lately.

UlfKirsten ,

Lol, yeah. Lately.

arudesalad ,

But what about AAAA?

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

how long until we have AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA games

TheBat , avatar

🎶We come from the land of the the ice and snow🎶

🎶From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow🎶

onlooker , avatar

What do you mean? We already have them. For example, Dark Souls makes me go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA all the time.

SkyezOpen ,

I think someone probably made a possum simulator.

Press X to scream at own ass.

idunnololz , avatar

the year is 2050
you are in a stadium
a man walks up on stage. he yells at the top of his lungs for 30 minutes straight
the crowd goes wild
suddenly the lights go out
the lights come back on slowly
you see “The elder scrolls V: Skyrim”
Todd Howard has done it again

franklin , avatar

Honestly the XBLA (Xbox live arcade) kicked off a lot of indie games, that was short lived though it differently has the best chance on PC

Quetzalcutlass ,

The best thing to come out of Microsoft’s push into the indie space was XNA, which even now stands as one of the best game development frameworks of all time. It’s a shame they murdered it in its crib.

(I know Monogame/FNA exist, but I’ll always wonder where the project could have gone with Microsoft-level funding)

some_guy , to memes in You cant fool me.

The latest season of the Chameleon podcast is about undercover feds and the Whitmer kidnapping suspects. Lots of recorded audio.

Alphabet Boys is another show that investigates undercover and sting ops. Last season was about Portland 2020.

Both are excellent.

sharkfucker420 , to lemmyshitpost in Relationship advice? avatar

What a business degree does to a mf

MystikIncarnate ,

I have taken business in college and graduated. I whole heartedly disagree with him.

Just saying.

sharkfucker420 , avatar

Proud of you

MystikIncarnate ,


Flumpkin ,

He’s an autodidact. Not sure why it matters, but I just thought “of course he is”.

ForrestGrump , to funny in unusable mouse

Wow, you’re super early to the party.

Agosagror , to funny in unusable mouse avatar

This has ruined my week - the mere thought that people actually brought this drives me insane.

Crass_Spektakel , to memes in Math avatar

The difference between the extreme wings is miniscule. Methods, Objectives and Goals are the same, just the arguments differ slightly.

In Germany half of the voters of the Ultra-Left Party “Linkspartei” went within one election to the Ultra-Right Party “Alternative für Deutschland”. Even starnger, the AfD is financed by Putin who wants to recreate Stalinism, which is Ultra-Leftist, while the AfD wants to recreate a Führer-Cult which is Ultra-Right. And still both cooperate perfectly.

But don’t think the US is better. While Linkspartei and AfD together are 15% in the US the equally Extremist-Trumpists are close to 50%.

People need to understand that the Extremists on the wings are closer to each other than to the middle. While the middle tries to better things in small steps the Extremists want to burn the house down with everyone inside and then see who survives.

Cowbee , avatar

Sorry, but this is just horseshoe-theory Enlightened Centrist nonsense.

Methods? No. The far-right relies on terror, fear, and explicit power structures such as a police state to maintain power. Leftists oppose such structures, even on the ultra-left.

Objectives? Absolutely not. Right-wingers seek to maintain Capitalism, the far-right seeks to implement fascism as a reactionary protection of Capitalist hierarchy, complete with racial and gender hierarchy. The extreme left, ie Anarchists and Communists, seek a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society based on horizontal power structures. Completely different.

Goals? Same as objectives.

Horseshoe theory is absolute nonsense, and is used to protect the status quo even if the status quo must be radically changed.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

Stalin and Pol Pot and Saddam used mostly the same methods as Hitler and as Pinochet and just like the Taliban.

They wanted total power to reform the society to their day dreams. There is not much difference if you call your Economy Plan “Five Year Plan” or “Maximale Kriegswirtschaft”. In the end everyone gets under the foot of the Big Brother, the Grosser Führer, вождь woschd (Yes, Stalin let himself call Führer as did several other Extremist leaders).

We need to learn that the Extremists are much further away from the middle than the parties of the middle to each other. But also the Extremists are much closer to themselves.

Even Trump and Putin show a lot of those methods and while Trump dreams of US Fascism and Putin dreams of Reviving Stalinism their Objectives are just the same: Total power for themselfes.

Oh, I hear you already screaming “But they weren’t Socialists/Fascists” - well, they were part of the Socialist International, they called themselves Socialists and people travelled there to see Socialism. “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”

The Way less extreme people defend themselves from the more extreme people is just “But they weren’t true right/left wing. They were something else!” - Boy, I am so tired of it. If 99% if your ventures into Extremism always end the same then I see a pattern that the results will ALWAYS be the same.

And seeing how easily East Germans nowadays change from Ultra-Left to Ultra-Right and visa versa I say: Proof by Observation in the Wild.

I am not even talking about the US where 90% of the people simply don’t even understand what left, right, middle, liberal and Extremism means. When giving a kid free health care is socialism and people think free voting is disrespectable liberalism.

Cowbee , avatar

This is even more bullshit, lmao. The only leftist you listed was Stalin, every single one of the others is a far-right fascist that oversaw a Capitalist economy. That includes Putin, who is reactionary. Even then, many call Stalin red-fash, and they aren’t entirely wrong either.

Additionally, if you think reactionary changes after states fall is because the far left and far right are similar, then again, you don’t understand historical trends or movements. These are reactionary movements to a large-scale failure.

Again, this is nothing but horse-shoe theory nonsense, it’s equivalent to astrology in validity but far more dangerous politically.

Here’s a quick example: which is better, an extreme antiracist, or an extreme racist? In your eyes, both are equally bad. Radicalism is not bad alone, neither is extremism. Each view must be judged on a case by case basis.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

Whenever a Left-Extremist does something stupid his buddies just claim “Well, he wasn’t Left anyway. Lets just pretend he was a Nazi instead, haha.”

Brilliant. But easy to see through.

The Right-Extremist takes peoples property and life because they are the wrong race. The Left-Extremists takes peples property without reason and life because we wasn’t left enough.

Cowbee , avatar

It would be amazing if you could say something coherent about the left without making shit up, lmao

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

Feel free to quote and analyse any mistakes I made in detail.

And if you can’t: Then you are lying.

Cowbee , avatar

The bit about the left taking peoples property for no reason and fighting people for not being left of them screams “strawman with no actual points against leftism” to me. You’ve got this whole “Enlightened Centrist” thing going on that just proves you don’t actually want to analyze things and instead just fence-sit because the status quo benefits you.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

Learn to quote. I wrote “Extremists”. You claim I wrote “Leftists”. You need to learn that the Extreme Wings are much further away from the middle than the left and right middle to each other.

Also, I see you are doing the 101 of populism:

  1. make up an enemy
  2. secondly, lying pays off
  3. become more and more radical

Oh, and by the way, I am living in Germany. You fucking have you idea what you are talking about if you are talking about left and right politics, extremists and middle. Honestly, you sound like someone with an extreme case of borderline syndrome who only know “THEM” vs “US”, only knows Extreme Counterpositions.

But that is not how the world works. Even our local conservative parties are much more leftist than eg the US Democrats and that is a good thing. I vote mostly Green and Social Democrats. But I HATE the Extremists, the Maoists, Stalinists, the Alternative Truthers, the national party, the skin heads (there are left and right skinheads in Germany so… pick your poison). And I see the Extremists changing without a second thought from Left Extremism to Right Extremism. Hell, I have even seen Left Extremists convert to Islam Extremism so they have Gods blessing in hating others. You can not make up how stupid Extremists are.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

the left taking peoples property for no reason and fighting people for not being left

Great Purge

Cultural Revolution

Killing Fields

“Socialism does not mean the equal distribution of wealth between the wealthy and the poor, this would be too inflexible. Rather, socialism is a means of increasing productivity.” - Saddam Hussein, Leader of the Arab socialist Movement: in: ath-thawra

Best Definition of “Fascism” I have ever heared. From an Extremist Socialist trying to redefine Socialism.

You may argue “how Extremist” Fa, Anti-Fa and Anti-Anti-Fa are. But you can not argue that they are all Extremists.

Now answer me with your usual emotional one-liners. Add some foot stomping. I do not expect anything more from you.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

Ah, here is something interesting:

The liberal Reichsbanner Movement is going to celebrate 100 years of Resistance to Extremism. They do not differentiate between left and right Extremism. Never did. And their members number in the Millions. That is how you really fight Extremism.

Cowbee , avatar

Extremism can be correct. The only correct response to racism is antiracism, which is an extremist stance. It’s fitting that a liberal party would fight leftist movement.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

Actually Mao claimed his great leap forward was “Anti-Racism” (and also Anti-Classism and whatever) because he forcefully removed all differences by murdering pretty much any one standing out. Pol Pot never claimed that but technically speaking he was doing the same: Forcefully removing everything making people different. Yes, there is “Extremist Anti-Racism”.

Being different is as much a basic right as being treated equally.

An interesting excursus: The Woke movement labelled it “racist” when Non-Rasta-People wore Rasta curls. I on the other hand call it racist to deny people the right to freely chose or reject traditions based on their origin. Because one side is Extremist and the other is liberal. Now tell me where the truth lies.

There is a Bavarian Pro-Verb: Cats enjoy mice, but not me. Again, tell me where the truth lies.

Cowbee , avatar

You’re confusing “extremism” with “violence.” Pacifism is extremist.

Crass_Spektakel , avatar

No, Pacificm is not always Extremist.

The Green party of Germany is Pacifist.

But they also have been the loudest about rearming the German Bundeswehr in face of Russian Aggression since 2008. I cite their defence speaker from 2010: “Peace is worth fighting for”.

Cowbee , avatar

Pacifism is an extremist position. Everyone wants to avoid violence, but pacifism is extremist.

You’re combining radical, extreme views with violence for no reason other than to lie about having a point. Enlightened Centrism at its peak.

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

I don’t think Lemmy is ready to hear that kind of thing.

sounddrill ,

Extreme wings sounds like a crispy chicken dish

wall_inhabiter ,

Never compare me to a German again

merthyr1831 , to programmerhumor in Shitty salaries incoming in 3..2..1

Something really fucky with developer salaries recently. Im seeing London-based office jobs (We’ve got you surrounded! Come eat fruit snacks in our trendy office space!) offer £25k salaries which is like half the wage necessary to afford working there lmao

TheAnonymouseJoker , to memes in Boycott the triple-A games industry avatar

Reddit gamers invaded Lemmy. Its over. The brainrot has arrived in trucks and freightliners.

ROldford , to programmerhumor in IT Help Desk

My colleague was terrified that she lost her drive files for this exact reason. Had a USB-C cable, needed a Thunderbolt cable.

Ashelyn , to programmer_humor in remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her

I could comment on the notion that one owns one’s girlfriend but regardless, you should definitely self host if you’re sharing deeply personal information with a program

can , (edited )

So don’t treat bing as my therapist eh?

Edit: I was mostly joking, but are there any good ones I could run on a high-end android?

21Cabbage ,

I’m thinking through it and I don’t think you should run a therapist off your phone either. Not even for privacy reasons, that just seems like a recipe for disaster.

can ,

Therapist is too strong of a word for what I’m looking for.

Sometimes I just need to hear my emotions are valid without burdening anyone :(

FractalsInfinite , (edited )

EDIT: It seems the app sherpa has what you need. Just use one of the models found here, preferably 7b-chat Q4_K_S

Some people are energised by that kind of thing. However if you don’t want to reveal things to humans, you can use (if you are more technical) llama.cpp

can , (edited )

Thanks for the links. So I don’t need to worry about downloading the model from meta eh?

Edit: oh you mean download this one instead?

I tried and the app crashes after submitting a prompt but this is a good starting point. I’ll take a look into it further later.

wahming ,

You may want to watch star trek to be aware of the possible pitfalls regarding androids

Gabu ,

Hey, Soong is 3/4 as far as we know – out of B4, Data, Lore and his wife, only Lore went bonkers

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