There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

savvywolf , to fediverse in Is anyone else seeing swear words censored in comments? avatar

I think this might be a decision made by Previous versions of Lemmy had a word filter list that was force-enabled, so I assume the “main instance” ran by the developers would have it enabled.

I can see all of the swearies in Bob’s comment here from , but not when looking at it on

yimby OP ,

Wow that is an absolute dealbreaker for this instance. Blanket censorship is just a big no no. So long and thanks for all the fish, off to find a new instance to call home!

jerdle_lemmy ,

Somewhere that isn’t a little bitch, yeah.

minorsecond ,

That was what made me move, too.

ttmrichter , avatar

I don’t agree with’s simpleminded word policing system at all (not least of which because it suffers from a variant of the Cunthorpe Problem), but I really do find terribly amusing the people who are OUTRAGED at their inability to use slurs and choose that as the reason to switch instances. I find it very telling.

jerdle_lemmy ,

Yes, we want to say bitch. Bitch.

ttmrichter , avatar

I’m sorry, did I say anything that suggested otherwise?


Well you really don’t want to be on if you don’t like censorship, because they have removed criticisms against the CCP and that fucking bitch Xi.

ttmrichter , avatar

I don’t recall any particular criticism of the Community College of Philadelphia at being memory holed. Can you point me to some example? What do people have against that august institution anyway?


I’m pretty sure this is tongue-in-cheek, but just to be clear, I’m referring to the genocide-committing Chinese Communist Party.

ttmrichter , avatar

Oh, you mean the Communist Party of China. Which would be CPC.

Generally when you can’t even get the name of an entity right (and that is its actual English name!) it kind of undermines your credibility when you start talking about what it does or does not do.


You’re wrong, [that is considered acceptable/ common English reference.]([…](,Civil%20War%20against%20the%20Kuomintang).

And even if that was wrong, which it is not, how would a mispronounciation undermine the history of genocide? You’re clearly just deflecting from the unfortunate truth about the atrocities committed by the Chinese government.

Are you going to deny the Tiananmen Square Massacre next? Give me a break…

ttmrichter , avatar

It is actually wrong, but you’ll never admit to being wrong.

You’re right on one point, however: I will be denying the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Because there was no massacre at Tiananmen Square. The massacre in Beijing was a couple of kilometres away and wasn’t of students: it was of workers. The very link you so smarmily threw at me like it was evidence of your stance contains this:

In 2011, three secret cables from the United States embassy in Beijing agreed there was no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square.

Embarrassed yet? Of course not. Your kind is never embarrassed by being flatly wrong. You’ll contrive some excuse why you’re actually right or why being right doesn’t matter or some other horseshit like that. So don’t bother reading past the line here. The rest isn’t directed at you. It’s directed at people willing to actually learn and understand.

The problem is that you’re on the receiving end of as much propaganda as any citizen of China. It’s just that your propaganda is slicker and less centralized so it’s less obvious. But if you actually read that thing you so cavalierly linked to (without bothering to note that it directly contradicts your stance), you’d note that the Tiananmen protests were an absolutely tiny part of a very widespread set of protests that had spread out across the nation. And the core of these protests wasn’t the students in Tiananmen (nor even students in general) but rather workers.

So why is it you only know about students in the square? And “know” about a “massacre” in that same square that never actually happened?

In two words: lazy press.

Tiananmen Square is near the hotel favoured by foreign journalists (then and now, even) in Beijing. It was easy to “report” by walking out the door, sauntering down the street, and watching the antics of the student protestors. Further, there was a certain adorableness about these kids building their “Goddess of Democracy” statue and it suited the messaging and narrative that people the world over just wanted to be just like Americans. Nothing quite like pandering to your base, after all, when you need their money to keep operating, right?

But the real story was far larger, far messier, and, here’s the critical part, far less what the wealthy owners of your press owners wanted to have published. Because the real story was of abused workers nationwide having had the fuck enough and starting to rise up against it. (Can you think of any reason why that message would not be one that wealthy press owners would want promulgated?) The fact that these protests were all over the country, nowhere near universities outside of cities known for being university towns, and, this is the part that terrified the government most and drove them to irrational stupidity, included PLA members (!) is what led to the 1989 Beijing massacre. (There were massacres in other cities too, but information on these is very hard for me to access and no western sources have it because they couldn’t even bothered to go more than about 500m from their hotel in Beijing, not to mention other actual cities!)

Of course if you thought for even a few moments (and didn’t “other” Chinese people—that’s critical too!), you’d understand why the narrative of massacred students never made sense whatsoever. In 1989 Beijing, university students would have been the scions of the cream of the fucking Party. They’d have been the sons and daughters of the most powerful men in the country. Do you really think that the authorities would order the slaughter of their own fucking children?! Just how fucking much do you dehumanize people who disagree with you!?

So on to the actual massacre. On June 4 the square was cleaned out. Riot police went in and brutally beat the students that hadn’t yet fled: the students had been leaving in the 48 hours leading up to that because they knew what was coming (courtesy of negotiators’ frank language), leaving only the hardliners behind. (Apologists for the authorities will point at students fighting with the cops, but I have no sympathy for that view. Of fucking course the students fought with the cops. That was the entire point of this: fighting authorities and demanding better!) By the end of June 4 the student protest was gone. In the process students had been killed … but not in the square. A dozen or so had been crushed by tanks on nearby Chang’an avenue. Other civilians who tried to storm the square (including parents of the students who mistakenly believed their children were still in the square) also got shot with, likely, a few more dozen dead. (Actual numbers are impossible to get and anybody who claims to have them is a fucking liar.) But by evening of the 4th the square was empty of all but soldiers and, critically, the massacre had not yet begun.

The real massacre happened the next night near a bridge at Fuxingmen (about 2km or so away from Tiananmen square) where the aforementioned protesting workers had laid an ambush for APCs using burned out vehicles to corral them and then attack them with molotov cocktails and other improvised weapons. They were, predictably, gunned down in large numbers. (Realistic numbers say in the high four figures to low ten figures.)

So in your zeal to “score” something, not only were you wrong (and proved by the very link you provided, comically enough!), you also erased a far darker story in favour of a fantasy pitched to you by wealthy press owners and lazy reporters for over 30 years now. Congratulations! You’re a free thinker!


I already admitted it it’s not the official pronunciation, but it is commonplace western reference. You can see that evident from comments on Lemmy to mainstream news coverage using the CCP abbreviation.

It’s like people calling those in the US Americans, when everyone living in Canada, Mexico, and South America are all technically Americans as well. It’s not technically correct, but it’s acceptable, commonplace, and no one gives a shit. Just like Western reference as CCP.

But here is exactly where I expected you to go, denying Chinese atrocities. The difference between you and I is that I acknowledge my country’s deplorable actions in it’s history, and I will openly call out and condemn our corrupt politicians and shitty government.

But you, you’re living in denial and simping for an authoritarian government committing genocide, forced labor, extreme censorship, eugenics, polluting the planet to shit…

But you’ll just deny history and lie for your dear leader. Good thing blocking users spreading propaganda for piece of shit totalitarian regimes is so easy.

For any other users reading this, this user could be one of the many Chinese shills to spread propaganda online.

For anyone who isn’t a brain-washed sycophant, here is more evidence of the Tiananmen Square Massacre that Look at the documents if you want more overwhelming evidence.

Here’s documents from China’s government on their Uyghur interment camps.

It’s so blatantly obvious for anyone not being spoon-fed what to believe by their government. But I don’t expect you to suddenly have a grip on reality. Instead, I expect you to spread more lies and continue to shill and deny reality. So I’m just going to block you for being the propoganda account you are.

Below is more info on Chinese human rights violations/atrocities. Not that you’ll read them, but maybe it’ll dissuade a gullible user or two who might otherwise fall for your lies and misinformation.…/chinas-crimes-against-humanity-targetin……/report-china/…/china-xinjiang-uyghurs-muslims-repressi…….…/china-beijing-united-nations-michell……/tiananmen-massacre-june-4-1989-china-c……/Tiananmen-Square-incident…

ttmrichter , (edited ) avatar

If any evidence was needed that you don’t bother actually reading, saying I’m “simping” for China is right up there after your very obviously not reading the Wikipedia link you tried to use as a weapon. Allow me to quote my “simping” for the members of the audience who can actually read:

… abused workers nationwide having had the fuck enough …

Because calling the protestors inside China “abused” is simping in simpletonspeak apparently.

… this is the part that terrified the government most and drove them to irrational stupidity …

That well-known simping expression: “irrational stupidity”.

… led to the 1989 Beijing massacre …

And here I am denying massacres! What a simping job!

… So on to the actual massacre. …

Denying it TWICE even! Jeeze I fucking simp a lot!

… also got shot with, likely, a few more dozen dead. (Actual numbers are impossible to get and anybody who claims to have them is a fucking liar.) …

MORE denial! My simping knows no bounds!

… But by evening of the 4th the square was empty of all but soldiers and, critically, the massacre had not yet begun. …

“Not yet begun.” The language of denial in action!

The real massacre happened the next night near a bridge at Fuxingmen…

And denial after denial! How could I possibly live with myself!? Do I live in a house without mirrors!?

They were, predictably, gunned down in large numbers. (Realistic numbers say in the high four figures to low five figures.)

MOAR DENIAL!!!111oneoneoneeleventyone!!!

You are a fucking putz with no ability to read. Just thought I’d make that clear.

jerdle_lemmy ,

Fucking Winnie-the-Pooh-ass bitch.

Synthead ,

Just discovered this also. I’m out. What a disappointment.

jochem , to nostupidquestions in How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues?

Consent-o-matic on laptop. Usually I’ll go through the options and be annoyed. Sometimes I can’t be bothered and hit accept all.

xylogx ,

On mobile Opera blocks them ok.

CaptObvious ,

Came here to suggest this. Consent-o-Matic seems to be a good tool for dealing with these popups.

Geth ,

This is the way. It’s developed by some people from a Danish university and it’s really trying to navigate the shitty popups and find that decline button. Best add-on I have next to ublock.

Navarian , to nostupidquestions in How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues?

The annoyances filters in uBlock Origin take care of these, I believe there are a few filters specifically for this exact issue, named appropriately.

netvor OP , avatar

what… I’ve had uBlock Origin enabled all the time, just never went to settings… :-D

Konlanx ,

Where exactly did you find that setting?

Pechente ,

Click the uBlock icon > click the gear in the bottom right > click the second tab called “filter lists” > extend “annoyances” category > pick “adguard - cookie notices”

Konlanx ,

Thank you so much!

Grimlo9ic , avatar

What a top-tier tip. I'm one of those people who have uBlock Origin but never knew about this. Thank you!

Nomadin ,

Thank you! Great tip!

kaladininskyrim ,

Do you know if there is a difference between AdGuard and EasyList lists? or if any of the two are more trustworthy?

ryven , avatar

Honestly I just enabled all of them on the grounds that blocking too many things is probably preferable to not blocking enough.

guyrocket , avatar

Thanks for this...I just did it...what exactly does it do?

FireRetardant ,

Do you know how it handles the actual cookies? Does it auto accept/reject or just block the site from making cookies?

count0 , avatar

There’s CookieAutoDelete (or anonymous tabs, containers, …) for the other side of this issue.

DevCat , avatar

Yup, I have mine setup to autodelete cookies from tabs I’ve closed after 15 seconds. I just “accept all” cookies and don’t worry about it.

nothacking ,

It simply hides them, equivalent to just not doing anything. It would be illegal in the EU if the site tracked users in this case, but U block can also block trackers, so even if they tried it wouldn’t work.

Navarian ,

I think it just hides the banners and popups, not accepting or declining. I’m not 100% though.

JohnDClay ,

Is there a way to get it on mobile?

TheGreenGolem ,

Firefox has addons on mobile, e.g. uBlock origin.

boredtortoise ,

Does anyone know of a comprehensive cookie modal list for it? It still shows many with all the annoyance lists active

TheGreenGolem ,

Firefox has addons on mobile, e.g. uBlock origin.

mrmanager , avatar

Had no idea this existed. Thanks!

TheGreenGolem ,

Firefox has addons on mobile, e.g. uBlock origin.

netvor , to fediverse in The migration of large communities from Reddit to Lemmy is like a world-renowned band performing an acoustic set in a library for 50 people. avatar

IDK but if, say, Motörhead came to a 50 seat library in some small town it would be kinda cute and would make the library famous, and it would make all other libraries envy them in a good way.

Edit: just learned that Lemmy died 8 years ago. Just imagine I said Imagine Dragons or something…

favrion OP , avatar

I will imagine Imagine Dragons.

atx_aquarian , avatar

Just imagine I said Imagine Dragons or something…

But they’re not Lemmy. :-\

Naz , to nostupidquestions in If intelligent life is found in the universe will it change religion(s)?

I recall reading or hearing a rumour that the Vatican had a sealed scroll somewhere which is “to be opened in the event of positive extraterrestrial contact or proof”.

Given secrets of that type don’t often stay secret, it amounts to something like: “God made all life and the creator is in all living creatures” (handwaving).

In other words, the major religions already have their shit prepared.

netvor , avatar

Given secrets of that type don’t often stay secret, it amounts to something like: “God made all life and the creator is in all living creatures” (handwaving).

Imagine being a pope when alienz arrive and with shaky hands, opening that “sealed scroll” and going, “sigh, it’s all that same GODDAMN crap again…”

fred ,

Did they have to write it on a scroll :/

afraid_of_zombies ,

It isn’t official until it is written on a scroll.

livedeified , to nostupidquestions in How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues? avatar

I’ve been dabbling with duckduckgo recently. there’s a function in the browser settings to allow only what’s necessary for the site.

johntash , to gaming in Games like Marvel:Midnight Suns?

The XCom series maybe? R

CAPSLOCKFTW , to nostupidquestions in How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues?

noScript with blocking all Scripts by default. Most sites rely on javascript to ask you the cookie question. Of course that will disable all other javascript functionality which i have to enable manually if I need it.

danhab99 , avatar

Most sites rely on JavaScript for everything


Yes but I prefer blocking everything unless whitelisted. It is not convenient, i’m used to it though. And since most sites rely on third party sites for consent management I can use the sites java script functions if I want to by whitelisting. Note that I operate that way because of security and privacy concerns and as an act of protest and not to go around consent pop up that’s just a nice side effect.

Jamie , avatar

I pair it with AdNauseum and have my browser “click” on every ad it sees. I don’t know if those are being filtered on the other end or not, but I like to think that I’m making the advertisers pay for clicks they aren’t really getting and messing with their metrics.

CaptObvious ,

If there were a way to be sure that this is not tied to my identity, I’d be all over wasting their money as much as possible.

Jamie , avatar

You’d be surprised how many sites are still functional enough without JS. Even then, you can often keep a lot of the tracking sites blocked and only whitelist the essentials.

danhab99 , avatar

Honestly my opinion comes from my professional experience as a web developer. I only use react and every website I’ve ever created requires JavaScript.

Kilamaos ,

This. While react is entirely js, plenty enough have js somewhere for something. Manually whitelisting stuff is a widely unnecessary burden.

Blamemeta ,

Yeah, pretty much ever web framework in the past 2 decades is JS or TS.

netvor OP , avatar

“I only use React” therefore “Most sites rely on JavaScript”?

So you wrote more than half of the Internet? Impressive…

Geth ,

I’ve tried the no JavaScript experience for a couple of months, but honestly it breaks to much of the internet for it to be a solution for most people. For me personally it was a worse experience than just having it fully enabled.

dragnet , to linux in Why did no one mention this to me?

Yeah, I like having a few isos on Ventoy for live booting from random PCs for troubleshooting. Very convenient being able to have multiple architectures, DEs, versions of distros to boot from on one drive.

sramder , to nostupidquestions in How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues? avatar

Consent-o-matic seems to work about 80% of the time. I run the Firefox plugin at home and the Safari extension on my phone.

scarabic ,

Does it deny-o-matic?

sramder , avatar

I think the desktop version lets you configure more fine grained preferences, but yes it’s designed to deny by default.

Wowiejr , to nostupidquestions in How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues?

I don’t have a helpful answer, I’m just commenting so I can find out if anyone else does…

Atemu , avatar

That’s not how this works. Save the post if you want to return to it later. You will not be notified of new answers in this thread if you comment.

arviceblot , to linux_gaming in Mod support for linux

Have you tried running cyberpunk and vortex through bottles? I’ve had some success with it where some games just fail with lutris.

Mori , to android in What android client do you use?

wefwef until boost is released

batwingnz ,

Check out Voyager - wefwef is retired I think

shashi154263 ,

It’s the same app. Both works.

batwingnz ,

You’re right, they didn’t retire, I see it now points to what they’re calling Voyager - but if someone is looking for the current name the developers are using it is Voyager

Lifebandit666 ,

Wefwef (now Voyager) until Sync is released. Honestly Voyager is pretty damn good already.

Blizzard , to asklemmy in Best options for Non-Google cloud storage as of 2022?

I’m using free account on Mega. Had it for years, have my photos automagically back up there, still haven’t used all of the free storage. If that happens, I’ll probably subscribe there since it’s tested, familiar and safe. But there’s also Proton Drive. Will compare both when I need it.

43dc92z0 ,

Try filen

Tangent5280 , to fediverse in The migration of large communities from Reddit to Lemmy is like a world-renowned band performing an acoustic set in a library for 50 people.

Small communities and slow content feeds are fine for me I think. Either way I’m glad I’m here to witness this liminal period.

favrion OP , avatar


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