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cybervseas , to patientgamers in The Longest Journey, a game series that lived up to its name

Thanks for the review. I wonder how I missed this when it first came out. It’s still kind of pricey on GOG, so I guess I’ll wait for a sale.

Wrufieotnak OP ,

Glad to help people experience this wonderful series! And yeah, Halloween and winter sale are soon coming.

style99 , to linux_gaming in I've got banned from Apex Legends

Fuck this company.

You’re damn right.

BearOfaTime , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in How do I Graphene OS?

You go to the Graphene website and follow the instructions.

I mean 2 minutes of reading and you’d already have most of this answered.

That you’re asking about things that just aren’t an issue because they’re part of Android tells me you haven’t even bothered to do that.

Aww, guess I touched a nerve.

OP didn’t even bother to look for anything, just a lazy “do this for me” post.

How questions are answered by the Graphene devs.

sentientity OP ,

I’ve installed a lot of things that say they work fine that don’t, and I’ve followed a lot of ‘simple’ instructions that were not simple to me. I made this post to ask people about their actual experiences and get feedback from people about things I might not have thought of myself.

This forum is called no stupid questions.

andrewta ,

I hear ya most online instructions suck

sentientity OP ,

We need an ecosystem of nontechnical tech forums for the rest of us. Real ‘define every term’ hours. I would start this if I knew enough.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

The real problem with Lemmy’s tech communities/users is a lot of us having been living in Linux-land for decades and some folks are cranky about having to come out of their caves and help folks who, in their eyes “won’t help themselves.” A lot of them came here to try to find the early internet they lost from their youth, and they don’t want the corporations or people who they might consider corporate muckity mucks here (I mean, I get it, I feel it, too, I don’t want corporations here).

It’s a bad attitude, because not everyone is born with/able to grow that specific technical skill level which encompasses research, understanding, and application of computer science.

I agree, as someone with a bit of a higher level of skill here, we really really do need “define every term” hours because these are devices that everyone has to have in their daily lives whether they like it or not, and they deserve a level of understanding of the things they purchase and own, and they don’t deserve to be mocked for not already knowing or not knowing where to start.

One of the things my old professor used to tell me that the biggest skill in the tech industry is actually being able to do your own research, read documents, make sense of them, and put them into practice. The reality is that this is a skill that is developed deeply over a lifetime and not everyone chooses to max out that skill. We all have limited time and resources and the world still needs hairdressers, doctors, and all kinds of professions where they have spent way more time learning their profession than learning computers. They don’t deserve to be looked down on for simply investing their skills in things they’re actually good at.

Cheers and I really hope you find the info you need here.

sentientity OP , (edited )

I think a lot of people deep in linux and computer science communities might not realize that tons of people outside that subculture feel exactly the same way they do and want the same things, we just didn’t go to school for it. No one is trying to water down the niche spaces that are important to people or deny the hard work that was done by people in decades past. We just want to understand and do what’s been recommended to us, and information should be for everyone because the goal is increased adoption and digital freedom in society, right? Anyway this kinda means a lot coming from a person with your background so thank you.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

You’re welcome, I have been lucky enough to be around a lot of people with an attitude like mine, which is how I got my knowledge to begin with, as well. If it hadn’t been for open minded people being willing to help, I would have never achieved the level of knowledge I have today. I stand on the shoulders of giants who were kind and giving enough to bend down and share knowledge.

No one is trying to water down the niche spaces that are important to people or deny the hard work that was done by people in decades past.

Exactly, the gatekeeping isn’t helping anybody. The fact that things don’t work perfectly on their own and just aren’t as polished in the open source world gatekeeps people on its own, without the actual knowledgeable people also gatekeeping.

Isn’t it enough that the knowledge is esoteric enough to do the gatekeeping for us already? Why do we need to gatekeep when there’s technical walls to scale to begin with!

Atropos ,

Come on man, is this how you’d explain it to a 5 year old?

bastion ,

Ok, grumpy bear.

linearchaos , to asklemmy in Does selling stuff you own affect your unemployment? (NYS) avatar

eBay reports income. Try marketplace and list items as ask for price.

solidgrue , to selfhosted in Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day? avatar

That counter, I believe, for the last 24 hours. It will fluctuate up and down across your active daily periods

Sunny OP ,

Oh okay good to know, is there a way to change this though? Would be “cooler” to see the total amount imo.

solidgrue , avatar

So, like a running sum? No, I don’t think so, not in Pi-hole at least.

Pi-hole does have an API you could scrape, though. A Prometheus stack could track it and present a dashboard that shows the summation you want. There are other stats you could pull as well. This is a quick sample of what my home assistant integration sees

just_another_person ,

None of you ever check the docs first, huh…

solidgrue , avatar

Ah, well if you know differently then please do share with the rest of us? I think the phrasing in my post makes it pretty clear I was open to being corrected.

qjkxbmwvz OP , (edited ) to amateur_radio in Recommendations for first HF rig?

Ended up with the Yaesu FT710, with a G5RV Jr. in the attic. Internal tuner tunes 40-6 with the exception of 15m and 17m. Very pleased with it so far! Several digital DX so far (Australia, Brazil, Samoa, Japan, Alaska, Hawaii — I’m at CM87/California).

To-do list includes low loss coax (100ft run of who-knows-what currently); debug intermittent Ethernet issues (Ethernet runs parallel to feedline — choke balun/better choking of feedline?); possibly get remote tuner (one step at a time…). Fun stuff!

kittenzrulz123 , to technology in Be careful.

Thats why on Linux you need to run the sudo command and type the root password (or user password) to install something. I get this isn’t Linux but its a serious security vulnerability that someone could run a super user level command by clicking yes on a confirmation box that pops up so often that nobody thinks twice.

dch82 ,

But something like this can still erase everything stored in your home folder or launch further exploits to gain root or something.

kittenzrulz123 ,

Its a lot harder and can do significantly less damage if it doesnt have root privileges, its like how putting a lock on the door to your house wont stop thieves but its better then not having one.

dch82 ,

Bruh, let’s say an attacker deleted all of my important documents, say book drafts, and assume I don’t have a backup.

Now my progress has been set back six months and the publisher is angry.

Would I care if they deleted my system files or not?

brucethemoose , (edited )

The behavior is configurable just like it is on linux, UAC can be set to require a password every time.

But I think its not set this way by default because many users don’t remember their passwords, lol. You think I’m kidding, you should meet my family…

Also, scripts can do plenty without elevation, on linux or Windows.

kittenzrulz123 ,

It should be default, its a good security practice and not every app needs super user permissions.

cley_faye ,

The goal is not always to “take control” of the whole system. A cryptolocker that makes all your files unreadable will happily run in user space.

Also, you’re forgetting that windows also have UAC, and that people will happily type the admin password of their device when asked to, because they’ve been conditioned to not care by badly made stuff. And, while win+r is unlikely to work in most Linux DE I know about, triggering a visual prompt that ask for your password is also a thing.

There is not much difference between common Linux distro and windows as far as seizing user files with malware is concerned, aside from the fact that no website will care to try telling you “press alt+space” instead of “win+r”.

Honytawk , (edited )

If Linux was more popular, you would definitely see a Linux variant of this doing the exact same thing.

aniki ,

(Citation needed)

cmnybo ,

You don’t need root access to steal all of the data that your user account has access to.

bastion , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?

Everybody will answer “greed, racism, idiocy, and bigotry” or some such rubbish, because morally and overall psychologically, that’s the most comfortable answer.

The real thing is somewhat complex, and most people won’t buy it.

Of course, part of it is those things, but there’s way more going on here, some of it is cultural dynamics, some of it conscious intent. Those specifics are the symptoms, not the disease (though they may be diseases in their own rite).

  • structural weaknesses in the US government, which was barely meant to handle the complexity millions of people, much less tens or hundreds of millions of people. I.e., bandwidth issues. As more people push their views and goals into the system, all of that needs to get governed or implemented somehow. But there is no cohesive operating principle that guides US (and even other western) culture. There is no razor - not even material necessity (staying in-budget, or managing debt effectively) is accepted. There is no means to trim implementation that all parties will be happy with, so things don’t get trimmed. They get crammed in, the laws (in the sense of legal structure, not crime) are consequentially self-conflicting, improbable, or impossible to fulfill. This leads to an intrinsically unstable environment, ripe for (and rife with, by all parties) abuse. What you are seeing is, in part, the breakdown of the rule of law. This breakdown can be allayed, to some degree, with authoritarian means, but that only goes so far, even if that authority has a willingness and capability to work with the people as a whole - which none of the active authorities do, anyways, except maybe Bernie, and he’s been written off by the authorities because he can’t work with them well, and they also have valid concerns that must be addressed. But, in any case, whether centralized or not, this breakdown is to be expected, because the rule of law, unless supplemented with common principle, becomes… well… legalistic, and rife with abuse.
  • governance that doesn’t match underlying principles: we have no conscious least common denominator. People often point to distinct nations and say things like “see? they are doing X right!”, but that nation has a cohesive culture, and isn’t dealing with anywhere near the level of cultural complexity that any melting-pot nations are dealing with. What is enforceable must be agreed upon by common culture - or you must sacrifice the reality (though not necessarily the pretense) of diversity, and enforce your way. But that has obvious flaws. Instead, it is better, in my opinion, to enforce sovereignty, which is intrinsically what all the different cultures want, anyways, except that they also want to take control of everyone - which they don’t get to do in a system with sovereignty as a basis, except by people ascribing to that culture. What you are seeing, is in part, a breakdown of unity due to a lack of agreement about what can be universally enforced. I.e., the system implemented does not address underlying cultural commonalities.
  • the need to incorporate raw power and personal responsibility into the governing body. Bending the rules, breaking the rules with impunity, changing the rules, explicit and implicit coercion are all possible, and as such, the existing system or ruling party must be able to address these things, and incorporate them where needed, for the larger good of upholding the spirit of the law. This relates to the breakdown of the rule of law, but is more primal: you know raw power must be met with raw power. That power can be of a different form, but it must be effective.
  • unconscious cognition of complex truths: or, in some senses, the “vote of no confidence”. People understand, or are at least impacted, by the above issues. They have instinctive reactions against external control, and for good reason, as individual sovereignty is the source of a solid collective. But in any case, many people are aware there is a problem, don’t see a solution, and are see no option but to let things burn. This may not even be a conscious choice, but simply an overall feeling - and thus, more powerful and deeply-rooted.
  • genuine mockery and rejection of opposing views. Nobody gets each other, unconsciously, and everyone else treats others outside their worldview like shit, and pretends that doesn’t matter. A lot of the left separated from the “Christian” right due to this - only to turn around and do the same thing to the center and right, feeling just as justified in doing so. But it creates real alienation and aggravates the already deep wounds and rifts that exist. One’s personal actions, thoughts, and feelings may not seem to matter, but they resound loudly in the whole - and making personal change does, too. For those who are genuinely growing and facing their hearts and minds - my respect.

All of these contribute to Trump’s rising and staying power. Of course, he’s just riding a wave of unconscious thought, and if it weren’t him, it’d be someone else. But people like to fixate on a face.

The actual thing we’re trying to do (integrate diversity into a cohesive whole) requires genuine acceptance and support of differing world views (including non-scientific or non-Christian ones - why do I have to say this?). That means that your group, your ideology, must make room for the people who are “wrong”, and wish to live their lives wrongly in abhorrent wrongness - though they never gain the right to enforce participation in their culture, above and beyond what is a natural requisite by birth, upbringing, or other dependency.

That is, each person and organization has a sovereign right to rule their own life and the lives of their dependents as they see fit, but does not have the right to force others to use their system, nor to prevent others from abandoning their system and starting their own or joining another. This integrates the very opposite of federation (well, not in the Lemmy sense, which is actually confederation, but that’s a no-no-word because some people thought that confederation did give them the right to force others through slavery - but it doesn’t).

But Sovereignty Culture isn’t simply confederacy, like Lemmy is, but it heads towards the same things. That which can be federal is only that which we fundamentally agree on. The federal must not be used as a means of furthering ideologies, but as a means of resolving disputes between differing ideologies. It can have as much power as the people grant it, and no more - else it loses the people. By making sovereignty a keystone of culture and governance, we intrinsically grant and naturally enforce rights of others, but without placing a burden on others (except the burden of self governance, which you already have, and can’t avoid).

schwim , to nostupidquestions in How do I Graphene OS?

The graphene install docs is in your language and will walk you through the install process. Their support page points you to discord, telegram, matrix support channels as well.

As a general rule anyone that asks for a non-proprietary thing that will do everything their proprietary thing does without alternative solutions allowed is so far from the reality of non-proprietary software in a proprietary world that they can not be made happy so I’ll leave the support of that to others.

sentientity OP ,

There is a lot of mixed information out there about whether or not non-proprietary things have ‘caught up’ in usability for the average person. Thanks for the feedback.

j4k3 , avatar

Some things are less important than you might think. A slave doesn’t worry about paying rent or buying new tools. So is slavery a useful convenient solution. The exploitation has a hook. Some people like living in the matrix.

Graphene has google play junk. I don’t touch it, but it is there.

sentientity OP ,

Good to know. Thanks.

BetaDoggo_ , to technology in Be careful.

This is actually pretty smart because it switches the context of the action. Most intermediate users avoid clicking random executables by instinct but this is different enough that it doesn’t immediately trigger that association and response.

just_another_person , to selfhosted in Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
solidgrue , avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">#### MAXLOGAGE=24.0
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Up to how many hours of queries should be imported from the database and logs? Values greater than the hard-coded maximum of 24h need a locally compiled `FTL` with a changed compile-time value.

I assume this is the setting you are suggesting can extend the query count period. It still will only give you the last N hours’ worth of queries, which is not what OP asked. I gather OP wants to see the cumulative total of blocked queries over all time, and I doubt the FTL database tracks the data in a usable way to arrive at that number.

just_another_person ,

Do you read? 🤦

solidgrue , avatar

You know what? I’m gonna disengage here. You’re not hearing what I am saying.

just_another_person ,

I’m reading your words. You are not reading or comprehending the docs. I wasn’t offering a solution. I provided the docs that explicitly stated how it works and why. Why you decided to expand with nonsense and “doubt” is beyond me.

AntiOutsideAktion , to asklemmy in Could you do me a favour and make this post look like a Reddit post? avatar
Nefara , to patientgamers in The Longest Journey, a game series that lived up to its name

I still remember getting stuck on some underwater puzzle in Arcadia and dropping the game for a while before coming back and admitting defeat with a walkthrough guide. Definitely a game where you need to hang up your pride sometimes haha. I enjoyed both games, though Dreamfall was sadly missing some of the humor and silliness (it did try… a little). I have fond memories of the series though.

Wrufieotnak OP ,

Yes, the missing humor is what I miss the most in the sequels. They tell a great story, but it is a melancholic one. Seeing Marcuria occupied by human supremacists is not what I expected to see. Concentration camps even less.

aida , to piracy in Reminder: seeders, please seed on I2P

seed!!! I have already started my i2p setup and i will donate my bandwith

kittenzrulz123 , to linux in best linux terminal emulator

Foot is the best

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