There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

EnderMB , to asklemmy in What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?

Simply, stop being dicks to each other. Politically motivated or not, a lot of people are just straight up cunts when someone says something that they don’t disagree with.

I can forgive the political extremism, and being heavily biased towards Linux, but you don’t need to insult anyone that’s to the right of Bernie, or someone that uses Windows and is happy.

Lemmy is small enough that it cannot afford to alienate people, or afford to have a superiority complex over the likes of Reddit or Twitter. The best advert is to be a welcoming community.

thorbot ,

Fuck you, no we aren’t

Cowbee , avatar

Lemmy is small enough that it cannot afford to alienate people, or afford to have a superiority complex over the likes of Reddit or Twitter. The best advert is to be a welcoming community.

What do you mean by this? Lemmy doesn’t need to afford anything, it’s free and open source.

steeznson ,

Yeah the toxicity of the politics on here is pretty bad. I’ve read several comments in the UK politics sublemmy in recent weeks advocating for political violence.

Edit: this was a charming recent example

Angry_Autist ,

Uh, that reply isn’t advocating violence, it’s stating that they would be unsurprised if an abused trans person committed violence. There is a difference.

Cowbee , avatar

Saying that deliberately antagonizing a minority group will lead to a violent reaction that will be used as justification for far more crackdowns is not advocacy for violence.

This is essentially what has happend in Palestine.

steeznson ,

In the UK we have had 2 MPs assassinated in the past 10 years. One Labour and one Conservative. Comments that essentially say, “The government should do what I want or there will be more political violence”, are inciting violence.

The figleaf of being like “unless X happens, someone will do Y” is the same as 4chan maniacs threatening to commit acts of terror “in minecraft” or whatever.

Cowbee , avatar

What an interesting move, shifting the argument from “the government deliberately antagonizing and oppressing minority populations is bad and will see consequences if this continues” to “if the government doesn’t do what I want, there will be violence.”

You’re deliberately erasing the core of the argument to insert your own.

steeznson ,

You are being disingenuous here. I’m not shifting their argument. Here is their full comment with annotations -

Sooner or later, a trans woman forced through male puberty by arbitrary rules/culture-war politics will snap

Annotation 1: politicians making incorrect choices are going to force the hand of activists for this cause…

and attempt to assassinate the PM or health minister.

A2: which will inevitably lead to political violence against members of the government

Then the other boot will come down: the Daily Mail will demand a crackdown, and the usual voices in the Guardian will join in, and the government will follow.

A3: Then the media will blame the activists instead of themselves

In what world is that not advocating for political violence?

Let’s replace the issue in question and see if it still sounds ok to you:

Sooner or later, a white nationalist forced to experience mass imigration due to arbitrary rules/culture-war politics will snap and attempt to assassinate the PM or home secretary. Then the other boot will come down: the Guardian will demand a crackdown, and the usual voices in the Daily Mail will join in, and the government will follow.

Does the above sound acceptable?

Cowbee , avatar

It’s simple, the government oppressing minorities will usually lead to said minority group lashing out.

This is what happened in Palestine.

This is not an argument for violence, but for government action to prevent violence by ceasing oppression of minority groups.


steeznson ,

Your argument here is just saying, “Political violence is justified if a minority are being oppressed.”

Maybe you are tweaking it to be, “Political violence is to be expected if a minority are being oppressed.”

This is literally the dictionary definition of advocating for something.

Advocate, verb, to publically suggest an idea, development or way of doing something.

Cowbee , avatar

Your argument here is just saying, “Political violence is justified if a minority are being oppressed.”

I mean, I believe that, but that’s not my point. The point is that minority populations will strike back, regardless of advocacy.

Maybe you are tweaking it to be, “Political violence is to be expected if a minority are being oppressed.”

That’s literally the argument, though. You misunderstood it.

steeznson ,

The 2nd argument there, the one you claim to be making, is advocating for political violence.

I don’t think you’re debating in good faith here.

Cowbee , avatar

How is saying “people will eventually fight if oppressed hard enough” the same as saying “oppressed people should fight their oppressors?”

The first statement is analysis of cause and effect, the second is advocacy. You’re intentionally misframing it to spread a narrative.

Aquila , to asklemmy in What creative project have you long wanted to start but never have?

I have a factorio comic/vid idea I’ve been kicking around in my brain forever. Kinda made a story board of it but realized idk how to make story boards. Or how to tell stories, or how to make comics or animate things lol So if it’s ever gonna get finished it’s probably gonna be some shitty napkin comic 😂

Shelbyeileen , to asklemmy in Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions? avatar

I’m a mortician/postmortem scientist, who used to run the WSU Funeral History Museum. Based on my research, I don’t think humans could exist without some type of religion/code/customs. As long as there has been death, even in ancient/prehistoric times, humans have been doing specific procedures, to say goodbye to their fallen loved ones.

There’s writings in almost every culture that teach us about what these civilizations believed, and some are beautiful, while others are kindof terrifying, but it all wrapped around people trying to cope with death.

Even if we found out complete proof for what actually happens when you die and after death, some people are still going to prefer their religion’s ideas because it brings them more peace. Death seems to be the clinch pin for all religions, and I honestly don’t think we’d have religion, if we didn’t understand the concept of death. People just want something to believe in.

Now, the garbage parts of religion are created by people seeking power, money, and control, and as long as there’s those who desire to conquer others, religion will be made up and used as a scapegoat, as to why certain people deserve power.

drq , avatar

@Shelbyeileen I have a pet theory, that religion is basically a hardware vulnerability exploitation. Vulnerability being "we can't comprehend death, physically". Because trying to reconstruct non-existence in our world model causes division by zero, and everything breaks because you can't divide by zero and have meaningful results. So in order to avoid it, your brain bends its model of reality, starts telling itself fairy tales about the supernatural world, redefines death as "transformation", and basically bullshits itself into avoiding facing the inevitable.

> Even if we found out complete proof for what actually happens when you die and after death

We have. Your consciousness just shuts down forever. You're a mortician, you would know. We just can't grapple with it.


Shelbyeileen , avatar

Oh, I know the electricity stops and we shut down like a dead battery but too many humans think that something might happen to the “soul”, and use the excuse that energy can neither be created or destroyed, just transferred. They want to believe in the near death experiences, and have 100% proof that there’s no reincarnation or ghosts or afterlife

Threadsdeadbaby ,

If we weren’t fighting about “this” then we would be fighting about “that” and it can be anything at all that we can make up. It’s made up!

anas , to nostupidquestions in Would I get banned here for being over active? I got banned from reddit because they thought I was a bot. And don't want to repeat the same mistake here. Thank you ahead of time.

That’s definitely not why you got banned, there are hundreds of spammers on reddit and most of them are still posting.

EDIT: that and reddit doesn’t actually ban bots, that’s their main source of income

thorbot ,

Bro Reddit is pure bot bullshit. Every sub is just generic Ai scraped questions. My favorite subs are literally 100% inane questions repeated over and over, there’s no content. It’s just “what do you think about XYZ?!” And there’s 4k comments that are almost the same as the last time it was asked. The place is fucking garbage

nokturne213 , to newcommunities in AMA Requests is open for service.

No link?

Don_Dickle OP ,

Still learning don’t know how to link yet.

nokturne213 ,

The sidebar shows the formatting. It is !communityname or instance/c/community (however the first one is more universal with apps).

Don_Dickle OP ,

Haven’t figured out how to edit a sidebar yet.

nokturne213 ,

No need to edit the sidebar, just view the sidebar here and it explains how to link a community.

Don_Dickle OP ,

I just finally learned how to link. And yes it may seem that I am slow but I am when it comes to this stuff. But can you provide a link that I can go to to better help promote mine and lemmy’s community?

nokturne213 ,

!communitypromo is one place. Other servers may have similar.

Don_Dickle OP ,
CommunityLinkFixer Bot ,

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !amarequests

matengor , avatar

Good bot

dhork , to nostupidquestions in if the total fertility rate drops and stays below global replacement rate, will humans disappear?

So, as long as some humans are successfully making new humans, whether or not the rate is exactly 2.3 is irrelevant. World population has been skyrocketing for the past 100 years. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for that to backslide a bit. It can probably go down 5x and we’d still feel like the place is crowded.

The only thing to worry about is some widespread event that affects fertility workdwide. Like what if these micro plastics are really getting into our testicles and reducing sperm counts? They are getting everywhere. If men everywhere started shooting mostly blanks then we would all be in a panic.

NoIWontPickAName ,

They’re not blanks.

It’s tactical chaff to avoid detection until one of the real warheads strikes home.

variants , to retrogaming in My experience with eBay Buyer Protection

Glad you got your refund, I sell stuff every once in a while and one time their support let me keep 600 bucks from some seller who was buying a laptop off me but then wanted me to ship it to some drop shipper.

I guess it’s a common scam that makes you ship to a different address then they blame you for it never arriving. I contacted support because it seemed sus and they banned them and told me I could refund the money now or just hold it until they initiate the return but that after 60 days they wouldn’t be able to ask for the money.

so I ended up keeping it since they never requested it back through PayPal

rutrum , to linux in What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using? avatar

Niri looks really cool. I’ve used tiling WM before but scrolling is a unique take, perhaps more productive for some folks?

Nushell is a good one. I do data science for a living and it’d be nice to have the shell handle some small data transformations instead of writing a script in python. But all the syntax and behavior is very different than bash, so I’ve been afraid to start because of the learning curve.

Kidplayer_666 , to nostupidquestions in Electoral College and The Numbers | USA question

Depends fully on what states she wins

Snailpope ,


It’s all about the handful of swing states, 2/3rds of the electoral votes are basically locked it. She might get a few from out of left field but that has yet to be seen

Take Nebraska, I can tell you right now we will give Kamala 1 electoral vote and the remaining 4 to Tump.

Edit: Anicdotal evidence

danielquinn , to linux in What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using? avatar

Btrfs. I’ve been using ext4 for so long, I’m afraid that switching up will just annoy me.

Zsh: same reason.

cizra ,

BtrFS has Stuff.

  • Subvolumes, which enable you to share the same /home between Linux distros
  • Snapshots that are an great for
    • freezing the FS during off-machine backups: create a snapshot, rsync the snapshot not the main FS, drop the snapshot
    • transient backups. Will executing this thing hose my system? If no, drop the snapshot.
  • ability to pool different disks into a single FS
  • and so much more.

Fun story: once I needed to do something (resize? can’t recall) a partition that happened to be in use. The solution involved smbmounting a network disk, losetup helping transform that thing into a virtual disk, then migrating the root FS there, recreating partitions, all while running the rootfs on that thing. Thus, pooling can bu useful.

By the way, what does Zsh have over bash that you find useful?

danielquinn , avatar

Honestly, the only btrfs feature that interests me is the snapshotting, as the current state of my backups is rather sub-par. There’s just a lot of inertia involved in adopting it when ext4 Just Works™. Maybe next time I install a new system I’ll give it a shot.

As for zsh, I rather like the general “intelligence” I see on others’ machines: the way it autocorrects typos, draws a navigable menu for tab completions complete with colour highlighting… it looks lovely. I’ve been a Bash user for 25 years though, and muscle memory like smashing the tab key to get what I want is a hard habit to break.

FrederikNJS ,

Not OP , but regarding zsh, it has much better auto completion, and suggestion support. Additionally you can theme your prompt much more, see for example powerlevel10k

737 ,

zsh has vi mode

GenderNeutralBro ,

Perhaps you are a more discerning filesystem user than I am, but I don’t think I’ve actually noticed any difference on btrfs except that I can use snapshots and deduplication.

bsergay ,


FWIW, the excellent ZSH Quickstart kit has been splendid for my transition.

danielquinn , (edited ) avatar

Actually, tutorials like that are a big reason that I don’t want to switch. The first steps are things like:

  • Install these fonts that only work in a GUI environment
  • Install these programs straight from GitHub without your package manager

…and all I hear is: “this stuff isn’t ready yet” and “I’m going to be staring at Unicode glyphs the next time I have to tinker outside of my GUI”.

If I can’t easily and securely install a shell on every environment I use as I don’t want to be constantly context switching, then I’m going to have to stick to Bash.

crater2150 ,

…and all I hear is: “this stuff isn’t ready yet” and “I’m going to be starring at Unicode glyphs the next time I have to tinker outside of my GUI”.

This really isn’t a zsh problem, but a “people putting too much stuff in a ‘getting started’ config”.

I used zsh for 15 years before looking at any plug-in manager, you can get a lot of the good stuff like the completion by just going through the first-run wizard included in zsh. A lot of stuff is included directly with zsh, including various prompt themes (which is what that tutorial wants extra fonts for, because they use a fancy prompt with custom glyphs; I don’t think any of the built-in ones need that)

Things like fuzzy history search with fzf is usually included with fzf’s distro package and the additional zsh-completions package for less used or newer commands is also packaged by most distros. In my experience, a lot of the other plugins are stuff that could be a standalone script instead of a plug-in anyway.

danielquinn , avatar

Well that’s much more encouraging. I may just give it a try if the first run wizard is simple enough. Thanks!

Magister , to linux in What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using? avatar

docker I guess, I still don’t know how it works, create them, etc

kionite231 ,

You don’t have to know how it works in order to use it. I don’t know either but I could host services using docker. trust me it’s way easier than it seems.

warmaster ,

Same here. Even easier if you use an app to manage it for you like dockge, portainer, Cosmos, etc.

IronKrill ,

You don’t have to… if the project you want to use has a good setup process. Otherwise you’ll be scouring Docker docs, GitHub issues, and StackOverflow for years.

delirious_owl , (edited ) avatar

Docker, how they work?

umbrella , avatar

its counter intuitive to learn but a godsend after you learn it

chunkystyles ,

And then when to do learn it, it pisses you off when something doesn’t have a freely available image.

krash ,

I’ve been using linux on and off for 20 years and docker reignited my interest for running linux. There’s plenty of good guides and free courses, if you need help finding one - let me know and I’ll send you a YT playlist.

Zozano , avatar

How to docker-compose in thirty seconds.

Simply make a file called


Then paste in the text from your application’s docker-compose instructions.

Often the timezone needs to be set, along with the volume


volume: /mnt/hdd/data:/data

This means the application’s data directory will be mounted at /mnt/hdd/data


docker compose up -d

You’re done, that’s all there is.

docker-compose is fantastic because in a single compose.yaml file you can list multiple services.

For example, my compose.yaml file contains my sonarr/radarr/bazarr/lidarr/prowlarr/qbittorrent/deemix/jellyfish/jellyseerr

And I can update them all by running a shell script made of three lines.

zeekaran ,

Docker compose is amazing. I don’t even know how many things I’m running right now. Hell I’m running things I didn’t even use! (I could easily disable or delete them; I’m just lazy)

AShadyRaven , to linux_gaming in Latest Verge article about their review of Asus ROG Ally X (and this is why gamers are preferring Steam Deck)

Eventually Microsoft is going to be forced to adapt and make an operating system that doesnt use 20% of your system resources, right?

surely they wont continue to make the same bloated, sluggish OS every year since windows 7 right?

ByteOnBikes ,

I strongly believe they will do that. Then a week later, slowly introduce bloat again.

some_guy , to asklemmy in What are some good software suggestions for windows?


chameleon , to linux in What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using? avatar

Elixir, or Gleam/pure Erlang/some other Erlang VM language. I think Erlang is extremely cool and I've enjoyed the little time I spent with Elixir. I also have absolutely no use case to make proper use of it.

shinigamiookamiryuu , to asklemmy in What isn't illegal but should be?

Witch hunting.

0stre4m ,

Which hunting?

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

Witch ones.

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