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wheeldawg , to showerthoughts in If seeing someone 4 days consecutively is seeing them 4 days in a row, does that mean seeing someone every Monday of a month is seeing them 4 days in a column?

I’d say so.

Although I still think it’s weird that “consecutive” became a requirement.

Edit: Not implying blame for OP about the requirement. But colloquially it does mean consecutive, and I think that’s a little strange. Probably a weird etymology rabbit hole to look at sometime.

ApollosArrow OP ,

Good question. Not sure why my brain went there. Generally speaking, growing up when someone used the term “in a row” they usually did mean consecutively. I can’t think of a time someone said 3 days in a row and they were not back to back days. Reading it now it does sound repetitive for me to have phrased it that way. Maybe my brain wanted to be specific for non English speakers? It was late at night.

TCB13 , to linux in How can we make Linux more appealing as "just works"? avatar

The way to get Linux more appealing is to get proprietary software makers, like Adobe, Microsoft (Office), you know the actual things people need to do their job, to make software for Linux. Steam Deck is a good example of this, it works because Steam ported the games to Linux…

possiblylinux127 ,

Looks at the current state of Microsoft and Adobe

I’m good.

Anyway you can’t really do much about a company not supporting Linux. Either find an alternative or don’t use Linux.

data1701d , avatar

In some ways this is true. However, I feel like in the case of Adobe, someone needs to take another shot at a good FOSS image editor. Adobe is really starting to mess itself with generative AI; knowing many artists, they hate generative AI image tech as a threat to their job, so I find it weird that Adobe is alienating one of their largest user bases. I find it weird how Inkscape is really good and has evolved (I actually switched to it from Adobe Illustrator and don´t regret it), while GIMP has barely changed in 10 years.

I get that some parts of an image editor are complex, but at some point, it’s just a chain of mathematical operations. Maybe I’m wrong, but when I get the time, it’s almost tempting to take a stab at the issue.

TCB13 , avatar

While I don’t disagree with you about the potential of those alternatives they won’t cut it for the average graphic designer… usually not due to the lack of features but most likely because of the network effects / dominant position that Adobe holds over their field. People who need to collaborate with others and are pressured to get stuff done can’t afford the slightest compatibility issue.

data1701d , avatar

True. Industry entrenchment would be a big issue. I can think of two ways to try to fight it. The less viable option would be trying for PSD support, which would be a lot of work. The other option would be to write a Photoshop plugin to allow working with the new file format in Photoshop. This might be annoying to end users having to deal with the format, but also easier developer-wise because you could make sure Photoshop handles rendering right; you’d just need a way to warn about operations in Photoshop that can’t be converted to the new FOSS program’s native format.

Rexelpitlum , to science_memes in I try.

l often think the same until I actually have a chance to talk to the people in question.

Most times it turns out they are quite similar to me.

You are probably better than you think you are!

VanHalbgott , to asklemmy in What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?

Does Sonic Adventure count? I literally started over on that game recently.

Corno ,

With you on this one! The Sonic Adventure games are what come to mind when I think of 3D Sonic. The gameplay of the boost games doesn’t appeal to me nearly as much as the physics based movement of the Adventure games!

VanHalbgott ,

Here are the baby Chaos that I’m raising in Station Square in Adventure mode.

Still can’t upload them to a VMU though.

Corno ,

Ahhh the Chao! I spent so many hours in the Chao gardens, so relaxing and fun! What types are you gonna make em?

VanHalbgott ,

I don’t really know.

Lemminary , to science_memes in i will never understand scientific fraud

I used to follow her on Twitter. She’d be constantly berated by some guy in France. Like, dude, if you’re arguing with a buster because she combed through your shit and found louse, you’ve lost twice this game.

needthosepylons , avatar

Not any guy, our very own Didier Raoult. Unethical, gross, money hoarding, conspirationist and overall public danger Didier Raoult.

Max_P , to linux in What's the best way to mount hard drives so that all users can access them at all times? Mint 22 avatar

I’ve read some posts about editing fstab to mount them at startup, but they don’t cover whether the drives will be available to other users or not. Can I just add them to fstab and mount them somewhere that’s available to all users, then sort out the permissions? If so, where’s the best place to put them?

Yes pretty much. It just explicitly tells the system where to mount it, and for some filesystems you can even force the UID/GID and modes.

Usually /mnt/whatever for static mounts and /media/whatever for removable mounts (those appear as drives in file managers, whereas /mnt doesn’t). You can set the users option in fstab and it’ll let users mount and unmount it without sudo as well, or auto to always mount it on boot.

From there usually you can make a shared group, chown the mount to root:thatgroup, then chmod g+s to make sure the group is inherited. And you should mostly be good to go.

Tippon OP ,

That’s brilliant, thank you :)

Usually /mnt/whatever for static mounts and /media/whatever for removable mounts (those appear as drives in file managers, whereas /mnt doesn’t).

Just to check, if I mount the drives under /media, will that still treat them as removable, or will they appear as permanent drives?

Max_P , avatar

They’ll appear removable but if you don’t put users in the option it shouldn’t be unmountable.

Tippon OP ,

I’ve got them up and running, and working for both users, thank you :)

PunchingWood , to games in Astro Bot | Review Thread (95 OpenCritic)

The game might be fun, but I’m not paying €70 for a 10 hours game. Let alone €80 for a deluxe edition.

BallsandBayonets , to asklemmy in Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards?

All the comments saying it’s a distraction from how the working class is being oppressed by the owner class are right, but also…

There have always been bigots, small town small minded people who don’t “know any gay people” but there was that one skinny boy in their class that didn’t like sports so he was bullied until he left town at 18. And now, that generation of bigots is finally dying out. Not only due to age but due to an increased connection with the greater world. A small town bigot might not know any LGBT people personally but they are aware of their existence, due to television and the Internet. So quietly ignoring people who are different than you doesn’t work anymore. And a dying animal fights harder than ever.

These death throes are useful to the owner class. But they are still dying out. And if we can exterminate capitalism and figure out a way to survive in a post-warmed globe, we might just see the end of (this particular type) of bigotry.

TubularTittyFrog ,

Dude, plenty of Democrats in their 30s who say they are progressive are raging bigots and support racist policies.

They are just quiet about it. They aren’t saying crazy racist nonsense on tiktok, but if you talk to them about issues like housing or schools… they make it very obvious what they think. Using polite language, of course. Black people are great, as long as they don’t live near them, or go to the same school as their kid goes to! These are the same people who are NIMBY because they don’t want ‘people who haven’t worked as hard as I have’ from living near them.

DaedalousIlios , to linux in Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet? avatar

It depends! You’ll get a lot of recommendations. And they’re probably good recommendations. But there are most certainly Distros out there that are very simple. I would suggest you don’t be afraid to Distro Hop until you find one that you really feel at home on.

If you’re looking for something that’s simple, out of the box, and out of your way, I’d avoid anything Arch based. Ubuntu or Debian based Distros will have the most documentation and therefore minimize the amount of time you spend looking for answers, however, Fedora based Distros, in my experience, are rock solid and sit comfortably between stable and the bleeding edge.

twinnie , to linuxmemes in type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it

Fedora is a great game for the price of the game and the game is great for the price and the game itself is great for the game.

SnotFlickerman , to lemmyshitpost in msi avatar

I mean, I guess corporate bullshit is considered a type of shitpost?

jbloggs777 , to linux in What's the best way to mount hard drives so that all users can access them at all times? Mint 22

What filesystem are you using?

Tippon OP ,

Ext4 everywhere.

Klanky , to asklemmy in What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again? avatar

Just a game and book come to mind for me right now, plus a music album.

Game: Star Control 2 Book: Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter Album: Floating World by Anathallo

DScratch , to memes in MSI dragon

MSI dragon deez

papalonian ,

I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with the term.

MSI dragon deez, what?

MewtwoLikesMemes , avatar


papalonian ,

No, I don’t think that’s what DScratch meant. That would be rude

MewtwoLikesMemes , avatar

It’s an Internet joke: you end a phrase with “deez”, which makes someone ask “deez what” because it’s an incomplete sentence, and they respond with “deez nuts”.

It’s not rude; it’s hilarious.

papalonian ,

But this would imply that DScrubs intended me to embarrass myself. If you can ligma,

RobotToaster , to asklemmy in Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards? avatar
nondescripthandle ,

Exactly. Its no coincidence we went from Occupy Wall Street and national level discourse about actual healthcare and UBI, to such debates as ‘is genocide okay?’ and ‘are nazis bad?’ Purposeful misdirection that in it’s staunch opposition to anything left of capitalism, created fascism.

yesman ,

You know, it’s perfectly OK to group voters by identity, so long as that identity cannot exclude “Normal” people. Soccer Mom, Six pack Dad, Middle class, working poor, labor, Small Business owner, Rural, Urban, and Suburban are all perfectly fine to promise these groups political power. But you do the exact same thing for queer people or black people and that’s identity politics all of a sudden.

feedum_sneedson ,

Is it?

rando895 ,

The only identity politics I want to see is us against the ruling elite. Everything else is sparkling fascism.

ganymede , (edited )

can you please explain further what you mean? it could be interpreted a number of different ways.

i’m not sure if this is your point or not? but there is obviously overlap between each of those groups, there’s black sixpack dads, and poor/middle class lgbqti etc etc

anyway imo none of this revived division appears organic. there’s always going to be the odd biggot, but afaict the majority of modern biggots are being indoctrinated and radicalised by an organised media effort (and our leaders are either complicit or ‘inexplicably’ powerless at protecting us from it). for sure these radicalised biggots should do better, but we’re also talking about average people going up against billion dollar propaganda machinery. it’s certainly asymmetrical warfare.

VirtualOdour ,

The sad truth is that the right are pandering to homophobia because it’s a vote getter for them not because they really care about it.

A huge portion of religious people believe that homosexuality is an especially dangerous sin because it’s a social contagion, they see the increased popularity of gay things and the decreased respect for religion as a clear sign that the devil is winning and faithful, godfearing society is collapsing. To an extent they’re right, modern views on self determination and respect for others is anathema to Christian society as it’s been for over a thousand years - to the faithful it’s like saying the sky is pink or fish live in trees.

There are of course now grifters using homophobia to draw people into their political ideologies but it’s generally people from homophobic families in homoohobic communities that get drawn into it, it’s easy to forget that when you see a twenty something year old kid making homophobic comments it’s likely at his age his dad was going ‘queer bashing’ for fun with his friends and certainly wouldn’t have hesitated to beat up a gay person in a bar or in the street if encountered.

Even big artists like Eminem had deeply homophobic messages in his music, now that’s backtracked and he’s friends with Elton - this isn’t entirely because he’s grown as a person but because at the start of this century it was unconscionable that rap or hip hop could be anything but homophobic. School kids used the word ‘gay’ to describe uncool or disliked things so commonly it was even part of my own vocab despite being raised in a progressive and accepting family in a liberal area.

Things have changed so much just in my adult lifetime but it’s not universal, a lot of religious and conservative people see the ‘gay agenda’ exactly as you see the ‘homophobic agenda’ in that they believe it’s political narrative being pushed just to destabilize morally virtuous power structures to allow corrupt and evil people to take power and steal money.

Companies that shoehorn a poorly written gay character into everything for the sake of inclusivity feel like a pandering cash grab to me but to the homophobic Christian it feels like asymmetric warfare from a deranged and selfish elite hellbent on ruining western society.

It’s a hugely complex issue for me, I honestly have no idea what the best thing for the greater good is. Forcing things too hard can be painful for those unready which causes resentment and reaction but holding back and allowing non-violent homophobic behavior to exist in our society is hurtful to those struggling to find snd accept themselves. (For example being 17 and trying to reconcile popular music explicitly talking about how your unexplored sexual desires are disgusting, realizing you have to make the choice between humiliation and self denial - and this is probably a big part of other emotional troubles which can lead to rejection of otherwise sensible social norms leading to unhealthy drug use, self endangering behavior and other things that still have lasting damage to my life to this day)

I don’t know what will solve these complex issues in our society, maybe making certain concessions to mildly homophobic sections of society would stop driving them into full on culture war crusaders? Maybe highlighting that it’s not only possible but probable to be gay and boring would help ease the anxiety? I actually kinda think straight pride type events and companies pandering to heterosexuals could be normalized and accepted more - not in a way that pits them against everyone else but more of a everyone gets a party kinda way. Stop heteros feeling attacked or at least make those who want to paint that picture looking silly.

It’s sad to admit but humanity is naturally kinda selfish and shitty, bigotry and group thinking is as natural and easy to us as breathing while compassion and understanding takes effort and the right circumstances to flourish.

TubularTittyFrog ,

queer and black people don’t have money. those other groups do.

if all the sudden queer people were billionaires, you can sure as shit bet they’d be promised political power. in exchange for their money. they’d be running corporations, in political office, etc.

it just turns out that it’s mostly white dudes who have all the money, and some white women, and the occasional random other non-white person has it. in USA at least. obviously different in other countries.

jerkface , avatar

Gay people have exactly as much money as everyone else. There are proportionately as many gay billionaires as there are gay homeless people.

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