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FluffyPotato , to til in TIL Kowloon Walled City existed and is the real world origin for many visual representations of oppressive urbanization in cyberpunk media

Pretty much the entire game of Shadowrun: Hong Kong revolves around Kowloon Walled city and it’s one of my favourite games.

46_and_2 ,

Goddamn, I played and loved the first two Shadowruns by Harebrained, and then left Hong Kong at the start due to lack of time. Reading this makes me want to puck it up immediately!

FluffyPotato ,

It’s definitely my favourite of the 3.

asperoth ,

Shadowrun: Hong Kong is good, but in my opinion Dragonfall was the best.

46_and_2 ,

Dragonfall is a real gem indeed. Lots of heart and good ideas in the setting and characters. I really hope they continue the series.

teegus , to til in TIL that In 2005, Sony BMG installed DRM software without knowledge or consent of the user, that included a rootkit which created a security vulerability

And then the CEO stated that people don't even know what a rootit is, why should they care? Yeah, I still don't trust sony.

Marsupial , avatar

I don’t trust them after the whole keeping all user data on plaintext fiasco.

teft , to til in TIL that Chironomia is the art of using gesticulations or hand gestures to good effect in traditional rhetoric or oratory. avatar
HereToLurk , avatar


Bonesince1997 , to til in TIL Hunter S. Thomson got an early honorable discharge from the air force in part because, "Sometimes his rebel and superior attitude seems to rub off on other airmen staff members."

Not guided by policy is a very nice thing to say about the man.

betterdeadthanreddit , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

Almost like alternative medicine is an alternative to medicine. Sue these scammers out of existence.

call_me_xale ,

There’s that old chestnut: “you know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.”

booganiganie ,

You know what they call alternative medicine that actually works… medicine

Eheran , (edited ) to technology in Readers prefer ChatGPT over Wikipedia

Tl;dr: people blindly trust something that sounds confident.

restingboredface ,

Sit on any corporate meeting and you’ll see live confirmation of this phenomenon.

Maajmaaj , to technology in Readers prefer ChatGPT over Wikipedia avatar

That’s…just stupid.

Taleya ,

IDK - ask a question and immediately get a (percieved) answer, or RTFM.

Not shocked people are going for the former

BubblyMango ,

ChatGPT is more concise, something wikipedia doesnt excel at by design.

hubobes ,

It is also often just plain wrong…

Also there is

BubblyMango ,

It is, but thats the compromise - less reliability for more comfort. Its not “stupid”, its just a compromise.

Kusimulkku ,

Compromises can be stupid

Maajmaaj , avatar

Concise and high as fuck on mushrooms a lil too often for my liking.

amio , to til in TIL that player behaviors to a software bug that created a pandemic in World of Warcraft had similarities to COVID-19 in the real world

Would've been perfect if Arthas or whoever spread dangerous misinformation.

RobertOwnageJunior ,

If anyone from the Warcraft universe is close to Trump, it’s Galliwix.

Anticorp ,

Right. Arthus was actually charismatic, competent, and relatable.

octoperson , to til in TIL the adjective 'daily' in the lord's prayer is actually written in the original Greek as *epiousion*, which occurs nowhere else in known history

I have only this moment realised that the prayer is referencing the xtian communion giving of bread symbolism, and not just randomly demanding food as if the writer was hungry

br3d ,

Is it, though? Or is it saying “Give us our basic staple needs”? It would be useful if a theologian could chip in on the dates, but I suspect this prayer predates bready communion

octoperson ,

From my brief and poorly remembered Christian education, there were at least 3 occasions where the Big J handed out food and drink, and made explicit connection between his god powers, and the catering. So the idea was there in some form from at least the writing of the gospels. But yeah, it would be good to hear from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about.

reverendsteveii ,

Historically? All of this is at least disputed. Within the church canon? “[Jesus] broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said ‘Take this, all of you and eat it, for it is my body, which will be given up for you.’ When [the last] supper had ended he took the cup. Again he gave thanks and praise, gave the cup to his disciples and said 'Take this, all of you, and drink from it. For it is my blood, the blood of the new covenant which will be shed for you and for all so that sin may be forgiven.”

Theologically speaking it’s not a matter of debate at all that communion predates Christ’s death and therefore the founding of the Church or the establishment of the Lord’s prayer.

GreyEyedGhost ,

Communion is the Christianization of the Judaic holiday of Passover. The referenced verses are literally a group of Jews celebrating Passover, on Passover. Not only do the forms of communion predate Christianity, they predate Christ. If you read a few verses before that, possibly depending on which gospel you’re reading, it literally says that.

joshfaulkner ,

I’ve heard this as a reference to the bread that was given to the Israelites in the wilderness - manna. In Exodus, the Israelites are instructed to gather and prepare it each day. In the exegesis of that connection, I believe it is Jesus encouraging believers to trust in God for his provision daily.

shasta ,

I thought the mana they are was like… grasshoppers

RoyalEngineering , to til in TIL Peter Molyneux failed his first game so badly he started a baked bean export company, which got confused with a software firm and kickstarted his development career

Hey that’s the guy that made Godus.

Wish they finished the game because it was pretty fun.

taldennz ,

I played the hell out of Populous and Populous II back in the day… Including a fair bit of multiplayer too - running a link cable between Amigas in our flat.

I wonder if I’d enjoy an upscaled port today as much as I did then.

evanuggetpi ,

Powermonger did it for me.

Deceptichum , avatar

Didn’t he make some spherical MP Tetris where you can like win the world if you found the centre?

merridew ,

Wish they finished the game because it was pretty fun.

Were we playing the same game?? When I played it in 2013 it was a tedious, RSI-inducing cow-clicker with lootboxes and “premium” gems, and according to Steam I played for less than an hour before abandoning it.

janAkali , (edited ) to til in TIL Soviet cosmonauts carried a shotgun on space missions

allegedly was intended as a defensive weapon against in-space attacks by the US space program.

??? If it was for in-space attacks, wouldn’t it be more logical to mount a gun outside of ship 😆?

It was intended as a survival aid for emergency landings. It’s not a shotgun, but a three barrel pistol (but it can shoot both normal rounds and shells). Another interesting detail - it’s buttstock is a folding machete.

TP-87 was invented by request of A. Leonov after emergency landing of ‘Voshod-2’ where cosmonauts Leonov and Belyaev had to survive 3 days in wild taiga forest for a rescue team to retrieve them.

Agent641 ,

Love that story. Reminds me of Factorio, or Satisfactory or something.

Hadriscus ,

Satisfactorio ?

Hodacoda , to technology in NTFS turns 30 years old today! I hear it's still in use by some crufty old legacy operating systems 😁

Why are Linux nerds so insecure? Lol

Mane25 ,


priapus ,

Making an account to say this seems like the insecure thing. Lol

Also plenty of Windows users criticize NTFS. It’s just outdated. Windows needs a new option.

Gebruikersnaam , avatar

Honest question: what are the limitations? Most articles online compare it with FAT, which isn’t really an interesting comparison.

YoMismo ,

What about ReFS !? I have read it could be the alternative to NTFS in the future.

RunawayFixer , to til in TIL the term Redneck likely originated from the sunburned red neck of those working in fields.

"but also provided psychological protection by shading the face from close scrutiny. "

To me it feels like this was made up by some spoiled twat, who couldn’t stand that people that they thought were socially inferior, wouldn’t show the expected obeisance by removing their hat in front of their “betters”.

haui_lemmy , to til in TIL about "Swill milk" where cows were fed distillery waste causing cow teeth rot and disease. It was also adulterated with raw eggs, burn sugar, etc. Swill milk lead to over 8,000 infant's deaths

An thats why I support anti speciesism.

Studies from 2015 and 2019 suggest that people who support animal exploitation also tend to endorse racist, sexist, and other prejudicial views, which furthers the beliefs in human supremacy and group dominance to justify systems of inequality and oppression.

ieatpillowtags ,


haui_lemmy ,

I‘d love to see humans being treated like they treat those they think of as lesser, just for one day.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

Maybe it’s because I used to live near a prison, and I had to go to the same hospital prisoners would in emergencies, but when did humans stop treating other humans like that?

haui_lemmy ,

Prisons are a great example how vile the human species can be. Not the people in there but those enforcing prisons.

social hierarchy is a relict like cannibalism and incest.

delirious_owl , avatar

If you think prisons are bad, wait till you learn about factory farms

haui_lemmy ,

You mean like in the book “eating animals”? I still have the pictures in front of my inner eye from being told some lines from the book. Its grueling.

DarthFrodo ,

Haven’t you been told that we don’t talk about that kind of oppression here? Everyone knows that mistreatment of humans is bad, but mistreatment of animals is just how things are supposed to be. They are just lesser beings after all, and such kind of thinking hasn’t lead to anything bad in history, so it’s not at all problematic.

Progressivism is about fighting oppression when it suits you, and meat is just soo convenient. The mega corps promised that nothing bad is happening there, so praise the factory farms!

haui_lemmy ,

Your sarcasm is so subtle that it took me a while to understand. Thanks for chiming in. I dont get why people downvote me for saying animals should be treated fairly (yes, as fairly as humans).

DarthFrodo ,

That’s probably because you criticized their behavior (in a rather provocative way), which is often perceived as hostile and leads to downvotes.

haui_lemmy ,

I’m autistic so pardon my ignorance but when did I criticize anyone? I literally said An thats why I support anti speciesism. and llinked an article and quoted it. You know, the thing that therapists show you: lead by example, send “me” messages as in say what you (would) do instead of criticizing the behavior of someone else. I’m genuinely baffled. Can you elaborate?

delirious_owl , avatar

People often react badly when you show them a mirror to their own hypocrisy. It causes a psychological disturbance called cognitive dissonance.

Please keep doing it.

haui_lemmy ,

Ok… thanks, I guess. :) I didnt recognize i did it. Did I mention I was beaten up in school a lot. The reason was mostly this but I dont get it. If you tell me my opinion is trash I usually check if I went wrong, no harm in that.

Anyway, have a nice day or night.

delirious_owl , avatar

You’re not trash and nothing you did was the reason you were beaten up. Its the fault of the oppressors, never the victim of oppression

haui_lemmy ,

Thats very nice of you to day. Thanks :)

delirious_owl , avatar

Lol people coping with cognitive dissonance via downvoting

howrar ,

Perceived ad-hominem from your quote which implies that you are racist and sexist if you eat meat.

haui_lemmy ,

My first instinct is to make another joke and say “So a warped perception? They should get that checked. Might be something serious.” but everyone would probably hate me even more for it.

The idea I had was that “exploitation” is the issue. Imho the reason why we shouldnt kill and eat other humans is because our society would seize to function and humans I assume dont taste good, not because its less ethical than killing an animal. if you have to kill to survive, I assume thats not exploitation. I dont even take issue with eating meat for nutrient reasons every now and then. I take issue with keeping animals in small pens for a short and miserable life and feel no shame at all about it. Thats what I find disgusting. And it translates to other humans (immigrants, disabled, mentally ill, women, etc.). Thats why I say we should change our view of that.

Does it make sense now?

delirious_owl , avatar

I dont know why you assume humans taste worse that other animals.

howrar ,

We supposedly taste like veal according to Google. I don’t know how they determined this though.

haui_lemmy ,

Modern humans are very fatty and highly stressed. I hate fatty meat and stress makes the meat taste bad. Not to talk about all the toxins they ingest. Even if they dont taste bad, I’m kinda over eating junkfood.

delirious_owl , avatar

Ok, so just eat the rich then

haui_lemmy ,

Obviously but bot for nutrition. Think about all the botox and plastic parts they can afford. Eww

howrar ,

Yeah, your take makes perfect sense to me. I’m just letting you know why your original message gets interpreted negatively even by people who would otherwise agree with your message.

Take a minute to think about it. What’s the intention behind quoting this specific passage instead of another? Is it a continuation of your first statement and you’re providing this as the reason you support anti-speciesism (i.e. that you’re not racist/sexist)? Or are you trying to tell others that they’re racist/sexist for being specieist? Or are they completely disjoint and you just wanted to share a fun fact? Or maybe you intended something completely different? But I can’t think of how else to interpret it, so if that’s the case, you’d have to elaborate.

haui_lemmy ,

Thanks for elaborating. It was very helpful. My autistic brain works in weird ways. My intention is to tell people “please read about this and consider joining the movement because we need to change things or we will perish.” or something like that. I didnt mean to say anyone is anything really. It was just a good point that the article made imo. “look at this compelling argument” for example.

Maybe I should ask that I dont have this dimension of “someone does something that is not directly related to me but means me with it.” This has caused me intense trouble because other people do have it, apparently. Its how social hierarchy is often negotiated iirc. Does that make sense?

delirious_owl , avatar

No, you’re speciest if you eat animals. And that’s just as bad as being sexist or racist

Feathercrown ,

You make a good point but equating mistreatment of different humans with mistreatment of a different species entirely is a false equivalence.

DarthFrodo ,

I wouldn’t say they’re equivalent. Obviously beating a fly isn’t as bad as beating a dog or a pig. But is beating a human much worse than beating a dog? For me it comes down to capacity to suffer I guess.

Feathercrown ,

That’s much more reasonable. I think I’d agree.

delirious_owl , avatar

Found the speciesist

Feathercrown ,

Yeah. There are demonstrable and fundamental differences between species, so they should be treated differently.

delirious_owl , avatar

That’s exactly what eugenicists said in the US, Germany, and elsewhere

Feathercrown ,

It’s also what farmers say when they decide to grow plants, and what racists say when they decide to be racist, and what lawmakers say about different types of vehicles, and what mathematicians say about true and false proofs, and what dieticians say about dinner and desert. “These two things aren’t the same and that should be taken into account” is such a universal concept that using any one example to push your agenda against me is laughable, even if sometimes people use it to be evil.

anubis119 , to til in TIL that the white stuff that sometimes appears on chocolate is called "chocolate bloom".

Alright, well let’s get this out onto a tray; nice, mkay…

Stopher , avatar

Nice hiss!

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