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QuentinCallaghan , to nottheonion in Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump avatar

Imagine what it would look like if Trump was shot in the dick.

rebelsimile ,

it’s amazing how much the context on this sentence has shifted inside of a week.

friend_of_satan , to nottheonion in Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump

But these sheep can’t wear masks? Give me a fucking break.

NJSpradlin ,

They’re inconvenienced by having to smell their own lies.

givesomefucks ,

To be fair, they need the bandage just as much as trump does.

Like. A day or two after the attempt he was out golfing and didn’t have a bandage or anything.

I think it was just a small nick and the blood thinners he’s likely on just makes you bleed like crazy since they prevent clotting. A small scratch looks like a war wound, and would explain why there was blood everywhere but he still has a functional ear.

Like, if he really got shot in the ear, he’d be missing a part of his ear like in Preacher. It won’t just heal back.

Dude got a scratch and is playing it up.

morrowind , avatar

Trump is on blood thinners? Why?

givesomefucks ,

He’s in his late 70s, doesn’t exercise, eats like shit, and is drastically overweight…

Like, it’s one of those things that are just safe to assume. Blood thinners arent really that rare for people 30 years younger than either candidate.

Valmond ,

I wonder what his theoretical are is lol.

Orbituary , avatar

His blood is thick with hamburger juice.

Gerudo ,

A lot of people that age, with his OBVIOUS unhealthy BMI are on blood thinner as prevention more than anything else.

Cocodapuf ,

To prevent strokes and heart attacks. It’s pretty common.

TheOctonaut ,

He’s a WWE Hall of Famer. I would not be surprised if he was blading.

EisFrei ,


There isn’t a fourth monkey covering its nose.

Susaga ,

There is, however, a fourth monkey covering his crotch. “Do no evil”

Myxomatosis ,

The masks prevent them from quaffing their own farts all day long.

tiredofsametab , to nottheonion in Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The previous verse says hand or forehead but close enough

RagnarokOnline ,

If there is an anti-Christ, this dude has to be the closest we’ve got to it

ccunning , to nottheonion in Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump

I can’t decide if this is more or less weird than wearing a diaper in support of Trum…no…it’s less weird…right?

logicbomb ,

Since these people aren’t treating any ear injury, you might as well call these “ear diapers.”

snooggums , avatar

That is consistent with their usage of chin diapers that also had no medical use.

Sgt_choke_n_stroke , to nottheonion in Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump

Not like politicians were listening to us anyway, no need to cover your ears.

KillerTofu , to nottheonion in Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump

It’s all fucking weird.

WhatAmLemmy ,

Almost like it’s a mental illness or cult… But nope, perfectly normal. You are the one that’s crazy! You should wear more diapers and ear patches about that.

Triasha , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump

He probably doesn’t want to get shot.

rekabis , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump

Most of the western world fought back against the Nazis in WWII for the very reason that fascism is deeply hostile to a healthy democracy and a free society.

Kyle was right: we didn’t teach our soldiers to miss back then, so there is no excuse to miss now.

A_Random_Idiot ,

Was a right wing idiot, listening to right wing hate and violence, who took a shot at a right wing idol.

Theres nothing “ours” or “soldier” about it.

IzzyJ , avatar

Tbf, there was a WWII instructional film that taught “how to get killed”, but that was sarcastic (and about the Pacific theater)

Linkerbaan , to world in Gaza man with Down's syndrome attacked by IDF dog and left to die avatar

For anyone wanting to see some grim reality of an israeli dog attacking a Palestinian woman in Gaza recently:

NSFL: Twitter video link

iAvicenna , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump avatar

I mean to be honest half the world is probably saying the same thing.

ILikeBoobies ,

Only America’s allies

Alexstarfire ,

Half of America is wishing it too, even if not vocalized.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

The problem being the other half isn’t.

FiniteBanjo ,

I assume Jack and his team probably started recieving threats from the crowd that shot at Trump (republicans).

iAvicenna , avatar

I guess attempting to kill and joking about killing Trump is a privilege that only republicans enjoy

FiniteBanjo ,

TBH I don’t give a single solitary fuck who Republicans think or don’t think is allowed to do anything. That doesn’t mean Jack Black has to risk his life over some ha has.

MrScottyTay ,

This barely would be known if it wasn’t for them splitting up over about it though. They said it to an Australian crowd. They ain’t doing anything about it.

FiniteBanjo ,

There have been no statements about the band ending, but they have almost certainly ended the Australian Tour, sadly. Gass has also been dropped by Greene Talent agency, so he might have to work to regain trust from the business suits if they want to do big events again. Both Gass and Black have both been apologetic and on the same page with their public statements.

They once wrote and performed a song about killing politicians and ruling as idiot kings, they’ll be fine.

MrScottyTay ,

Ahh, think I misinterpreted Black’s “all future creative plans are on hold” statement. Forgetting the “on hold” part.

b161 , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump
brbposting , to world in Gaza man with Down's syndrome attacked by IDF dog and left to die

So Gazans with Down syndrome look similar to Westerners with Down syndrome. In a way it makes me feel like all of us in world are less different than we might think.

Xeroxchasechase ,

You didn’t feel it until you saw the picture? Let me tell you: even without down syndrome we’re all alike!

brbposting ,


I feels it! We’re far more alike than we are different! We have the same mama you & me, all of us :)

formergijoe , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump

Oh Kyle, why did you say that? If you say your birthday wish out loud it won’t come true!

HawlSera , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump

Come the fuck on Jack, you’re better than this.

dessimbelackis ,

Based Kyle gass vs hollywood-pilled jack black

darganon ,

Nothing and no one can harm the old Rage Kage again…

FiniteBanjo ,

I’m like 99% sure they recieved threats after what Kyle said, so I don’t blame Jack.

n3m37h ,

Its not Jack, it’s the bullshit cancel culture.

HawlSera ,

Glad we’re finally acknowledging that shit is real

A_Random_Idiot ,

Cancel culture is real.

Its what the right does every time they get their panties in a twist.

Hell, a lot of Project 2025 is nothing but cancel culture shit.

IzzyJ , avatar

It used to just be called blacklisting pfc

robocall , to world in Gaza man with Down's syndrome attacked by IDF dog and left to die avatar

Say it with me everyone, “he was Hamas”

ImplyingImplications ,

Obviously special forces…sorry

sandbox ,

As a disabled person, “special” in reference to disabled people is imo one of the worst ableist slurs, I find it more offensive than retard. my experience isn’t universal, but I just wanted to let you know, I know it was just a joke and I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I have to be honest and say, it does hurt a bit to see it.

ImplyingImplications ,

it does hurt a bit to see it.

Oh man, you’re not going to like what the IDF did.

jorp ,

That person was as gentle and kind as they could be while sharing something with you to try to help you become a better person. You should do better.

ImplyingImplications ,

Look, I don’t see what makes them so special.

jorp ,

(Regrettably) he’s here all week folks!

ImplyingImplications ,

With jokes this controversial I’m hoping to score a Netflix special

jorp ,

Honestly your commitment to the bit is winning me back over even though you’re objectively kind of a dick

ImplyingImplications ,

In all seriousness, where the line between funny and offensive is drawn is completely subjective. My line is obviously different than others. I didn’t feel that my puns were personally directed at anyone and I didn’t see them as perpetuating any harmful stigma or stereotypes. It uses a word I wouldn’t actually use in daily life but the pun wouldn’t work otherwise. Life has a lot of legitimate malicious people out there that there’s no need to split hairs to find more. There is no subjective way to look at what the IDF did in this case. It is objectively malicious and evil. I didn’t expect my puns to be the thing that upset people.

I thought of another joke. Being mindful, I’ve hidden the punchline. You’ve been warned!

Say the guy here was Hamas. Do you think he'd carry...a .38 Special?

sandbox ,

I understand that you probably don’t really recognise the impact of ableist slurs, but as someone who has been bullied, harassed, beaten up and sexually assaulted by people mocking me by using those slurs, they trigger a bit of a traumatic response. It’s not that they’re directed at anyone in particular, it’s just that they’re never possible to use in reference to disabled people without being, at the very least, extremely patronising, and extremely dehumanising at the worst.

I completely get that you didn’t intend any harm, and you were trying to criticise the IDF in your own way, and I’m really sympathetic towards that: fuck the IDF, 100%, they’re incredibly evil.

All I am doing is just asking you to please reconsider using ableist slurs as jokes in the future, that’s all. We’re all human, we all make mistakes, and it’s a completely normal reaction to protect our own ego when someone tells us that we hurt them in some way, so I don’t blame you for your reaction, but please try to overcome that knee-jerk reaction <3

ImplyingImplications ,

It’s not a knee jerk reaction. You’re one person out of 8 billion. I’m treating your request the way I’d treat any request made to me by a random person on the internet. <3

sandbox ,

How many people are you willing to harm before you change your behaviour? What’s the trade off in human suffering compared to the positives of making your joke?

ImplyingImplications ,

So far I still think I’m in the positives. You didn’t like the joke. That’s fine. You don’t speak for all disabled people. You never even asked if I’m disabled.

sandbox ,

I already said that I don’t speak for all disabled people, though, anecdotally, in groups that I’m in (I volunteer with a disability support group), the terms special and special needs are often highlighted as ableist terms that disabled people find offensive or get used against them as slurs. Some research online also bears that out, a number of reputable sources online have recommended avoiding the use of the terms special and special needs.

It doesn’t really particularly matter whether you’re disabled or not. This isn’t about identity, it’s about using a slur. If you had used the n-word as part of a joke and got backlash I think you’d understand this a bit better.

You’re being pretty callous around the fact that you genuinely emotionally hurt me, I’ve been as respectful, kind and considerate of you and your feelings as I can be. How do you expect to build a people-led movement to dismantle the exploitation of the working class if you can’t bring yourself to even care for one other person? On just a human level, I’m not trying to have an argument where I one-up you or something like that, this isn’t some debate to win or lose, I’m just talking to you, human to human, and trying to help you to understand that you’re unintentionally hurting people who are one of the most vulnerable minorities in society.

I truly hope that you’re just being a bit edgy and that in future you really will think twice about this kind of thing, regardless of what you write now.

jorp ,

It was one thing when you were just constantly clowning but now you’re re-investing heavily in just being an asshole.

It’s a fine line and you don’t seem to have the ability to pull it off.

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