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Raspberry as NAS, multiple HDDs and an enclosure

Edit: thanks everyone for the suggestions. In the end I decided to buy a icy box usb3.1 4xhdd enclosure for around 100€. In the description it says it only works with mac and windows, but my Linux laptop works well with it, I guess the pi will to as well. I will print an enclosure for the power brick and the pi to screw to the...

x3i ,

Geekworm offers a HAT and an enclosure for 2HDD and the Pi, that might suit you

Why has the world gone to shit?

In the last 5 to 10 years everything seems to suck: product’s and services quality plummeted, everything from homes to cars to food became really expensive, technology stopped to help us to be something designed to f@ck with us and our money, nobody seems to be able to hold a job anymore, everyone is broke. Life seems worse in...

x3i ,

Wtf I didn’t know that there is a clear reason for corpos getting political! Thank you for this, I really had no idea about it!

x3i ,

Well yes but I am not sure that this is the main problem with flatpak containers.

I’d rather point out that this approach creates a bigger attack surface since the containers tend to ship with outdated versions of libraries, frameworks and tools that the actual application relies on because it is now that specific app developer’s problem to update them inside of the container. So with this, even an up to date system is not really up to date and might suffer from severe vulnerabilities. I’d say it depends on your application, use case and threat scenario; containerization can make sense but is not the holy grail.

How to fool a laptop into thinking a monitor is connected?

Hello! I converted an old laptop with a broken screen into a home server, and it all works well except for one thing: when I reboot it (via ssh), if no screen is connected, it will get stuck and refuse to boot. as soon as I connect an HDMI monitor, the fans will start spinning and it will start booting as usual. Then I can...

x3i ,

Did you take a little journey into the BIOS yet? Is definitely firmware, the question is if you can just change a setting there. Otherwise, somebody already mentioned dummy HDMI plugs.

What's (are) the funniest/stupidest way(s) you've broken your linux setup?

Tinkering is all fun and games, until it’s 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you’re about to execute… And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought...

x3i ,

Relied on an AUR package for building and signing my unified kernel image… one day it was outdated and geberating the image failed, I noticed that by the fact that the system refused to boot my OS. Fixing it was done in a few minutes but boy, that was a shock :D

Guess who also checks the exact output of the kernel rebuild now before rebooting!

can nix for gaming pirates lead to easy piracy

nix allows for flakes which are 100% reproducible (ie. you copy paste a flake it would do the intended stuff only) , this make me realize that now we can have flakes for games like do you want inscryption , sure add this flake and this would install all dependencies and lutris etc. and you just have to link us to the...

x3i ,

I am not extremely familiar with nix and flakes but from my understanding, they create isolated environments like venv or containers, correct? Would that not mean having a separate wine install and especially separate Lutris install per Game? So no single Lutris that lists all games but a separate one for each, kindof defeats the purpose I think. I fail to see the benefit over just clicking it on the lutris website, so not sure if this would gain traction. Open for any suggestions and corrections though!

x3i ,

Similar reason for me. Although, as long as I could get a car without internet connectivity, I would even be fine with non-free software but even that is too much to ask nowadays. This also applies to gas or diesel powered cars though, so I will stick with my sedan from 2015 too, might even have the engine redone completely in a few years if there are no proper options by then.

Me vs my ISP

So I was looking into getting port forwarding set up and I realized just how closed-off the internet has gotten since the early days. It’s concerning. It used to be you would buy your own router and connect it to the internet, and that router would control port-forwarding and what-have-you....

x3i ,

Did you contact your ISP about this? Most of them can adjust a setting for you to remove the NAT part, the feature is usually called dual-stack. If you are in the EU, you even have a fundamental right to use your own router, you just have to register your MAC with them.

Dual Booting: How in god's name?!

I have one drive, 1tb with Pop_OS, and another, 500 on to which i want to install windows. (I know, I dont like it either but I want to play VR games via link cable cause ALVR is really mid) So, I put the ISO on a drive with ventoy, booted it up, got it all going. started to install windows on the empty drive. So, after the five...

x3i ,

This will help:

Applies to PopOS the same way, except for installation steps involving pacman. I’d revommend going with systemd-boot instead of grub, not sure what Pop ships.

x3i ,

Is this a US take? Serious question because in Europe, I see primarily SUVs being sold when it comes to EVs. Small and shitty ones yes, but still aiming to resemble at least the SUV look. E.g. VW ID3, ID4; these I see a lot on the streets over here. Big exception seem to be hybrids, they usually are sedans or hatchbacks.

x3i ,

My bad, I just looked up what a CUV is and you are totally right. I’d go even further and say that there are barely any real “SUVs” around from European car makers, seems like the CUV label fits pretty much all of them (with few exceptions, usually the big ones like Audi Q5+, BMW X5+, VW Touareg). So I learned sth today, thanks!

Do you mount an embedded Linux file system to the workstation and use your host scripts or do you SSH/SCP and deal with the limited shell commands?

I’m playing with a couple of routers and comparing proprietary to open source on the same hardware. I miss my .bashrc functions and aliases… and compgen, tree, manpages, detailed help, etc; the little things that get annoying when they are missing....

x3i ,

Vim supports editing files through scp as well, no reason to cry here xD

x3i ,

Yes, have it running and it works well. Nextcloud setup is sth that I will still have to set up but the only problem I see there is certificates. To debug Nebula, simply try executing it by hand, e.g. nebula --config /path/config.yml and see what the error message is. Or check your journalctl of course. Share the message here and we can have a look!

x3i ,

I don’t see anything like that in this thread. If you want people’s help, help them help you and provide sufficient information about your problem.

x3i , (edited )

When you issued the netstat command, were the containers up or down? Issue it again after docker-compose stop. If you moved or renamed the compose file, the old conrainers would still run in the old context.

x3i ,

Okay, then it simply has an issue with the addresses you are providing, as someone pointed out already, the issue likely is the 192.168.100 network. Find out where exactly you define localhost and as addresses to listen to and change them to e.g. and instead (or ideally just as this includes localhost as well). Restart the container afterwards, see if it works. Of course make a backup of your config first so you can go back.

x3i ,

For me, two main aspects: I do not have to move my hands from the keyboard and I can pipe things from one tool into others, significantly speeding up many tasks

Pirated video games SOURCE CODE

So there are multiple sites&groups that pirate video games especially on PC. I was wondering if there are places on the internet where you find source code for games especially the highly modifiable ones like Half Life 2/Portal and Skyrim. Or groups that crack into the source code of games (or even software in general), not only...

x3i , (edited )

Well, source code is not sth that you “crack”, you can only reverse engineer it (I think it was done with Doom, also OpenRA) or steal it from the company’s servers. The use for it is also rather niche, so the risk vs gains ratio is not attractive enough to feed dedicated websites. You can also look at fully open source games like 0AD and check out what they did!

Edit: I stand corrected (thrice); Doom was indeed open-sourced, not reverse engineered. Thanks for pointing out!

x3i ,

Correct. However, this looks like a direction that language processing and GPTs would excel in and to my knowledge, there already have been some ML addons made for certain RE tools, so this might become more easy in the future. If that is necessarily a good thing is a different story…

x3i ,

Alternatively, there are also some options from, maybe scroll through there! Same for

x3i ,

Very nice! I am running an HC4 (I think; the toaster) now since last month and so far, it’s running much better than I thought! So yes, check that one first, then see if you have to upgrade and if you do, go for aarch64 or traditional x64 but not 32 bit arm

x3i ,

Dafuq did I just read? Author has to a) visit a spelling and grammar course, b) structure their fucking thoughts. So the main point is that some guy is on drugs and leaking information? That could have been three sentences.

Ripping Amazon movies

Hi people, since we see more and more complaints regarding old movies being not politically correct anymore, I am getting more and more concerned about some purchases I made some years ago. Specifically, there is a set of local movies in my mother tongue which I bought and therefore want to download them in case they are...

x3i OP ,

They are from the 90s, so DVD would be my plan B. However, that would take significant effort to hunt down, so I wanted to check other options first

x3i OP ,

Okay, so OBS looks like the only feasible route then, thanks!

x3i OP ,

1080 is totally sufficient, I’ll look into this, thanks!

x3i OP ,

True but considering the costs, I would rather just buy the movies on DVD and rip them

x3i OP ,

Not sure about private trackers but on public ones, I did not see them anywhere. Also chances are not that high since it is old material that never got translated into Englosh or other languages, so quite niche.

Should I move to Docker?

I’m a retired Unix admin. It was my job from the early '90s until the mid '10s. I’ve kept somewhat current ever since by running various machines at home. So far I’ve managed to avoid using Docker at home even though I have a decent understanding of how it works - I stopped being a sysadmin in the mid '10s, I still worked...

x3i ,

Yes. Let me give you an example on why it is very nice: I migrated one of my machines at home from an old x86-64 laptop to an arm64 odroid this week. I had a couple of applications running, 8 or 9 of them, all organized in a docker compose file with all persistent storage volumes mapped to plain folders in a directory. All I had to do was stop the compose setup, copy the folder structure, install docker on the new machine and start the compose setup. There was one minor hickup since I forgot that one of the containers was built locally but since all the other software has arm64 images available under the same name, it just worked. Changed the host IP and done.

One of the very nice things is the portability of containers, as well as the reproducibility (within limits) of the applications, since you divide them into stateless parts (the container) and stateful parts (the volumes), definitely give it a go!

x3i ,

I’m currently using Calibre and Audiobookshelf, where the latter is basically just using the folder structure of Calibre with and additional folder for some audiobooks. Works okay but is not the greatest solution. The calibre library web interface is quite nice (not the weird VNC-style admin panel, the one on other port). People also mention lazylibrarian a lot but I never tried it.

x3i ,

Native tool, not the web. So far, I have not felt the need to use anything else; calibre does decent management and connects to my koreader installations on ebook readers, while the abs app handles all interactions with phones. The latter has good wife-approval but the syncing through calibre to readers is complex and not super reliable, so it still requires “admin intervention”

Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...

x3i , (edited )

“Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like internet points?”

But… is that not exactly the description of somebody who complains about downvotes?? As said by others; they should be considered exactly as valid as upvotes. If you feel like they prohibit you from voicing an opinion, I personally feel like that is a you-problem. Ask yourself of the content you posted is crap, if you feel it is not, simply ignore the downvotes and move on, they are just pixels.

Edit: I checked your posts, most downvoted ones seem to be clickbaity or images that you posted to the linux community. This is not something that vibes with that type of community, I would have downvoted that too. The ones on your technical questions seem unjustified however. Posting a code snippet asking people to execute it… I think that crap should even have been deleted by mods.

x3i ,

By that logic, upvoting posts is equally as “repressive” as downvoting as it decreases the relative visibility of all other comments, I hope that angle shows the stupidity of that argument. I think we have a fundamental difference in understanding censorship, freedom of speech and intolerance here. If you want to play the self-victimization game, please do so on Reddit and not in the linux community on this platform.

x3i ,

Great question, from my understanding, notifications through private nextcloud or ntfy instances should be safe but I just started looking into this a month ago, so let’s wait for someone more knowledgeable to join in here.

How to make sure transmission is using my vpn?

I have transmission running on my server in a docker container that is supposed to go through gluetun. If I run test with ipleak and other torrent ip testers it shows my vpn’s ip address. However transmission is running way faster download speeds than deluge or qbit were with the same configuration. It makes me wonder if all...

x3i ,

You can use your firewall to block all non-VPN traffic from a device, except for DNS. Or, if your VPN provider supports it, just use the DNS port for the VPN and allow only UDP 53 outgoing (e.g. Mullvad). Besides that, very tricky thing to check. Always rely on multiple layers of “protection”.

The Distro Wars are good actually.?

If all the seemingly pointless discussions about which distro is better comes from attachment to a spesific distro and if a distro is just a way to interract with linux than all the discussion about witch distro is better etc. fundementally comes from a a place of love and appreciation for Linux as an OS....

x3i ,

Always reminds me of the console wars… people attach their whole identity to all kinds of things nowadays and fight for it like it was a religion. Did not see much good come out of such threads yet.

x3i ,

Let me raise a side concern here since the core questions already seems to be answered; reconsider the Nvidia GPUs. Depending on what you do, you might encounter significant shortcomings at the moment since they do not play perfectly with Wayland yet (which is clearly the future). So do some research in this direction first before you pull the trigger.

x3i ,

Would love to know if this is better at Tidal than at Spotify. After all, that is the main reason I switched.

x3i ,

You can run lineageOS on it though; problem solved

x3i ,

This article is from July 2021. Why exactly are you sharing this?

x3i ,

Okay, fair point, so it is relevant for a current issue

x3i ,

This is one of the reasons why I am very unsure about the whole archinstall thing. On the one hand, it lowers the barrier of entry for less techy people, which is always good. On the other hand, it allows for installing the OS without ever having to use the archwiki, which leads to people making a blog post like this that could be solved by looking for “bluetooth” in the archwiki and following the instructions. To somebody not familiar with the OS, this makes it seem like arch is much more complicated than it actually is. “To run arch, you have to hope that there is a blog post or youtube video for simple things like bluetooth!”

No, you simply go here: very useful resource if you are on any other distro btw)

x3i ,

Not at all, Windows 10 and beyond identify your hardware composition, so as long as you don’t swap the mainboard, the license is automatically applied again upon internet connection (assuming you install the same windows version and do not enter another license key during installation). If you want to transfer your data though, get a cheap external USB HDD enclosure and use clonezilla to clone the drive. Edit: typos

x3i , (edited )

I’m not very familiar woth Tailscale but the procedure should be as simple as making sure all the traffic runs through the same exit node. Be aware that this might severely strain the upload of that exit node device bit from a technical point of view, it should work. Wait for someone that actually uses Tailscale to respond with details :) Edit: are you running tailscale on the machine that accesses netflix or on a router?

Linux on a 2in1 for Uni (

Hello linix@lemmy, I got fixed on the idea of replacing my iPad with a 2in1 like the thibkpad X13 for uni since I use the keyboard with my iPad a lot. The only time I need to take handwritten notes is in chemistry, mathematics and to annotate PDFs. Does anyone here have experience with convertibles running Linux? What would be...

x3i ,

Running an HP Elite x360 1030 G2 since 2018 and an Elite Dragonfly since last year, both on Arch linux and Sway (recently Hyprland) with full touch and pen support. Can recommend both!

x3i ,

Sorry, saw the reply just now. I use Wayland pretty much exclusively since I switched all my devices to Linix roughly three years ago and I face no issues. Afaik sway is fully compatible with i3 config, so I assume your gestures should just work the same. Hyprland is a different beast, it is still pre-release, so while the state is impressive, do not expect super advanced niche features like gestures (check their wiki to see if they are supported). I don’t use an OSK, whenever I fold, I pretty much use only xournal++ which I navigate with pen and touch. However, there is at least one that I tinkered with some months ago and it worked, I cannot remember the name though (probably got it from the arch wiki). Lid switch detection works well in sway, so I assume configuration for it to come up automatically should be trivial. Again, definitely try sway first, this should give you the best experience. Hope it helps!

x3i ,

So you are tryimg to tell me that the operating costs of the CDN are the big reason they need money, not the fact they throw billions at crappy content productions? And that the little performance you would gain by stripping k8s would make a difference, especially wrt the huge additional administration effort and lack of automation this would introduce? Nah man, sorry but you are wrong here in many ways.

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