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joshcodes , avatar

Run it in your head, find the edge cases yourself, fix the bug… weakling.

Or do what I do in real life which is patch in new bugs and even a security flaw or two.

The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates (

Those claiming AI training on copyrighted works is “theft” misunderstand key aspects of copyright law and AI technology. Copyright protects specific expressions of ideas, not the ideas themselves. When AI systems ingest copyrighted works, they’re extracting general patterns and concepts - the “Bob Dylan-ness” or...

joshcodes , avatar

Studied AI at uni. I’m also a cyber security professional. AI can be hacked or tricked into exposing training data. Therefore your claim about it disposing of the training material is totally wrong.

Ask your search engine of choice what happened when Gippity was asked to print the word “book” indefinitely. Answer: it printed training material after printing the word book a couple hundred times.

Also my main tutor in uni was a neuroscientist. Dude straight up told us that the current AI was only capable of accurately modelling something as complex as a dragon fly. For larger organisms it is nowhere near an accurate recreation of a brain. There are complexities in our brain chemistry that simply aren’t accounted for in a statistical inference model and definitely not in the current gpt models.

joshcodes , (edited ) avatar

I think you’re anthropomorphising the tech tbh. It’s not a person or an animal, it’s a machine and cramming doesn’t work in the idea of neural networks. They’re a mathematical calculation over a vast multidimensional matrix, effectively solving a polynomial of an unimaginable order. So “cramming” as you put it doesn’t work because by definition an LLM cannot forget information because once it’s applied the calculations, it is in there forever. That information is supposed to be blended together. Overfitting is the closest thing to what you’re describing, which would be inputting similar information (training data) and performing the similar calculations throughout the network, and it would therefore exhibit poor performance should it be asked do anything different to the training.

What I’m arguing over here is language rather than a system so let’s do that and note the flaws. If we’re being intellectually honest we can agree that a flaw like reproducing large portions of a work doesn’t represent true learning and shows a reliance on the training data, i.e. it cant learn unless it has seen similar data before and certain inputs provide a chance it just parrots back the training data.

In the example (repeat book over and over), it has statistically inferred that those are all the correct words to repeat in that order based on the prompt. This isn’t akin to anything human, people can’t repeat pages of text verbatim like this and no toddler can be tricked into repeating a random page from a random book as you say. The data is there, it’s encoded and referenced when the probability is high enough. As another commenter said, language itself is a powerful tool of rules and stipulations that provide guidelines for the machine, but it isn’t crafting its own sentences, it’s using everyone else’s.

Also, calling it “tricking the AI” isn’t really intellectually honest either, as in “it was tricked into exposing it still has the data encoded”. We can state it isn’t preferred or intended behaviour (an exploit of the system) but the system, under certain conditions, exhibits reuse of the training data and the ability to replicate it almost exactly (plagiarism). Therefore it is factually wrong to state that it doesn’t keep the training data in a usable format - which was my original point. This isn’t “cramming”, this is encoding and reusing data that was not created by the machine or the programmer, this is other people’s work that it is reproducing as it’s own. It does this constantly, from reusing StackOverflow code and comments to copying tutorials on how to do things. I was showing a case where it won’t even modify the wording, but it reproduces articles and programs in their structure and their format. This isn’t originality, creativity or anything that it is marketed as. It is storing, encoding and copying information to reproduce in a slightly different format.

EDITS: Sorry for all the edits. I mildly changed what I said and added some extra points so it was a little more intelligible and didn’t make the reader go “WTF is this guy on about”. Not doing well in the written department today so this was largely gobbledegook before but hopefully it is a little clearer what I am saying.

joshcodes , avatar

Dammit, so my comment to the other person was a mix of a reply to this one and the last one… not having a good day for language processing, ironically.

Specifically on the dragonfly thing, I don’t think I’ll believe myself naive for writing that post or this one. Dragonflies arent very complex and only really have a few behaviours and inputs. We can accurately predict how they will fly. I brought up the dragonfly to mention the limitations of the current tech and concepts. Given the worlds computing power and research investment, the best we can do is a dragonfly for intelligence.

To be fair, Scientists don’t entirely understand neurons and ML designed neuron-data structures behave similarly to very early ideas of what brains do but its based on concepts from the 1950s. There are different segments of the brain which process different things and we sort of think we know what they all do but most of the studies AI are based on is honestly outdated neuroscience. OpenAI seem to think if they stuff enough data into this language processor it will become sentient and want an exemption from copyright law so they can be profitable rather than actually improving the tech concepts and designs.

Newer neuroscience research suggest neurons perform differently based on the brain chemicals present, they don’t all always fire at every (or even most) input and they usually present a train of thought, I.e. thoughts literally move around in the brains areas. This is all very different to current ML implementations and is frankly a good enough reason to suggest the tech has a lot of room to develop. I like the field of research and its interesting to watch it develop but they can honestly fuck off telling people they need free access to the world’s content.

TL;DR dragonflies aren’t that complex and the tech has way more room to grow. However, they have to generate revenue to keep going so they’re selling a large inference machine that relies on all of humanities content to generate the wrong answer to 2+2.

joshcodes , avatar

Dolphins are whales with teeth, a distinction that makes them just slightly not whales

joshcodes , avatar

So reading up on the evolution of whales for arguments sake has me realising all dolphins and whales are (as mentioned) from the same family.

Your traditional whale fits into “Baleen Whales (Mysticeti)” which have “soft, hair like structures on the upper mouth” and there are 16 species and 3 families.

Meanwhile there are also “Toothed Whales (Odontceti)” with 76 species and 10 families. They are smaller, actively hunt and almost always live in pods.

The most surprising thing I’ve learned is that the Baleen Whales typically have two blow holes…??? Also they do not echolocate but they do sing/chat.

So almost all your traditional large whales fit into the Baleen category and the traditional dolphin fits into the Toothed category. So there are key differences between them, but the overall family is whale.

This is a dumb argument huh

joshcodes , avatar

I’ve read your update but try Terminator. You use alt + arrow keys to navigate multiple on screen terminals, create new ones with ctrl+e/o and its my favourite. I highly recommend giving it a try!

joshcodes , avatar

All goof, enjoy your alternatives!

joshcodes , avatar

So save files exist. Also custom user content. So the hash will change accordingly. Plus some cheats don’t require a modification of game files anyway, they use memory analysis to get, say, the location of other player objects, then they manipulate local information to give the player an advantage. This is how aim hacks and wall hacks work.

Cheats are hard to prevent for the sole reason of you don’t own the computer they could be running on. You can’t trust the user or the machine, and have to design accordingly. This leads many to the “solution” that is kernel level anticheat, it gives total access to the system.

joshcodes , avatar

Not who you asked, but did you ever hear of Valiant and their kernel level anti cheat.

This is not a 1:1 comparison but anticheat software running in the kernel has the ability to monitor all other processes due to its permission levels. It can monitor all scheduled tasks and infer from that information.

Drivers need similar access but for different reasons, they need access to os functionality a user would absolutely never be granted. This is because they interface directly with hardware and means when drivers crash, they generally don’t do it gracefully. Hence the BSOD loop and the need for booting windows without drivers (i.e. safe mode) and the deletion of the misconfiguration file.

joshcodes OP , avatar

I dont see myself doing too much configuration with connectors to begin with which brings some of the difficulty down. I was asking to see if others run anything similar in their home configuration. I’ve met people who run MISP from home before so it sounded feasible to me.

I was also looking for the community aspect of this, I already knew they had a docker-compose config. I wanted to know who had attempted this before and what they’d learned, that sort of thing.

joshcodes OP , avatar

Really don’t care much about my cv. This program is a great way to learn about the STIX protocol so no idea what you mean about “no actionable skills”. STIX is an interesting information sharing method, the program is well designed to educate the user on it and seeing the format it imports and exports data will teach me a buttload.

More to the point, maybe could you be less cynical and share some advice. I’m not going to flex my qualifications cos they’re mediocre but I’ve got smart people around me who just don’t know this particular program and I’m interested to hear from those who do.

Do you run this program at work or at home? Have you learned anything interesting from using it? Are there avoidable mistakes I could not repeat from hosting it? Answers to those questions would be very useful.

joshcodes OP , avatar

I’m thinking data entry for threat hunters, and integrations with our other platforms apis but I couldn’t say anything specific. SSDs are a good shout, I might have tried setting it up with hdds if you hadn’t said.

Did you find it easier to add connectors in seperate docker containers or within the main octi container?

It feels like there’s a pretty high ceiling for this platform and the data you can generate. Do you find it easy to create good data? Do you have any habits?

I’m pretty keen to learn so feel free to answer what you can.

joshcodes , avatar

Only man I’ve ever seen pick shit from between his toes and eat it while having a philosophical discussion about FOSS.

10/10 agree with the ideology and think he’s an amazing programmer 0/10 agree with his culinary recommendations

joshcodes , avatar

Been working on a malware analysis tool called AssemblyLine 4. I’m trying to set it up to collect artifacts from an s3 bucket and trigger alerts if malicious

joshcodes , avatar

But was it Bailey’s, Bailey’s, or Bailey’s so close you get your eyes wet coloured?

joshcodes , avatar

Same thought different reasoning: the expression “a bees dick” exists. There’s no equivalent for birds.

joshcodes , avatar

Huh, not heard that one

joshcodes , avatar

My favourite use is to suggest a near miss: the other car missed the cyclist by a bees dick.

joshcodes , avatar

In the update settings she can reset her apt sources back to “default”. It’s not too hard and there’s a gui throughout the process (from memory).

The package conflicts is an interesting one, if you have the time to post one of these on lemmy I’m sure someone will suggest a fix. It’s probably a apt install --fix-broken or something simple (hopefully) but I’m sure we could work it out.

Totally agree that these are annoying issues though. See if you can use Nala, it’s a TUI front end for Apt and it’s got some nice user changes like if you run upgrade it updates and upgrades. It also has a fetch feature which finds nearby sources, so you’re always downloading from the closest/fastest source.

joshcodes , avatar

Pretty sure it is, might just be their grammar.

I read it as “Godot, or DirectX (which my aim hallucinated is a game engine)”

joshcodes , avatar

git commit -m “if this doesn’t fix it I’m looking up availabilities at my nearest maccas”

joshcodes , avatar

I recommend this to everyone I meet in tech, it’s really good to learn linux and file system skills

Can someone demystify computer Ports for me? Please? Blocking, unblocking, opening, allowing, VPNs and their effect, what ports are and what they do, step by step, when you have to interact with them?

It’s the one thing when I’m configuring things that makes me wince because I know it will give me the business, and I know it shouldn’t, but it does, every time. I have no real idea what I’m doing, what it is, how it works, so of course I’m blindly following instructions like a monkey at a typewriter....

joshcodes , avatar

This is a great explanation, pretty much what I would have said

joshcodes , avatar

Cyber security guy here: we care about 22 for SSH, 443 and 80 for Web traffic, 3389 for RDP and 21 for FTP. Everything else we google and we all have to google 21 and 3389 because we all forget them half the time anyway.

Planning on moving over from Windows 10 to Linux for my Personal Work Station. Can't decide which OS I should switch to.

Windows has been a thorn in my side for years. But ever since I started moved to Linux on my Laptop and swapping my professional software to a cross platform alternative, I’ve been dreaming on removing it from my SSD....

joshcodes , avatar

Not the above poster but Manjaro routinely pushes out broken packages, has had a number of issues with security (not renewing their tls certificates for their website) and is all around not stable. Arch is a predictable unstable, manjaro is an unpredictable unstable attempt at stable.

joshcodes , avatar

Personally, no, i havent used manjaro in years. However, it’s frequently spoken about problem in the community so im sure someone else can help you. Or you could look up people talking about it.

joshcodes , avatar

Fair enough. I used to use Manjaro and it broke, cannot remember why. I moved to ubuntu sometime later and I’ve never left. Some would say that makes me a bad linux user, I would say I use an operating system that gets out of my way and let’s me use it. Use whatever tool gets the job done fastest!

joshcodes , avatar

Youre thinking of python I reckon -link to wikipedia

joshcodes , avatar

So I did miss that Linus is in the article, but the reference to him says he was awarded the title, which makes it sound like an honour rather than a hierarchical system. I don’t believe that he’s ever been anything other than the projects owner/founder but I’m happy to learn if I’m wrong.

joshcodes , avatar

I mean how the community refers to him. I’ve never read a thread where someone called Linus a BDFL, I have with python. If they do, they do. Just haven’t seen it myself.

joshcodes , avatar

I work in cyber security. Loads of businesses will do all the cybersecurity stuff using a combination of tools on Azure and security OS’s like Kali and Parrot.

joshcodes , avatar

Not the shark fucker but could you send me the guide on how to do this? I would love to set this up. Also does it work for multiple accounts?

joshcodes , avatar

I started using ubuntu 2 years ago and its great. Just disable snaps. It’s like 5 commands (and you have to reinstall Firefox).

You stop snap store from running, disable it from restarting then set apt over snap store as default.

It’s not hard. I did it day 1 of using Linux. Plus there’s guides a plenty on how to do it.

joshcodes , avatar

What about all the other pros of ubuntu?

Off the top of my head,

  • their power management is better than any other distro for laptops.
  • Their compatibility with WiFi drivers is better than many others, granted that’s not exclusive to ubuntu but it is a pro.
  • theyre more up to date than debian but stable while actually coming with Wayland support unlike Mint. Timeshift is great tho, good thing it’s compatible with ubuntu.
  • their community is much larger than many other distro so support is easier to find.
  • it’s just not a bad distro. There’s not a lot of other distros that match its out-of-the-box experience.

Other distros are good. PopOS is good. I chose Ubuntu mostly because it’s solid and stable but also because it has a wide community for help. I’m just getting tired of the narrative that ubuntu is totally crippled by its snaps. This is a linux distro, if I don’t like something I get to change it, which is actually cool. This isn’t windows where I have no control. Also, with snaps gone, I’ve literally never had a problem I haven’t caused. I have the approach of strip out what I don’t want. Arch users install what they do want. At the end of the day, we both are exploiting software we want to use to be productive. If I found myself fighting the os (like Mac or Windows) I’d switch but I don’t so I won’t.

joshcodes , avatar

Because snaps aren’t the only feature the distro comes with. It’s widely versatile, commonly used, and this argument isn’t a good one. PopOS is good, so is ubuntu minus the snaps.

joshcodes , avatar

This guy gets it

joshcodes , avatar

That sentence should probably read “on my first day of using Linux outside of a vm on bare metal with an installation I intended to keep”. I use Kali for security work and I used Manjaro once but it killed itself before I knew what I was doing.

Snaps are not very space efficient, I don’t need the same packages installed multiple times. In a desktop use case that’s a lot of repeating packages.

Has Windows startup repair or a troubleshooter ever fixed your issue even once?

Yeah, basically that. I’m back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It’s not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I’ve encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?...

joshcodes , avatar

The Windows network troubleshooter is black magic from the depths of hell itself and is very opinionated and selective in choosing which issues to fix and whether you’ll need to bargain your soul to recieve said fix. I have red hair and find it doesn’t bother bartering with me, but your mileage may vary.

joshcodes , avatar

Are you using a package manager or downloading everything from virtualboxs website? When I installed virtual box earlier today it all worked fine so that’s why I ask.

joshcodes , avatar

I uninstalled my filesystem. I think I was cutting down on packages and used the purge command at the wrong time. Ended up uninstalling nemo with the purge command and removed all packages associated, including the filesystem. Then I was all surprised pikachu when everything stopped working and upon reboot nothing happened

joshcodes , avatar

The son of the other guy, but same thing I guess lol

joshcodes , avatar

Huh, is that why the people of Hong Kong seemed so happy in that last bout of protests? You know, when over 1 million people took to the streets, protested and set the city on fire? Also, and just out of interest, is your government still using “prisoner’s of conscience” as an organ donor pool or have they finally shut down their concentration camps?

joshcodes , avatar

Don’t try to equate a bill that allows someone to make a choice to decrease prison time, with a concentration camp where they harvest organs and hair, and “reeducate” people to believe China #1. One is dumb, the other is evil.

I get worried sometimes about my country’s (Australia) invasive online privacy laws. China doesn’t allow proper internet access, and if you think you have nothing to worry about, just Baidu-search “Tiananmen Square 1989” or “why did the Dalai Lama leave Taiwan”. I’m sure you’ll be fine…

joshcodes , avatar

I suppose I was lucky in some ways. I stopped using Reddit a few months ago, after 5 years of addiction, but I was on the way out anyway. I had some bad experiences asking for help, never really posted otherwise and just generally the community made me feel like being inexperienced with anything was the same as being an asshole. I moved to lemmy and I instantly started posting more, answering questions and basically just enjoy talking to people on here. I haven’t been back and deleted my account months ago.

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