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jagungal ,

Almost certainly not. It’s common in some communities for people to write their own image transcriptions.

jagungal ,

Given that he said he had no money for a funeral I’m guessing he was planning to pull her body out one day and go “oh my goodness, she’s dead!” and have a funeral rather than just try to continue collecting her pension in perpetuity.

Trump Calls For Gun Confiscation In Fox News Rant: Cops Should ‘Stop And Frisk And Take Their Gun Away’ (

You’ve got to let the police do their jobs, number one. Number two, you have to do a policy of stop and frisk. When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live. They know every one of them, the local police, and they’re great....

jagungal ,

I doubt Trump’s followers will think of this as a breach of their 2A rights. They will likely think that it’s black people and bad actors who will have their guns taken for the safety of the boys in blue.

jagungal ,

I’d go for jumpers, tape, and a tarp. Using the car battery makes it seem like your car battery died. Rope would also make it creepy.

jagungal ,

True, zip ties would also fit in that category

jagungal ,

I watched it instead of doing an assignment in high school. Made a lot of sense and little difference.

jagungal ,

Worse still is the pronunciation of “bologna”. How. Just how. None of you seppos have the right to tell me about how I pronounce “herbs” or “pecans”. Then again, our pronunciation of “lieutenant” is messed up.

jagungal ,

Spot on!

jagungal ,

Parental consent is usually used as a substitute where a child is too young to give consent for a procedure. In Australia and the UK once a child is able to understand the procedure and associated risks they are considered “Gillick competent” and their consent outweighs the parent’s, but until then the parent is the one who gives consent on the child’s behalf. Parental consent is also used as a substitute when the child is incapacitated by injury or illness such that they are incapable of giving informed consent. Health practitioners and first aiders can also assume consent in life-threatening situations where the patient is incapable of giving consent (e.g. giving CPR to someone in cardiac arrest).

jagungal ,

But since vaccination is considered a medical procedure, you cannot give a vaccine without informed consent. In this case it’s the parent’s consent because the child is incapable of giving informed consent. There is plenty of case law stating that medical practitioners cannot perform medical procedures if the patient has withdrawn consent despite the best of intentions and practices. It’s ultimately not up to the healthcare provider except in very specific cases, and vaccination is not one of those.

Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box (

Context for newbies: Linux refers to network adapters (wifi cards, ethernet cards, etc.) by so called “interfaces”. For the longest time, the interface names were assigned based on the type of device and the order in which the system discovered it. So, eth0, eth1, wlan0, and wwan0 are all possible interface names. This,...

jagungal ,

That’s a great read, thanks for sharing!

jagungal ,

Australian white ibises. They’re kinda like the Australian equivalent to a raccoon in the US; they eat rubbish and their roosts stink because they tend to congregate in a single tree and then shit everywhere. But they are quite unique looking birds: long beaks, black heads and white plumage. So the tourists find them quite interesting and the locals call them bin chickens.

An Australian white ibis, a bird with white feathers, black head, long legs, and a long beak.

jagungal ,

I’m not surprised, I’m pretty sure they’re wetland birds too.

jagungal ,

The prosecutor went on to have a pretty successful career and I think had a role in Obama’s administration. She basically said “I’m sorry your son killed himself” but never admitted to having a part in his death.

jagungal ,

DD Mon YYYY for human readability, YYYY-MM-DD for computer readability.

jagungal ,

We Aussies have been using Augs for a while now

jagungal ,

It shouldn’t be though. A command line interface is not user friendly for entry-level users, and until Linux UX designers realise this, Linux will never gain a greater market share. And we have seen this with Ubuntu, Mint, and other “user friendly” distros gaining popularity. I’m not saying that we should necessarily aim for broad-scale adoption of Linux as an end in itself, but more users means more support for Linux which means a better experience for all.

jagungal ,

But that is the reality of most users today. They expect to have a GUI because it gives them the options right there, rather than having to go and learn what commands this particular system accepts. If you don’t cater to those users, like my parents, my friends, my grandparents, my teachers, and basically everyone I know who isn’t a computer nerd, and then expect them to “come to their senses” you will be very disappointed. Good design meets users where they’re at, it doesn’t expect them to “educate themselves.”

jagungal ,

I’m always kinda impressed when people can fill silence with a lot of words without actually managing to say anything.

jagungal ,

Wait wait wait what? This sounds interesting. Please elaborate

jagungal ,

They have their pros and cons. I wore a uniform to a public school (Australia) and it definitely meant that I had one less thing to worry about every day: being judged by what I wore. As an adolescent that meant a lot, and getting the freedom to wear whatever as an adult has meant that:

  1. I got to learn what’s appropriate before I got that freedom and
  2. I had the maturity to not care what others thought about how I dressed.
jagungal ,

As someone who used LaTeX in secondary school, this is definitely not applicable advice to everyone. Great if you’re doing maths or other technical subjects, but superfluous if you’re doing anything else. Doubly so for someone who isn’t a great typist.

jagungal ,

Seriously, it’s 2024. Everyone has to use technology now, so the software should reflect that. UX is probably one of the big barriers to widespread FOSS adoption.

jagungal ,

Out of curiosity, why do you say you’re really pro AI? I feel like I’m stuck in an anti-AI bubble ATM.

jagungal ,

Can’t remember what the article was, but it was a local one for an area I don’t live in (I think it was a Canadian one). Anyway, ate the onion in a large discord server I had just joined. I was mostly just trying to become part of the community. Nobody corrected me for a couple of hours until some smug bastard said something along the lines of “…at least I know it’s a satiric publication.”

jagungal ,

Fun fact: you don’t need a DA for these*, so they are a hell of a lot cheaper to install. *Subject to jurisdiction

jagungal ,

Development approval, required by a council before you build something

jagungal ,

I know a guy like this. He’s a great guy, very competent, gives up his time for his community. Drives his Audi like a cunt though.

jagungal ,

I’ve seen a lot of reporting on finding microplastics in new places and new quantities, but is there reliable evidence that it actually does damage? Genuinely asking, can someone please send me the papers?

jagungal ,

Blue. I wouldn’t change much about my life rn, but an extra 10mil would be awesome.

jagungal ,

Lemmy is like Reddit, but with an even greater concentration of Linux and FOSS nerds, so the likelihood is extremely low.

jagungal ,

Sorry, I heard asbestos was toxic

jagungal ,

Now there’s a kind of open relationship I can get behind!

Robot mistakes man for box of peppers, kills him — Malfunctioning sensor system blamed for technician’s death at Korean food plant (

Robot mistakes man for box of peppers, kills him — Malfunctioning sensor system blamed for technician’s death at Korean food plant::Malfunctioning sensor system blamed for technician’s death at Korean food plant

jagungal ,

My first question when I read the article was why didn’t they lock out/tag out the machine before getting in it?

jagungal ,

It’s reckless, but unless someone with authority is being a pain in the arse about safety, you don’t have a safe work culture that encourages that kind of behaviour. This is yet another example of the holes in the Swiss cheese lining up.

jagungal ,

Not sure what laws the states or Canada have, but it’s considered child pornography if it’s a depiction of CSA, regardless of whether it’s an adult acting, or cartoons, or AI. I suspect at least some states in the US have similar laws.

jagungal ,

Ah yes, internet historian. That’s one of his better ones

With an uncertain future, will Disney pull off yet another magic trick? (

Walt Disney's share price has dropped to its lowest level in nearly nine years as the company struggles in the age of streaming, causing concern among investors. Throughout its history, Disney has adapted to new technologies and challenges, from embracing sound and color in the early days to later embracing computer-generated...

jagungal ,

They still have shareholders. Public trading only means that the public can trade the shares on the open market.

jagungal ,

I’m not a power user, but I’ve used DDG exclusively for a while now and I often forget that I’m using it. I’d say it’s a pretty seamless transition nowadays.

jagungal ,

It’s rare and valuable and necessary, that’s why we should only be allowed one.

Australians vote No in referendum that promised change for First Nations people but couldn’t deliver (

With a two-letter word, Australians have struck down the first attempt at constitutional change in 24 years, major media outlets reported, a move experts say will inflict lasting damage on First Nations people and suspend any hopes of modernizing the nation’s founding document....

jagungal ,

Them wanting to live on their ancestral lands to which they have a deep cultural and spiritual connection isn’t “wanting to live more primitively”. Because Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples often live in remote communities they do not have anything like the educational or employment opportunities that most of the country get.

jagungal ,

The Yes campaign did a shit job of publicising it though. I’ve consistently heard that people were told to educate themselves which is generally a bad way of getting someone to agree with you when the opposition is all to happy to fill in the gaps with disinformation. The fact that we are still telling people why the wording was vague should be enough to tell you that the Yes campaign failed.

jagungal ,

It’s Spring here in Australia and instead of the nice spring weather it’s gone straight to summer weather (including fires). We’re so fucked

jagungal ,

I’d say AM radio is a better safety feature for Australians at least, since the ABC broadcast emergency warnings via their AM stations.

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