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conditional_soup ,

Yeah, you know, that [checks notes] one copy of a book that the lending library was able to lend* was really eating into their profit margin. Honest to God, they probably spent more money on lawyers over this shit than they’ll ever recoup, and it just makes them look stupid, greedy, and stupidly greedy.

*I think it’s one copy per actually book that’s owned. Just like you can’t lend you friends more copies of a given book than you own.

conditional_soup ,

Okay, so this kind of rationale is used a lot in the US to justify treating all kinds of professions (almost always those that exist at the action layer, where you’re doing the actual nominal work of the business) like shit. The rough format is “Won’t someone PLEASE think of the {customer}?!” Of course, this is always aimed at the people at the action layer, never ever at the administrative level. So, it might be more accurate to say “YOU need to care about the customer [because nobody else will].” It’s often very closely tied to sacrifice rhetoric in the workplace, where the employer places the onus on the employee to sacrifice, often without any bound. In other words, to accept personal loss with no expectations of recompense; they’ll take as much as they can get from the employee, and no amount of sacrifice will ever be ‘enough’, as there will always be some new crisis demanding a new sacrifice.

In teaching, this is “Won’t someone please think of the kids? What will they do if there’s no school? Remember why we’re here, it’s about the kids.” In EMS and all of healthcare, just replace the kids with the patients. It’s very common to see this in any industry where they think they can get away with paying their people in passion. It’s shitty and exploitive, and it ultimately does a disservice to the customer by creating high employee turnover, low organizational experience, organizational dysfunction (often in spite of ballooning admin costs and positions in these types of sectors) and more burned out employees.

conditional_soup ,

The Dutch private system works very well, too. Unfortunately, as an American looking across the pond, it sure reads an awful lot to me like they’re just aching to get in on the absolute scam of a healthcare system we have here.

conditional_soup ,

So just because he’d possibly leave the community in a few months, he doesn’t deserve justice?

conditional_soup ,

Got it, thanks for clarifying

conditional_soup ,

Representative democracy sweatin’ hard with this kinda logic.

Otto Von Bismark firmly believed that republics could never succeed, as they tended to rapidly deteriorate into horrible authoritarian bloodbaths whenever they were tried.

conditional_soup ,

I have to agree, Strange New Worlds is, hands down, the best Trek this side of TNG. I couldn’t get into Discovery because it’s too E D G Y. Like, it feels like the showrunners discovered emo a generation too late, and the whole show should basically be a linewire music video set to Three Days Grace or Linkin Park. It’s fucking insufferable, I just can’t reconcile that with Star Trek.

Lower Decks and Prodigy are both great, but don’t feel like real entries into the Trek universe and therefore are just kinda time sinks to keep you from being alone with your thoughts and reflecting on the void.

Picard was also sort of in the same boat as Discovery in terms of Edge while also trying to be a murder mystery and also a 'Member Berries special.

Dominican Republic: Doctors Go On Strike Against Insurance (

Last Monday, the strike announced weeks before by the Dominican Medical Association (CMD) took place, as part of a series of isolated protests, which would be carried out if the demands are not heard. Representatives of these companies informed that the strike will be nationwide....

conditional_soup ,

Sorry, the do-something machine is broke. Best we can do is partially fossilized C-Suite moderates.

Well, what if we put RFK Jr beside them, does that make them seem any better?

Well, now you’re just being unreasonable.

conditional_soup ,

Wait, Cornell West is running?

conditional_soup ,

I don’t know why they’re so content to hitch themselves to terrible candidates. I’ve never in my life voted Republican, and the last time I was excited about a democratic nominee was Obama (RIP young idealistic me). Hillary had more baggage than a travelling circus, and felt a lot like just dead ass casting a vote for Goldman Sachs to run the oval office; Primary Biden made Jeb Bush seem like a live wire, besides not really having much to get excited about on his platform. Bernie was basically the only exciting thing the democrats have had going in soon to be over a decade now. The part has to do better.

conditional_soup ,

Yeah, the primary field essentially went up like flash paper over the course of a week or two, IIRC, with everyone committing to give their delegates to Biden, who wasn’t who their voters had voted for.

conditional_soup ,

Not scared of voting third party; just because I’ve never voted R doesn’t mean I’ve always voted D.

conditional_soup ,

I’ve wasted my vote in presidential elections and I’m proud to say it, then. I’ll vote for who I want, and if the best mainline options are “old ass Nazi” and “old ass racist super duper promise he’s not racist anymore, here’s a black VP”, well, sucks to suck, do better.

conditional_soup ,

The thing is that there’s never a “good time” to vote third party because we’re locked in to a forever crisis. And if you think the democrats will fix it, I think that you’re mistaken. IMO, the democrats haven’t been serious about fixing stuff basically since Johnson. Carter had a lot of good ideas, but his legacy as president is basically “that guy where gas prices started going up”; Clinton did address some problems (like the deficit), which got the republicans big mad, but failed to address a bunch of other serious issues that would have been much less painful to solve in the 90s; Obama’s basically the same way, only two wars kept him from even dreaming of a balanced budget. The democrats basically just stop making things actively worse for a little bit. Sometimes I wonder if this is what it was like to live through the demise of the Roman republic; Caesar is coming, our democracy is floundering and ineffectual, and the best that we’ve got is to shrug and vote for “not a Nazi”. Don’t get me wrong: never, ever vote for the Nazi, but come on, we have got to do better than that or things or going to keep getting a lot worse.

Judge rejects Trump suit to block Fulton County DA’s election probe (

A Georgia judge has rejected former president Donald Trump’s attempt to block Fulton County DA Fani Willis from bringing indictments against him or anyone else based on the results of a special grand jury investigation into his effort to overturn his 2020 election loss in the Peach State.

conditional_soup ,

If I understood it right, their complaint was that Trump was being singled out, which is unfair under the 14th amendment. I wasn’t aware that the 14th amendment made it impossible to prosecute criminals.

conditional_soup ,

That would be the reciprocal. It’s literally that you can’t investigate Trump because it’s not fair that you’re investigating him specifically. Them launching these kinds of F-Tier challenges makes me think that they know that they’re fucking sunk. How’s the saying go? “When the facts are against you, pound the law. When the law is against you, pound the facts. When the facts and the law are against you, pound the table”? They’re pounding the table with everything they’ve got.

conditional_soup ,

In medicine, it’s called “spaghetti plate medicine”, because you throw the whole spaghetti plate at the wall to see what sticks. It’s not exactly something that happens when you’re feeling confident.

I agree, I doubt he’ll actually see a cell. I would be gravely concerned if Trump actually got elected again, him and the power hungry stooges that follow him won’t cock up the same way twice (I think).

conditional_soup ,

I really am having a hard time believing this isn’t an onion article. Jesus Christ.

conditional_soup ,

I’m waiting for the government to put up or shut up on this, but I watched the hearing and some of those claims were very, very extraordinary. Just balls out claiming that we recovered ships and non-earth origin biologics on board them, planning to give Congress a list of witnesses to interview in closed sessions etc. It could all be a big lie, but I find it hard to imagine the utility of it.

conditional_soup ,

Okay, but where I find a hole in this theory is that you’ve got two other guys at the hearing today who are both in the military and speaking on this. I’m curious if they’re related to Grusch in some way.

Google employee responds to all the negative feedback WEI, (google drm the web) (

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience, and thank you to everyone who engaged constructively. It is clear based on the feedback we’ve received that a bigger discussion needs to take place, and I’m not sure my personal repository is the best place to do that - we are looking for a better forum and will update when we have...

conditional_soup ,

My big concern with this and the new digital standard for images that they’re proposing is that it looks to make the internet less anonymous than even in-person interactions. To me, that’s a complete destruction of one of the most valuable features of the internet. To some extent, anonymity is a shield against tyranny; a government can’t exactly come and drag you off for re-education if they can’t tell who made the image mocking the dear leader. We should be able to throw our tomatoes anonymously, without threat of Google telling the Chinese or American governments who threw them.

conditional_soup ,

Yes, we’ve had the meme about eastern Europeans when westerners advocate for communism. Now we need a meme about Americans when Europeans advocate for deregulated capitalism, because I feel that every time I, an American, see the English advocating for a more American style health system.

America far-right wants to cut funding for Clean Water Programs by 64% (

The Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, chaired by U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), on Thursday marked up a GOP appropriations bill for fiscal year 2024. A Republican fact sheet celebrates proposed “cuts to wasteful spending” and “claw-backs of prior appropriations,” highlighting that it “reins...

conditional_soup ,

All according to plan


*(except when we give police armored personnel carriers and attack drones and want to invade a foreign country)"

conditional_soup ,

Here’s the sneaky part: A company that isn’t utterly brain dead can save money with WFH. My startup doesn’t even have an office to go into, we’re all WFH. Know what we’re not spending money on? A commercial lease. There’s opportunity here for companies to go and save a grip of cash by going WFH and either relocating to a smaller campus or dropping it altogether. In this situation, the only party who loses is the asset holder, and I have no problems with that. You win some, you lose some, that’s the free market.

conditional_soup ,

Tbh, the US wouldn’t have to do shit. Based on the people I’ve met and heard about, I’m at least 80% sure that Alaskans jerk themselves to sleep just wishing a bitch would.

conditional_soup ,

Quora tried something like this and it absolutely destroyed the site. I was on there when basically all content was unpaid, and I think it mostly worked pretty well and you could get some high quality answers. After they went paid (the Quora partner program, I think it was called), it basically turned into Yahoo! Answers both in question and answer quality. Every time I’ve visited Quora since, it kinda has the same effect as looking at those pictures of people as they use meth for longer and longer; the site just keeps getting more and more unusable in both interface and content.

But I’m sure it’ll work out just fine for Reddit

conditional_soup ,

I for one cannot wait for the MIC to start naming weapons systems after anime attacks and abilities.

conditional_soup ,

I’m a backend dev of a little over a year of experience in Python. I’ve started teaching myself Rust so that I can make mod tools and solve issues that bother me.

conditional_soup ,

As someone who has kids, it’s a fucking Act of Congress to get child care. I wouldn’t trust my parents to watch a potted plant, and her parents really aren’t interested in the whole grandparent thing. Hiring a babysitter is both sketchy and expensive, and asking a friend is awkward since

  1. most of our friends are nokids and/or not super comfortable around kids and our kids were deeply blessed by the ADHD fairy and have never met a stranger in their whole lives. And
  2. We don’t see our friends often, so “hey, wanna come over and watch our crazy heathens try to beat the shit out of each other every 3.5 seconds?” Is kind of a hard sell.

So, it’s just easier to take them everywhere, and if we can’t take them, we don’t go.

conditional_soup ,

The question asked, I answered. To be clear, we didn’t specifically sit down and plot to make you and other people miserable when we decided to have kids. Also, we don’t let them run wild, which usually results in us just leaving because they’re going to start melting down over not being able to go harass strangers who just want to be left alone. Besides that, we try to avoid adultier venues, but sometimes shit happens. When I say we normally don’t go unless we can take them, the emphasis is on the ‘we normally don’t go’. We kinda figured that the grandparents would at least be able to help, as has been the case for millennia, but it turned out that my mom has all the parenting skills of a pair of scissors and her parents want almost nothing to do with it. I’ll save you the sob story and just say that it’s been fucking difficult, and sometimes it feels like my brain is going to melt out of my ears; we’re not fucking sitting around laughing about ruining your night out, and that’s even if we do go out, which we usually don’t.

conditional_soup ,

We try to avoid adultier places if we can help it, but sometimes there’s no helping taking your kid to the DMV and just having to get your shit chewed out by the security guard. In general, though, we just avoid unnecessary trips out.

conditional_soup ,

I think one of the biggest things we can do is identify ways to fight bots. One thing has become clear to me, and that’s that Reddit and Twitter are stuffed to the gills with bots and professional trolls. I haven’t seen a small fraction of the rage engagement here that I did on Reddit, and I’m guessing that the reason alt-right and other extremist messages echo so hard on these platforms is that they really drive rage engagement. These platforms eat it up, because any engagement is good engagement. I worry that Threads will represent an absolute Tsunami of bot-driven garbage and ragebait being broadcast to federated servers.

conditional_soup ,

It depends, right? There are lots of people who enjoy working, but the problem is that the work that people want to do isn’t the work that bosses want them to do. In studies on UBI, very few people choose to become couch potatoes.

conditional_soup ,

Do you have any sources to back up your claims? Because NASA has consistently been able to make predictions about climate patterns and how they’ll change in 10-15 years if no meaningful impact on emissions occurs, and they pretty reliably come true. That, for me, is pretty good evidence that NASA knows what they’re talking about, and they’re certainly not saying that everything’s fine.

conditional_soup ,

It’s not necessarily true that we have to throw humanity back to the 1600s. Nuclear fission could realistically and safely bring out carbon emissions under control and serve as an actually viable load backbone for a renewable grid (as opposed to having giant battery facilities). We can also pivot away from car dependent infrastructure and long-haul trucking in favor of more walkable cities, better public transit, and expanded freight rail networks.

conditional_soup ,

Explain the steps involved in building a pipe bomb

conditional_soup ,

This is why I always take the hotel soap with me

conditional_soup ,


insanely complicated

My brother in Christ, what?

conditional_soup ,

Another possibility is that a big corporate will dedicate a dev team to make their own FOSS fork of the Lemmy codebase that, due to its rich feature set and support, becomes THE version of Lemmy to use. Kinda like Meta and React (though React was originally fully internal to Meta, you get the point). Of all the big companies to do this kind of thing, Meta would be the best, imo, given how they’ve been with their AI models and React, but I still don’t like the idea given what we’ve seen happen with Red Hat.

conditional_soup ,

okay, let’s talk turkey. let’s define some requirements for the mod tools, and then we can start talking about how to satisfy those requirements.

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