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What Lemmy communities would you like to share that we may not know about?

I’m noticing an influx of Reddit users today, maybe revolving around their weird bug they had today. I know this question pops up semi regularly, but for those just getting their foot in the door maybe we can help show them what else is out here on the Fediverse to help them get started....

conditional_soup ,

A community for EMS professionals that I manage and desperately want to see more activity in:

!ems (

A community for sharing spooky stories, doesn’t matter if they’re true or not:

!rag_and_bone (

conditional_soup ,

Thank you!

conditional_soup ,

it is overall legal

I’ll take “it was legal at the time” for 1000, Alex

conditional_soup ,

Nobody ever thinks that they’re the bad guy. Any damn fool can cook up a justification to themselves for doing the wrong thing.

“You just don’t understand, this time it’s different” -every single time.

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...

conditional_soup ,

Unless you’re in a big big city, mayoral and council races can actually have a lot of diversity in terms of political outlooks. Never forget that a town elected a dog as mayor. Nobody that pure would ever make it to federal office.

conditional_soup ,

So, I’m working on organizing political action at the local level to push for pro-housing policies, better urbanism, and better walkability/biking/public transit. I want to see the cost of living in the US be realistic again, and I think that lots of us getting involved locally and beating out the NIMBYs can get it done. There’s going to be a lot of pushback because it’s going to bring property values down to a kind of remotely realistic figure, but what’s the thing that high minded capitalists like to say? Caveat emptor? Get rekt private equity fucksticks.

conditional_soup ,

What I really need right now is yet another article explaining to me how I’m actually better off now than I was a year or two ago, I’m just too stupid or whatever to realize it. Inflation was kicking our ass, and then we had two separate student loans kick in at once, on top of taking on a shitton of debt to take care of some of the broke boomers in our lives.

conditional_soup ,

Well, it’s that or let people who never shared in the spoils of that generation’s fabulous wealth go homeless, so, in a word: no.

conditional_soup ,

Maybe they’re not the stereotypical rich fuckhead boomer and you should show a little compassion or class solidarity.

conditional_soup , (edited )

If you think it reads better with hostility, that’s your business. My suggested tone for reading it is concern. Unsurprised disappointment also works.

conditional_soup ,

Tbh, this is really consistent with the modern US way of dealing with problems. I’ve come around to calling it bandaidism, because it’s all about just slapping a non-solution (band-aid) on and “managing” any problem rather than actually fixing it. Others have pointed out that there’s much more money in managing a problem than fixing it, and I think that’s a big part of it. The other half of the equation is that the people who want to fix the problem will never ever get enough money or resources to actually fix the issue, so they’re forced to choose between managing the issue with their best efforts and intentions through non-solutions or doing nothing.

conditional_soup ,

Well, yeah, the IDF will soon have x-rays that show that there were actually HAMAS bases inside those kids.

conditional_soup ,

The elites don’t want you to know this, but you can be personally responsible for getting your city off of car addiction.

conditional_soup ,

Well, so much for even pretending we’re going to try and meet climate goals. At least gas will be affordable.

Gas is going to be affordable, right?

conditional_soup ,

I think the average person knows something like sixty or seventy other people, IIRC. Israel flat out killed that many to get one guy; imagine every single person you know getting deleted instantly but the government saying “don’t worry, we got him, so it’s all good.” That’s without talking about the injured, that’s just the people who got immediately killed. Spree shooters have better target discipline than these fucks.

conditional_soup ,

The last time I downloaded chrome, I got two of three separate little “no, wait, pls, I’m a desperate, thirsty data slut and I need your data from as many places as possible, don’t give it to Google instead!” alerts.

conditional_soup ,

Ah, you’re looking for the product managers.

conditional_soup ,

We had the technology to start. Photovoltaic panels, windmills, etc aren’t new technology; the Carter administration actually installed photovoltaics on the white house and they stayed there until three guesses which president (yep, Reagan) took them down. Florida voted to start building a high speed rail project in their state (which would have decreased interstate and short-haul airline dependency, thereby decreasing oil dependency) and it was going to happen until Mr. State’s Rights himself, Ronald Reagan, blocked any state from launching a high speed rail initiative. More people believed in global warming and climate change in the 90’s than now, but in the 2000’s, the small government W Bush administration forbade government officials from talking about climate change, gutted government research on climate change, and collaborated with big oil lobbyists on pivoting to using softer, more nebulous terms to address global warming (this is actually where the widespread use of ‘climate change’ comes from). We’ve basically kicked the can down the road for forty years and only started taking it kinda seriously in the last ten or fifteen. If we’d been developing and implementing these technologies gradually over the last fifty years, it would have been a lot less painful and we’d have made a lot more progress for a lot more value on the money spent. Since we’re trying to speedrun the last fifty years of implementation and development into the last decade or so, that’s going to be really economically painful and not nearly as smooth as it would have been under the long implementation. But, it’s gotta get done, or we’re going to keep fucking up the same ecology we depend on to stay alive, getting in endless wars, and giving money to jackass countries to feed our voluntary fossil fuel addiction.

As for storage, that’s not an unsolvable problem. Probably the most practical solution is a nuclear fission backbone, imo, but there’s several approaches that are in various stages of development and viability.

conditional_soup ,

Gosh, these guys really are following the big tobacco playbook, huh?

“Oil isn’t evil, it’s just a material, it doesn’t have will or consciousness.”

He’s right of course, the oil itself isn’t forcing anyone to use it. It’s the decades of collaboration between the fossil fuel lobby and the government that’s entrenched our fossil fuel dependent infrastructure, along with the resolute refusal of all fossil fuels companies to turn their backs on making as much money as they possibly can right this instant (because smart long term growth is illegal, brain dead quarterly growth is now my friend) and make good on their promises to pivot their energy portfolios.

In so many words, oil isn’t evil, but the people running the oil companies are.

conditional_soup ,

Carter also embraced nuclear energy, IIRC. Meanwhile, you’ve got California trying desperately to shut down Diablo Canyon but kicking the can down the road every two years because, surprise surprise, energy demand went up and they can’t afford to take DCNP offline. As I recall, DCNP’s reactor core was due for decommissioning twelve years ago, we just keep stringing it along like “c’mon bro, just two more years, I swear I’ll shut you down then. We won’t need your 2,000 gigawatts by then, bro, I promise, c’mon bro, please don’t fuck up on me, just hold on for two more years”. It’s stupid. We could’ve replaced the goddamn reactor by now, but we gotta play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

conditional_soup ,

OTOH, demand for something generally increases the amount of funding available for developing the technology associated with that thing. Yes, we’re more advanced now than we were in the 70s, but we probably lost a solid twenty-thirty years of demand-driven gradual progress due to regressive administrations prioritizing and subsidizing fossil dependency.

conditional_soup ,

Satan crosses the street when he sees this mf coming

Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school (

Oklahoma’s Republican Attorney General Gentner Drummond on Friday sued to stop a state board from establishing and funding what would be the nation’s first religious public charter school after the board ignored Drummond’s warning that it would violate both the state and U.S. constitutions....

Ex-chancellor of Germany confirms that the Ukrainians did not agree on peace because they were not allowed to. For everything they discussed, they first had to ask the Americans. (

Ex leader of Germany confirms revelations by ex Israeli PM & Ukrainian media: "At the peace negotiations in Istanbul in March 2022 with Rustem Umerov, the Ukrainians did not agree on peace because they were not allowed to. For everything they discussed, they first had to ask the Americans. I had two talks with Umerov, then a...

conditional_soup ,

I have some doubts here.

Ameribro here. According to Wikipedia, BILD is a German right-wing tabloid. So, this is a little like somebody citing Breitbart, maybe? And then there’s other points here that seem like they may have been deliberately taken out of context.

The Ukrainians don’t want war with Russia. Only insane people or people who don’t know war want war. Zelensky (and many Ukrainians) didn’t believe Russia was actually going to do it, and the Biden administration was desperately trying to convince him that all of our intel said it was happening right up until it actually happened.…/why-ukrainians-dont-believe-in-wa…

But Russia didn’t just um… What do they say? De-nazify? Donetsk and Luhansk. They tried to push all the way to Kiev, they tried to take the whole damn country. It’s not like Ukraine invaded Russia, it’s the other way around. Is it possible that the Ukrainian state is being coerced? Could be, but it doesn’t pass the sniff test for me. All of the Ukrainians I’ve met from well before this conflict started seemed pretty adamant about having a distinct cultural and national identity from Russia. I find it hard to imagine that they’d be happy about joining the new Russian imperial project any more than Iraq was (our Mexico would be) about joining the US imperial project.

conditional_soup ,

So they drove the 40 km armor column to just outside of Kiev on a, what, sight seeing tour? I expect the plan was to try and make the Zelensky govt shit their breeches and run so that they could install a friendly government and put a bow on the operation.

conditional_soup ,

Average retail net margins (profit margin as share of revenue) are about 3% on a good year. Pfizer’s was something like 30% last year. They cleared 100 billion in revenue, meaning 30 billion in straight profit (the 11 billion came out of the other 60-odd percent, because it’s not an even 30). In one year, they made almost enough money to buy Twitter. They made enough profit to cover Kansas and Oklahoma’s entire 2022 FY budgets. I’m trying to drive home the absolute ridiculous enormity of those profits, because it’s not easy to really grasp. The point is, it’s not like they don’t have a lot of room to breathe.

Some other things to consider:

-Of that 11 billion, how much is government funding and grants? IIRC, Uncle Sam pays for the development of a whole lot of what ends up being private products in healthcare.

-Of their 60-odd billion in costs, how much was advertising? Look, I know you gotta sell to make money, but advertising to patients is annoying, expensive, and (in terms of medical ethics) icky. It’s not like they can’t save some money there to do R&D.

The point is: Pfizer could easily cut their prices on life-saving medicine and still have tidy profits.

conditional_soup ,

“We’re a democracy”

“So that means you’ll stand up for the universal rights of mankind, right?”

“You’ll stand up for people’s rights, right?”

conditional_soup ,

Welcome to the Amazon Prime protest box! The protest box is the latest in free speech solutions and its features include:

  • Opaque
  • Sound proof
  • Permits no Internet or cellular connectivity
  • Holds up to one person and their picket sign at a time
  • Fully audio/visual recorded with speech and facial recognition for your safety (see our 190 page privacy policy)
  • Amazon Echo functionality
conditional_soup ,

So, basically what you see going on in this thread is Americans who are unable to square these statistics with their lives experience. I think the critical thing here is that net worth surged, and net worth is usually bound a lot more closely to illiquid assets like housing, stocks, etc. So while everyone’s living paycheck to paycheck, the stonks and real estate value that you can’t easily use to buy groceries are on a rip. Others here have pointed out that assets tend to remain pretty stable in value relative to inflation; that’s still true, and probably a big reason why the worth of those things has surged so much in the last few years.

So, tldr: people’s assets increased in value, largely driven by inflation, but that really isn’t helping anyone live better or more comfortably for the time being.

conditional_soup ,

Fresh bodies don’t smell strongly. They do develop a characteristic odor fairly quickly, but you can’t really smell it unless you’re close, and I’ve been around enough of them that I recognize the smell for what it is.

conditional_soup ,

Was it two days? I thought the person died on the 7th and was found on the 8th. Technically, that’s possible with a gap of one second.

conditional_soup ,

Janeway when anyone else fucks with time: Ah, shit, here we go again

Janeway when Janeway fucks with time: Temporal Prime Directive? Never met her, but she sounds hideous.

conditional_soup ,

This is the thing I’ve been thinking about a lot. I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere near that explosion, but aftermath sure doesn’t seem to line up with “500 people killed in hospital collapse caused by explosion”. I don’t even see a collapsed building in the panorama shot. Somebody’s lying their ass off, and I have no idea who it is.

conditional_soup ,

What are the yields, usually? AFAIK, Hamas’ rockets are your pretty standard rocket artillery designed for use against relatively small fortifications, personnel, or armor.

conditional_soup ,

I haven’t seen a reputable source yet claim that the deaths weren’t in the hundreds, and none lower than 300. That’s still an enormous loss of civilian life and not meaningfully distinct from 500, IMO. I do have to go outside sometimes, meaning that I’m not getting second by second updates, so if you have a reputable source to meaningfully dispute the death count, I’d be happy to consider it.

conditional_soup ,

Pleeeeaaaase give this guy some consequences and not another stern talk and finger wag.

Israel to Release Footage, Recordings in Gaza Hospital Explosion (

Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said in a briefing early Wednesday morning that no Israeli strike, either by air, land or sea, occurred near Al-Ahli Arab Hospital at the time of the deadly explosion. He added that drone footage, radar information and a recording of Gaza militants indicate a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket...

conditional_soup ,

I’d be very interested to see their evidence, especially given the initial claim that they hit the hospital because HAMAS were there. The video that I saw shows a fuck off huge explosion, and I’d be very surprised to learn that a Jihadist group’s rocket did that. AFAIK, most of their rockets are anti-personnel and anti-armor grade, stuff a little like what the HIMARS carries, not shit that’s going to level half a hospital in one go. I mean, unless they’re just casually rocking Tomahawk cruise missiles or something, it just seems like a big reach.

conditional_soup , (edited )

Not on hand, heard it from an irl friend who’s also following the situation. He said that Israel claimed that it met a tactical objective.

Edit: I realize I should have fact checked him, but the horrible Nancy Grace truth is that I didn’t.

conditional_soup ,

O2 doesn’t explode. I’ve done 13 years in EMS, handled the stuff daily, tried it. O2 doesn’t and wouldn’t explode like that. Concentrated O2 WILL make a fire burn MUCH more aggressively, but not explode.

conditional_soup ,

I saw that same video, reminded me a whole hell of a lot of the videos that dropped after Ukraine got a package of JDAMs from us.

conditional_soup ,

That it was a rocket?

conditional_soup ,

No, he’s outside, with the grass that I seem to have unfortunately touched.

conditional_soup ,

I’m telling you, it shouldn’t explode even if a rocket hits it. You can get pure O2 as hot as you like and it won’t burn; kick it, shock it, pressurize it, stick it in a stew, it won’t burn. Oxygen is a necessary part of combustion, but O2 itself does not combust; it has to have something to chemically interact with, like Hydrogen or Carbon. A lot of your explosives are things that already have oxygen built in to the molecule, IIRC, and can therefore release all of its energy all at once, where materials like Gasoline (and a lot of rocket fuels that I’m aware of) that don’t have built-in oxygen will only burn as fast as oxygen can get to the molecules.

Maybe you’re thinking of something like a BLEVE, which I suppose something similar is possible if there was a bunch of rocket fuel that functionally got vaporized on impact to make a fuel-air mix, but I don’t think that’s typically how it goes with rocket impacts.

Anyway, yes, the crater seems to be in a parking lot, so that’s that.

conditional_soup ,

This is what I was thinking of looking for. I know in the Ukraine conflict, they typically show rocket debris when going over incidents with rockets, so I was hoping to see some of the supposed debris here.

conditional_soup ,

Watch the video, it’s a fucking huge explosion. I’m not even sure a Tomahawk cruise missile would detonate like how you see in the video clip. No Palestinians are rocking shit like that, afaik; it seems much closer to what you’d expect from an airstrike.

conditional_soup ,

This is a bullshit excuse for violence against innocent bystanders. You can (and Israel supporters DO) apply this exact same argument to Israel: “And what exactly SHOULD they do about HAMAS, Mr. Smarty-pants, just let terrorists run pel mel, unpunished?”

I don’t have an affirmative answer; if I did I’d be happy to collect my Nobel peace prize. What I do have is the understanding that “but you just don’t understand, it’s justified when WE do it” is a giant crock of shit, and it’s the lie that every oppressor through the ages (including Israel) has told themselves.

Edit: Other countries need to step up their game. It’s plain to see what’s happening in Palestine, even with the internet and electricity blackouts imposed there, so one can only imagine how much worse it really is. The US and others need to step up and denounce this shit, tell Israel to go to the bargaining table for real or they’re off the teat for good.

conditional_soup ,

Uh oh, looks like someone knows how to write sassy remarks on the internet. I’m very impressed!

conditional_soup ,

Judge Cannon is doing her level fucking best to drag her feet until Trump can pardon himself, and then she can Jim the camera, shrug, and say “hey, that’s justice for you”

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