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Putin says Russia and North Korea will help each other if attacked, taking ties to a ‘new level’ (

Vladimir Putin said Russia and North Korea have ramped up ties to a “new level,” pledging to help each other if either nation is attacked in a “breakthrough” new partnership announced during the Russian president’s rare visit to the reclusive state....

Thrillhouse ,

“Oh yeah? Well I’ll make my own NATO. With blackjack! And hookers!”

Thrillhouse ,

To be honest though it’s happening everywhere - Canada and the US have had cases of this too. They got super mad when our PM called them out on it.

We would have to solve it through sanctions / diplomatic action, but that’s politically sticky right now, at least for the US and Canada.

Thrillhouse ,

And we still get idiots saying “I don’t understand why we’re sending billions of dollars to foreign countries.”

These are the same “secure the border” people.

It hurts my brain make it make sense.

Thrillhouse ,

Does their pension fund invest in Israel? Do they purchase products or services from companies headquartered in Israel? That’s the big picture that protesters are addressing.

Thrillhouse ,

Notice how Trump dilutes and distorts the meaning of words on purpose so they don’t hit as hard when used toward him. I find it terrifying that he’s openly calling everyone a fascist. He’s being honest about his true intentions, America.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them!!!

Ron DeSantis' new target in his 'war on woke'? Colors, apparently (

As part of DeSantis’ “Freedom Summer” initiative, the state’s transportation secretary, Jared W. Perdue, announced earlier this month that bridges in the state will have no choice but to be illuminated in red, white and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day....

Thrillhouse ,

This feels like it’s just a way to get around Pride in June.

Didn’t read the article before I said this. Why are my shittiest suspicions about Desantis always right.

Thrillhouse ,

lol and also see John Mulaney’s latest “Baby J” on the topic of doctors prescribing whatever:

Paraphrasing - what you do is you go to Yelp and look up doctors in your area. And then you sort by lowest rating and you find the lowest rated doctor. They need your business.

Thrillhouse ,

I drive this road a lot. There are moose warning signs often in the park.

I avoid driving early in the morning or after sundown on this road for exactly this reason.

Thrillhouse ,

There’s definitely a racist subtext:

  1. Imagine the Queen criticizing Kate for being “flamboyant.” This word echoes negative racist stereotypes disseminated by white culture of how Black women act and dress. Now to be clear there is nothing flamboyant about this dress and when compared with Kate both dresses are large and grandiose. It’s not just that she’s not “virginal” it’s the “in your face”-ness about it that the Queen has commented on. What did Megan do differently than any other Royal bride on her wedding day to stand out except be black?
  2. it is possible that the dress appears to be whiter because Megan’s skin is darker, which is also subtly racist. Black women need to be relegated to a different shade of white when they’re divorced now? Come on.
  3. Camilla the divorcee wore white on her wedding day to Divorced Charles the 3rd. She just had an ugly - and I might say quite flamboyant - overcoat over it.
Thrillhouse ,

Have you considered that the economy is a lagging indicator meaning it can take years for any policy good or bad to take effect?

Obama inherited bad fiscal policy. Trump inherited the economy that Obama put into place with his policies guiding America through the recession. That’s why the economy under Trump was “good” Covid, major war, supply shortages, inflation got us here. Biden has spent the last 4 years turning this around but it is an uphill climb.

Thrillhouse ,

He knows he can’t so he needs to pick some distractions.

Israel military calls on Palestinian civilians to evacuate Rafah (

Israel’s military said on Monday it had begun encouraging residents of Rafah to evacuate the southern Gazan city as part of a ‘limited scope’ operation, but did not immediately confirm media reports this was part of preparation for a ground assault....

Thrillhouse ,

Step 3b. Kick out Al Jazeera, the (only?) news organization still reporting from the ground that would be critical of what you’re about to do

Thrillhouse ,

And they don’t pay taxes, apparently. So yeah we’re getting cheap furniture but I do wonder if the net benefit to society would be better if they paid tax.

Thrillhouse ,


I should mention this link is from a tax firm almost glorifying the way that ikea has structured themselves. It’s a very charitable reading of the situation.

Just google IKEA tax, there’s tons of sources on their alleged tax evasion, including it seems claims by the EU that the Netherlands facilitates it.

I see this as corporate greed pure and simple. There is no reason people should be starving and unhoused while IKEA dodges taxes.

Thrillhouse ,

I don’t think CNN would even report on this if it didn’t have some truth to it.

The Intercept, a pretty good source, alleges that CNN runs all of their Gaza/Israel coverage by their Jerusalem team, subject to the IDF’s censor, prior to publication. They’re SUPER Israel slanted.

In the coming days I fully expect them to blame Hamas for it or something in a “quit hitting yourself” type of way.

You are right: CNN is terrorist propaganda - the IDF are terrorists too, after all.

Thrillhouse ,

I have real trouble with how the media one sides this whole thing in Israel’s favour.

Where is the reporting on what is being said at Israeli protests? I’m sure there is also some vile shit going on there, but the media doesn’t dare to report negatively on Israel with the same rabid fervour they do Palestine.

Thrillhouse ,

I don’t understand how Israel can sit there and justify being evil by claiming everyone has ties to Hamas. Like yeah, they’re the terrorist group ruling Gaza, I’m sure everyone knows someone involved with them.

By that logic, since the IDF has been terrorizing Palestine for decades, and since military service is mandatory in Israel, are there no true civilians and only terrorists in Israel too?

Of course that’s silly, but it’s a good way to point out how flawed Israel’s logic is when they always claim casualties in Palestine have ties to Hamas.

Thrillhouse ,

A large scale conflict like that would have economic and security implications for the rest of the world. Nothing exists in isolation.

Russian nexus revealed during 60 Minutes Havana Syndrome investigation into potential attacks on U.S. officials (

A lead U.S. military investigator examining reports of what has become known as Havana Syndrome told 60 Minutes he believes U.S. officials are being attacked by Russia and that the official threshold to prove it was set impossibly high....

Thrillhouse ,

I believe it 100%.

I wonder if US/allies also have this technology and have also used it extrajudicially and don’t want to answer those questions.

Thrillhouse ,

Thanks for posting your photos. I had a nebelung cat like that who died a few years ago. Best cat I ever had. I miss him every day.

Thrillhouse ,

It’s a lot of processed bread / carb products and very little protein.

Thrillhouse ,

Here’s the thing too - there was an interview on the news in my country with an Israeli legal expert on sexual assault. She was pleased with the UN report investigating Hamas’ sexual assaults.

When asked if there would be a similar UN investigation for Palestinians, she said she didn’t see why the UN needed to because Palestine has its own agencies on the ground who can investigate.

Except the media also tells us not to believe anything UNWRA says because of Hamas involvement with UNWRA.

How is that fair? The Palestinian civilians are caught in an impossible trap.

Thrillhouse ,

It is just common sense. Nations never do things for just one reason. Possession is 9/10ths of the law - if they fill Antarctica with their facilities they can later claim they have so many facilities they should just govern Antarctica. Not a bad strategic move in times of global warming.

Thrillhouse ,

Yeah because the US is the ally of my country. Geopolitically if you’re from a BRICS nation it’s not a concern. NATO and 5 eyes nations aren’t supportive of an ambitious China expanding influence and territory.

Thrillhouse ,

Jon Stewart is such a pro. He’s at the top of his game, even still. He’s just so far above other political commentators it’s beautiful to watch.

And if Colbert makes an appearance this season I will scream like Flanders at those purple drapes.

Thrillhouse ,

It doesn’t need to be permanent.

I’d almost argue that the Colbert Report is more relevant now because it was a satire of Fox News and right wing news has gotten even more crazy than it was 10+ years ago.

Thrillhouse ,

Agree with you - I even tried to go see him do standup live after I was gifted tickets. The guy is not funny.

Thrillhouse ,

People just don’t want to spend what little time we have on this earth commuting, paying $10 for a shitty Subway sandwich for lunch, and listening to Elderly Manager Brian talk about his glory days to a captive audience.

Thrillhouse ,

To be fair the correctional system in its current form in North America is primarily constructed and controlled by capitalist interests.

Thrillhouse ,
Thrillhouse ,

My question is: What’s in giving these interviews and making these statements for him? He’s exited the role, he’s made himself clear about the stance he took when he was in the role. Why continue to talk?

When I leave a job and go somewhere new I’m not obsessed with dragging my old workplace.

Thrillhouse ,

Fuck these guys for real. I had just set up a raspberry pi and nfc tags. I’m not buying their shitty ecosystem even harder now.

Thrillhouse ,

You just know Russia’s statement back to the US about this is going to be “no u.”

Thrillhouse ,

The conservatives in Canada have been going wild over carbon pricing.

The current government recently removed carbon taxes on home heating oil for the Maritimes, where home heating oil is used a lot, to make things more affordable during the cold winter months.

The conservatives are collectively screaming that this should be evenly applied to everyone and that home heating carbon pricing (but really all carbon pricing) should be removed. And that the PM is only doing this to retain votes in the maritimes.

Because this is a hot button issue, the conservatives are trying to claim that this legislation makes Ukraine agree to implement a carbon tax, but as is often the case with conservatives, this isn’t reality at all. In reality if I recall correctly, Ukraine needs to put in measures to reduce carbon emissions. This is something they have already agreed to do to be part of the EU.

Fascist Milhouse, the opposition leader, just wanted to spin the issue into a culture war topic that touches on a lot of things he’s been yelling about like affordability (he has no plan to improve this).

The last part is purely my conjecture: I would not be surprised if he is cozy with Russia. He was cozy with the “Freedom” Convoy in Canada that conveniently spun up right as Russia invaded Ukraine. The troll farms on Reddit were heavily commenting/ arguing/ advancing the cause of the Convoy, and Facebook groups/propaganda about it was thick. I notice that conservatives in Canada use Facebook groups like “Canada Proud” and “Ontario Proud” to advance their causes and these spin up like crazy around election time. These groups have dubious ownership at best and I suspect are foreign influence operations. Interestingly for a while the conservatives were chomping at the bit to investigate foreign interference in Canada’s election but hmmm oddly wanted to ignore Russia and focus on China instead. If you’re squeaky clean wouldn’t you want to focus on all foreign interference, no matter the source?

This, imo is also why they were trying to tie the previous speaker of the House’s dumb decision to honour a Ukrainian war vet (oops he fought on the side of Germany) to = Ukraine supports Nazis/the PM supports Nazis. That’s not reality and it was a dumb oversight by the speaker of the house and his office who has nothing to do with the PM. But I do recall that one of Russia’s favourite attacks on Ukraine is that they are Nazis so this line of attack by the conservatives here in Canada seems questionable at best.

TLDR send help, Canadians are falling for the lies of a fascist shitbird

Thrillhouse ,

Not familiar with the laws of California but I think the spirit of the post is that the cops will be on your ass immediately and you will be put in jail if you walk with $100.

If your boss steals $100 from you it then becomes a matter for the courts before anyone in the company faces even the slightest threat of jail.

I’d add Wilhoit’s Law: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect”

But I’d adjust: “North American Democracy consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups (the rich) whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups (workers) whom the law binds but does not protect

Thrillhouse ,

Crime is ABSOLUTELY a social construct. Why was it legal several months ago to have an abortion across the US but now several states are criminalizing the same? Have abortions changed? No - politics did, I would argue spurred on by the desire for capitalists to keep a steady supply of low wage uneducated exploitable desperate workers.

Why is it suddenly criminal in the state of Georgia to give food and water to people lining up at polling stations? Because one class wants to make it uncomfortable and inconvenient for another class, and I would argue race, of people to vote.

For more, from Harper’s Magazine “Legalize It All” (How to Win the War on Drugs):

At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.

Same as it ever was - criminalizing social classes to disempower them is the name of the game. If you aren’t wise to this you haven’t been paying attention.

Adding - it’s illegal in Japan for me to possess and consume cannabis but perfectly legal in Canada for me to do the same.

It would be illegal for me to walk around in certain countries without a headscarf, how is that not a social law?

It’s illegal in Russia to speak against the war, and people have been imprisoned for the softest infractions of this. In North America I have free speech in this regard.

Thrillhouse ,

Crime is absolutely an invented concept.

Drinking and driving used to be legal. Now it is a crime. Nothing changed except our society via our elected representatives opted to enact punishments if an individual is caught drinking and driving.

It is illegal for me to purchase or possess a firearm in Canada unless I acquire a license to do so. If I don’t meet these requirements and am found in possession of a weapon, I will be prosecuted and face jail time if convicted. However, in American states pretty much anyone can own a gun. The guns are the same; the difference is the values each society places on gun ownership and the contexts under which owning guns is a crime.

Canada has no stand your ground laws / castle doctrine. It is almost impossible to mount a defense here if you severely injure or kill someone trespassing in your home unless your life is at risk and even then it is difficult to prove that. Many US states allow people to use lethal force to protect property and there isn’t even a trial. The act in question here is the same; the difference is how our societies have invented and constructed our laws.

I am technically not allowed to cross the border into Quebec, 15 minutes away from my home, purchase a case of beer where it is cheaper, and then bring that beer back across the border to Ontario. The beer itself is not illegal. Consuming the beer is not illegal. The act of transporting the beer across provincial borders is technically a crime.

My friend has a house in Quebec. I have a house in Ontario. Cannabis is legal in Canada at a federal level. It is a crime for my friend in Quebec to grow their own cannabis for personal consumption on their own property. In Ontario, 15 minutes away, I am permitted to grow 4 plants per adult who lives in my household for personal consumption. The pot plants are the same; the social constructs surrounding the plants are not.

There are so many current examples throughout history and throughout the world of things that used to be legal or illegal in different countries, cultures, and societies that are now the opposite. Slavery, segregation, discrimination, gay marriage? Nothing has changed with these acts - society has changed their definition of what is a crime and what is not. That makes crime something that is invented by humans, the nature of which constantly changes.

If you were one of the last 2 people on earth and the other person killed all of your livestock, has a crime been committed? How can a crime be committed if there is no social contract which dictates what the consequences should be for that act?

Thrillhouse ,

I get that it’s hypocritical for someone in his role and he wasn’t allowed to refuse the drug test but goddamnit how dumb is it to be grilled over smoking pot when other countries have fully legalized. It’s fine in Canada. The problem is fentanyl. Do something about fentanyl instead of wasting time on weed ffs.

Thrillhouse ,

I’m not opposed to that - it’s in the “do something” category

Thrillhouse ,

Same in Memmy I’m glad everyone else is noticing this. Also I can’t set favourite communities anymore in the sidebar?

Trump, who once appeared to defend January 6 threats against Pence, calls on his former VP to endorse him (

“Because I had a great successful presidency, and he was the vice president, he should endorse me,” said Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 GOP nod. “I chose him, made him vice president. But … people in politics can be very disloyal. I’ve never seen anything like it.”...

Thrillhouse ,

When Trump says “our Country” or “America” he almost always means “ME”. He does this a lot if you pay attention. He thinks he’s a damn king.

Thrillhouse ,

“It can be used to retrieve with “near perfect accuracy” data from Safari, as well as Firefox, Tor, and Edge on iOS.”

Thrillhouse ,

Russia’s handcuffed because they’re being backed by Iran for their invasion of Ukraine.


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  • Thrillhouse ,

    Their analysis is pretty thorough and covers multiple video sources. Even still I think it’s too early to tell, but I’d like more in depth analysis like this, whatever the outcome.

    I don’t think we can blindly trust anyone’s military assessment here - everyone has an agenda.

    Thrillhouse ,

    Idk maybe when there’s not a huge humanitarian crisis. Gotta deal with the humanitarian crisis first or find somewhere for these people to go with actual resources for them. I wouldn’t want to be operated on in a hospital without electricity or anaesthesia, and I’m certainly not wishing that on civilians here.

    Asking despotic governments in charge to do what’s right never works. Why should civilians be punished?

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