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Rinox ,

In my experience of using Airbnb at least 15 times in Europe, maybe more, it varies, but never outrageous tbh. They did ask to put the garbage outside a couple times, but no biggie really. As for the dishes, they never asked me to do them, but I usually do them anyway cause I’m not gross (plus if there’s a dishwasher is really a no brainer) and they’ve never asked me to do anything with bedsheets.

I don’t know, I’ve never been really bothered by this. I’ve been more bothered by the fact that sometimes you try to reserve the house and they answer that it’s already reserved. Then why did you leave the dates open? So much time wasted…

Rinox ,

If freedom of press is one of the ways you can assess how fascist a state is, which it is, then I wonder which countries you consider better than the west. China? Russia? North Korea? Yeah, all places renown for not silencing journalists, poisoning political opponents or ruling with an iron fist. All places where you can just criticize the government, publicly, on prime TV, in the journals, without repercussions.

Also all places where they don’t murder people for their political views, where they don’t incarcerate them, torture them, send them to “re-education camps” or try to genocide entire ethnic groups in order to reduce dissent.

At the end of the day, “the west” remains the only place where you can actually go on tv, in the squares and protest against the government decisions, criticize them and even vote for the government to leave power. Is it perfect? Hell no, it’s a disgusting system rigged by the rich and powerful, but it’s still miles ahead of any totalitarian, authoritarian dictatorship.

Also it’s not like China isn’t buying lots of oil from Iran, a country which it’s as much a savage murderous regime as Saudi Arabia, and from Russia, an imperialistic warmongering nation. And the reason it’s clear, they need energy as much as the west needs energy. It’s the reason why everyone puts up with those kinds of people.

The sooner we, as a species, can move away from oil, coal, gas and the likes, the better it will be for everyone. No more energy wars and a cleaner planet overall.

Rinox ,

Well, some of those point have improved in some countries of the western block. Not everyone is American btw. And I’m not saying the west is perfect, but when making a statement like “this is why the west is the worst” you also need to tell me who is better.

Lots of these issues are extremely present in other non-western countries as well and even more so. Or are you telling me that outside of western countries everyone else has affordable housing, free, good and available healthcare, a good and fair justice system, no racial inequality and no wars?

Rinox ,

Russia does the same to countries in their sphere of influence who even think about approaching the west. I’m looking at Georgia, Moldavia and now Ukraine. Also they really like to meddle in Africa and the middle east through PMCs like Wagner, prop up local dictatorships and harvest labor and natural resources for themselves.

China is also trying their hand at the imperialistic game, although they are newer at it. They are trying to enter many African countries and stationing there Private Security Companies (which are paramilitaries still controlled by the Chinese government, because of course they are). In Asia they are also trying to increase their influence. In the South China Sea they are trying to claim other nations exclusive economic zones as their own while in the Indian Ocean they are trying to secure military ports by forcing 99 years leases (similar to the British lease on the port of Hong Kong). I believe this plan is called the string of pearls and I also believe Indians consider it a way of encircling them (China-Pakistan corridor, China-Myanmar corridor and in the ocean ports in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Djibouti and the Mauritius).

Let’s say that all major powers have tried and keep trying their hand at imperialism. The only difference is that the US has a much bigger economic power than Russia and has been playing the game for a lot longer than modern China

Rinox ,

Like the time they designed their plane to run on vodka?

Rinox ,

you get free booze after every successful landing.

Or before

Rinox ,

Btw, you can cook and taste brain. It’s not the most common thing to find, but you can sometimes find it at a butcher shop, along with the insides of other animals

Rinox ,

You can’t convince me that food in China is safe, I’ve seen enough videos of people collecting and using gutter oil from sewage and trash bins. Fucking disgusting.

Plus isn’t there a huge protest going on over food safety concerns in school canteens? Didn’t they just find rats in kids meals?

As for data, as far as I’m concerned, every piece of data coming from the CPC is at best inaccurate, at worst an outright lie.

Rinox ,

The capitalist entity was the state, the political elites the ones hoarding wealth, everyone else getting the shaft.

Rinox ,

Yes, very black and white.

Now, is Russia the first or the second guy? China? NK?

Rinox ,

I doubt there are many Canadians who go there for leisure, but for work? I bet there’s quite a few of them.

Rinox ,

Eh, at some point it’s worth the risk. At the end of the day 9/10 might figure out you’ve been lying, but the 1/10 that doesn’t and gives you higher pay is still worth the embarrassment.

Especially if it’s your first employment. Everybody wants people with prior experience, but you gotta start somewhere. Once you’ve got experience, then you can probably stop lying.

Grisham, Martin join authors suing OpenAI: “There is nothing fair about this” (

Yesterday, popular authors including John Grisham, Jonathan Franzen, George R.R. Martin, Jodi Picoult, and George Saunders joined the Authors Guild in suing OpenAI, alleging that training the company’s large language models (LLMs) used to power AI tools like ChatGPT on pirated versions of their books violates copyright laws...

Rinox ,

It’s not about making money, not only at least. The other reason why the US, China and other countries are obsessed with AI, LLM, NN, ML is because it may prove decisive for their militaries.

What is thought by most militaries today is that we are at a turning point of sorts and the next generation of weapons will be powered by AI in some capacity, and the more we go on, the more AI will be involved (target acquisition, reaction, drone and missile guidance, APS, AA, etc)

Rinox ,

You are forgetting the cost of building “asshole design” infrastructure, like spikes under bridges, instead of building affordable housing.

Rinox ,

Cause I could shoot you on sight, claim you’re a Nazi, and it’s now on you to defend yourself… from the grave

TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills (

During the trial it was revealed that McDonald’s knew that heating their coffee to this temperature would be dangerous, but they did it anyways because it would save them money. When you serve coffee that is too hot to drink, it will take much longer for a person to drink their coffee, which means that McDonald’s will not...

Rinox ,

In Italy we joke that it’s “acqua sporca” or “dirty water”.

Rinox ,

There’s actually a lot more caffeine than you probably think, and quite a bit more than two double espressos.

Still, two double espressos is still quite a bit, I think here in Italy the average is around 2 normal espressos in the morning, which would be equal to one double. Four to five espressos in a day is considered the limit to what you should drink, more than that it’s a bit much.

Also all the sugar and syrups you pour in can’t be healthy.

Rinox ,

Classic German one word to describe a sentence /s

Rinox ,

I think Apple opened its network to tiles and similar, but you need to buy a specific one made for the Apple network (which costs more, probably because of apple tax)

Iirc Google will be doing the same with its new network

Rinox ,

Well, Vatican city was already an Italian possession after the unification. The fascist regime gave it back to the papal state in exchange for the Church supporting Mussolini and fascism (Patti lateranensi).

Rinox ,

Does anyone know why the Vatican State exists? The answer is, because of a pact with Mussolini to support his regime in exchange for a state and the involvement of the church in education.

Sp, who’s really surprised?

Rinox ,

That’s the papal state, not Vatican city. The papal state ruled over central Italy for centuries until it lost most of its territories leading up to the unification of Italy in 1861. Then lost Rome in 1870 and ceased to exist. The Pope retreated to the Vatican where he assumed the position of “prisoner in the Vatican” while the Italian government tolerated for the most part the Pope ruling over the basilica and its territories.

The modern Vatican State is a new entity created by Mussolini and Pius XI in 1929 with the Patti Lateranensi. With the creation of this state Mussolini gained the approval from the church, which was extremely important to solidify its grip over Italy, while the Church abandoned all claims from the former papal state.

Rinox ,

The west didn’t even call. Russia just fumbled and revealed all their cards on their own, showing everyone it was all just a bluff. Now they’re playing the “you didn’t actually see all of the cards” game, which would work if we didn’t already see them all…

Rinox ,

Why would that be? If h265 is anything to go by, MPEG will probably charge an arm and a leg for h266, and the entire industry will pivot away from MPEG and move to AV2. I’m not even sure YouTube will ever implement h266

Rinox ,

The US is still playing the same game of wait and see. During WW2 it’s not like the US didn’t supply the allies with weapons (lend lease act) for years before sending in troops.

Hopefully Ukraine will be able to neuter Russia before the US or the EU have to get involved with actual boots on the ground.

Rinox ,

Yeah, it’s already stale and expired by now

Google Search, Whatsapp, and TikTok on list of 22 services targeted by EU’s tough new DMA (

The European Commission has published an official list of services offered by ‘gatekeepers’ that must comply with obligations under the new Digital Markets Act. Companies now have six months to comply with the rules.

Rinox ,

Google Shopping

is Google Shopping really used that much?

Rinox ,

Eh, I thought the same, but then after reading their comments, it’s like going from one authoritarian extremist ideology to another authoritarian extremist ideology. Especially when both pro Nazis and pro commies seem to both boil down to being just pro Putin fanatics. I’m wondering if the propaganda doesn’t come from the same place trying to capture both spectrums.

Rinox ,

Well, it’s not like an anime episode is the same as a live action episode though.

An anime episode is like 20 minutes of content after you remove the opening and recap and ending. And if you remove all the filler and repeating scenes, it’s maybe 5-10 minutes of actual content. They adapted like 45-50 episodes into 8, and the first saga is probably one of the most dense in terms of content.

For the future, I fully expect a 10:1 ratio between anime episodes and live episodes. Maybe even more.

That would still mean more than 12 seasons to go, before catching up to now, with who knows how many more before the series ends.

Rinox ,

Unlike China who can definitely get real buddy buddy with everyone around them.

Eh, I don’t know. I think they fucked up lots of relations with their neighbors as well due to the same imperialistic politics. They have shitty relations with Japan, SK, Taiwan, all the nation in the South China Sea, Vietnam and India. Relations with Russia, and USSR before that, have always been a bit tense (Mongolia issue, plus claims over Vladivostok). The rest are minor nations, mostly under the sphere of influence of other empires.

From what I can see, they are trying to create a sphere of influence of their own in Asia, propping up the new dictatorship in Myanmar, helping the Pakistani and trying to snatch up the central Asian “-stan” nations from Russia’s influence. Success is mixed.

Anyway, economically speaking these are not real partners like the western block, but more like client states. The real economic partners of China remain the western nations. Without them China’s trade would be non-existent.

'Where ambition goes to die': These tech workers flocked to Austin during the pandemic. Now they're desperate to get out. (

‘Where ambition goes to die’: These tech workers flocked to Austin during the pandemic. Now they’re desperate to get out.::Drawn by the promise of an emerging tech hub, some tech workers who flocked to Austin found a middling tech scene, subpar culture, and scorching heat.

Rinox ,

Yeah, I hear you, but what if we add another 7 lane highway that cuts right through the center? I think that would solve the issue

-random US city response, probably

Rinox ,

They’ll develop their own 7nm chips, with hookers and blackjack!

In fact, forget the 7nm chips!

Rinox ,

Doubt that. It’s probably the value of the land and building.

Rinox ,

Italy here. Usually factories and many offices shut down for at least 2 weeks in August. Essential services obviously stay open.

Some other services may or may not decide to close, like a butcher may decide to close for a few weeks in the summer. Same for some bars/restaurants etc. Not all of them, some of them.

Also there’s a huge difference between where you are. If you live in the industrialized north, then what I described it’s more or less true, but if you live in the south, it’s all completely different. August becomes the busiest period for the tourist-centric south, with bars and restaurants working at maximum capacity, beaches and cities all full of tourists and service workers actually increase in this period.

It’s obviously not 100% all society shuts down, but if you are an American company trying to do business with Europe in August, just keep in mind that lots of stuff will be postponed to September.

Rinox ,

Isn’t that true for humans as well? I know I find it harder to see children due to the small size and dark skinned people at night due to, you know, low contrast (especially if they are wearing dark clothes).

Human vision be racist and ageist

Ps: but yes, please do improve the algorithms

Rinox ,

That’s not really true though. In my experience automation is either way way cheaper than manual labor, so much so that there’s no competition, or it’s completely impractical to implement.

Usually it’s not 5% cheaper or something like that.

As for the last point, with AI we are trying to automate intelligence, which is a completely different thing than classic automation

Rinox ,

ITT supposed communists suck on Russia’s dick for… some reason?

Someone still has to explain this to me, why Russian capitalism is apparently ok, while any other capitalism is not. Suck on the billionaire Russians’ dicks, with their yachts in Porto Fino, while half the country doesn’t have access to basic necessities.

They’re not even trying to mask it as communism like China ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Rinox ,

Eh, I don’t buy it. To me it seems just an excuse. Both Russia and China at one point were full state run centrally planned economies. Communist countries made up half the world (leaving aside third world countries), half of Europe, lots of population and plenty of natural resources. There was no reason why they couldn’t succeed if they banded together with the superior economic theory.

But now you are telling me that they couldn’t help the global south, and therefore Russia and China had to abandon communism and switch to full blown capitalism? To beat the US at capitalism? And then go back to communism?

Hot take: they are both just as bad and imperialistic as the US, selfish to the core, only trying to become the top dog on the world stage, by any means possible. Not that hot actually, it’s been the same shit since forever

Rinox ,

You forgot Chinese capitalism, the one with a communist mask on.

Rinox ,

If you cover everything in asphalt, yes, that’s what’s going to happen.

Rinox ,

You can use balsamic vinegar, no problems with that

Rinox ,

It’s still mostly one per day per channel, more or less. It’s just that they have many channels

Rinox ,

Probably cause it’s pronounced nothing like it’s spelled

Rinox ,

Got offered this exactly by my friend’s grandpa in Romania

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