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Neon ,

The FOs will only be U to you

The FOs will only be U to u

It was lying on the 11 Meters, my dude

Neon ,

If you can be replaced by advanced autocomplete, you’re not really a “journalist”

Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might’ve been the one. I made two accounts, one on and another on, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

Neon ,

No it isnt. It’s become exactly as toxic as Reddit! If that isn’t a succes, I don’t know what is!

Neon ,

NixOS has two main selling points:

  1. I can declaratively manage my system. That’d probably the Thing you know about it.
  2. but it also uses the Nix Package manager which allows you to install multiple versions of the same program. On Ubuntu, if I update bash from v4.6 to 5.0, it will replace /bin/bash and if any breaking changes were made, any program that has bash 4.6 as dependency won’t work anymore. On NixOS binaries are stored in /nix/store with a hash. So bash 4.6 is in /nix/store/hwnfuvshajdbgjajebskhak-bash-4.6 and 5.0 gets installed into /nix/store/638jsvusbhsuksvj76hwlsbj-bash-5.0 This allows us to have programs that depend on a old version of a software installed simultaneously with programs that depend on a new version of it.
Neon ,

you really shouldn’t be shocked. We are one of the few countries that actually doesn’t fuck around.

Idk if it’s because our neutrality makes us feel morally superior, because our Neutrality makes us feel invincible, because we are so rich we can afford to be moral or just because, and that’s my favourite theory, the germanic honor-culture has survived here and we value doing the right/honorable thing more than anything else.

Either way: If you wanna commit crimes, please don’t commit them here. Prison Accommodations are expensive and paid by our taxes.

Neon ,

can you also go after the rich Arabs who have Filipino slaves in their mansions in Europe

maybe. If the Filipinos are in Switzerland. If there is a assumption of breach of basic human rights we can also go after them if the Filipinos are not in switzerland.

But we would first need proof or at least reasonable suspicion that something is happening so we can start a investigation and get a search warrant.

Neon ,

pretty sure that would be a massive breach of the Rechtsstaat(law state? rule-based state? constitutional state?) and even basic human rights.

So no. Selective application of Rights is a really bad idea. That’s how you get fascism.

Neon ,

They can be criticized for their actions during and after the war in helping the Nazi leaders squirrel away the wealth they stole from the Jews, something that was not necessary for a neutral nation to do.

It actually was kinda necessary. We were strategically very important as the Gotthardtunnel was the main Link between the Germans and the Italians, the two main Allies. So we had to offer them something that was even more valuable than conquering the Gotthardtunnel. We concluded that the opportunity to turn their “spoils of war” into Money was the one thing that was more valuable to them.

I would also like to break a lance for my Swedish compatriots. The Nazis conquered Norway and Denmark in a few weeks because they were positioned strategically along the trade routes. If Sweden stopped exporting the Iron, it was very obvious, that the Nazis would invade Sweden for the Iron if they ever stopped exporting it.

And: Sweden did cooperate with allied intelligence during the war. So there’s that. And before someone comes in: While Switzerland didn’t directly cooperate with allied intelligence, we did willfully turn a blind eye to them. Tacit cooperation if you want so.

Neon ,

Never managed to brick my NixOS System

Neon ,

Maybe that dismissive Attitude is the reason? Because you don’t take our worries and opinions serious?

Because you attack us the moment we don’t hold the exact same opinion as you?

No, I’m sure that’s not the reason!

Neon ,

I mean, that’s the Job of News Networks. Its their Job to stay up-to-date and then serve it to you in digestible portions so you can stay up-to-date as well.

And if you don’t trust “commercialized” news networks in the US, there’s always News Networks such as dw from germany that get money from the Rundfunkgebühr (special Tax if you own a Television or Radio).

Neon ,

No. Probably why they came here.

But seriously, why do rich Criminals always come here and think they can get away with it just because they’re rich? We arrested the child of Gaddafi. The son of a literal fucking dictator in charge of Libya, a country that is fairly important in European politics.

If not even he got away with it, what makes you think you will?

Neon ,

Seriously, why do rich Criminals always come here and think they can get away with it just because they’re rich? We arrested the child of Gaddafi. The son of a literal fucking dictator in charge of Libya, a country that is fairly important in European politics.

If not even he got away with it, what makes you think you will?

Neon ,

I absolutely hope that not considering I am one of the tourists

Neon ,

private beaches

It literally says “public beaches” in the Headline

I know that a lot of people only read the headline, but it is even written there

Neon ,

What is up with that source? there is no excerpt of the law itself and no link to the law.

Neon ,

But are the other states just as warm, beautiful and, most importantly: cheap?

Neon ,

Any Reason Signal doesn’t do it?

Selfhosted isn’t always the Best option

Neon ,

The only thing iOS really does better imo is the quick settings menu

Holy shit it sucks on Android compared to iOS

It looks better, it has more options, it has better overview and grouping

Neon ,

I guess one-handed phones are really dead now

Neon ,

Idk when vandalizing a unrelated persons property became protesting, but sure?

Next time some African Nation tortures someone, am I allowed to vandalize the House of a black Person in my Neighborhood?

It’s not racism, because saying that would mean that torturing people is in black people’s DNA, no?

210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation (

The bodies of 109 Palestinians including 23 children and 11 women were taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, and spokesperson Khalil Degran told the Associated Press that more than 100 wounded also arrived to the hospital. In addition, he said the rest of the 210 Palestinians killed were taken to Al-Awda Hospital after the...

Neon ,

That’s not a great analogy. A great analogy would be if he kidnapped a kid and was hiding in a house full of school-shooters and we would bomb that house to save the kid.

In which case: Yes, that’s a good Idea.

Neon ,

The acceptable number of Hamas-Voters is: as many as it takes.

Terrorism must not be rewarded. The gazans voted Hamas into power, they were celebrating on oct 7th. But now that they are the ones under attack, suddenly they don’t want to play anymore. But they obviously also don’t want to exchange the hostages!

Neon ,

I am sorry, but calling a fucking terrorist organization names is racist now?

did you even listen when your parents told you the story about the boy who cried wolf?

Neon ,

So the people currently alive in Gaza don’t support Hamas and don’t want Hamas in power?

Then that’s all the more Reason to support Israel in overthrowing Hamas, no?

Neon ,

That is 100% correct. But the Israelis hate Nettanyahu because they now realized his policies not insubstantially cause Oct 7th.

Nettanyahu will be impeached and removed democratically after all this is over. Hamas on the other hand can’t be removed democratically. They have to be removed with force. And right now, only the IDF can do that.

Neon ,

well, no. They wouldn’t be against them because they’re Semitic. So by definition not antisemitic.

Besides, that’s not what antisemitism means. If we take anything by its literal definition, there is no racism, because biologically seen there isn’t enough difference between humans to classify them into different races.

Neon ,

What’s the Joke with Canada?

Is that the new Nigerian Prince?

Neon ,

i hate GMO because it often is unhealthy and often is unethical (sterile so the farmers have to buy new seeds every year instead of being able to use the seeds that came off of their harvest)

Neon ,

can i just say that I’m a huge fan that you’re using your lemmynsfw Account to federate. This is just absolutely hillarious, take my upvote lol

Neon ,

no seriously, i think it’s really hillarious and amazing. And not in a negative way!

Neon ,

woah there, calm down. What happened to you to make you this sour?

Neon ,

That’s… not what i mean at all

I remember there was a GMO Tomato that was made to be as large as possible. But the downside was, that it had almost no nutrients anymore.

I think that Crispr and GMOs are really promissing, but the way it is used is not to create the best food possible, but to create the best-selling food

Neon ,

what spreading baseless fear? You misunderstood my comment.

I remember a GMO Tomato being modified to be as large as possible, leading to it having almost no nutrients anymore.

That’s what i meant. Not some “DNA to make 5G tracking chips or Super COVID”

I am actually insulted by this comment. I will have to ask you to stop jumping to conclusions and stop thinking that everyone is a conspiracy nutjob.

Anyways, i am in no way against GMO. What i said is that they’re often less healthy than “traditional” alternatives. That has nothing to do with the procedure itself but rather how the procedure is used and what goals it has. Often the Goal is not to make it healthier, but to make it last longer, make it bigger, in short: make it sell more. And anything that doesn’t directly correlate to sales gets pushed back to save money.

Neon ,

than can actually be a transition Error.


In my language (german) ukraine is feminine. Die ukraine. And as such, you always have to use the pronoun (die).

You can’t for example say “USA haben gewählt” since the US too is feminine. It’s always “Die USA haben gewählt” (The USA have voted)

So in german you say “Die ukraine ist nur eine Sideshow” which will then become “the Ukraine is just a sideshow”

Which is a very Cynical take btw but i fear that it could be somewhat true.

You can however say just the countries name if it is Neutral (das). “Deutschland hat gewählt” “germany has voted”. Here it would actually be weird to use “das Deutschland”. Only Exception is the United Kindom (Das vereinigte Königreich). It’s constituents (england, scottland, wales) however will then again be without the pronoun. “Schottland hat heute gewählt”

Neon ,

Don’t know why you’re being downvoted.

Liberal literally means free. As in “If it doesn’t harm me, you’re allowed to do it”. So yes, openminded, permissive, tolerant.

Don’t know why a lot of the US-Americans had to twist the meaning of it.

Neon ,

That’s absolutely not what it means

In the very closest definition, liberal means “if there isn’t a law against it, you’re allowed to do it”

liberal more broadly is just as simple: “if it doesn’t hurt me, you’re free to do it”

I mean, what do you think a “liberal democracy” is? The majority of Europe is made up of liberal democracies while also being social-democratic. France is a liberal democracy despite being heavily unionized and having huge welfare. How does that work?

It works because that’s not what liberal means.

Socially-Liberal, for example, is when you are liberal (freedom-loving / diversity-loving) in social aspects. You support gay marriages, you support freedom of religion, you support cultural diversity. Other Examples include religiously-liberal, culturally-liberal, or even politically liberal (you support the right to different political opinions than yours)

What comes closest to what you think it is is economically-liberal. Which essentially says that “as long as it doesn’t hurt me, you’re free to do what you want economically”. But even that isn’t what you mean. Is Pollution and accelerating Climate change harming me and therefore not protected under liberalism? yes, says the absolute majority of liberals.

Is lobbying harming me by making my Voice less weighted? Yes, say a lot of us.

So not even economically-liberal is a good term to describe what you mean.

I don’t know, what a good term for it is. But it isn’t Liberal. So please, for the love of god, stop misusing it. Words have meaning. Invent a new one if you have to, they all began that way anyways.

Neon ,

The guy would think freedom means the freedom to roll with tanks over peaceful Protestors demanding Freedom and Democracy.

See? Prejudice isn’t nice, right?

Neon ,

Jesus fucking Christ, you’re really a tankie.

In china, there is the largest discrepancy between rich and poor. In china, a huge part of the population still lives in poverty while rich billionaires vacate on yachts and the government eyes imperial expansion Billionaires and Party-Officials are practically untouchable, the government is actively putting minorities in concentration camps. When the people try to protest, tanks roll over them. So much for your “democracy”

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

btw, freedom to marry anyone (china recognizes homosexuality as a mental disorder), freedom to exercise your religion (china is putting muslims in concentration camps), freedom to protest (see tianamen square massacre)

Neon ,

It isn’t / wasn’t

There are/were a lot of systems where you need to be granted a privilege in order to do something.

And just as many where the laws aren’t defined so anything can be laid out as illegal

Neon ,

No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is systems where everything is illegal by default and laws give you privileges to do something.

Or even worse where the mood of a person is the law.

  1. Such as the new Russian law about discrediting the army.

Anything can be interpreted into that law

Neon ,

If it was because of political favours it would have either been Ukraine, Israel, Italy or Greece. (Maybe also the Netherlands if they were allowed to participate because their song (Europapa) would have gotten a lot of votes from european federalists)

We swiss are more neutral in europes perception. They don’t hate us, but they also don’t really love us. At least not as much as they love other Countries that are less… “complicated”

Neon ,

Why the Fuck would i get butthurt?

I am Swiss, Nemo won this Contest for us. And i am Liberal. If it doesn’t hurt me, everyone is allowed to feel exactly the way they’re allowed to.

I am annoyed by this filling my feeds for 2 days and now someone feels the need to post it yet another time

Neon ,

Ah yes.

No, Nemos performance was absolutely amazing. It wasn’t any “wokeness” if that’s what you’re afraid of.

I mean, look at them balancing on the dish. That was just fucking amazing. Also the climbing. Truly amazing performance on their part.

Neon ,

How big is the Chance i get a Koala? And am i allowed to keep it?

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