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Hobo ,

I don’t have those problems with my bluetooth devices nearly as much anymore. The exception being in my car where it’s absolute crap. I blame that mostly on car companies because they are notoriously slow at adopting new technology and/or updating their existing tech.

I’m not an expert with bluetooth or anything, but my understanding was that if the source/destination both supported the codec then there wasn’t any compression from bluetooth. Could be wrong about that, but that does seem to be the case in my very limited testing. Not sure why your car/phone pairing is crap but most likely it’s that your car bluetooth is a bit shitty.

I think you might be omitting a few important features of bluetooth over wifi. The really big advantage to bluetooth is that it is that it is low power. You wouldn’t be able to run your earbuds for several hours on a tiny battery if it was running wifi compared to bluetooth. The low power feature is great for portable speakers too. It’s also more user friendly then setting/connecting wifi, but I’m not sure if that matters as much anymore.

Hobo ,

You did better than me. Every way I slice it, the set of circumstances required to get there are a lot fucked up.

Hobo ,

What’re you talking about? The study linked has 43 references and has been cited 140 times. It even has their method and approach pretty clearly stated right at the start of the paper where they outline where they gathered their data from. Did you click the wrong link or something?

Hobo ,

So this is the link in question:…/263585668_Men_Are_More_Likely_…

And you don’t see a research paper with citations?

Here’s a screenshot of the end of the paper that displays the links to the citations and references:

Here’s a screenshot at the end of the paper with links to citations and references.

Here’s the full abstract as well just for further clarification:

Unlabelled: Studies on nonelite distance runners suggest that men are more likely than women to slow their pace in a marathon. Purpose: This study determined the reliability of the sex difference in pacing across many marathons and after adjusting women’s performances by 12% to address men’s greater maximal oxygen uptake and also incorporating information on racing experience. Methods: Data were acquired from 14 US marathons in 2011 and encompassed 91,929 performances. For 2929 runners, we obtained experience data from a race-aggregating Web site. We operationalized pace maintenance as the percentage change in pace observed in the second half of the marathon relative to the first half. Pace maintenance was analyzed as a continuous variable and as two categorical variables, as follows: “maintain the pace,” defined as slowing <10%, and “marked slowing,” defined as slowing ≥30%. Results: The mean change in pace was 15.6% and 11.7% for men and women, respectively (P < 0.0001). This sex difference was significant for all 14 marathons. The odds for women were 1.46 (95% confidence interval, 1.41-1.50; P < 0.0001) times higher than men to maintain the pace and 0.36 (95% confidence interval, 0.34-0.38; P < 0.0001) times that of men to exhibit marked slowing. Slower finishing times were associated with greater slowing, especially in men (interaction, P < 0.0001). However, the sex difference in pacing occurred across age and finishing time groups. Making the 12% adjustment to women’s performances lessened the magnitude of the sex difference in pacing but not its occurrence. Although greater experience was associated with less slowing, controlling for the experience variables did not eliminate the sex difference in pacing. Conclusions: The sex difference in pacing is robust. It may reflect sex differences in physiology, decision making, or both.

Hobo , (edited )

This is the article from the above comment you replied to. Like literally a few comments up from here.

Hobo , (edited )

That’s very unclear from your reply above. Do you always act so condescending when people seek clarification? Because even this short conversation with you has been challenging. Perhaps try to be a little less of an asshole. It would be easier to clear simple communication issues especially when you use pronouns and the antecedent isn’t really clear.

Hobo ,

Right so change it. People are going to meet hostility with hostility. If you approach every conversation from an advsarial position you’ll get a lot of “I’m right and you’re wrong” and “lecturing” from the other side. If you had simply clarified that your vague statement was about the original article, and not the one linked in the comment you replied to, then we could’ve walked away with a positive interaction…

Hobo ,

This excludes all the ipv4 ips that have a 0 in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th octets. Sorry but we’re going to have to revoke your Network Engineering credentials.

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.

Hobo ,

Goes further back than that. In the late 90s early 2000s basically all 3 of the MMOs on the market were subscription models (Ultima, Everquest, and Warcraft are the ones that spring to my mind). Essentially a pay per time scheme where if you were playing the game you paid for it monthly.

This guy is just so far down the modern game industry rabbit hole he forgot that it wasn’t as profitable as the soul sucking microtransaction/whaling hellscape that’s become the norm.

Texas defendant challenging federal gun law at the Supreme Court says he doesn’t want firearms anymore (

Zackey Rahimi, the Texas criminal defendant challenging a federal gun law before the Supreme Court on Tuesday, said this summer that he no longer wanted to own firearms and expressed remorse for his actions that got him in trouble with the law....

Hobo ,

Where are you getting that well regulated means well armed? It meant, and still means, trained, able to take orders, and battlefield ready. Where do you think the term “regulars” comes from in the context of historical warfare and what do you think that term means?

Did you throughly misunderstand collective rights theory or something? Could you possibly point me to the interpretation where it claims “well regulated” means “well armed” in the context of the 2nd amendment? I certainly couldn’t find any sources to back that claim and it seems like you might have pulled it out of your backside.

Hobo , (edited )

I think there’s subtleties that you’re ignoring to push an agenda. I do think it’s important to understand the question on the table though. The question isn’t what rights you have, but when is the government allowed to take away those rights.

Maybe we should take a step back. Do you think the government can revoke a person’s 2nd amendment rights? For example do prisoners have the right have a shiv in their cell? The question posed in this instance is whether or not a restraining order for domestic assault rises to the level of due process for taking away that right. It’s already firmly written into law that the government can leverage due process to take away rights. Unless you’re arguing that it is an absolute right, and we should all be allowed to have nuclear bombs and prisoners should be allowed to have shivs, then I think you’re missing the point.

You also seem to have a very tenuous definition of the 2nd amendment that you’re willing to change when it doesn’t fit your needs. It seems like you might want to think it through a bit more, and perhaps try to get at the root of the question at hand, instead of spouting that everyone should be allowed to have arms no matter what. The implication of that statement is a bit terrifying, and is well outside of our current legal adjudication of the 2nd amendment.

Hobo , (edited )

Federal courts in the decade since have found many restrictions on the right to own and use weapons perfectly congruent with that decision. Heller merely says the government can’t enforce laws that prevent (most) Americans from possessing commonly used weapons in their homes for self-defense.

From the introductory paragraph in your own link. Again this isn’t whether most Americans can posses weapons but does a domestic abuse restraining order rise to the level of due process. Which oddly falls in line with the second paragraph of the source you linked:

Courts have found that Heller does not preclude laws that prohibit anyone younger than 21 from buying guns in retail stores; laws that bar people who committed a single nonviolent felony from ever owning a gun; laws that severely restrict the ability to carry a gun outside the home; laws that ban commonly owned magazines of a certain capacity; or laws that require handguns to incorporate untested, expensive, and unreliable “microstamping” technology.

There’s nothing I found in the article you linked which claims that the 2nd amendment is an absolute right that cannot be revoked. You’re arguing something that simply isn’t a thing and avoiding the actual question at hand.

Hobo ,

It’s literally not that simple, and at this point you’re not even reading what I’m saying. What you are claiming is not black and white even by your own sources. It speaks volumes about how much thought you’ve actually put into the subject. You’re far worse than the far left anti-2nd amendment folks in a lot of ways, and have roughly the same understanding of the subject as they do about it.

I hope one day you’ll learn nuance. Good day to you.

Hobo ,

If they’re a terrorist they have to tell you. It’s the law.

New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe (

New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe::More than 38 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Ontario as of Oct. 8, with 23,002 reports of adverse reactions, an incidence of 0.06 per cent, Public Health Ontario says

Hobo ,

I always preferred the Mark Twain quote, “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” Because I’ve been beaten bloody with that experience on more than one occasion.

Hobo ,

Here now you can pretend to be born in the mid to late 80s instead:

Hobo , (edited )

To where? Like where you gonna go that is more suitable than where we already are? You gonna rocketship your ass to Mars? Cause even with global warming earth is still more hospitable than a rocky desert with no oxygen. A bigass bank account with lots of zeros isn’t gonna keep anyone out of the we’re collectively fucked line. Sure it might get you a spot at the back of the line, but we’re all getting in it together no matter who you are.

Hobo , (edited )

It’s escapism I think. At least that’s part of it. Having a machine that won’t judge you, will serve as a perfect echo chamber, and will immediately tell you AN answer can be very appealing to some. I don’t have any data, or any study to back it up, just my experience from seeing it happen.

I have a friend who I feel like I kind of lost to chatgpt. I think he’s a bit unhappy with where he is in life. He got the good paying job, the house in the suburbs, wife, and 2.5 kids, but didn’t ever think about what was next. Now he’s just a bit lost I think, and somehow convinced himself that people weren’t as good as chatting with a bot.

It’s weird now. He spends long nights and weekends talking to a machine. He’s constructed elaborate fictional worlds within his chatgpt history. I’ve grown increasingly concerned about him, and his wife clearly is struggling with it. He’s obviously depressed but instead of seeking help or attempting to figure himself out, he turned to a non-feeling, non-judgmental, emotionless tool for answers.

It’s a struggle to talk to him now. It’s like talking to a cryptobro at peak btc mania. The only thing that he wants to talk about is LLMs. Trying to bring up that maybe spending all your time talking to a machine is a bit unhealthy invokes his ire and he’ll avoid you for several days. Like a herion addict struggling with addiction, even pointing out the obvious flaws in what he’s doing makes him distance himself more from you.

I’m not young, not old exactly either, but I’ve known him for 25 years in my adult life. We met in college and have been friends ever since. I know many won’t quite understand but knowing someone that long, and remaining close, talk every few days, friends is quite rare. At this point he is my longest held friendship and I feel like I’m losing him to a robot. I’ve lost other friends to addiction in my life and to say that it’s been similar is under stating it. I don’t know what to do for him. I don’t know if there’s really anything I CAN do for him. How do you help someone that doesn’t even think they have a problem?

I guess my point is, if you find someone who is just depressed enough, just stuck enough, with a particular proclivity towards computers/the internet then you have a perfect canidate for falling down the LLM rabbit hole. It offers them an out to feeling like they’re being judged. They feel like the insanity it spits out is more sane than how they feel now. They think they’re getting somewhere, or at least escaping their current situation. Escapism is very appealing when everything else seems pointless and sort of gray I think. So that’s at least one type of person that can fall down the chapgpt/LLM rabbit hole. I’m sure there’s others out there too with there own unique motivations and reason’s for latching onto LLMs.

Hobo ,

Damn I’ve just been waiting for it to rain and standing outside with my mouth open. This container thing is a game changer!

Hobo ,

The average light bulbs in 1546 definitely did jack shit that’s for sure.

Hobo , (edited )

That’s the joke isn’t it? Just for historical context Michaelangelo completed the Last Judgement on the Sistine chapel in 1541, so like 5 years before 1546, and I don’t think he had flashlights to help him with the lighting.

Hobo ,

Anecdotally my grandmother had bad arthritis and cooked every day. She had my grandfather do the prep work. It wasn’t that it was impossible for her to do it, she did still prep/chop stuff after my grandfather passed, just that it would start getting unbearably painful after a while. She very often had one us cut up and/or prep stuff for the week when we were over. So buying prechopped stuff would probably be a lifesaver to a little old lady eith arthritis who didn’t get weekly visits from her grandkids.

A lot of disabilities are sort of hidden like that though. Like yes this person could theoretically power through walking through the store, or prepping a meal, but the pain build up and becomes agony after a while.

Sort of an afterthought but I could also see it being very helpful to amputees. I can for sure cook one handed (I’ve one-hand cooked while holding a baby at least a few times in my life), but I’ll be damned if I could chop/prep one handed.

Hobo ,

Yes but MTV was never obligated to play Eminem’s videos and quite often censred them. Hell Walmart is responsible for at least two decades of CD censorship. Is Spotify obligated to host offensive songs/images? I don’t think there’s a great answer to that question, but it bugs the crap out of me trying to figure it out. The only thing that I’ve seen that sort of hoodwinks the issue is the fediverse, and I don’t think there’s a federated music platform.

Hobo ,

Also, again, there are absolutely editors who will just wordlessly revert objective, factual edits, with clear, proper citations from accepted primary sources

That might be the misunderstanding. Primary sources are not directly allowed on wikipedia without very careful consideration that no analysis was done. Wikipedia article are, and should be, mostly derived from secondary sources to avoid bias. The Wikipedia page does a pretty good job of describing the guideline:


Hobo ,

That’s more than a bit of a reductionist view of Buffalo Bill. I think there might be a considerable amount of nuance that you’re ignoring about him that you could glean from just reading his wiki[1]. Not saying he’s a beacon of morality and ethics, but he wasn’t just a racist with a stage show either.


Hobo , (edited )

Reddit, youtube, and tiktok are quickly becoming the new, “video games cause violence” cry from reactionaries. Hell you see people here claiming tiktok is going to make all the kids have 2 second attention spans. It’s all just scapegoats for other systematic failures in culture, education, and social saftey nets, but those are hard to fix. Easier to just blame the platform and not make any real changes.

Hobo , (edited )

Fair enough! I should’ve said, and have corrected it to, reactionaries.

Also I didn’t really mean it in as US centric way hence saying conservatives rather than Republicans. More of the philosophy of conservativism instead of the political oriented conservatives. You know, trying to maintain old institutions at all costs, automatically assuming new institutions are not as good, only finding faults in new methods/institutions while ignoring the faults with the old, etc.

Hobo ,

Dude looks like he passed out way too early at a frat party hosted by the Klan.

Hobo ,

That’s just their fake accent so they won’t reveal their secret identity.

Hobo ,

Sucker! I have a whole 6 months to figure it all out before I turn 40. I’m a terrible procrastinator so I’ll probably just wait until the night before to start really working on it though.

Hobo ,

Dang I misread it as I turned 40 in March. Guess I am the sucker!

What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?

For me it is the fact that our blood contains iron. I earlier used to believe the word stood for some ‘organic element’ since I couldn’t accept we had metal flowing through our supposed carbon-based bodies, till I realized that is where the taste and smell of blood comes from.

Hobo ,

Poor Keanu Reaves gave up his childhood memories in Johnny Mnemonic to store something like 100GB of data in his brain. I don’t remember the Star Trek storage callout cause they were generally pretty good about just fabricating their own units for stuff (future sci-fi writers should take note, it’s always easier to make up units then deal with pedantic people on the internet).

Hobo ,

First line of Bilbo Baggins’s birthday speech.

Hobo ,

So in the US when we want to make something illegal, and that thing happens to be a constitutional right, we levy a tax against it. Then we only issue tax stamps to very select few people, or simply refuse to issue them at all. NFA 1934 is one of those weird tax scheme that makes you obtain a $200 tax stamp to have certain types of weapons. They are heavily controlled and non-transferable without going through a similar process.

Here’s more info about it if you care to look into it:

We also did this with Marijuana during that same time:…/Marihuana_Tax_Act_of_1937

Hobo ,

He was also Jewish. Which makes his antisemitism even more strange.

Hobo ,

Basic system and web security might not seem important now, but let me tell you, if you adopt good cyber security practices early it will help you create a much more secure environment…

What’re you guys doing with those rocks?

Hobo ,

The more you learn the less you know.

America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds (

America’s wealthiest people are also some of the world’s biggest polluters – not only because of their massive homes and private jets, but because of the fossil fuels generated by the companies they invest their money in.

Hobo ,

That’s a coal fired power plant. Specifically the John Amos power plant in W. Virginia.

Hobo ,

Man they really got my hopes up that I missed something and he was voted out. He still holds his seat and won with 66% of the votes in 2022 so I don’t think he’s in danger of losing in the near furture.


Hobo ,

I recommend googling his face, but it is very hard to tell the difference between the two.

Hobo ,

You’re absolutely correct. Not to be confused with freeware which is more ambiguous and most often proprietary (though not always).

Hobo ,

I think it was more poking fun at the fact that the developers, not the LLM, basically didn’t do any checks for edible ingredients and just exported it straight to an LLM. What I find kind of funny is you could’ve probably exported the input validation to the LLM by asking a few specific questions about whether or not it was safe for human consumption and/or traditionally edible. Aside from that it seems like the devs would have access to a database of food items to check against since it was developed by a grocery store…

I do agree, people are trying to shoehorn LLMs into places they really don’t belong. There also seems to be a lot of developers just straight piping input into a custom query to chatgpt and spitting out the output back to the user. It really does turn into a garbage in garbage out situation for a lot of those apps.

On the other hand, I think this might be a somewhat reasonable use for LLMs if you spent a lot of time training it and did even the most cursory of input validation. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t even take a ton of work to get some not completely horrendous results like the “aromatic water mix” or “rat poison sandwich” called out in the article.

Teen sent 'hobo hunting' text before killing homeless woman with pellet gun: prosecutors (

Prosecutors say that 18-year-old William Innes, who was charged with first-degree murder in the killing of 68-year-old Annette Pershal, sent the text to a group that includes his co-defendant, 19-year-old Ryan Hopkins, reported KNSD-TV.

Hobo ,

I’m not a lawyer but I went and checked the ABA because I was pretty sure the term “zealous advocate” was in the duties and responsibilities. Here’s what I found on the ABA site, “As advocate, a lawyer zealously asserts the client’s position under the rules of the adversary system.”[1]

Lawyers, especially defense lawyers, get a lot of hate for being zealous about even the most vile client’s defense, but I promise that if anyone reading this ever needs a lawyer you’ll be glad as fuck that they are duty bound to not half ass your defense.


Hobo ,

There’s some pretty powerful air rifles out there. The one from the article appears to be a varmit air rifle (at least that’s what I would call it). Here’s a review I found:

And another one that shows the targets they’re hitting up close:

Hobo , (edited )

Say you were accused of killing a baby. A news article ran that said you texted, “Lol about to go eat some babies!” You look like an absolute psychopath. Do you deserve representation?

Going further you know you didn’t kill the baby. The message was an unrelated tasteless joke about religion. You’ve been convicted in the court of public opinion by the aforementioned article about your deeds though. Do you think it would be fair to you, in an adversarial justice system, to not have the absolute best representation? Do you think, in those circumstances, that you should only be allowed to hire a lawyer that will half ass your case?

Hobo ,

Change the print settings to a higher dpi and/or adjust the density. You might have to fiddle around with some other settings in there to get it how you like it. Generally if the test page prints okay there’s something wokny with the print settings for whatever app/driver. Test pages print with preset settings, so they are standardized.

Could be unrelated, and you might just have issues with the printer head, but I’ve closed a more than a few tickets back in the day for people by adjusting print settings for them (these were brother label printers so YMMV).

Here’s a generic KB for doing this on most models of Brother printers:


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