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Workers at TJ Maxx and Marshalls are wearing police-like body cameras. Here’s how it’s going (

Retail chains like TJX, the parent company of TJ Maxx and Marshalls, are equipping some store employees with body cameras to deter shoplifting and improve safety. This is part of a growing trend in the retail industry, as stores respond to an increase in organized retail theft and violence against workers. However, some...

FuglyDuck , avatar

honestly, body cameras are more about liability after the fact. There’s really only two reasons to strap a camera on somebody- liability defense (cops, armed security guards, etc,) and being able to monitor what the fuck they’re doing. both are important when the individuals in question are armed. Not so much when the expected response is constructive cowardice.

There’s absolutely no way a body camera would act as a deterrent when traditional and AI-enhanced security cameras that they’re absolutely already using won’t. Also, I’m not entirely sure I believe that there’s massive waves of organized shoplifters.

There is- as noted in the article- a massive wave of unionization, though. and that would probably hurt their profits far more than any wave of shoplifting ever will.

FuglyDuck , avatar

It’s the same reason I made sure the security cameras on my house are visible from the street. People with bad intentions just move on to easier targets.

no they don’t.

they wear a hoodie. or a ball cap. or they have a package to block their face. or any of a hundred other ways of making a camera useless on the cheap.

Your highly visible cameras only tell them you can afford some good shit. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have cameras- and they’ll usually be visible if you know what to look for… it’s kind of necessary for them to function… But cameras are not a deterrence, and neither are they an active element in your security. They are passive, and really only useful when dealing with insurance or explaining what actually happened in the first place.

FuglyDuck , avatar

“they think the Supreme Court is illegitimate partisan hacks.”
“So? put more wood on that fire.”
<Bret tosses the constitution into the dumpster.>

FuglyDuck , avatar

Is that… it’s actual name?

Also. Molten uranium? I assume you’re not talking about the depressingly unradioactive stuff?

Can we contrive some means of marooning billionaires there?

FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

Saber rattling.

the only reason this is scary is that at some point some idiot is going to call putin on it, and then everyone’s gonna have to get involved.

Growing up, one thing I learned about dog piles? it sucks being the one on the bottom, and there ain’t no football in war.

FuglyDuck , avatar

For the record, he doesn’t have to be charged.

It’s enforced by a vote in congress as to if he’s eligible or not. Being that the one time this happened outside of participation in the civil war, it was a guy in congress, his chamber voted- but I assume it would take both houses to oust a president

FuglyDuck , avatar

I’m not sure how it would be contrary to the 14.3 and 14.5 amendments, but sure.

And oh, by the way, that would be gross partisanship and qualify scrotus for impeachment, as 14.5 assigned sole enforcement to congress.

FuglyDuck , avatar

If the process that happened with whats-his-name-from-Wisconsin is followed, then they’d have to wait until after he’s elected but before he’s seated anyhow.

Further, Congress has the constitutional power to override SCOTUS decisions. It’s happened five times. I don’t know if SCOTUS has ever overturned a congressional action that was taken under the direct authority of the constitution.

if you’re going to use ‘this is incredibly unprecedented’… yes. it fucking is. It’s incredibly unprecedented that a sitting US president used riots and insurrection to attempt to overturn the will of the people. such a blatant and unprecedented violation of democracy requires unprecedented responses. (like locking up an ex pres for insurrection.)

FuglyDuck , avatar


Password managers, people. Many offer unlimited passwords baby names.

FuglyDuck , avatar

So. I’m going to assume she (or at least her avatar,) wasn’t as ugly as I am.

Either way. I applaud her efforts, and hope she stays safe.

Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being...

FuglyDuck , avatar

And suddenly I found several more communities to sub to.

Thank you sir…

FuglyDuck , avatar


or sanction them harder. Whatever.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Trump wasn’t even there.

Do you really think that they’re going to send a hit team who is so incompetent as to hit a place to kill him… when he’s not even there- particularly when ‘they’ have federal agents that are constantly monitoring his presence?

(Like seriously. if the gooberment wanted to whack him. it’d be from the Secret Service, not the FBI.)

FuglyDuck , avatar

she’d probably just poison the ketchup they bring out with his steaks shoe leather.

FuglyDuck , avatar

no. he enjoys his mar a lago steaks well done. and with ketchup.

FuglyDuck , avatar

I kinda wish they didn’t. Can you imagine the headlines if they had to cuff Trump to keep him from obstructing things?

The body cam video they’d release of his unhinged ranting as he tried to hide even more documents? Or maybe eat them?

If I can’t have justice, at least entertain me.

FuglyDuck , avatar

I mean, I kind of insist on well done steaks when I’m at my brother’s house… mostly because my SiL has some rather unsettling food safety practices. It’s possible to cook them so they’re not totally shoe-leather, but I would never go to a steak joint and order well done.

FuglyDuck , avatar

In my defense, I only notice because I really want him to kark it already. It’s a miracle he hasn’t. One wonders what the world has done to piss off satan lately.

FuglyDuck , avatar

There’s a correlation between wearing socks and athlete’s foot. Socks cause athletes foot, clearly, and so we shouldn’t wear socks when wearing shoes.

FuglyDuck , avatar

(I don’t believe there’s anything actually wrong with being autistic, I have multiple autistic people in my family. I just think that would be amusing.)

there’s probably a less tenuous correlation there, though. just saying. Granted, correlation is not causation, but, eh… yeah.

FuglyDuck , avatar

You wear socks…. With…. Sandals?!?!?

E’eryone, git your pitchforks!! They’re coming to force you to wear SOCKS WITH SANDALS!!!

FuglyDuck , avatar

Wait. Real question. How does a squid wear footwear? they don’t have feet.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Alright. I got nothing. You win.

enjoy shopping at walmart.

FuglyDuck , avatar

and got Dr. Oz his start in daytime TV.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Hey. Be comfortable. if you’re comfortable in crocs and socks…

i’m more laughing at the suessian rhyme. “would you wear crocs with socks… and a fox?”… "WHAT MOXIE! I would not, could not, should not wear crocs with socks… not in a box, not with a fox… "

FuglyDuck , avatar

his haircut looks like he got in a fight with a lawnmower.

FuglyDuck , avatar

“You need to get a conviction! HA!. in russia, we just them out the window.”


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  • FuglyDuck , avatar

    Here’s a record of the vote.

    For anybody who wanted to harass their peeps into seeing the light.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Even if he doesn’t- silence is complicity, at least as far as representative democracy goes.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Here’s the complete vot (dropping here again, cuz, yeah.)

    That’s everyone one in congress. you can sort by party affiliation, by vote, and search by specific names.

    FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

    assault and battery are both vaguely termed legal definitions that depend on what state you’re in.

    in MN, there’s no legal definition for battery, with assault being defined with multiple levels ranging from ‘mere’ threats through “poked me on the arm” to beating the shit out of someone.

    In WI, where this happened, it seems they’re the opposite with the only mention of ‘assault’ be related to sexual assault. and battery being similar to MN’s assault charges. Though, I only took a cursory look through their laws.

    FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

    it is Wisconsin.

    perhaps more pertinently, small town Wisconcin. Baraboo has like 12k. Sauk County has 60k

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    it’s gonna suck when foreign streamers pull content because of it. Or when, instead they raise their rates inside canada.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    there’s been a lot of studies. Here’s one group in the US

    The true extent is unknown because it’s not as commonly reported as you might imagine. There are a lot of people who accept abuse as normal relationships.

    But one thing that needs to be looked at, and should be sobering is how quickly people are to latch onto the idea that men are awful. For example, in the US, women are actually more likely to be abuse children than men (and elsewhere, I found one study that said 70% of abuse cases were perpetrated solely by mothers or both parents. I don’t entirely trust that study, or I’d link it.)

    Domestic violence and who perpetrates an who the victims are… is much more complicated than people realize. While it’s clear that men are more likely to initiate serious domestic violence- and that women are more likely to only resort to domestic violence in self defense or retaliation- it gets pretty messy pretty quickly. For example, in the abstract for this study:

    • women’s violence usually occurs in the context of violence against them by their male partners;
    • in general, women and men perpetrate equivalent levels of physical and psychological aggression, but evidence suggests that men perpetrate sexual abuse, coercive control, and stalking more frequently than women and that women also are much more frequently injured during domestic violence incidents;
    • women and men are equally likely to initiate physical violence in relationships involving less serious “situational couple violence,” and in relationships in which serious and very violent “intimate terrorism” occurs, men are much more likely to be perpetrators and women victims;
    • women’s physical violence is more likely than men’s violence to be motivated by self-defense and fear, whereas men’s physical violence is more likely than women’s to be driven by control motives;
    • studies of couples in mutually violent relationships find more negative effects for women than for men; and
    • because of the many differences in behaviors and motivations between women’s and men’s violence, interventions based on male models of partner violence are likely not effective for many women.

    While I make no claim to the accuracy of that study… there’s also a lot of bad “studies” that seem to demonize one or the other- or defend one or the other. I would tend to trust the NCADV stats I linked first, mind, which paints a pretty clear picture when it comes to violence against partners and whose doing it.

    One of the things that’s incredibly frustrating is when you realize that most men who are abused by their partner will almost certainly not report it to police. because of shame, because they may not even realize it’s violence. Because cops might arrest you if they say you attacked first (and that fat lip from where you hit back is rather compelling.) A lot of women also don’t report, Most. probably. Because we live in a fucked up world.

    and this all just the physical abuse. Wait until you find out how horribly under reported psychological abuse is.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    I completely agree.

    My point with that article… isn’t that men aren’t. My point is that it’s pretty messy.

    Is it self defense or retaliation? When they both claim to be the victim, which do you believe?

    Further, self defense doesn’t really hold when you stay with that abusive person for years. Or decades.

    I am not trying to say that men can’t be perpetrators. We can be. We frequently are. I’m trying to attack the notion that women can’t be perpetrators too, because the vast majority of men don’t ever report, and those that do are frequently not believed- and locked up for it.

    It wasn’t domestic- but my experience. I was a Supe for contract security working onsite because a client had an event going and needed manpower.

    A rich, drunk, and very grabby cougar decided we were going to have sex. Over the course of the incident, I popped her sternum to push her back (not a full punch, more of a shove with a knuckle. It hurts and it’s almost involuntary to step back,) to open space. She fell (again, drunk,) and didn’t get the message so I tased her.

    Naturally, she was the only one showing injury. I was wearing a body cam that night and despite the sexual assault happening on two different security cameras, and my body camera, I was very nearly charged with assault, very nearly lost my job (for getting arrested)

    The sexual assault was never charged and won’t be found on any official statistic. They slapped her with disorderly, which is a petty misdemeanor (on the order of a speeding ticket.).

    And the cop that told me “dude, you should have just found a closet and fucked her,” still works as a cop, and was simply transferred out of the precinct because the lady-cop that specialized in sexual assault got pissed. His partner was never disciplined.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Just because you don’t see it, just because they maintain an image of being “lovely” doesn’t mean someone you know isn’t abusing someone else you know.

    We can’t say for certain just how bad it is, but we can say it is bad and it is pervasive.

    FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

    You, uh, sure that’s not a skunk?

    (Skunks are omnivores and will eat whatever they can take, including mice and voles.)

    For comparison:

    The tail and the high contrast stripe at the base is making me wonder.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Can we talk about how epic the Hubble is as a telescope? the JWST is phenomal. But really, without the Hubble, Webb wouldn’t even know where to look.

    here’s to you, ya giant tin can in space. i’m sorry for replacing my desktop with one from the JWST…

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    I mean, I fully expect JWST to be as pivotal as Hubble- but Hubble set the bar and its still going higher.

    Probably the most exciting part of this is that with the JWST active, it frees up more time on the Hubble, so you might start to get some more “side projects” get time on the Hubble.

    though. my favorite pictures?

    Eta Carinae and the Butterfly Nebula

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    it’s amazing that the Hubble has made over 1.6 million observations of 30 years. Some quick math says that, with no breaks, that’s 140 or so observations a day.

    My boss is wondering why I’m so unproductive…

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    “Please lift the gag order so I can continue being an asshole online and intimidating/threatening jurors an’ witnesses an’ you, judge, 'cuz I’m a weak, insecure man and need to rile up my base to kill you.”

    Trump’s arguments, paraphrased.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

    Trump is the greatest argument for the 2nd amendment.

    (Though seriously… gun control folks. It saves lives.)

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Not saying it’s a great argument, really. I mean think about it. If he has the military side with him, any rifle I might have … ain’t gonna do jack to the UCAVs dropping bombs.

    If trump loses? If it’s not contained immediately, it’ll probably look like The Troubles/Northern Ireland conflict or the LA Gang wars in the 80’s, (and the same kind of increase in hyper-militarism among police, in point of fact. It’s not talked about much, but the la gang wars were what prompted that in the us.)

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    She’s a bottle blonde.

    But she gives humanity a bad name.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    I feel like people that are that calculating are also capable of calculating what happens if he karks it.

    She becomes a martyr, gets to fade away with what’s left of her dignity and his wealth,

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