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ExotiqueMatter , avatar

How much genocide does a party need to perpetrate/support before you guys stop supporting them?

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

rolling blackouts

[citation needed]

has lost tens of thousands of their citizens

[citation needed] + even if that’s true Russia’s population is about 144,444,000 peoples.

10 000/144 444 000 = 6.923098224917615 x 10^-5^ ~ 0.000692 = 0.0692% so half of a tenth of a purcent. Not a big issue really.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

When your system is definitely democratic

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

maybe I’m too naive

Yes you are. Who is gonna do this “diplomatic lobbying”? The US? Some EU country? Most of the mightiest economic and military powers on earth materially support Israel’s genocide, whether it’s economically or militarily, because they have important geopolitical interests in keeping Israel going to maintain influence on the west Asia region through it. Don’t expect them to stop anytime soon, especially not because you asked them to.

No genocide has ever stopped because other countries asked it, that’s literally not a thing. Whether it is the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, the civil right movement in the US, the independence movements in Vietnam, Algeria, Haiti, etc or even the genocide of Jews and Slavs by Nazi Germany, every oppressive system, from “simple” economic discrimination to outright genocide of entire populations, that were successfully stopped were stopped by resistance movement who didn’t hesitate to use violence and warfare when necessary.

Hamas and the other organisations operating in Gaza have a lot of problems and religious extremism and bigotry is certainly a problem, but the thing is, they are the ONLY peoples doing something on the ground about the genocide and stopping Israel from putting their bloody boots on Gazan soil and create settlements there. Calling for dismantling is the materially equivalent to calling for the end of all Palestinian resistance, because regardless of what you think of them they are the resistance. The Palestinians have literally no one else to defend them.

Your call for disbanding them is nothing more than rambling of a spoiled, probably white (sorry for assuming), westerner who who has never experienced them mildest form of discrimination, and want to oppose the Palestinian genocide but who, instead of working with what is available and trying to make it better, has decided to whine that the idea of supporting hooded AK-47 wilding openly Muslim Arab don’t make them feel comfy enough. Sorry, but the Palestinians have other more important things to give a fuck about than making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

And you are rationalizing this position together with you circle jerk by repeating ad nauseum the insane, unsubstantiated smearing of the resistance peddled by peoples who want to keep the genocide going.

You are also naïve to think that the solution you are proposing would solve anything at all of even change your position on this issue.

Let’s assume this happen, Hamas and the other resistance groups are disbanded and a group with whatever aesthetic makes you comfortable is created. What do you think would happen then? That they would win the heart of you spoiled lot and everything will be good? No. Let me tell you what would happen. As soon as this new group start to take actions, the Israeli and western propaganda machine are gonna start getting to work slandering and smearing this new group, accusing it of every sin just like they did with Hamas, and you peoples are gonna swallow it all like you always do and start asking to dissolve this new group too.

You are one of the “white moderates” that Martin Lutter King Jr denounced: Just like you are today against Hamas and the Houthis for “being terrorists”, if you were alive and/or following the events back then, you would have been against Nelson Mandela for “killing innocent whites peoples”, you would have been against MLK and Malcolm X for “disturbing the peace and organising illegal and violent protests”, you may not like it but this is the position you are defending right now regarding the genocide of Palestinians.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar


ExotiqueMatter , avatar

They can’t import much anyway because of the sanctions, nor do they really need to anymore now that russian companies have taken over the shares of russian market of foreign companies who left, so even if you were correct about this it wouldn’t be a big issue for them.

ExotiqueMatter , (edited ) avatar

How do they keep not respecting ICJ rullings against them and their allies then?Like, bruh. This shit is not magic. Without a structure that would be able to physicaly force the US if and all of it’s intricate global military alliance to respect the rulling if nessessary, which there are none of currently, the rullings are just empty words which they can and will ignore. It’s like expecting that convicted criminals will walk from the courtroom to the prison on their own without any escort being needed to make sure they respect their sentence.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

A lot of these countries are at least ally of the US if not pupets, don’t count on those to do anyting about it if the US decide that they don’t care what the ICJ says.

As for the coutries that aren’t, what they can do is very limited, they can place embargos and apply sanctions but that’s about it, they certainly won’t perform any military actions against the US even if they are in theory able to because they aren’t stupid and understand that a war with the US won’t end well for them even if they win.

Even without going that far, the actions that can be taken against the US are limited because since in the real world coutries aren’t closed off pocket universes and are rather part of the same world and all connected by economy, politics, history and geography in some ways, any actions taken by one country against an other will have consequances for the PERPETRATOR of those actions as well.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

Anyway, here’s to hoping other nations will do the right thing when the ICJ ruling is passed and hold all the financial supporters of genocide against Palestinians to account.

  1. They wont.
  2. The fundamental rule of economic sanctions is: never assume you wont be sanctioned back. Nations who attempt to sanctions Israel’s economic backers will be sanctioned back by those very economic backers, among which is the US, a country who hold a massive deals of control over the global economy through the US dollar, the curency which is used for the majority of international trade and which every countries hold assets and reserves in. Not to mention the fact that despite the massive ongoing deindustrialization the US is still the world’s second major exporter and importer. Almost any economy cut from them would imediatly enter a massive economic ressetion. You can’t just sanction coutries and expect everythong to be hunky-dory ICJ rulling or not.
ExotiqueMatter , avatar

That wont change anything even if they are. Their geopolitical iterest in the middle east are at bay, they just won’t care and will continue to support Izrael anyway. That’s what they always do.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

If today the ICJ rules that Palestinians have been victims of genocide, that war is ending in the next few days/weeks.

This is naive. Like we keep teling you, the US has made it a habit to go against decisions from intrenational institutions like the UN, the ICJ etc. Nothing has ever happened to them as a consequance of that behavior. If they decide to keep backing Israel’s genicide anyway, which they without a doubt will, there will be very little consequances for them at best.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

Unless Israel forces itself to become a recognized colony of the US, you don’t have a case here.

How so? Israel doesn’t have to be a “recognized colony” or whatever for this to be about US interest in the region. There is a reason why the US is Israel’s largest foreign arms supplier and Israel is one of the coutries who buy the most american weapons in the world.

Israel is the only coutry in the middle east who is willing to do the US’s bidding there without questions, if it disapear, all the US will have left will be a shaky alliance with Saudi Arabia and a fragile ocupation in Iraq, and with Iran just next door, without Israel those too will be gone sooner rather than later as the middle eastern country realize that now that the US can’t do shit to them anymore they can freely make an allience that makes much more sense for their geopolitical interests with Iran.

And without any influance there the US has no way of stealing middle eastern oil or to at least presure middle eastern countries to sell their oil in dollar and severe concurence to american oil company will soon apear which the US doesn’t want.

IDK why you guys insist on arguing with me about some of the most basic shit. It’s almost like you support genocide but are too afraid to come out and say it.

Saying that an ICJ rulling wont stop the US from doing whatever they want isn’t supporting genocide, it’s being realistic and realizing that the US wont stop pursuing their interests just because an organization with “international” in it’s name scolded them.

OF COURSE it would be good if that made the US stop, but we are analysing a real life geopolitical situation, not power-of-friendship shonen where the good guy convince the bad guy that it’s not very nice to not be nice with a speach.

How would the ICJ rulling stop the US?

The ICJ DO NOT have the power to enforce it’s rullings, especialy not on the US.

Not to mention, like everyone here keep showing you, all of the instences where did not respect an ICJ rulling in the past.

They already did it and nothing happened, there is no reasons to think it would be any different this time.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

And there are many ways for member states to enforce the ICJ’s decision on ISRAEL (IDK why I have to keep repeating myself on this single point) and the US if they get mentioned as well, economic sanctions are just one of them.

What ways then?

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

I mean, it’s good to have hope. It would be awsome if the ICJ will stopped the genocide.

But I’m telling you, you’ll be disapointed in the end.

Either way, well see what happen when it does.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

South Yemen’s blockade is certainly hurting Israel and making it way harder for the US to supply Israel while Hesbolla’s strikes are successfuly spliting Israel on 2 fronts, all of that is very good, and yes it is effective, but they’re not gods, they can only do so much, Ansar Allah can only blockade the red sea, they can’t do anything about the supplies comming from the Mediteraneean, and Hesbolla, while very competent, must keep in mind that the IDF despite all the paper-tiger behavior they showed are still a well equiped modern military supplied by the world’s first military power, they can’t act recklessly and they know that, which is why they are not going all out against Israel (yet).

However, you are correct in saying that they are reliable support that Hammas can count on.

Give them some time, and with the current unraveling on US influence, they will win against Israel eventually.

As soon an the US can’t support them anymore, Israel will be done for, they will fall like Saigon when the US finally left Vietnam.

ExotiqueMatter , (edited ) avatar

I see your point.

This is correct, these mesures would indeed be tremendously effectives, the problem is that it’s easyer said than done, and it’s already happening even without ICJ rulling anyway.

The BRICS block is working to move away from using US dollar as we speak, they have started to progressively replace the US dollar by local currencies in trades between themselves and are trying to create an international currency for international trade.

But compleating those projects will take a few years at least, you don’t move half the world’s economy in one day.

Until then, a lot of countries will have no choice but to continue using the dollar for international trade, at least partially, not to mention Europe, Japan, South Korea and the others former British colonies who will undoubtedly continue to use US dollar to support the US.

But even once the dollar stop being the international unit of acount, I doubt the US will stop supporting Israel (if Israel is still there by then, let’s hope it’s not), as I said Israel perfoms the US’s budding in the Middle East, this is why they support Israel so much, the US has demonstrated during it’s recent history that its typical reaction to a competitor appearing was to push it lower than they have sunk rather than pull themself higher and Israel is a tool to do this to Arab countries, ensuring that the huge oil reserves of the region keep flowing to US company and don’t feed potential Arab competitors, among other things.

In fact, I wonder if that wouldn’t make their support of Israel more direct and agressive, it would be very US-like to, as the empire start unraveling, keep clawing on every bit of international influence and every way they extract wealth from the 3rd world to slow down ever so slightly they collapse.

My point is, wait for the US egemony to unravel some more and trust Hammas, Hesbolla and Ansar Allah to deal with Israel, the end of the genocide will come from that, not from the ICJ rulling.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

I’m split between not wanting the US to cause more wars and kill more inocent civilians and the hope of what could come from them being more overstreched than ever on all the fronts they are fighting and getting rekt on all of them.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

Because Israel is the only government firmly committed to doing the US’s bidding in the Middle East, they need to make sure it has all it needs because if it falls all the US will have left to exert influence in the region would be an unstable occupation in Iraq and a shaky alliance with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

The house elfs also want to free their race from slavery perpetrated by humans, and that makes them bad guys because in HP lore they « are happy with servitude » and « it’s natural for them ».

In the books, Hermione is made fun of by the narrator and the characters for suggesting that house elfs should be freed.

And Harry at some point gets his own house elf slave but the story never paint it as a bad thing because « he is a good master so it’s ok ».

There is no universe where this isn’t slavery apologia.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

I pray for the 2020s to be the USs last decade.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

A Jewish person being part of a Nazi government isn’t the oximoron you people are trying to paint it as.

Nazis are hypocrites who never hesitate to act contrary to their genocidal racist brain rot whenever it’s politically convenient for them to do so.

This includes the original Nazis.

If you weren’t aware, the German Nazi state had a title, so called « honorary aryan », which they gave to Nazi officials (or people useful to the Nazis in some way) of ethnicity that the Nazis would have otherwise sent to concentration camps, among the peoples who were granted the title were a number of Jews.

The title offered it’s recipient immunity to the racist policies and laws of the Nazis as well as sometimes outright favor treatment.

The title was also used to justify allying with the Japanese as well as, less famously, some middle eastern countries.

Side note but still relevant, the third reish supported Israel, since the Zionist goal of settling European Jews in Palestine aligned with the Nazi goal of riding Germany of Jews.

As for the claims about neonazis in the Ukrainian government, you just haven’t bothered to look have you?

It’s literally so easy to find outlets that couldn’t be less associated with the Russian government talking about the neo Nazi problem of Ukraine. Just search Nazi Ukraine and filter between 2014 and 2022 and you will find tons of them.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

It DOES make sense to peoples who actually know a bit about German history and 20th century European fascism.

Nazis hate Jewish people, that’s true. But they also gladly look the other way when a Jewish person happens to be useful to them.

Search Jewish Nazi collaborator and who the Nazis gave the title « honorary aryan » to, you’d be surprised.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

Who could have known Ukraine would loose? It’s not like there is a group of people somewhere, maybe around here, that warned everyone that this would happen since the beginning.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

What’s your take then? They should continue throwing soldiers at a war they are clearly losing? What is that supposed to happen achieve apart from getting even more Ukrainians killed than already were?

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

I don’t know how big a “standard” supply of these gears is but… …aren’t those quantities very small?

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

The question shouldn’t be whether rape is happening

Excuse me? We absolutely SHOULD question whether rape is happening.

This "that’s just how war is" kind of narrative needs to go, there is no laws of physics that force armies to commit rape or any voluntary attack against civilians for that matter.

That’s not useful, that’s not helpful, that’s not smart, that’s not having a “nuanced understanding”, that’s cynical minimization of unwarranted violence and horrible crimes against civilians.

It shift the blame of warcrimes on a cynical and frankly halfassed “that’s just how it is” kind of “explanation” and minimise the responsibility of the culprit.

You can’t just say that both sides of a conflict always do this and handwave it as if it was some kind of universal law, if you want to claim that, you need to prove it.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

They’re getting ready to get rid of him aren’t they.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar
ExotiqueMatter , avatar

As for the people that use them on the daily? The vast majority seem like a hivemind. On YouTube you will literally find pages of “bro [insert incredibly basic observation] 💀😭” in a single comment section. It’s one thing if it were a reference to something insane or unhinged like a copypasta, but it’s another when it’s a subconscious “can I copy your homework” over and over again. People overuse emojis in the same way that people type out “lmao” with a straight face in response to a meme. They’re used out of laziness so often that they’re becoming filler speech.

The irony of saying that and ending with

thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Everyone and their mother has made that joke at least once after writing a somewhat long text. You’re not any more original or any less of a “hivemind” than the peoples you’re talking about in this paragraph. You need to calm your ego.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

What matters is she has taken away any appearance of being unbiased, both for her and by association for the paper.

Nothing is unbiased, anything written by a human is tinted by their perspective, by what they know and by the lack of what they don’t know, by their sense of morality, their ideology, etc… At most, you can approach what looks like the neutral position from your perspective, but true neutrality is fundamentally unreachable. Personally, I prefer a journalist that knows what their bias are and state them clearly to their audience over one that pretend like they have the laterally superhuman ability to forme truly unbiased and neutral opinion.

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

no, actual drones, as in the teleguided thing with rotors that fly. they strap explosives on that and throw it at targets.

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