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tja , in Hilarious avatar

You should always check first to see if it makes sense to automate something

Zagorath , avatar

Let’s say it takes half a second to copy/paste and submit the message. That’s 50 seconds saved, round it to one minute. You’re only doing it once, so let’s cross over to yearly. According to the Munroe Automation Scale, you can spend up to 5 minutes on it.

I’d say that code took about 1 minute to write. Maybe 2.

Result: do the automation.

Huschke ,

I miss /r/theydidthemath

bisby ,

Caveat: This is all written assuming the message is being written on a computer with a real keyboard. But if we’re assuming this is written on a phone, then my analysis doesn’t apply, but then again, writing a java program to execute in your messaging app is also a terrible idea. Which means we’re suspending disbelief, so I choose to believe that a computer keyboard and shortcuts are available.

Type the phrase once. Select all. copy, paste, paste (the first paste replaces what you already have highlighted, the second paste adds a second copy). Now you have 2. Control + A, Control + C, Control + V… Now you have 4.

It will take you only 7 cycles of this get 128*, you only need to copy/paste it one by one if you want to send each message separately. and even then, it’s would purely be copy the original, then paste, send, paste, send, paste send, paste, send.

Assuming you can hold down control and just hit ACVV 7 times, that’s 28 keystrokes. I’d bet I can get that done in 5 seconds or less (i tried it, it’s less than that), so now I only save 5 seconds. Which means I only get 25 seconds to write the script. Which he chose to write in java for some reason?

[print(“I’m sorry”) for x in range(0, 100)] is actually a script I could write in less than 25 seconds.

*And I disagree with the “reason 4” given. She didn’t say “exactly 100 times” she said “100 times before I forgive you” and to me, “before” implies >= and not ==. So if you drop it in 128 times, that exceeds the criteria. No one has ever rescinded forgiveness for receiving extra apologies.

FaceDeer , avatar

He must have to apologize to her a lot.

MyNamesNotRobert , in New language

How to go from only being able to compile the project on a Windows machine (due to obscure dependencies that every other Java project has for some reason) to not being able to compile on anyone’s machine in just 1 simple step.

kaffiene ,

I’ve worked with Java since v1. 5 and I’ve never seen a build system that was Windows only

kaffiene , in New language

Java is a great language. But programming languages are tools - not every tool is the right tool for every job

EmilyIsTrans , in New language avatar

Just use Kotlin

force , (edited )

Just use Scala*** ((objectively better language¹))

  1. scala does not support breaking out of loops, it does errors on early returns, uses parentheses for array indexing, compiles extremely slowly, …
ShadyGrove ,

Just use Clojure****

treechicken OP , avatar

This is literally how this all started for us lol. Senior wanted to try to migrate everything to Kotlin in our project. Migration never finished. Now one of our major repos is just half Kotlin half Java. Devs on our team learn Kotlin by unexpectedly encountering it when they need to touch that code.

monsieur_hackerman ,

Maybe it’s because I know both languages but is that really a big issue for people? The interop is great, and kotlin is very readable, so the cost of context switching between the two is miniscule.

Some people have an extreme aversion to learning new things though. I feel that holding yourself to the standards and limits of your lowest performers isn’t a great thing.

masterspace ,

Sounds like you’re making progress, your devs are slowly learning a better language that will let them work faster and will soon be able to help port the rest of the codebase and then you can really accelerate when no one needs to touch or know Java.

treechicken OP , avatar

I really hope so. Last code I reviewed was full of !! and companion objects trying to emulate Java static instead of top-level consts. Even I’m still trying to figure out what idiomatic Kotlin looks like. We got a ways to go…

mstrk ,

Doesn’t Kotlin has interoperability with Java? I didn’t used it much yet but I’m about to in a few months. Is it that difficult to just refactor things to Kotlin when you need to change something in the project? I’m asking because I just can’t work with verbose languages and would prefer Kotlin to Java everyday.

treechicken OP , avatar

The interoperability is both a blessing and a curse imo since it let us half-ass the integration by leaving a bunch of Java code unconverted. I could start refactoring everything but then my team would stop reviewing my PRs due to the diff size (and then my manager would eventually find out that I’ve been using up work time doing this instead of shipping features during crunch week).

I really much prefer Kotlin to Java. I just wish my team had actually had a commitment to it instead of just sorta using it with no migration plan.

DacoTaco , in Probably the wrong meme format avatar

The problem with java is the language and how it works itself, and not the byte code idea.
I say that as a few things do that and .net, java and wasm are the first that jump to mind.
Hell, pure technically any programming language that is not asm does that :')

My problem is java itself, not its byte code. Wasm as advantage, imo, is that its not stuck to a single language like java is. .net blazor can build to wasm, but you could also use c++ to compile wasm applications :)

onlinepersona OP ,

I’m not sure why the WASM creator(s) didn’t take advantage of the existing java bytecode and JVM instead of reimplementing it. Might’ve sped up its adoption. Doesn’t matter to me though, as long as JS stops being the #1 in web development.

This meme isn’t to be taken seriously

Anti Commercial AI thingyCC BY-NC-SA 4.0

RonSijm , avatar

Why would they? WASM is Web-Assembly, so Assembly is a lower level language than Java.

You can use C# WASM through Blazor, and Java WASM though JWebAssembly. WASM as core is supposed to be language agnostic. So If you want a JVM in WASM you can build it on top of it

onlinepersona OP ,

Java makes bytecode which is run in a JVM, WASM is bytecode which runs in a VM.

Anti Commercial AI thingyCC BY-NC-SA 4.0

RonSijm , avatar

Java makes things run in a VM

Docker makes things run in a VM

Virtualbox makes things run in a VM

Why did we need any of those things, should have just put everything in Java instead right 🙃

onlinepersona OP ,

Now that’s meme-worthy!

Anti Commercial AI thingyCC BY-NC-SA 4.0

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

All software should be made to run in SCUMMVM.

xigoi , avatar

Java bytecode is designed specifically for class-oriented languages like Java and works terribly with anything else.

abbadon420 , in New language

Java is great if you actually want to earn a living.

Sendpicsofsandwiches , avatar
abbadon420 ,

Could you have picked any creepier clown foto? Lol

agressivelyPassive ,

That’s almost comically besides the point of the comment.

skulbuny , avatar

True, but functional languages are great if you want to live comfortably.…

CanadaPlus ,

Difficulty of finding such a job not shown.

swordsmanluke ,

That one dude still using Delphi is getting screwed.

Also, these salary numbers seem… real low. I get that it’s the median so maybe a huge number of overseas engineers are pulling the results down but in my neck of the woods 105K is less than what we pay juniors.

UnRelatedBurner , in Should it just be called JASM?

Do we have 3 assemblies now?

anton , (edited )

Actual assembly in mainstream use:
risc v

mainstream byte code:
.net (I think)

fake assembly people may write:

wat (web assembly text) is actually written is S-expressions, like lisp but without code as data.

Edit: formatting

starman , avatar

.NET thing is called IL

secana ,

The runtime is even called “common language runtime” (clr), as it is intended to support many different languages, which the jvm never was.

starman , avatar

Languages like F# or (God forbid) VB.NET

onlinepersona OP ,

How many do you want?

UnRelatedBurner ,

One. To rule them all.

YerbaYerba ,
starman , avatar

You forgot CC :)

ZILtoid1991 ,

I’m making my own, because all mainstream options are bloated for my usecase…

Gutek8134 , in avatar

What’s so bad about the Cook Islands corporations?

KairuByte , in New language avatar

Write your business critical process in brainfuck and have job security for life.

onion ,

Sprinkle in some whitespace code…

jjjalljs , in Rebase Supremacy

I used to only merge. Now I rebase. The repo is set up to require squash and rebase when going to main.

All the garbage “spelled thing wrong” and “ran formatter” commits go away. Main is clean and linear.

DinosaurSr ,

Squash and rebase or squash or rebase?

jjjalljs ,

…and? You squash so all your gross “isort” “forgot to commit this file” “WIP but I’m getting lunch” commits can be cleaned up into a single “Add endpoint to allow users to set their blah blah” comment with a nice extended description.

You then rebase so you have a nice linear history with no weird merge commits hanging around.

cobra89 ,

Okay honest question, when you merge a PR in GitHub and choose the squash commits box is that “rebasing”? Or is that just squashing? Because it seems that achieves the same thing you’re talking about.

jjjalljs ,

There’s two options in the green button on a pr. One is squash and merge, the other is squash and rebase.

Squashing makes one commit out of many. You should IMO always do this when putting your work on a shared branch

Rebase takes your commit(s) and sticks them on the end.

Merge does something else I don’t understand as well, and makes a merge commit.

Also there was an earthquake in NYC when I was writing this. We may have angered the gods.

cobra89 ,

Lmao I’m in the NYC area and my whole house shook. I’m right there with you. Thanks for the explanation!

Atemu , avatar

You should IMO always do this when putting your work on a shared branch

No. You should never squash as a rule unless your entire team can’t be bothered to use git correctly and in that case it’s a workaround for that problem, not a generally good policy.

Automatic squashes make it impossible to split commit into logical units of work. It reduces every feature branch into a single commit which is quite stupid.
If you ever needed to look at a list of feature branch changes with one feature branch per line for some reason, the correct tool to use is a first-parent log. In a proper git history, that will show you all the merge commits on the main branch; one per feature branch; as if you had squashed.

Rebase “merges” are similarly stupid: You lose the entire notion of what happened together as a unit of work; what was part of the same feature branch and what wasn’t. Merge commits denote the end of a feature branch and together with the merge base you can always determine what was committed as part of which feature branch.

jjjalljs ,

I don’t want to see a dozen commits of “ran isort” “forgot to commit this file lol” quality.

Do you?

Having the finished feature bundled into one commit is nice. I wouldn’t call it stupid at all.

Atemu , avatar

Note that I didn’t say that you should never squash commits. You should do that but with the intention of producing a clearer history, not as a general rule eliminating any possibly useful history.

GissaMittJobb ,

You squash so all your gross “isort” “forgot to commit this file” “WIP but I’m getting lunch” commits can be cleaned up

The next step on the Git-journey is to use interactive rebasing in order to never push these commits in the first place and maintain a clean history to be consumed by the code reviewer.

Squashing is still nice in order to have a one-to-one relationship between commits on the main branch to pull requests merged, imo.

KidnappedByKitties , in Hilarious

102 times

Rubanski ,

Why 102? Isn’t it 0-100?

stevestevesteve ,

He already said it once

Rubanski ,

Wow that went over my head haha

jaybone ,

But that was before she set the requirement. I assume she meant from then on, and not since the beginning of time.

someguy3 ,

If they have eggs, get a dozen.

cupcakezealot , in Rebase Supremacy avatar

i like to create ten different checkouts of main, rebase them all slightly differently and then no fast forward merge them all back into each other

merthyr1831 , in Rebase Supremacy

Heres my based af workflow:

git checkout -b feature-branch

rebase on top of dev whilst working locally

git rebase origin/dev-branch && git push -f

if i need to fix conflicts with dev-branch during a PR

git merge origin/dev

sorter_plainview ,

I have been using something very similar to this. In my team I insisted on people without any git experience working on a separate local branch, than the feature branch

. To ensure screw ups are minimal, we pull and create a local feature branch and then a new local only dummy branch, on top of it. Once the team is more comfortable with git, I am planning to treat the local feature branch as a dummy branch.

So far things have been pretty neat. Spaghetti is no more with minimal conflicts.

maynarkh , in It's always semicolon, God damnit.......

Joke’s on you, I use semicolons in Pythpn

mariusafa ,

How? For real I hate python not having ; and { and depending on tabs and spaces (PAIN)

maynarkh ,

You can end any statement in Python with a semicolon, you can also put multiple statements on the same line, putting a semicolon between them.

dustyData ,

Python supports both, it’s just not pythonic. It’s not the way it’s meant to be written but you can write them if you want/are a masochist, because of the syntax’s flexibility.

jaybone ,

You should try ruby.

fl42v ,

May I interest you in

mariusafa ,

Nice, my lovely C syntax. Thank you!

nickwitha_k , in New language

Seems reasonable to me. A scripting language, a compiled language, SQL, some CI/CD DSL, and a dealer’s choice.

Java isn’t bad but, I’m not a fan of how verbose and convoluted it is. That said, I’ll take Java over here JS any day of the week.

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