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InternetIsScary , French avatar

I am currently working on an IDE for my two projects, and app and my . I am making this in python as I personally love scripting, I am maintint an operating system whxuh i am really happy to do so. I am a small upcoming scripting developer, with some knowledge of python , but I know how to get around it and such. Just wondering if anyone knows if I should use KTinker (or whatever it’s called , lol) or wx.


tkk13909 ,

This is not the right place to ask stuff buddy

graphito , avatar

If I write code for the project which management abruptly cancels, can I put "Subzero coder" in my CV?


haui_lemmy ,

Not sure I get the joke but upvoted for originality and sub zero being included.

graphito , (edited ) avatar

joke explanationit’s a response to colleagues putting skill of nocode / zerocode platforms in their CV and demanding onpar compensation — “subzero” here plays a double duty bc it’s a cool character and also bc code, you wrote but was never used, should be counted as negative work i.e. subzero code

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