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I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do?

Hello. For context, I am in a university. I do not have any friends, and it feels like colleagues talk bad about me. This makes me quite hesitant to join any circles or attend seminars. I am not sure it is everyone who thinks bad about me though, I fear about asking. Yet I plan to do research, so I should attend seminars to learn current trends and stuffs. May I ask what I should do in such a situation? Are friends necessary, or not really? Also should I stop being in this environment and get a job instead? Thanks for reading lengthy paragraph, I would love any comments or advice for this.

Deceptichum , avatar

Hi, are you neurodivergent by any chance?

someacnt_ OP ,

Yeah, I suspect I am both mildly autistic and ADHD.

Deceptichum , avatar

Okay, well I’ll try to answer your questions as directly as possible.

Attending seminars to learn about current interests is a very clinical approach, that won’t ever really capture what those trends are and you will appear to be even more of an outsider imitating the ‘insiders’. I personally wouldn’t recommend it, maybe try looking to find a group hobby that you can do with other people (DnD, walking, photography, book club, sports, etc).

Are friends necessary, or not really?

Necessary is subjective. But at least for me I find having some social connections I can talk with helps, and is overall a net positive on my quality of life. Also good friends can end up being with you for life, certainly a good investment.

Also should I stop being in this environment and get a job instead?

That depends, why are you in University? If it’s purely for academic learning, just focus on your studies. If it’s to gain life experiences as well, go out and seek people. If it’s neither, and you can’t think of any other reason to be in such an environment than maybe a job would be a good change.

someacnt_ OP ,

I want to do research, that is why I am in the uni. Problem is, network effect is strong in academia, so being isolated is not great for that…

Maeve ,

Are there any clubs that hold interest for you? Chess club, book club, drama club, small local bands? What kind of research? Anything pertaining to that?

Fanfic? Scifi? Creative writing?

someacnt_ OP ,

I do not have particular interest other than gaming, tho I can maybe pursue an interest. Chess club sounds good, perhaps I’d try that!

Maeve ,

That's cool. There are probably gaming groups, if even informal. Look for those.

someacnt_ OP ,

Thanks again, will do!

BackOnMyBS , avatar
someacnt_ OP ,

I just read the rules, does this post break rule 3? Where is the better place to ask this question?

neidu2 , (edited )

Don’t think so. I’m not a mod on this board, but if I was, I’d say it’s OK - you ask a genuine question about approaches to a social situation, which should be all good. Also, thanks for reminding me to actually check out the rules in the sidebar.

xmunk ,

Ostracized and isolated are two very different things, do you think there’s an intent that’s actively excluding you or are you welcome but personally uncomfortable forming social bonds?

someacnt_ OP ,

That’s the issue, I don’t know if they are actively warding me off or are just ambivalent. At least I am not welcome, that is for sure.

neidu2 , (edited )

What gives you the impression that others are badmouthing you? In cases like this, I have come to realize that it mostly boils down to indifference. People have their own lives and social circles to pay attention to, and as such their interactions with you would be neutral, which can seem cold.

If the above is the case, you’re not ostracized, you just haven’t found anyone to connect with (yet). I suggest you attend events, and hopefully you’ll get to know someone better.

someacnt_ OP ,

It comes from that I hear people talking bad about me. Like, saying that I am a freak (or similar).

neidu2 ,

Unless you can think of what could’ve caused this, I suggest you attend the seminars. If someone there doesn’t like you just because you’re you, that’s their problem.

You won’t like everyone you’ll ever meet. And not everyone you meet will like you. And sometimes there will be actual dislike in the mix. It’s just how life is.

someacnt_ OP ,

Hmm, another person commented here that attending seminar is like outsider acting like an insider. How do you think about it?

Maeve ,

Wow. People can be so cruel. Have you heard them say why they feel this way?

someacnt_ OP ,

No, I don’t think they explain anything about why.

Maeve ,

That's savage. It's hard to address an issue if you don't know what it is. Any ideas?

People often dislike and fear what they don't understand. Self-care is really important, regular bathing and other hygiene (you're worth caring about). Also, walk with head high and shoulders back. Take up space. Use the central sidewalk, central doors. You're as worthy as anyone. To put it another way, don't dim your light so others seem brighter. If there are personal thought, word, deed habits that need addressing, be honest with yourself and address them. I don't know you, so I can't say.

someacnt_ OP ,

Thanks! I suspect that it continues from my high school and uni days where I was belittled a lot. The momentum is hard to overcome. That said, that people talking bad about me right now can be an illusion.

Maeve ,

You're very welcome. I just glanced at your post history. You're hella smart. Way smarter than me. I'm sure most of your posts are way over my head, but I think we should stretch for our reach to exceed our grasp. Thus, I'm "following" you. Maybe I'll learn from you.

someacnt_ OP ,

Thanks for kind words, I’d say my smartness is just that I took tons of time to learn. You can learn lots of knowledge given time, even math! Tho indeed, not everyone has time for learning, so it is okay to not know something! :)

Maeve ,

You're very welcome. Thank you for your kindness, as well. I look forward to any future interactions.

lady_maria , avatar

it feels like colleagues talk bad about me.

What makes you say that? It’s pretty likely that’s just your anxiety talking.

I’m not exactly the most social—or even socially competent—person, but I know friends are important to have, especially if you don’t have family you can lean on. Friends can balance you out and provide alternate perspectives when you need them, and we all need them sometimes.

Also, I’m pretty sure having (good) friends is beneficial for your mental health. Having no friends can be detrimental to it.

Regardless of what you decide, I suggest putting yourself out there. Start slowly, and ask people about themselves. It can very difficult and stressful at first, but it does get easier over time.

It might be a good idea to make a pros/cons list for staying/getting a job; I’m sure there are other important factors to consider aside from the social climate.

someacnt_ OP ,

I feel people are badmouthing me since I am hearing words like weirdo, freak, or disabled. It can be illusory, but I do think I hear them. It’s that my parents and psychiatrists say it cannot be real, so I might be mistaking something.

kionite231 ,

you are hearing voices and believe that people are talking about you. It’s symptoms of schizophrenia. Don’t take it as medical advice rather talk about it with your doctor.

SorteKanin , avatar

Hearing things that other people say is not real is a serious problem. Please speak to a medical professional about this and listen to their advice. Take the medication that is prescribed to you.

Sundial ,

What kind of things do you like? Why don’t you find some clubs or groups that you would find interesting?

InvisibleShoe , avatar

If you are neurodivergent, it might be worth looking into Rejection sensitive dysphoria and Social phobia.

It may feel like others are judging/bad talking you but that may not be the case.

Speak to a GP or psychologist, they can help with these types of issues.

someacnt_ OP ,

Oh, does RSD symptom include the illusory hearing about badmouthing? That aside, I do think only some actively participates in badmouthing behavior, and many might be ambivalent. I am not sure about this, though.

InvisibleShoe , avatar

I don’t know about illusory hearing as related to RSD but I do know that I had similar issues most of my life.

I used to think people were looking at me, talking about me and sometimes thought that they could hear/guess my thoughts. Started when I was a kid. Found out it was ASD-1 and a brain tumor causing alot of the issues.

And the only way I found out about that was by going to the doctor. I really do recommend speaking to a doctor about these issues and you might be surprised with what they find and how much better you feel once you can get the right therapy.

someacnt_ OP ,

Thanks, I see that it could be related. That said, I’ve spoken about this issue to many doctors and psychiatrists, and it did not help - doctors just raised dosage, and psychiatrists told me to actually talk with people. Problem is, with my social anxiety, it is so difficult to talk with people…

birbs ,

Perhaps you could try friend-finding apps such as Bumble BFF? You’re likely to find others there in a similar position to yourself. It also focuses on 1 on 1 which should be a little easier to manage with social anxiety.

scarabine ,

This is what springs to mind for me as well. OP, you should try to remember this: the people around you are not as concerned with you as they are their own lives. And their own lives are probably pretty intense for them to deal with!

  • Understanding other people’s lives might have intensity you don’t know about or understand is empathy. Displaying empathy will help you establish bonds with others and this is a good place to start.
  • Say they do ostracize and dislike you. So what? Can they really even do anything about it? Should you even care? Probably not. It probably doesn’t matter at all. So you’ll have to deal with it for now, but they’ll move on and so will you.
protist ,

Psychotherapy does not particularly help patients with RSD because the emotions hit suddenly and completely overwhelm the mind and senses.

Hard disagree from me, dawg. Rejection sensitivity is a super common target behavior in psychotherapy treatments like DBT and RODBT, and it’s super treatable with those modalities. This article saying “only drugs work” is uninformed and misleading

InvisibleShoe , avatar

Thats why I said to speak to a GP or psych. In Australia, the GP is first line for diagnosis who then refers you on to psychologist or psychiatrist.

I’m just suggesting that based on what OP said, RSD could be a possibility and they should see a doctor for help if they are serious about improving their mental health etc.

protist ,

I agree with all that, I just don’t agree with William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA. I tried to look up the “LF-APA” credential, btw, because I’ve never heard of it, and William Dodson appears to be the only person on the internet who has it. Anyone know what it indicates?

FoxyFerengi ,

The L is throwing me off. I would say it’s some kind of fellow of the APA

NaibofTabr ,

Are friends necessary, or not really?

Unless you are independently wealthy, you will need the support of other people in your life. This is not avoidable - you must learn to live and work with other humans, and hopefully also enjoy their company.

The good news is that social skills are a thing that you can learn like any other skill. There are books about it, but the trouble with that is (1) advice in the book is cultural context dependent, and therefore most applicable in the time and place where the book was written, and (2) reading a book is an inherently non-social activity, and therefore not really contributing to developing the skill.

The best way to learn social skills is through observation and practice - which means that you will have to put yourself in situations that feel uncomfortable, until you learn enough that you become comfortable. This is a lot like learning to ride a bike - you feel clumsy, unsteady and slow at first but if you keep doing it you learn to stay balanced, and eventually it feels natural. You have to push yourself past the point of discomfort.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

you must learn to live and work with other humans

That is not anywhere near the same as being friends with them.

I think whether or not friends are necessary depends on the person. People who are extroverted will feel like friends are a necessity. Meanwhile, introverts like me, are perfectly happy to be by themselves. Some introverts may want to have friends but only minimally or in small amounts, others are fine without them at all.

Introverts do not always lack social skills, its just that social interaction is exhausting. Telling someone to push past this may not be possible. Not everyone needs to be an extrovert, the only people that say that or think that way are extroverts. And, unfortunately for us introverts, the majority of people are some level of extrovert.

Nougat ,

One of the things which has helped me is consistently reminding myself that everyone is focused way more on themselves than on me, that nobody realy gives a fuck about me (with a small handful of exceptions), and that my thinking that everyone is thinking about me at all is a pretty self-centered outlook itself.

Azzu ,

If you’re autistic: social settings have a plethora of unwritten rules that you have to follow to not seem weird to non-autistic people. Without knowing exactly why anyone would be badmouthing you, it’s likely that you already violated dozens of them without knowing it.

It’s possible to learn it though, I did it through reading about it and carefully observing soap operas scene-by-scene, watching every movement they make, every way they express themselves, guessing the purpose and seeing the effects.

The quickest way to learn is by having someone with the necessary skills observe you and giving you pointers, but this is hard to do apparently since you have no one you can trust?

I could help, but to help you, one really needs much more and much more specific information about your situation.

half_built_pyramids ,

I recognized I went a little crazy last week with some acquaintances. I’m going to ask them next week if it was ok. It’s hard to ask, but you just gotta do it and own it when it’s on you to improve.

some_guy ,

I don’t know about the rest, but I will say that having friends is absolutely worthwhile and worth pursuing.

Whether to stay at school or get a job, it sorta depends on your circumstances. What are you majoring? Are you interested in it? Are you taking on massive debt in the process? Will your education likely lead to career opportunities? You don’t necessarily answer here, but these are definitely questions worth asking yourself.

Depending on circumstances, staying at university may be highly advantageous. It may be a place where you develop life-long friendships or meet people and network in ways that are later career-advantageous. It could also suck you into unnecessary debt without much perceived value when you’re done. It’s difficult to say, but worth considering before acting on a whim. Good luck!

orcrist ,

What is your background? Did you have friends in high school? How long have you been in university? Are you studying on campus? How do you know people are ignoring you? What country,or at least what general region?

Details matter. Provide whatever you feel comfortable providing.

Also, attending classes and circles are how you make friends. So if you are running away from the solution, expect the situation to stay the same.

Building community is important for most people, but it can be done at university, or elsewhere, or both.

magnetosphere , avatar

The best way to get people to stop thinking you’re a “freak” is to spend time with them and show them you’re a nice person. It’s okay if you’re kind of unusual. Everyone is, so try not to worry about it. What you think of as weird traits become charming quirks to people who know you.

Of course, this is much easier said than done. I wish you the best. Just try to remember that nobody judges you as harshly as you judge yourself.

someacnt_ OP ,

I see, but I am worried that the behaviors they hate on is exactly the autistic & social anxiety behaviors I exhibit.

magnetosphere , avatar

Some people may actually dislike those features, sure, but I don’t think most people will. You wouldn’t know it from watching the news, but people are more tolerant than you think, especially in college.

aasatru , avatar

Be careful about the things one does in response to being insecure. Some people react to the prospect of rejection by giving people a reason to reject them, so that the blow will be softer. That's obviously not a great idea.

It's alright to not be super talkative all the time. Reading up on social norms is probably a good idea if your have autism and find them challenging.

Think about first impression. Keep a good personal hygiene, try to wear clothes that make some sense, try to keep a good posture while not being too "stiff" - let your arms swing while walking and all that. There's a bunch of these tiny things we do that change our perception of each other, and it can be good to be aware.

Keep in mind that you're probably not dealing with a unitary group of people. You're probably not the only person who doesn't have friends yet. And some people will always not like you no matter what - if you have too many friends or are too charismatic, some people will dislike you for that as well. It doesn't matter that some people don't like you, what matters is to find some people one can get along with. Chances are there are people out there with a lot in common with you.

CameronDev ,

My purely anecdotal opinion, once you get into university and higher education, everyone is a bit autistic and socially stunted. Its almost a prerequisite.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I see, but I am worried that the behaviors they hate on is exactly the autistic & social anxiety behaviors I exhibit.

You are worried, yes.

They do not hate, No.

Some people may find your behaviour extraordinary, and that is enough to maybe talk about. But there is a whole world between “find something extraordinary” and “hate”.

If you do never talk to people, then this is your behaviour. You can change it. You can talk to people. Case solved.

someguy3 ,

It never hurts to read “How to win friends and influence people”.

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