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FartsWithAnAccent , (edited ) avatar

My electric vehicle is a bicycle. It’s great btw.

I’ll eventually get an electric car after my Subaru and Honda die but it’ll probably be a Volvo, that EX30 looks pretty nice.

traveler01 ,

Cool to see I posted some positive news about X and was deleted by the mods.

Lemmy = Reddit?

drdabbles , avatar

Just wait until they need service or support.

zdanger , avatar

He’s the reason I didn’t even entertain the thought of buying a Tesla when I was in the market for an EV. I ended up buying a Kia EV6

Burn_The_Right ,

How is it?

geogle , avatar

We got one. it’s absolutely awesome. My only complaints are the automatic seat changes not occurring until after I’m wedged into my short wife’s seat and select myself as the driver, and the soft button selection that controls both radio and AC. The number of times I’ve frozen my butt off instead of turning down the volume is too high.

Other than that, it’s fast, very spacious backseat, great amenities (cooling/heated front and heated back), and has great range, and rapid recharge capabilities (20->80% in 18 minutes with a fast charger). We call it the spaceship.

MinisterOfNoms ,

I got one this year and really love it - the drive is quite peppy, range is much better than advertised, and it’s a comfortable car. There are a few minor downsides, such as I’ve encountered a few glitches along the way (occasionally the driver side mirror won’t go back to the normal position automatically after backing up), but these seem to be pretty minimal and are getting fixed with software updates.

zdanger , avatar

I’ll echo the other replies. I’m really enjoying it.

I was going to buy the GT just because it’s dumb but come to find out you miss out on some features of the “lesser” models, as well as losing a decent amount of range. You can’t get power or cooled front seats and its estimated range is down to ~200 miles.

I ended up with the AWD GT-Line which is still pretty quick but has 50+ miles of range over the GT as well as the power/cooled front seats.

Like @geogle said, the climate/radio screen is weird but I got used to it pretty quickly. The one thing that bugs me the most is the skip forward/backwards buttons for music or podcasts are (what I think) backwards. They are up/down arrows and the down arrow skips forward and the up arrow skips backwards.

The only other thing I’m somewhat annoyed by is the lack of wireless car play/android auto. You can buy an adapter but it feels silly they wouldn’t have included it on a 2023 $60k vehicle

JustAManOnAToilet ,

I completely understand not wanting to buy from him, but taking the depreciation hit selling an otherwise perfectly good car that you already own is sort of dim. Just, you know, don’t be a repeat customer.

drdabbles , avatar

They aren’t otherwise good cars. The software updates constantly introduced new, frustrating and unpredictable behaviors, and customer support is the worst I’ve experienced.

stackcheese ,

sunk cost fallacy.

why is every comment defending Tesla/Elon some fallacy its either some straw man or ‘im not really a fan of tesla BUT …’

GCostanzaStepOnMe ,

Sunk cost fallacy is when you don’t want to flush your money down the drain.

JustAManOnAToilet ,

So your suggestion is sell for a loss then buy a new car that costs even more, simply because you don’t like the CEO? In your mind this is sound logic?

sweetdude ,

Even more hilarious if they bought at the high price points of last year and are trying to sell now. Probably lost $20k if you did that.

SeaJ ,

Considering the prices of used vehicles still (they have come down), you really are not taking a huge hit with depreciation.

HootinNHollerin , avatar

Not only that, it has to be effecting their hiring. I haven’t replied to tesla recruiter asking to set up an interview because I don’t wanna work for him

dogslayeggs ,

That’s a smart call. Working conditions at his companies are wild. You’ll be required to work 80 hours a week every week or be fired. But at the same time you’ll be working in a pretty building with young people and a great cafeteria where you sometimes go to nice parties.

radiohead37 ,

Also the pay is pretty low. It worked out for those who have been there a while and got RSUs.

Sarcastik ,

I worked there for 3 years… don’t. Fucking. Do. It.

Plaid_Kaleidoscope , avatar

Shock! I imagine those are the same owners who bought in because of his rhetoric to begin with. Anecdotally, it seems as if less “car people” buy Tesla’s, as in they aren’t buying it for the technology or the engineering of the product itself.

But that’s just an outsiders pov.

Spacebar , avatar

Lemmy is not a place to rationally discuss Tesla and Space-X.

I can not stand Musk at all, but if every other Auto CEO were as vocal as he is, we would hate them too.

Apple survived losing Jobs just fine. Tesla and Space-X would probably be even better without Musk.

ewe , avatar

The news that has come out about how Tesla and Space-X have succeeded in spite of Musk, not because of him, has been eye opening. I think there’s something to be said for having a front man to be the face of a company. Since Apple has been fine post Steve Jobs, so would Tesla and Space-X be fine post Elon. Frankly I’m kind of terrified that Space-X will get dragged down by this shit too, but it seems to have benefitted from being a side-project and not on Elon’s front radar. If Elon gets bored of Twitter and starts doing Space-X stuff again. Thank goodness NASA kept redundancy in their rocket pipelines… At the time, it seemed like a waste, but now it looks very prudent.

Xanvial ,

Which is why other CEO usually just stay silent to public

Spacebar , avatar

Which is why Musk is a fool. Which is why people are not rational about his companies.

dogslayeggs ,

Yes, but they aren’t as vocal. It’s one thing to be an asshole. It’s another thing to be an annoying, loud-mouthed asshole.

Kolrami ,

Tesla and SpaceX seem very different.

Lots of companies are making electric vehicles. Tesla’s self driving software advantage is limited by people’s high standards of success for AI.

SpaceX, on the other hand, currently has no real world competitor in the reusable rocket space.

salient_one , avatar

You can sort of appreciate his showing his true self so unabashedly. It sheds light upon the ultra-rich mind. Still, he’s a dumbo, IMHO.

Uranium3006 , avatar

musk fucking off would improve every business he runs

DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

Like, fuck Musk all the way to Mars and back (actually, not back), but this is as pointless as when bigots burn sneakers or razors or beer because of a "woke" ad, except replacing a car uses so many more resources than replacing some shoes. And that's if anyone will even buy it off them, if not, then it's a whole car in the dump.

Surely making use of the car you spent tens and tens of thousands to buy, and putting an "I hate musk" sticker over the Tesla emblem is a better way to go about this?

Or is there some subscription shit where owning a Tesla means you continuously pay for features or whatever? Though if that's the case I go back to my earlier point - selling it to someone else won't actually end that.

downpunxx , avatar

no step against tyranny is pointless. ever. people who say this are stupid, lazy, evil, and usually a combination of all three.

IHeartBadCode , avatar

You know, I'm going to say it and maybe no one likes it, but. Just the feel I get is that we're so hopeless in having our politicians actually do shit. Like, we realize, they're not going to do a damn thing to address jack shit. And the world has been turned so rampant consumerism, that the only way it feels like we have left is to do this non-sense of burning sneakers, shooting beer, and selling cars.

Like we're so past the point that actual advocacy is so ineffective and politicians are so past the point of actually serving the public, it's either we rampant play the game they've set before us with mucho-consumerism or we do the teetotal opposite of "we're killing the Applebees" anti-consumerism.

Now there's tons of in the middle, but say there's some perceived social ill, well to solve it you cannot just send a letter to your Congressional Representative or Senator. That's just going straight to the recycle bin. And you cannot just march on whatever to try and make a point, news cycle isn't going to focus on it unless it drives traffic to their site to sell ads. So how does one solve this "ill", fuck it, let's go consumerism in one or the other direction TO THE EXTREME!! Because, that money, that's what they're listening to. So you and your groupies fucking with it or amping its sales through the roof, oh well that they will listen to suddenly. We've got this notion that the things we own OR don't own define our position of morals and ethics. It's kinda fucked up when you think about it, it's like 11:00am here and while typing this I'm starting to reach for my whiskey flask.

I feel like this is how the Boston Tea party got started. The British wouldn't listen to shit, so fuck it, let's go fuck their tea up! You know, I don't know, all of this is just a feeling. But it feels like people we voted in to listen to us won't listen to us and thus we've got to go fuck with people's wallets so that they will listen to us. Do I think it's a good idea? Nah, this is silly shit. We should be able to address social woes in better terms. But that said, it doesn't feel like we've got a lot of tools to actually address shit. Everyone (that's hyperbole, I just mean to say a good amount of folks) has gone greedy as shit. There is fewer and fewer folks who are looking at "what will this do to the future" and just getting into that "dog eat dog" mentality.

Trying to keep from going off in a long crazy ass tangent, long story short, I think the 1% have amassed so much fucking everything and the rest of us are fighting so hard for table scraps, it's difficult to not be slashing at people's throats. Because if you ain't taking from your brother or your sister, you've got rich fuckers taking from you both. Like I said, it's just feels, but damn it feels like when it comes to solving some sort of problem in society we're a small hungry rodent being backed into a corner by some fifty foot cat. We're at a breaking point, we're either going to do something crazy or be a feline's lunch. Is that the proper way to solve anything, odds are likely "no", but damn I can't blame a person for being crazy. We're in some crazy ass times.

So yeah, I agree with you, but I mean I can't really look around this place and blame a person for being batshit crazy. It's kinda the environment that's promoted now a days. Now me and my whiskey flask are going to go have a heart to heart. Shit.

dogslayeggs ,

It’s not the same as the idiots who burn sneakers or whatever, because they bought new stuff only to then burn it. This is selling something you already owned. Yes, it’s better for the environment to just keep whatever car you have until it no longer works, but it’s not as bad as buying something new just to burn it. It’s also not as bad as burning something you already own, since someone else gets to use the car.

DessertStorms , avatar

Oh my, hit a nerve did I?

I genuinely don't believe most of the people burning shit in protest were buying new.
And even if they were, shoes cost tens, maybe hundreds at most, this is tens of thousands of dollars lol (which, being a car, they'll never get anything near that back)
It also doesn't change the fact that getting rid of something that expensive because you've only just realised the guy who owns the company is an asshole (he has been an out and proud asshole before the cars were made, they were just either not paying attention or actively licking boot), is 100% an act of vanity performed by a highly privileged shattered ego.
So maybe even worse than buying sneakers to burn them... 🤔🤔🤔

dunning_cougar ,

Subsidizing the EV market and providing access to the common worker!

masterairmagic ,

Driving a Tesla is just an expensive MAGA hat.

theneverfox , avatar

That’s not really fair, it’s a big investment, and new cars are wasteful. Also, Musk wasn’t like this so openly before he started meeting with Trump in the white house.

Not that long ago he was a dickhead hype man for electric cars and reusable rockets. As billionaires go, that’s close to as good as it gets

A new one, post Twitter takeover? Fair.

Aurenkin ,

If liking the CEO of a company is a prerequisite for using the product… guess I’d better become a hermit.

almar_quigley ,

It is when the CEO makes the company’s identity tied to himself.

Aurenkin ,

I don’t see what difference that makes. Elon is a cunt, so that makes it better for me to give my money to another company who’d rather see the world burn than change their core business? Doesn’t track for me but maybe I’m missing something.

downpunxx , avatar

take some responsibility in your choices, you horror show

Aurenkin ,

I know, I’m monster. I bought a box of biscuits the other day without even recognising which company it was from. Who knows what kind of nasty shit whoever’s at the top of that mud heap believes.

downpunxx , avatar

once you do know and choose to ignore, it's at that point you become the asshole

Aurenkin , (edited )

I’m making light but I guess I don’t really see what difference it actually makes. I vote for inclusive policies and try and model inclusive behaviour as much as I can day to day. Surely that makes more of a difference than giving my money to some other company who’s CEO is probably just as shit. I could be wrong though.

EDIT: Also I disagree on your take on knowing vs not knowing. If you’re going to hold the belief that you should only buy products from companies with nice CEOs I think you should have the courage to follow your conviction through. Surely not knowing or bothering to research and buying a product anyway would be almost as bad, there’s a good chance you’ll buy quite a few products from assholes otherwise.

Spacebar , avatar

Seriously. The only difference between Tesla and every other car company is that Musk is vocal.

If you think other CEOs aren’t just as big POSs as Musk, you’re delusional.

downpunxx , avatar

way to avoid responsibility in your choices, you selfish stupid horror show

Lurial ,

Elon doesn’t care, he flies American astronauts and equipment into space. A few less cars won’t put a dent in his vast paid for Twitter and regrew to the world’s richest man very quickly.

magic_lobster_party ,

Most of his wealth is Tesla stocks

traveler01 ,

You should own a car because you like the design or find it good, not because you disagree/agree with the CEO of the company.

_cerpin_taxt_ ,


BruceTwarzen ,

Ah yes, the beautiful well build tesla

masterairmagic ,

Tesla is a horrible car. The only reason to buy one is because Elon made it a status symbol.

atzanteol ,

That’s the risk when your brand is a “status symbol” and the company is closely linked with your personality.

Steve Jobs knew how to do this well. Elon is no Steve Jobs…

lasagna , avatar

Imagine Steve Jobs taking to Twitter calling all doctors pedos for trying to fix cancer with chemotherapy instead of fructose syrup.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

I mean, Jobs was a notorious asshole by basically all non-consumer accounts. If modern social media were 10-15 years older, he would totally have been raving batshit insane stuff. And, if the unverifiable “company stories” my buddy at Apple has shared are true… it would have been fucked.

But that gets to the crux of it. It is more or less “the Tom Cruise problem” as it were. Tom is a notoriously batshit insane cultist with a LOT of ties to people being “disappeared” and abused. He is also a RIDICULOUSLY good actor with an agent who knows how to get him the best films. So most of us try to not think about how evil he is as we cheer for Ethan Hunt or whatever.

And, for all my dislike of Apple products, they are quality (except the fucking mouse).

teslas are very much not “quality” by car standards and most of their branding is built on the cult of personality alone.

KnightontheSun ,

Funny that you mention the fructose as Jobs died from treating his cancer “…with a vegan diet, acupuncture, herbs, bowel cleansings, and other remedies that he found online. At one point, he even reached out to a psychic.”

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

At the Trader Joe’s, it used to be 20% Teslas but now it’s like 1 or 2.

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