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smaximov ,

Have they tried getting a job?

fah_Q ,

Work across state lines murkin folks is slow now maybe if trump wins again.

corsicanguppy ,

Yeah. Riiiight. He’s a giver.

fah_Q ,

Funny your mom said the same thing last night between her gagging and moans.

WamGams ,

Hasn’t he raised enough money through charity to support his family? Isn’t he currently filming an actual movie for Ben Shapiro’s company? Was he not paid for that?

The grift never ends with right wingers. If you have given them money once, they know you are a target to be bled dry, so they will just keep coming back for me.

corsicanguppy ,

They’re like raccoons !

Phegan ,

Get fucked.

Jumpingspiderman ,

I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. I hope the whole family of human-shaped rodents spend the rest of their lives unhomed and living in refrigerator boxes.

aidan ,

compassionate left

Draedron ,

No tolerance to racist murderers and their supporters.

aidan ,

I disagree, even mass serial killers should be tolerated, they shouldn’t be executed. Even the people I most strongly disagree are still human.

aidan ,

I disagree, even mass serial killers should be tolerated, they shouldn’t be executed. Even the people I most strongly disagree are still human.

Also, how is Rittenhouse racist?

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Wow it’s almost like Kyle Rittenhouse might be a piece of shit.

wildcardology ,

Kyle Rittenhouse learning that his family is struggling.


Lucidlethargy ,

That’s actually him learning that one of the people he shot at survived. Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest and riot caused by disgusting, racially motivated circumstances.

He wanted to kill some people that night, so he brought a big gun. His success resulted in a lot of free money from the folks that want everyone else struggling to survive without violating a ten commandment to go hungry.

JudahBenHur ,

you think they don’t covet their neighbors wives, take the lord’s name in vain, worship false idols/put other gods before “him” and don’t steal?

Trainguyrom ,

Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest

The “crossed state lines” thing really irks me because does nobody know that maps exist? I’m thinking about crossing state lines today because I need to get more baby wipes. Shithead went to the next town over, which just so happened to be in a different state.

But let’s also not forget he went and partied with KKK members immediately after posting his crowdfunded bail, just in case there’s any questions on how much of a shithead he is

Snowclone ,

I’ve lived in the edge of a state before. It’s really hard to miss what side of the populated area is one state or another, and the fact that there are laws about crossing. I knew if I went shooting in CA I needed to keep my ammunition and firearm in seperate compartments, unloaded, and that I couldn’t have friends buy me a gun to take across if I couldn’t legally buy it myself. And I was just shooting clay pigeons, not my racially hated neighbors.

lightnsfw ,

He’s a prick but everyone he shot was the same race as him.

Snowclone ,

I’m sure that disappointed him deeply, the blatant racism isn’t erased by this. He’s publicly linked himself to well known racists, he’s not shy about it, also he clearly went in the hopes of killing black people, pretty sure he said as much before he left.

lightnsfw ,

I’m not arguing that he isn’t racist. Just wanted to make sure you understood the situation properly so as not to spread misinformation.

Snowclone ,

Also I don’t know if you know this, but most white supremacist would be more inclined to kill ‘‘race traitors’’ before killing other races in many situations.

I’m not saying he killed who he intended to kill. I’m saying my plan was to shoot clay pigeons. His plan was to shoot BLM protestors.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I sure as hell know which side of the state border my town is on is the one where I don’t want to be caught with weed in my car.

ZombiFrancis ,

The straw purchase of the murder weapon the judge shrugged and tossed on a whim is something that can land you in jail for 10 years.

There was a parallel case to Rittenhouse: Andrew Coffee IV. He was acquitted in his case but the charge of his weapon possession is what got him 10 years.

But Rittenhouse’s judge figured hey, NBD, and everybody clapped.

555_1 ,

Welfare republicans.

Mobiuthuselah ,

That’s redundant

SeattleRain ,

Don’t they know if he gives them a handout it will create a dependency /s.

psycho_driver ,

What does the lesbian chick in the photo have to do with this Kyle guy or his family?

theangryseal ,

Haha. You’re my people. For real.

Default_Defect , avatar

Another “family values” type doesn’t seem to give a shit about his own family. Bet he has strong opinions on abortion though.

aidan ,

I don’t think he ever said anything about family values

sunzu ,

So much down votes but zero rebuttal...

It seems facts hurt some people around here. Really wouldn't want them getting in the way of a good circle jerk.

Cataphract ,

reply said, “I don’t think” as in they don’t actually know. Something like a cited source might help and receive actual conversation or else it’s just fluff much like your conjecture. It’s easy to assume his “family values” from the rightwing conservative aspect and being a member of the “Proud boys” and all. But please, continue the inner circle jerk you’ve started.

aidan ,

Something like a cited source might help and receive actual conversation

what. you’re asking me to give a source for a negative. do you expect me to chronicle every word he’s ever said to show he never said the words family values. will you do the same to confirm what I said?

being a member of the “Proud boys”

this statement is untrue and I do have a source for it, or as best as you can get for proving a negative.

homicidalrobot ,

Everyone’s favorite game show: Child, Senior, or Foreign Agent?

You really posted a nexstar/Mission Media article as a source to defend a right wing ignoramus. It’s like poetry. Get a shred of media literacy, please.

aidan ,

The author of the article really doesn’t matter when the quote is true…

aidan ,

The author of the article really doesn’t matter when the quote is true…

sunzu ,

It's easy to assume his "family values"

Thanks, champ!

This summarized the entire thread lol

Draedron ,

Kyle Murderhouse is a far right pos. The far right constantly cries about family values.

InternetUser2012 ,

Isn’t the right all about “family values?” Being “good” christians and whatnot? It goes with the territory.

aidan ,

what? there are plenty of right-wing atheists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc

InternetUser2012 , (edited )

So, you a bot? You replied twice and neither make sense if you read my comment…

Yeah you a bot.

aidan ,

You claimed being right wing was limited to something unrelated to it. 2 responses because I didn’t know if one was uploaded because of crappy internet. But sure continue to believe a conspiracy about everyone who disagrees with you.

aidan ,

There are plenty of right wing atheists…

lolcatnip ,

All right wingers support the imposition of the right’s hypocritical version of Christianity regardless of their personal beliefs.

aidan ,


Jakeroxs ,

Can you name a prominent right wing Atheist

aidan ,
  1. Why do they have to be prominent?
  2. Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Hayek, and many more
FlyingSquid , avatar

I love how the only three names you could come up with were dead people.

aidan ,

Or maybe it’s just who I thought of? I think it’s fair to even say Trump is effectively agnostic even if he wouldn’t admit it

FlyingSquid , avatar

Is it just who you thought of or is it that the modern right is completely in bed with the Christian theocrats? Whether or not you believe Trump is agnostic, he’s selling Bibles and making bank off of them.

aidan ,

Its who I thought of, because its (at least for Friedman, not Ayn Rand) who I align with more(somewhat) on the right. I am an agnostic and pretty right-wing(by my own definition)

Jakeroxs ,
  1. So people know their actual views semi widely, wouldn’t matter at all if you said “I have friends” as we have no way to look into their beliefs.
aidan ,

I mean, feel free to check my own comments if you want

Jakeroxs ,

I was just answering your question, I think a majority of atheists do not end up skewing right/conservative generally because they don’t adhear to any of the outdated/harmful aspects of most mainstream religions.

aidan ,

Imo, religion having any correlation with being a bit more right wing is a historical coincidence, right wing economics was in the 18th and 19th century often tied to less religious people.

HelixDab2 ,

Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Michael Shermer.

All prominent atheists, all decidedly right-wing. If you want to include dead atheists, then I’d also say Christopher Hitchens was decidedly right wing on a lot of issues.

Jakeroxs ,

Richard Dawkins is definitely NOT right wing lmao

Sam Harris is NOT right wing

I don’t know Michael Shermer, but he states he’s fiscal conservative but social liberal, I’m not sure I’d count that as “decidedly right wing” either.

HelixDab2 ,

…Have you been paying attention to Dawkins in the last decade? The dude is decidedly anti-trans, anti-woke. Harris has been on the side of Republican foreign policy for decades, even if he’s more socially permissive. Shermer is the same kind of anti-LGBTQ anti-woke as Dawkins.

Jakeroxs ,

No tbh, I was big into atheism back in the early 2010s, dogma debate, Atheist experience, thinking Atheist, rationally speaking, probably more podcasts I’m forgetting off-hand, fell off a bit around the mid there and got heavy into politics and conspiracy theory rebuttals instead (Knowledge Fight, QAnon Anonymous, behind the bastards, secular talk, breaking points more recently) definitely haven’t kept up so much with the old Atheism crews. That is definitely unfortunate though semi understandable, Dawkins is/was very science/data driven, and biologically speaking the majority of people fall into the duality of male/female, and how you identify/feel is a different matter in many people’s eyes. Then again, I think there’s still a lot for us to uncover about how our bodies and brains develop/function that likely play into people feeling like they ARE/should be the opposite gender. I will say the first tweet he made that I read didn’t specifically sound Trans-hating, it was very much a fair enough discussion question about how to handle situations like transsexual or transracial, though he went about it in a way that definitely comes across as demeaning.

Idk overall, seems like he slid even more into platforming and agreeing with antitrans and TERFs like JK Rowling, so that’s certainly not great.

But does that alone make him Right Wing now? I don’t think so specifically

HelixDab2 ,

“Gender critical” is a dogwhistle for anti-trans. Dawkins falls squarely into that camp, of questioning everything that trans people, and experts on the subject have to say. The problem with being anti-trans–or, one of the problems–is that by its nature it assumes that there’s some kind of sex role in society. E.g., women are A, B, C, and men are X, Y, Z, and you can’t move between them. That kind of gender-essentialism is fundamentally socially regressive. Dawkins is also quite significantly culturally Christian, and Islamophobic, e.g., he is entirely critical of Islam both as a religion and as what he perceives to be a culture, but doesn’t direct the same types of criticism towards the Anglican church that he grew up surrounded by.

how you identify/feel is a different matter in many people’s eyes.

The way I see it, it’s just not my business. The only time that someone else’s gender identity is going to matter to me is if I’m potentially interested in dating them. They’re not harming people, they’re not ‘taking’ anything away from cis-women (or cis-men, for that matter), so why should it be my business what they feel they need to do with their body in order to feel comfortable in their own skin? I came across this a few weeks back, and it really drove that home to me.

But does that alone make him Right Wing now?

It’s a spectrum, like all things. You can be pro-science, but also still have a very socially conservative view on the ‘right’ place for people in society, or still maintain false beliefs about the ‘rightness’ of capitalism, imperialism, and so on. And scientists are still human, and prone to the same cognitive biases as everyone else.

Being right wing doesn’t necessarily mean being religious. Being left wing doesn’t necessarily mean being atheist. Yes, that’s more often true than not, but I think part of that is that the right in general uses an appeal to tradition–which includes religious practices–as part of their package. But, on the other hand, Jesus, as depicted in the 4 gospels and the early Christian church, would have been very comfortable to socialists, as would the teachings on tolerance.

In re: podcasts, the only explicitly atheist one that I still listen to is The Friendly Atheist. I find Jess to be annoyingly hyperbolic most of the time, and she frequently makes wildly overbroad statements, but Hemant Mehta is pretty measured overall. Mostly I listen to politics (FiveThirtyEight), 2A podcasts (A Better Way 2A, the irregular Tiger Bloc Podcast, Guns Guide To Liberals, Practical Shooting After Dark), a couple of ex-Mormon podcasts (Mormon Stories is great if you love really, really long form interviews), You Are Not So Smart, sometimes BtB, Cool People Who Did Cool Things, a couple others.

Dearth ,

Yes there are. And most of them vote for conservative Democrats

aidan ,

Ok? Also, source?

Dearth ,

What atheist supports the theists in the far right Republican party?

Famous atheists support Democrats.

aidan ,

Theism is not inherently right wing. I am agnostic, and consider myself fairly right wing

Crashumbc ,

Albinos exist also, what’s your point?

The overwhelming majority of right wing nutters are christian cultists.

aidan ,
EatATaco ,

You’re just mindlessly pigeonholing. You may be right, but it’s childish black and white thinking.

notannpc ,

But who actually cares? Stop talking about this useless waste of life.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I care because I noticed that all the people defending him won’t talk about what happened afterwards meanwhile they never stop reminding us that the men he murdered had criminal records.

It is inconsistent. If they can bring up the past I can bring up the future.

Woht24 ,

You should all just shut the fuck up and move on with your lives.

afraid_of_zombies ,

When you bring back to life those two people he murdered I will.

el_abuelo ,

And didn’t he maim someone? Took the life that person could have had.

Woht24 ,

Nothing will bring them back, certainly not your whinging.

afraid_of_zombies ,

In that case I won’t stop mentioning it. You know my terms.

Woht24 ,


mortemtyrannis ,

What happened afterwards? I’m OOTL

JackbyDev ,

This article

lolcatnip ,

I’m really enjoying the schadenfreude.

ssj2marx ,

Conservative values at work. Make a boatload of cash doing the grift circuit after murdering somebody, then hoard it and refuse to help your family.

Natanael ,

He didn’t even make much cash, lol. After the initial attention everything died up and now he’s got a hard time getting normal jobs, lol

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy ,

gotta be honest, i wouldn’t hire him

Serinus ,

Just because of the whole murder thing? It was legal!

Lianodel ,

Typical leftist cancel culture. You commit just one white supremacist terror attack, and all of a sudden you’re a pariah!

Socsa ,

I will not hire anyone who so much as smells conservative.

itsgoodtobeawake ,

Eh, thats pretty lame.

itsgoodtobeawake ,

Holy shit some of you really suck if you dont understand how lame it is to not hire people who disagree with you. Im not conservative by any measure, but who wants to live in a world where you cant do a job if you slightly disagree with your coworker? Thats insane.

Colonel_Panic_ ,

Yeah, you might accidentally bump into him in the hallway and he would stand his ground and gun you down for the audacity.

Grandwolf319 ,

Yeah, I feel bad for his mom and sister struggling but he clearly fucked around and now he is finding out.

Sarmyth ,

Hell doesn’t charge rent, go there!

ThatOrangeBird ,

Huh. It’s almost like he’s a really shitty person or something. They can’t possibly be surprised.

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

Is Kyle Rittenhouse close to his mother and sister? If so then I feel like maybe he should help, as he has to have been profiting off of his new found fame. If not, then who cares? And why is this news? Because otherwise someone shouldn’t be expected to help estranged family members. If his mother was abusive would he be shamed by the press for not helping her?

There’s always another side to the story. But people always seem quick to hop on a bandwagon that fits their narrative. I left reddit because the toxic community. Seems Lemmy is no different.

I must be the only guy in the whole damn world who doesn’t immediately judge the decisions someone makes based on surfaces facts. Just hanging out on social media has done a lot to help me better understand why hyper polarization and hyper radical voting is happening in this world.

This is the part where where I insert the Skinner “It’s the children who are wrong” meme. Mark my words. So long as you contribute to the chaos, the chaos will grow. I’m unsubbing from this toxic “news” community. It’s nothing more than an echo chamber and supermarket tabloid.

Anti_Face_Weapon ,

Get down from that cross. This is tabloid news, who cares?

Ragnarok314159 ,

Didn’t the mother supply Kyle with the weapons, ammo, and a ride?

SkyezOpen ,

Nah some guy bought it for him.

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