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Prior_Industry , in Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content

Don’t worry Linda Yaccarino will sort it all out

billiam0202 ,

Before or after she finds the glass cliff?

GCostanzaStepOnMe , in Pig kidney works in a donated body for over a month, a step toward animal-human transplants

Pig Kidney also sounds like a cool band name.

FlyingSquid , in Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content avatar

NCTA and Gilead are an evil organization and an evil corporation. They should feel right at home with the Nazis.

TigrisMorte ,

But being honest is bad for business. Need to keep the beard on.

marmo7ade ,

That is the same mindset that causes republicans to vote against their own interests.

You are hurting the people I don’t like, therefore I condone this immoral behavior.


FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying like follows like. They should enjoy being associated with fascists.

roguetrick , in Pig kidney works in a donated body for over a month, a step toward animal-human transplants

Wait, they transplanted a pig's kidney into a... corpse? How did they get authorization for that experiment exactly? The family donated the body to science? I know they'd have just kept him on dialysis if they were actually attempting to prolong his heart beating corpse status.

WtfEvenIsExistence ,

The possibility that pig kidneys might one day help ease a dire shortage of transplantable organs persuaded the family of Maurice “Mo” Miller from upstate New York to donate his body for the experiment.

“I struggled with it,” his sister, Mary Miller-Duffy, told the AP about her decision. But he liked helping others and “I think this is what my brother would want. So I offered my brother to them.”

"He’s going to be in the medical books, and he will live on forever,” she added.

sturmblast , in Biden slammed for offering ‘insulting’ $700 payments to Maui wildfire victims

oh yeah let’s complain about free money you just lost everything and yeah $700 isn’t going to help?

JasSmith , in Starbucks ordered to pay extra $2.7M to employee who said she was fired for being white

Great. Racism is bad and we should stamp it out wherever we find it. I find the punditry around this one troubling. As though white people can't experience racism.

Tedesche ,

As though white people can’t experience racism.

Plenty of progressives believe precisely that, sadly.

surewhynotlem ,

White people can’t experience systemic racism in the US. A whole load of people can’t articulate the difference between systemic racism and plain ol race based bigotry racism.

_wintermute ,

Too much nuance for the average American to contend with, unfortunately.

girlfreddy , avatar

@_wintermute @surewhynotlem


And it's not limited to the average American either. Canada is in the same downward spiral. :(

GCanuck ,

Anecdotally, but I (a white dude) have been told that my race would eliminate me for job consideration in the past.

I’m not equating the systemic racism against whites to that suffered by other minorities, but to claim it simply doesn’t exist is wrong. I’ve experienced it.

Edit: I should clarify that I am Canadian, but the culture is similar enough for my point to stand.

_wintermute ,

What exactly is your point? Where and when were white people denied jobs because they were white? You say you experienced it, but you also just say that someone told you about it. I’m pretty skeptical that you experienced systemic racism towards whites lol

GCanuck ,

So because you don’t believe it happened, it couldn’t have happened? How enlightened of you. FTR: Have you heard of affirmative action? Spend some time thinking about what that was and all that it entailed to the individuals at the time it was implemented.

_wintermute ,

I literally don’t know what happened because you haven’t told us. All you said is that you heard about it.

Affirmative action is not systemic racism. Are you seriously making that claim? If so then you’re obviously arguing in bad faith already.

GCanuck ,

First off I never said I “heard” about it. I said I was told. As in when I went in for a job, I was told I wasn’t going to get it cause I was white. And they (govt agency) were not permitted to hire white people.

And affirmative action was absolutely systemic racism. It was literally telling people and institutions that they needed to hire less white men and more minorities. I’m not arguing that it was a necessary evil required to correct years of injustice. I’m just saying that at the time it was implemented (also the same time I entered the work force), govt agencies and private companies were essentially strong armed by the government to not hire white men. How is that not systematic racism?

Listen we obviously have different stances on this and I’m not going to get into a drawn out argument over this. I do t care that much, it was years ago. But don’t tell me that it didn’t happen. I’m was there, you weren’t.

_wintermute ,

How is that not systematic racism?

The only reason Affirmative action is a thing is because whites are already overrepresented in the work force. If we’re talking about a race, how can this policy be institutional racism when the race that you claim it affects negatively is actually still overrepresented at all levels of power??

Sucks for you, but you clearly got over it with ease. You weren’t imprisoned for an 8th of weed a cop stashed in your car at a traffic stop.

Keep acting like your minor inconvenience is evidence of systemic white oppression tho.

Fucking clowns on this site I swear.

GCanuck ,

When applied at a high level, I agree with you.

But when applied to an individual it’s absolutely discriminatory.

Can you truly not see that?

_wintermute ,

I’m not even disagreeing that it’s discriminatory, but institutional/systemic racism is by definition at a high level. It affects individuals but the scope is much higher level. So it cannot be evidence of said racism against whites. That’s why people get argumentative about this. It’s hard for the white race to be simultaneously oppressed and enjoying the majority of global power, right?

Going back to the imprisonment for weed example, that’s the kind of thing that could have real generational impact. You having to job search for an extra few weeks or months probably didn’t affect your grandchildren, right? The statistics for black men in prison for non violent crimes is shocking in the states.

GCanuck ,

Once again I’m not equating anything I experienced to experiences had by minorities. My original comment was refuting a user who said it didn’t happen. So your weed imprisonment example is irrelevant. I’m simply saying it does exist.

And it absolutely existed at high levels. Affirmative action wasn’t something we all just decided to do, it was legislated.

And just because there is a majority of whites in power doesn’t mean that a law limiting the hiring of whites erases the racism of that law. Both things can happen simultaneously.

_wintermute ,

Once again I’m not equating anything I experienced to experiences had by minorities.

By claiming to have been a victim of systemic racism, this is exactly what you are doing. You don’t get to say that you were a victim of systemic racism, because systemic racism against white people is literally im-fucking-possible because they control (and created) the system.

We were so close. Have a nice day, clown.

GCanuck ,

Lol. K.

quicksand ,

I’d like some more context if you’re trying to make a point

GCanuck ,

Sure. The point I’m trying to make is that I, a white dude, was told by hiring managers at several places including government agencies that I would not be considered for the position as I was white and at the time there were policies in place that prohibited the hiring of white men. Ergo, there was systemic racism in place at that time.

JustZ , avatar

That’s not racism.

JigglySackles ,

I try to make sure to verbalize the difference in these conversations and label them separately as systemic, such as government and other systems dictated by the majority race. White people can’t experience that kind of racism most of the time, because they are usually the majority party in those systems.

And then interpersonal racism. The racism anyone of any race, creed, or color can experience and put out on others. You could be the last of your kind and still be a horribly racist motherfucker when it came to your interpersonal relationships. And you could hate and be racist against any race whether they are the majority or not.

quindraco ,

Absolutely anyone can experience systemic racism in the US or anywhere else, white people are just less likely to than others.

Here are some examples of systemic racism against white people.

Mewtwo , avatar

What? No we don’t, Jesus conservatives are such dumbasses that believe anything they want to hear

Cianalas ,

Not a conservative, and I’ve heard people in person argue that racism requires you to hold power, ergo you can’t be racist against white people, since they’ve got all the power.

Is it everyone on the left that believes it, obviously not. But there is a very loud segment that does.

thepianistfroggollum ,

There’s a very loud segment of conservatives that belive Trump is the second coming of Jesus, but it would be inaccurate to state that conservatives think that Trump is the second coming of Jesus.

schroedingershat ,

When the word is used in an academic or legal context, that’s what it means. It’s not a “belief”, it’s the definition.

“Believing” that bigotry without systemic power is racism is just playing idiotic semantic games. You know what they mean and yet you’re trying to communicate badly on purpose to “win”.

It’s just an imbecilic fascist word game, and you’re either complicit or you fell for it.

JustZ , avatar

This is correct.

Burnedspaghetti ,

I think the problem stems from there being two beliefs (that I know of so far) where people believe in systemic racism and some believe in social racism. My fiance believes in systemic racism where you can’t be racist to someone who is white because their race is in power of the government, we bud heads all the time because that doesn’t make any sense to me

_wintermute ,

Those concepts are not mutually exclusive jesus fucking christ. Both can exist.

JustZ , avatar

That’s because it’s literally true.

Saturdaycat , in 'Hell on wheels': Teen convicted of crashing car at 100 mph, killing boyfriend and friend avatar

Wow the way she's crying is disgusting, she's just sorry for herself not for the deaths she caused. No remorse, only regret for getting sentenced

TheRealKuni ,

Wow the way she’s crying is disgusting, she’s just sorry for herself not for the deaths she caused. No remorse, only regret for getting sentenced

How do you know that? I don’t know about you but I’ve done things in anger that I felt genuine remorse for later.

Never killed anyone though, I suppose.

Saturdaycat , avatar

Because of her intent and crimes- she had genuine murderous intent as the judgement said. She seemed very cruel and unhinged according to the article and presented evidence and the video showed her crying due to the judgement.

TheRealKuni ,

It’s been two years since she murdered those people. She could easily feel true remorse now.

I’m in no way trying to excuse her actions, I just think it’s worth trying to do some level of empathizing for people. Not that what she did was in any way justified, but I can’t imagine trying to live with myself if I got angry enough to murder someone.

Saturdaycat , avatar

It's all speculation and assumptions anyway ! We can see different things. I feel disgust and see regret and you may see someone possibly showing remorse. We just don't know for sure either way.

Have a good day fellow fediperson

TheRealKuni ,

Have a good day fellow fediperson

You as well!

Aceticon ,

Crying when the sentence was read doesn’t say anything one way or the other about her feeling or not remorse because that specific moment is about what’s going to happen to her, not about others, so she’s crying for herself.

She almost certainly feels regret (which is entirelly about the consequences for herself), but it’s unclear that she feels remorse (which is about the consequences for others of her actions).

afraid_of_zombies ,

Those look like Rittenhouse tears to me.

OceanSoap ,

You mean legitimate tears from someone who had trauma from successfully defending himself against attackers? Did you watch any of the trial?

afraid_of_zombies ,

Boo hoo I murdered two people boo hoo. Can I get medal now? Boo hoo boo hoo.

There, that is what I think of your bestie. Go Rittenhouse about it to your family and “friends”.

Buffalox ,
TheRealKuni ,

It’s been two years since she made that video, regardless of whether it was made before or after the crash.

I’m not trying to say that she is remorseful, only that we cannot say that she isn’t based solely on her actions two years ago.

Buffalox ,

Looks like a narcissist to me.

TheRealKuni ,

Sure seems like she had a lot of issues at 17, that’s for sure. Most 17-year-olds don’t murder their friends and boyfriends.

I find her family’s attitude toward the whole thing troubling. I know my family, if I were in this situation and they had the same evidence, would be telling me to plead guilty and take responsibility. I have a feeling that concept was never big in her upbringing or her family’s.

It’s tragic all the way down.

Buffalox ,

Again it’s tragic for the victims, not for her. Saying it’s tragic all the way down, is a false equivalence.

TheRealKuni ,

Again it’s tragic for the victims, not for her. Saying it’s tragic all the way down, is a false equivalence.

I don’t want to be argumentative, but there is no false equivalence in my position. I never tried to apply any equivalence. Things can be tragic without being equivalently tragic, and one thing being tragic does not take away the tragedy of something else.

I think one could argue that you’re falling prey to the fallacy of relative privation. “X is worse than Y, so we shouldn’t care about Y.”

Tragedy is not a zero sum game. It is absolutely tragic that those young men were murdered. It is tragic that their families lost their loved ones. It is also tragic that this young woman thought the proper solution to her problems was to attempt murder-suicide. It is tragic that she threw away any promise her own life held along with theirs. It is perhaps not tragic, but certainly sad and troubling, that her family seems to think she did nothing wrong.

Yes, it’s more tragic for the victims, but it her story is still a tragedy.

It is important to note that I am in no way trying to excuse her actions or argue for leniency. She murdered two people in a horrible and reckless action. There are consequences for that action beyond the direct ones.

But empathy is important even for those we may hate.

CaptainEffort ,

Just wanted to say that I love this comment, and it’s a shame that so few people share this sentiment. Thank you for this.

I was actually just having an argument with my brother about this less than a month ago. Not this exact story, but a similar one where I was sad for everyone involved. He also fell into the “x is worse than y, so we shouldn’t care about y” mindset.

I didn’t realize there was a name for that, so thank you for that too!

rab , avatar

If I was going to prison I would cry

Aceticon ,

It’s something that people often forget (because they aren’t like that themselves and have normal human reactions) is that narcisists, sociopaths, psychopaths and people with similar psychological disfunctions that make them act in “cold hearted” ways do feel.

However they feel only for themselves, never for others.

OceanSoap ,

This is a bit unfair, though I didn’t watch the trial in full. We have no idea if she cried for the other lives or not.

Saturdaycat , avatar

It's unfair of me, but it is my perception and my opinion which is only based in observation yup.

betterdeadthanreddit , in Pig kidney works in a donated body for over a month, a step toward animal-human transplants

That’s nothing, I’ve been transplanting pig tissue into my organs for years and I’m doing fine. Some of the biggest risks come from the cooking stage but it’s otherwise pleasant.

CaptainAniki , in Utah man posing as doctor selling fake COVID-19 cure arrested after three-year manhunt

He was arrested in Utah County, officials said. The news release, shared on Monday, did not say when he was arrested or how he was taken into custody.

Guarantee they only found him because of a traffic stop.

I swear to god if you could avoid getting into a private vehicle you could skate free for the rest of your life and no one would ever catch you.

Law enforcement in this country is fucking pathetic.

xc2215x , in Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content

Glad they suspended their advertising. A good decision.

xc2215x , in New Jersey Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic school that fired a teacher for having premarital sex

It was part of their contract whether we agree or not.

doubletwist ,

So? An illegal clause in a contract doesn’t suddenly become legal once you sign it.

BadEngineering , in Pig kidney works in a donated body for over a month, a step toward animal-human transplants

This is really exciting news, The severe lack of viable transplant organs has been a serious hinderance to the medical profession. If the process can be perfected this has the potential to save millions of lives.

thepianistfroggollum ,

I’m betting that we’ll be able to clone organs before this is ever a truly viable option. It might be used as a stop gap until an organ is grown, but I seriously doubt it’ll be a main course of treatment.

UFODivebomb ,

I think you’re right but I also bet there is overlapping technology between the two.

HellAwaits , in Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content

Here comes the waterworks from the alt-right fanboys

NatakuNox , in Texas woman charged over threat to kill judge overseeing Trump case avatar

Imagine making threats over Trump. It’s baffling

HellAwaits , in New Jersey Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic school that fired a teacher for having premarital sex

Imagine caring about premarital sex in 2023. No wonder religious nuts are angry all the time when they can’t get any.

Aliendelarge ,

Even worse, if they do they feel like they did something wrong.

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