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Sweetpeaches69 , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

Mugshot merchandise being sold by him is insane. I hate this timeline.

bernieecclestoned ,

People buying it is even weirder

CrabAndBroom ,

The former president of America is selling merch of his own mugshot for a RICO felony racketeering charge, for stuff he allegedly did while he was the sitting president. That is a thing that is actually happening right now.

By the time this is all resolved, we might even have and answer to the question: can a president lose an election, organize a coup to overturn that election, get legitimately re-elected in the next election, then pardon himself for sedition for the election he tried to overturn?

Like it’s a long shot, but the fact that it’s even remotely possible to watch that play out for real is fucking wild.

timespace ,

Like it’s a long shot

Is it though? I thought him winning in 2016 was impossible. I’m not sure of anything anymore.

tegs_terry ,

That could make it less likely a second time

Beelzebubba ,

You and everybody else. Hillary was the DNC’s second coming. I dont think I knew anyone aside from dyed in the wool democrats who actually liked her. Many of those wgo did vote for her did so begrudgingly and many wgo stayed home did so because the media had been pounding the “hillary is a shoe in” line since she announced her candidacy. Why vote for someone who leaves a vad taste in your mouth if you already know they are going to win.

JustAManOnAToilet , in Weather Is Driving Up Your Food Bill. Winners and Losers.

I know all of this is important, but I can’t get past the mention of something called “olive oil infused coffee” without being too thoroughly disgusted with humanity to continue.

Ryan213 , avatar

Right?? Big ol’ article and that’s all I can remember. Lol

FlyingSquid , avatar

Not only does it exist, but it’s popular enough for Starbucks to sell it. What is this world coming to?

garretble , in Environmental Protection Agency delays new ozone pollution standards until after the 2024 election avatar

“I guess we’ll just wait until the people who don’t believe in any of this are back in office so they can gut our funding to try and force us out of jobs. But, hey, it’s just us making decisions that can affect the health of the entirety of our populace and by extension the world, so it’s fine to wait.”

WhatAmLemmy ,

It’s stupid, but they also know that Republicans will gut it immediately if elected a majority. No point going through the effort, cost, and labor to implement it today if it’ll be destroyed tomorrow.

Ain’t capitalist oligarchies fun?

garretble , avatar

I don’t like the idea that we wait on the whims of the republicans. Screw that.

Make the changes when you have the chance now even if maybe in the future that might change.

snooggums , avatar

So Republicans get their way even when they aren't in office?

Fuck that noise.

Feirdro ,

Nothing real would happen in those two years. If Biden gets back in, he can enact them. If he doesn’t, they would have been gutted anyway.

garretble , avatar

But then we’d be 2 years behind. Why not try to enact change today, which would get some balls rolling, and IF the bad people get in charge later we can deal with that?

This 4 year election cycle knee-capping important work is ridiculous. It’s like we only have two years immediately after a new president is elected to get anything done, then might as well wait. It’s nuts.

Bipta ,

Actually they delayed a similar change back in 2011 under Obama and that delay ended up adding 4 years, and then we got Trump the next year.

So clearly this is sound reasoning and we should just keep breathing toxic air. /s

TenderfootGungi , in Chinese EVs are now seen posing a ‘real threat’ to Europe’s auto industry

BYD is closing in on Tesla in globsl EV sales. And most people in US and Europe have never heard of them.

The car in the US site at least looks great in pictures and is substantially cheaper than a Tesla. BYD US site on a side note, the US flags all over the US site are interesting.

Here is what they sell in China: All BYD models

dudewitbow ,

As long as chinese cars pass local saftey regulations and arent as bad inteoduction wise as Vinfast (whose western introduction to the market was abysmal) they’ll do fine. The key is the UX, and if BYD repeats what vinfast did pushing a vehicle out the door too early, its going to be a bad time.

squiblet , in Trump is liable in the second E. Jean Carroll defamation case, judge rules; January trial will determine damages avatar

Has he or will he ever actually pay her anything, though?

Jaysyn , avatar

IIRC he had to put the money in trust to appeal the first verdict, so she probably already has it her her bank account. He has way too much property to be judgement-proof.

I hope she beats him like a pinata.

squiblet , avatar

That's great! I hope so. If it's not in a trust, even without being judgement-proof it can be difficult to get people to pay anything, like you have to pay people to physically seize their property or file additional lawsuits.

rez_doggie , in FBI searches for growing number of Jan. 6 fugitives

That’s exactly what an innocent person would do… /s

OldWoodFrame , in Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.6%, the correct number is at least 35.7%. In 2022, it is at least 41.3%

This is probably bad data, but the conclusion at the bottom really caught my eye.

48,000 people die from guns each year. The extremely optimistic number of 49 instances of an active shooter being stopped by a civilian annually is not a good argument for keeping or increasing the amount of guns around.

N0_Varak OP , (edited )

Everyone comfortable with and able to be responsible for their own protection should take that responsibility. We should not be forced to rely on police who consistently prove they dont give a shit about us.

OldWoodFrame ,

That’s an argument but I disagree that the person themselves should be in charge of the decision of whether or not they have the qualifications to control a deadly weapon. Have a certification test and a license you need to renew every once in a while, or heck just restrict private gun ownership to military veterans and people who have been trained in the public sector, and you minimize the number of people with guns and thus gun deaths (and thus overall deaths because they don’t transfer to other methods 1:1) while not relying on police.

Or take guns away from the police too, there are countries that do that.

quindraco ,

48,000 people die from guns each year.

That seems easy to verify, and sure enough, it is false. Here’s a source on it being over 250k. This source corroborates, as of 2019. I would guess the number is much higher now, due to Ukraine. Where are you getting your information?

N0_Varak OP ,

48k is the number for the US. However, over 50% of that number is from suicides

mrnotoriousman ,

Wow maybe we should have tighter restrictions on guns so people get help instead of killing themselves!

SirEDCaLot ,

Or maybe we should decide that it’s not the government’s job to be a nanny-state and protect people from themselves; because someone might misuse a tool and hurt themself with it isn’t a good reason to deny everybody the use of that tool.

OldWoodFrame ,

Should have said “die from guns in the US”

uis , in Fan ejected from US Open match after German player said the man used language from Hitler's regime avatar

German player Alexander Zverev


Very German.

lud ,

He was born in Germany and is a German citizen, so yes.

His parents are of Russian origin though and probably German citizens by now.

Mongostein , in China boosts 'political trust' with Vietnam ahead of Biden visit

So, China just threatened Vietnam?

Pons_Aelius , in Florida Man Charged Over Failed Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Giant ‘Hamster Wheel’

The guy obviously want to die at sea.

I say next time he tries, the CG lets him.

Laticauda ,

Don’t we have enough pollution in the ocean as it is?

MotoAsh ,

Yea, but he’s tried multiple times. Which pollutes more? A lifetime of failure, or one death?

Laticauda ,

Someone throwing a paper cup out a window is only littering once. I’ll still football spike that cup back at them through their window. He doesn’t have to die in the ocean, he can die elsewhere if he wants to so bad, without polluting the ocean.

Coreidan , in Weather Is Driving Up Your Food Bill. Winners and Losers.

That and price gouging. Mostly price gouging.

Ace0fBlades , in These wolves in Alaska ate all the deer. Then, they did something unexpected

Tldr: wolves changed their diet and hunting habits to eat sea otters after the deer ran out

Steveanonymous , avatar

Doin gods work⬆️

FlyingSquid , avatar

They otter know better.

gastationsushi , in The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80%

I live in Oklahoma, apparently better than Germany. Out-of-state corporations buy off our politicians. This means they get insane tax cuts among other sketchier tax schemes. Having low pay employees is one of our main draws for new businesses. Unemployment here is very low, but there isn’t much of a reason to stay in state when you are looking for a job. Our education system is getting worse and worse, good teachers leave the state every year and the leaders are doing jack shit to retain them.

theodewere , in Fan ejected from US Open match after German player said the man used language from Hitler's regime avatar

"I think he was getting involved in the match for a long time, though. I don’t mind it, I love when fans are loud, I love when fans are emotional"

sounds like the guy had been cheering loudly in support of Zverev the whole match, and this was after a couple of hours and the guy legitimately just got really carried away shouting some stupid shit.. doesn't sound like the fan was seriously supporting Hitler or anything.. apparently just a loud moron who needed some attention..

themeatbridge ,

“Shouting some stupid shit” is a really generous description of chanting Nazi slogans.

theodewere , avatar

in context though? the context that i went to great lengths to provide? you're just ignoring that to try to make an argumentative point..

MagicShel ,

I don’t think that context excuses nearly as much as you think. At no point in my life have I been drunk or giddy enough to shout God Save the Queen or recite some confederate anthem. And I’ve been damn drunk before.

theodewere , (edited ) avatar

alright, if that sounded like an excuse to you this morning, i apologize alright.. i was not excusing this moron..

reactionary fuckwits gauging the harshness of language

yacht_boy ,

Sounds like a challenge. I’ll bring the Cuervo, you bring the Beam, let’s get drunk and sing God Save the Queen!

themeatbridge ,

Yes, in any context, and the more context you provide to justify Nazi chants, the less convincing any argument you make will be.

theodewere , avatar

i wasn't excusing the chants moron, you're the definition of reactionary

themeatbridge ,

the guy legitimately just got really carried away shouting some stupid shit… doesn’t sound like the fan was seriously supporting Hitler or anything… apparently just a loud moron who needed some attention…

I might be a reactionary moron, but at least I’ve never had to explain the nuance between excusing a nazi and merely attempting to explain why being a nazi isn’t so bad. Do go on, though, because it’s still not clear how you weren’t excusing the nazi chants.

theodewere , (edited ) avatar

i'm saying quite explicitly that i don't think he's a Nazi, based on the evidence.. so i'm not defending Nazis.. this is how you're demonstrating your reactionism.. you assume he's a Nazi, and therefore my language is not harsh enough for you.. it's a pain in the ass trying to explain this to you through your reactionary tendency.. perhaps you're unable to see things rationally for some reason..

themeatbridge ,

Based on the evidence that he shouted Nazi slogans, and he was drunk, you’re saying you don’t think it’s fair to say he was drunk and shouting Nazi slogans, but you’re not defending the drunk guy shouting of Nazi slogans? And your defense is that I’m overreacting to the Nazi slogans because I said it’s not OK to shout Nazi slogans? So I’m the irrational one in this conversation?

Were you perchance bitten by a radioactive projector?

tomi000 ,

No offense but that is literally what you were doing. Maybe reread your comment.

NewNewAccount ,

Yeah I hate it when I’m out having a good time and I accidentally let some Nazi shit slip out! Whoopsy!!!

Hackerman_uwu ,

Ah you know, Nazis will be Nazis .

/rolls eyes

kraftpudding ,

Idk. I don’t think this particular phrase would even enter my mind as something to chant, and I am German. That’s not the first time he chanted that, I’m sure. It is taboo for sure, but it’s not in the cultural consciousness a lot, there’s more “popular” nazi slogans. You’d either have to search your brain for something specifically Hitler related or be very familiar with the old anthem (aka singing it a lot aka being a neonazi).

I do not agree that this is the “most” Hitler thing though. There are so much more famous things, hut they wouldn’t fit the situation though.

theodewere , avatar

i think you like to pat yourself on the back, and moreover you like to use things like this as a self back patter

MartinXYZ ,

It was probably an American fan(it is the US Open) who thinks that’s still the German national anthem… Still good on the player for shutting that shit down, it’s a misunderstanding that doesn’t need to be repeated.

kraftpudding ,

Idk, maybe. I listened to the audio, and to me, it did sound like someone who speaks German well. The pronounciations and emphasis sounded very natural. And fans do travel for events like these. Of course it could be an American, but somehow I still doubt it. Is this phrase known in the US?

PsychedSy ,

I’ve heard it before. I’m not sure I’d know which was the current anthem if you played the nazi one and the current one before today, though.

kraftpudding ,

Yeah, but would you (I assume american) even know enough words to so clearly repeat the opening words? Idk. It’s just not something you’d come across often even in Germany outside of history class, german class, or neonazi circles. I assume even less so for non Germany. So that this would be so top of mind for someone to just slip out is just such a strange and unlikely thought to me.

Idk. The phrase is bad, but it wouldn’t come up in my top 10 of nazi phrases, so for it to just slip out, I have to to assume that person frequently uses nazi phrases.

Likely we’ll never know

Cethin ,

My thought is that it was an American neo-nazi (it is the US Open) who thought it was acceptable to repeat something he shouldn’t have.

lemmyseizethemeans , in Carbon markets are 'bogus solutions' as rich world keeps polluting, African Climate Summit is told

Capitalism trying to capitalism it’s way out of a capitalism caused crisis. Classic.

I_annoy_you ,

most polluting country is communist china.

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