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realcaseyrollins , in Prosecutors Tell Judge Trump Election Crimes Trial Will Have Whopping 150 Witnesses — Take Four Months


Who told them this was a good idea? Are they so uncertain of their case that they're bringing for over a hundred witnesses, in case tons of their testimonies fall through?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Maybe there are 150 witnesses because 150 people witnessed the crimes of the 19 people on trial. Just a thought.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

My guess is that they have a sequence of events they want to prove took place, and they also want to prove that Trump knew what he was doing was wrong at each step. So maybe the first thing is that there was a plan in advance to subvert the election, and they get testimony from a few different people who were at a meeting about it, another couple people who were on an email discussion, and someone who Trump spoke to personally. Do that kind of thing for every step in a long chain, and it can add up. But any weakness in the chain could be grounds for reasonable doubt, so they have to make sure it’s all solid.

Heresy_generator , avatar

[pfft; they have 150 witnesses? Must be a weak case]

Trumpist wishcasting is fucking hilarious.

WarmSoda ,

I’m curious, what country do you live in?
You obviously have no idea how the court system in the US works.

atzanteol ,

1 person says you did a crime vs. 150 people saying you did a crime.

Which would you rather defend against?

rusticus ,

LMAO. Wishful thinking, indeed.

MotoAsh ,

Wait… You think MORE witnesses mean less guilty?! … bahahahaha holy shit, you retards are truly beyond any ability for logic… Literally, a rock is smarter than you.

No wonder he thinks he could shoot someone on Main St. and you morons would think he’s innocent if MORE witnesses mean less guilty. Again, you are literally too stupid to properly parse reality. Seek help. Preferably a conservatorship, because you are clearly too dumb to take care of yourself.

Buffalox , in Prosecutors Tell Judge Trump Election Crimes Trial Will Have Whopping 150 Witnesses — Take Four Months

Ha I knew it! They have nothing, anyone can find a witness or 150 for something.

TokenBoomer , (edited )

Don’t forget these witnesses will be paid using your tax dollars. /s

TropicalDingdong ,


Whats the subtext here? That thats a bad thing?

Blackbeard , avatar

Witnesses and jurors should obviously be paid in Trump NFTs and 5.56 rounds like TRUE, unbiased patriots. /s

yeather ,

If only, 5.56 is still $1 a round where I am.

Lemmygizer ,

I assume TokenBoomber is implying that the 150 witnesses are being bribed by the DOJ with your tax dollars.

Jaysyn , avatar

Sarcastically implying.

TropicalDingdong ,



luckyhunter ,

The circus will be in town for at least 4 months and news programs will be unwatchable for the entire time of it.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Yep, $40 a day and 65.5 cents per mile.

PetDinosaurs ,

What! I’m getting robbed at 55 cents/mi!

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I don’t know if it was a California thing or not, but back in the day they used to pay you $5 a day for jury duty. The aerospace company I worked at paid full salary for jury duty days, but for a while they required your to reimburse the company for the $5/day. It sort of makes sense philosophically because you don’t need the court compensation if you’re getting guilt paid, but it always seemed kind of cheap. I think they stopped that because they realized it was costing them more to process the reimbursement than they were getting from it.

luckyhunter ,

I know in some states it’s law that if the employer agrees to pay your salary the jury duty wages may(must?) be claimed by the company as income, so they are selling your time at a loss basically. It’s meant to be an incentive for companies to do it, but at $5/day yeah that’s not worth the paper work.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Agreed. Like I said it makes sense philosophically, it’s just the amount is so low it seems miserly.

On the other hand, the company pays full salary for unlimited jury days, which I think is unusual, so I don’t think they’re being cheap at all in reality.

luckyhunter ,

They are just being efficient with their accountant and tax preparers time. The state policy to incentivize employers just isn’t working since there’s not enough value there. I’m a business owner with hourly employees, and as long as the program was optional and paid, oh, half the employee wages I’d be totally on board with it.

some_guy ,

Malicious compliance does it again!

SheeEttin , (edited )

It hasn’t been that since like 2018.…/standard-mileage-rates

bestnerd ,

Damn future past

SheeEttin ,


FlyingSquid OP , avatar

You mean like all trials? What’s the problem with that?

TokenBoomer ,

The problem. The problem is there aren’t enough restrooms in the courthouse to accommodate that number of witnesses. The cost of sewage maintenance alone necessitates a delay for the trial.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

What are you even talking about? Are you drunk?

TropicalDingdong ,

They are just static.

If you can’t win, cause confusion.

grysbok , avatar

Witnesses don’t have to attend all 4+months of the trial, only days they’re needed/scheduled to attend.

ScrollinMyDayAway ,


Maybe /s does need to be implemented here after all.

gregorum ,

Even worse, the witness stand can’t accommodate 150 witnesses at the same time!


My goodness, does the amount of dumb things you say have no limit? 

TokenBoomer ,

If there is a limit, I haven’t found it yet. A judge ruled today that Cheesebro and Powell will be tried together. Explain that. Can the witness stand hold 2 chairs?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Uh… You do know that the people on trial don’t sit in the witness stand the whole time, right?

roguetrick ,

Oh Patricia, you're just so random. I'm sure you were hilarious in middle school.

TokenBoomer ,

Is recess over. You’re hilarious now.

Anamnesis ,

Lmfao how is everyone missing that this is a joke? Nice username btw.

Burn_The_Right , in New York state providing COVID tests, masks to schools

Here comes the conservative SCOTUS ruling making it unconstitutional to provide COVID tests and masks in public schools in 3…2…

Gradually_Adjusting , in Man tried to travel the Atlantic in a hamster wheel, U.S. says. Again. avatar

Anyone who stops this guy is my enemy

Son_of_dad , in A football coach who got job back after Supreme Court ruled he could pray on the field has resigned

Wonder what happens if a coach bows and prays to Satan on the field, will his rights be respected too?

AnonTwo , in A football coach who got job back after Supreme Court ruled he could pray on the field has resigned

Pretty sure it was a political stunt from the start.

matchphoenix , in Warner Bros. Discovery Says Ongoing Strikes Will Mean $300M-$500M Hit to 2023 Earnings

What these articles never talk about is the demands that actors and writers are making, and how paltry that pay raise would be in comparison to these losses.

The studios are being pennywise and pound-foolish, and pissing off the most valuable part of their industry, the talent.

givesomefucks ,

how paltry that pay raise would be in comparison to these losses.

It’s just the people who are striking aren’t just asking for a meager raise now.

There’s also stuff about stopping AI before that Black Mirror episode about AI pumping out completed shows come true.

The studios don’t want to agree to stopping that, because they want it to happen.

Which means the strikers are right, and should be striking.

pissing off the most valuable part of their industry, the talent.

A decade or two from now, it might be AI writers, AI actors, and making a whole movie happens on a computer that just spits out a finished product.

That is something studios would be willing to take a half a billion hit against. And if they didn’t think it was coming, they would have caved by now.

The workers only have leverage if they strike before they can be replaced, and demand a future where humans are more involved than typing in a couple prompts.

spez ,

I just hope AI plateaus before any of that cyberpunk shit happens.

givesomefucks ,

There’s no reason to think it will.

Like, it’s going to take decades, but it’ll eventually get to the point where humans only involvement is focus grouping AI shows. Have a group of 20 people watch 20 pilots (or whole seasons) and rate them.

Winners move up in an elimination style bracket and the best get pushed out to subscribers. Or they could just say fuck it and upload everything. A single service could easily upload more than 24 hours of content a day.

The cyberpunk shit won’t really start until companies start using those shows to try to change people’s stances on shit. Instead of seeing ads to make us want to buy stuff, people will pay the streaming services to change how people think on topics. Like Big Oil paying for Fast and Furious 35 to be about how gas vehicles are still better than EVs. Or a main character having random social/political views that are constantly being mentioned.

It won’t be as obvious as characters meeting at Starbucks and saying the name 27 times. But it would work on a lot of idiots.

greenskye ,

I still think people are vastly over-estimating how close we are to that kind of AI.

Reminds me of all the people who thought we were close to Ready Player One style VR back when VR was taking off a few years ago. And now VR stuff is clearly dying, the fad petering out with the technology only making relatively minor improvements from where it started (at least compared to what fiction portrays).

givesomefucks ,

I still think people are vastly over-estimating how close we are to that kind of AI

I mean, I said it would take a couple decades…

But the longer they waited to strike, the less leverage they have.

VR is completely different because your asking people to pay the price of a big screen for something only used while gaming. This doesn’t require consumers to buy any special equipment.

If you want a gaming analogy, look at the cutscenes in new games like Baldurs Gate 3. It won’t be long before AI eliminates the need for mocap. And at that point AI could write and generate a show all on its own

20 years is plenty of time for that

greenskye ,

I think we’re ‘20 years away’ from it in the same way we were ‘20 years away’ from practical fusion power in the 50’s. It feels close, but we don’t even know what we’re actually trying to achieve. People don’t even agree or understand what human intelligence is, what creativity is. You can’t progress down this path like we do with newer, faster processors. It’ll take a new epiphany, a whole new approach to get to the kind of AI people have been dreaming of and writing stories about. You could give the machine a thousand times the processing power and all the training data possible, but it will never really progress past a the current shallow mimicking of intelligence. There’s no mechanism for it to grow or be corrected on the facts. That will take something new.

alienanimals , (edited )

VR stuff is not dying. You’re just in the Trough of Disillusionment of the Gartner hype cycle. Look at Steam Sales or Oculus Sales for their VR games. Look at the new headsets that continue to arrive to the market. The VR market might still be relatively small, but it’s always improving and growing.

Edit lol no counter argument, just downvotes from kids who refuse to believe they might be wrong.

greenskye ,

VR headsets are still improving and still being sold, no disagreement there. But when I search for great VR games to play those lists look almost the same as when I got into VR several years ago. They’re still recommending only games that came out years ago and that I’ve already played. At most they might recommend a new mod to turn a regular game into VR. Where is the content? I thought I’d one day upgrade from my HTC Vive, but I don’t see the point if all I’m going to play are the games I’ve already played.

orclev ,

Yes, exactly this. The LLMs have done an amazing job of faking AI and it’s tricked a ton of people into believing that we’re nearly there, but we’re still a long way off from AI. Back in the 70s everyone thought AI was just around the corner as well, and while we’re much closer today, we’re still not close enough everyone should be worried about it. What everyone should be worried about though is the stupid executives buying all the snake oil and firing everyone before they realize they’ve been conned.

This isn’t a battle against AI, it’s a battle against dumb executives once again trying to figure out how to fuck their employees to make even more money for themselves.

spez ,

But doesn’t still work on the current level. We can but only speculate of what will happen. This is what people in 2000s must have felt about the internet.

givesomefucks ,

That’s not ancient history…

Plenty of people are still alive that were using the internet 20 years ago.

I think you’re confusing what scifi predicted it would be like in movies/TV which is almost always over exaggerated because that’s what sells.

Even when that stuff came out, no one back then took the crazy stuff seriously, if anything serious predictions underestimated what it would be like today.

I don’t think you realize how crazy today’s cell phones with 5G would be to someone from 2003.

girlfreddy , avatar

Being in my 60’s I’d have to agree with you. The range and capabilities of cell phone technology now vs 2003 is a blow-out.

givesomefucks ,

Seriously, texting was a huge innovation, we couldn’t even send pics in 2003, now we’ve got fucking FaceTime and bitch if it’s not HD. Hell, we can Livestream HD to the entire Internet these days.

I think if you’ve grown up with touchscreen cellphones, you don’t understand how ground breaking they were.

alienanimals ,

We’re gonna need more than hope to cease further AI progress.

spez ,

I don’t want it ceased, just controlled.

alienanimals ,

That’s completely fair. AI control is a very difficult task, but one that is worth working on.

tinkeringidiot ,

Less than a decade, I think. We won’t live to see the first completely generated movie star. We’ll live to see them become the default. We’ll live to see a time when live human acting is, in and of itself, a noteworthy occurrence.

AI isn’t even driving this forward. Square has been ringing this bell for more than a decade with its movies. AI is just making it cheap. And that fact alone is why it will continue, unabated and unhindered, come what may.

What the studios aren’t realizing is that it’s not just the end for human actors, it’s their end as well. If you can generate feature length films with effects and acting and sound, who the hell needs a major studio?

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

The pay raises are largely nothing burgers. Same with having a proper writers’ room and the like.

The two main sticking points of the WGA/SAG strike are:

  1. Royalties/residuals. Currently, even if talent IS eligible for them, the streaming services are set up in a way that they will never get them. This comes up near constantly with stuff like “This person wrote Stranger Witcher Tiger King and lives in a cardboard box” style stories. THIS actually would impact (some of) the companies and studios to a very large degree. Like, it wasn’t Band of Brothers or Run Fatboy Run that made The Schwim rich as all hell. Same with most of the sitcom royalty who basically buy a new house every time TBS does a marathon.
  2. AI generated content. I’ve said it many times before, but the only outcome that is likely will be “All past performances are not eligible to be part of training data. Talent will have the option to allow their performance/work to be added to a training data set no less than N years after the first public release”… with a lot of coercion regarding how optional that is (if you thought “Agree to show your tits or we find someone else” was a problem…). This has no real impact currently but will be MASSIVE amounts of money in N years and studios likely expect to be valued based on how much training data they will have.
hydrospanner ,

“All past performances are not eligible to be part of training data. Talent will have the option to allow their performance/work to be added to a training data set no less than N years after the first public release”

And how can that ever be truly ensured/compliance confirmed?

Studios can pinky swear then somehow, oops, some third party that they totally didn’t know about their practices uses the off limits material to generate AI results which are then sold to the studio.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

The exact same way software licensing and corporate espionage work? If there is reason to be suspicious, paperwork and an investigation eventually happen. So in this case, if suddenly we see someone with John Wayne’s smile, people are gonna say “what the fuck?”

And this will likely be a legal issue at least on the same level as the DMCA (if not the actual DMCA…) because studios will have a LOT to lose if smaller companies steal their catalog and take away their competitive advantage.

ryathal ,

It’s unfortunate that these are the sticking points for the union, because they seem like really bad hills to die on long term.

Residuals are antiquated in the streaming world, gettingpaid up front is a far better deal. If you want recurring income, negotiate a stock grant. Residuals are chasing a shrinking pile of money competing with 40 years of content. Prestige TV makes headlines, but a big reason streamers aren’t releasing numbers is because those shows are crap for engagement. Shows like Friends are still likely dominating the streaming count.

AI is coming whether you like it or not, they would be far better off negotiating a way to include AI as it advances rather than seek to ban it. The fair use argument is really strong for model builders. Actors and writers are better off working with current producers to create a path forward for AI, because a complete ban is likely to result in an outside company coming in and disrupting the market. Yes the stance producers started with is extreme on this subject matter, but the actors and writers are similarly extreme.

laylawashere44 , (edited ) in Revealed: undercover UK police officer deceived woman into 19-year relationship

This isnt even the first time this has happened in the UK. A group of officers held fake relationships with a climate protester group too.

citrusface ,

Say more.

perviouslyiner ,
Surp , in Burning Man Ends With Hours-Long Traffic Jam avatar

Oh no rich people that have a party in the desert are sad

Surp , in These wolves in Alaska ate all the deer. Then, they did something unexpected avatar


Ryan213 , in The lawsuits seeking to keep drag queens legal, explained avatar

They should ban youth pastors instead.

Zirconium ,

Somebody has to make that abortion ban effective

CookieJarObserver , in Revealed: undercover UK police officer deceived woman into 19-year relationship

This sounds more like intelligence agency than police…

lud ,

As the article states it was a police officer from the “Avon and Somerset police” and not any special intelligence agency.

CookieJarObserver ,

Articles say much when the day is long…

wahming ,

Regardless of agency or police, the important bit is he left the job 9 years ago. And they let him keep using the identity for 7 years after that.

CookieJarObserver ,

I mean when the real identity is known by people that do not like him too much it could also be like whiteness protection program…

luckyhunter , in Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack

Aparently not all BLM.

catsarebadpeople ,

Didn’t you hear? The point is that ALL lives matter! /s lol you moron

luckyhunter ,

Oh as long as the politics are correct. That’s right.

catsarebadpeople ,

Muh politics. Waaaaaaaah. GFYS

qwertyWarlord ,

Has nothing to do with being free from committing crimes, numbnuts

luckyhunter ,

Nothing criminal with a fiesty but mostly peaceful protest.

FlexibleToast ,

Lol, you’re delusional.

Manifish_Destiny ,

6 deaths == fiesty and mostly peaceful. Are you fucking retarded?

FlexibleToast ,

Domestic terrorists attempting to overthrow an election by attacking the nation’s capitol. Very feisty. The person is either a moron or a troll.

FlyingSquid , avatar

He’s still alive. Unlike what you can say for a lot of black people who encounter the cops.

Yes, his life does matter. He’s just no longer entitled to his freedom.

So your little gotcha doesn’t work. At all.

luckyhunter ,

Lol drat! The technicalities!

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s not a technicality. His life is in no danger from police whatsoever. BLM is about the police’s response to black people and how little their lives are valued.

luckyhunter ,

I thought it was about rich black women fleecing the public to buy mansions in white neighborhoods.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That would be because you’re a racist.

luckyhunter ,

racist? hell, I admire those women!

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yeah, nice try. Your snark doesn’t make you any less of a racist when you are tarring an entire movement, an entire race of people, with the actions of one or two people.

luckyhunter ,

Well darn it. I guess I’m in good company with the Democrats then since the BLM website still has donations set up through ACTBlue.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That is irrelevant to my comment.

luckyhunter ,

c’est la vie

Squirrel_Patrol , in Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack

What’s even better is him thinking he’s not going to be in prison long because Trump is going to win the next election and pardon him. My brother, there’s a greater chance of Trump becoming your cell mate.

cogman ,

Yeah… Even if Trump wins there’s no way he remembers or cares about anyone involved in Jan 6.

These guys are way more screwed than they realize.

arc ,

It’s true he doesn’t give a damn about these people but they’re useful for his scam. He’s already said he’ll pardon people and will continue to say it because it suits the narrative he’s pushing and what his base wants to hear.

The problem is he is toxic and will only get more so as his legal issues turn into jail time so it’s unlikely he’ll win election. If he were smart he’d drop out and secure a pardon from a more electable GOP nominee in return for endorsement. But he won’t. So it seems that these proud boy / oathkeeper idiots are likely to be spending a long time behind bars.

steltek ,

Trump is a narcissist who cares about image and the cheers of crowds. If pardoning J6 traitors gets him that, he will do it.

cogman ,

I agree with you, but I don’t believe there’s going to be any sort of crowd clamoring for J6 rioters to be pardoned. The issue is early on, a LOT of right wing media decided that J6 was a false flag. There’s just not going to be many people beyond family members of J6 rioters that want them pardoned.

atempuser23 ,

I bet Trump thinks about them a bit. Every day Trump isn’t in the White House he is reminded that they are failures. Zero surprise if they never get parole if Trump makes the WH.

echodot ,

That would be the ultimate punishment for both of them. They have to deal with each other for the next 22 years.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Unfortunately, it could happen.

Most of the country is dealing with a 30% to 50% cost of living increase, and they’re going to blame Biden for it. Trump got elected the first time because 6,000,000 were foreclosed upon when Obama was president.

MoistMogwai ,

It’s possible, but as much as people are exhausted with Biden, nothing would get blue to turn out to vote like another chance of Trump. Blue would vote for a tent full of mosquitoes if it meant voting against Trump. Trump supporters have gotten more fanatical, not more numerous. Some of my own family members are currently in orange pill recovery. Not to mention all the Reds that died of COVID denial. Then you factor in young people now eligible to vote skewing blue. The only person I think Trump could beat honestly would be Hillary. Red would show up to vote against her if not for Trump.

Asafum ,

While I agree with most of that, I thought it was shown recently that younger people are skewing right. Internet propaganda has been super effective lately it seems :/

mrnotoriousman ,
Asafum ,

Glad to know I was mistaken!

MoistMogwai ,

Maybe it’s the bubble I’m in, but I’ve seen the opposite in the news. Between climate, school shootings, minimum wage, student loan forgiveness, abortion rights, and marijuana legalization, one party at least acts progressive, while the other actively tries to block change. I’m not sure which conservative talking points are resonating with the majority of young people.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

That was the argument people made for Hillary’s certain victory on Election Day, that the notion of Trump being elected would mean a huge Democratic turnout.

Thing is, people aren’t going to give a shit who the candidate of change is when they can’t afford their grocery bills, and Trump isn’t going to have to lie about how little Biden has done to alleviate people’s poverty.

some_guy ,

I didn’t vote when it was Hillary or Tbag. I hated both. But I’ll keep voting to protect against him happening again. It’s exactly what the dems are counting on, and it’s unfortunately working on me.

Still waiting to see who I’ll vote for in primaries, though. My vote only counts there in my state.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

It’s good to vote, for sure.

I’ll be voting Green myself.

mrnotoriousman ,

A green vote is no different than a Trump vote

ToastyMedic ,

A green vote is a green vote.

A libertarian vote is a libertarian vote.

An independent vote is an indepdent vote.

How about we get better candidates from both mainstream parties if they actually want swing voters, rather than painting their opposition as a bunch of shitbags. (Mind you, both parties are shitbags who force unpopular policies).

mrnotoriousman ,

Ideally that would be in the case, but in reality with FPTP your vote for Green has the same effect as a vote for Trump. I'm much farther left than the Dems, but until we have a revolution that's just how it is.

Isthisreddit ,

So what was your hatred of Hillary based on out of curiosity?

some_guy ,

I recall that she supported some regulation of the internet that I considered harmful. I can’t recall the specifics anymore.

Isthisreddit ,

I ask because the republicans viewed her as a threat from the time she was first lady (she wanted universal healthcare - which she almost got, but the rightwing defeated her by talking about a republican vision/plan for an individual mandate, which was basically obamacare, she talked about women’s rights, she was pulling her husband to the left on some issues, etc). They knew she had the type of balls to run for president and the Hillary hate propaganda machine has been running strong for over 20+ years, because they were scared she would win. That’s why I’m wondering what got you to hate her - what tactic of their hate machine do you think worked on you?

Edit - and I hope you understand conservatives would destroy the internet as it is, and they have been trying

some_guy ,

It wasn’t any tactic they used. I read an article where she talked about policy she wanted implemented during her first term that I thought showed a basic misunderstanding of the internet. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what it was to share. But I didn’t think Trump stood any chance of winning so I withheld my vote and have regretted that ever since.

MoistMogwai ,

I’m not saying it won’t be close. My parents who voted for him complain about how often they get asked to donate to his campaign slash legal fund. I don’t think that’s a great look if it’s about grocery money.

I remember 2016. Bernie bros felt maybe rightfully so that he got shafted in the primary. Many didn’t turn out. Trump as obvious of a con man as he was to us, was a successful business man to many centrist voters. I think that illusion has mostly faded. On top of that people on the right were programmed to hate Hillary since the 90s. The vitriol for Trump now is the best shot Biden has, and I think it’s enough.

scottmeme ,

I would vote for a bathtub full of scorpions and vipers before I vote for Trump

sturmblast ,

that’s maybe part of the reason Trump got elected but that’s not the main reason by a long shot

downpunxx , in Trump bid to delay $250 million New York fraud trial is 'completely without merit,' judge says avatar

hahahahaha get fucked jaggoff

_Sc00ter ,

Don’t often see jags on the internet. You throwing back an IC right now too?

ripcord , avatar

Yinzer in the wild!

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