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Hazdaz , in Nebraska teen sent to 90 days in jail over abortion

This is absolutely disgusting… and yet this is how Nebraska voted in 2020:

You fucked around and now you found out.

I have a hard time feeling back for these people who year in, year out they vote for the same right wing fascists and then one day the policies those fascists support finally come back and bite them in the ass.

MasterObee ,

This would be illegal in every western country…Do you think every western country is fascist?

hotdaniel ,

It should not be. Also, I think Canada does not have any term-based limits. Which is correct.

MasterObee ,

It should not be.

Okay, well you can convince almost every other progressive country that they’re wrong and you’re right.

Which is correct.

Which is something you support, doesn’t make it ‘correct’ - your line of thinking is what’s causing the modern day division in politics.

hotdaniel ,

Convince the Christo-fascist terrorists? They don’t listen to reason, they won’t hear my arguments. You had the opportunity to argue, why didn’t you?

MasterObee ,

Convince the Christo-fascist terrorists

Yeah, sweden, iceland, netherlands are all christo-fascist countries.

Come on dude.

hotdaniel ,

“more countries agree with me, so I’m right”

Do you have an actual argument? I don’t care about “most western countries” they’re wrong.

MasterObee ,

I didn’t say that.

I said you claiming sweden iceland and netherlands are all christo-fascist countries is objectively wrong.

hotdaniel ,

Ok, you want to talk about countries. You don’t want to talk about abortion or autonomy. You have no argument and you’re wasting my time.

MasterObee ,

Ok, you want to talk about countries. You don’t want to talk about abortion or autonomy.

Yes, I want to compare how we as a country deal with abortion compared to our peer countries than many of the left in this country look up to.

You have no argument and you’re wasting my time.

I do, you just responded to me looking for a different argument, that I don’t care to discuss.

hotdaniel ,

“Abortion is limited in most western nations” isn’t even a arguement about whether abortion should or should not have limits. Congratulations, you’ve spent multiple comments arguing something irrelevant and you completely missed the point. Pat yourself on the back for that one.

MasterObee ,

“Abortion is limited in most western nations” isn’t even a arguement about whether abortion should or should not have limits.

I understand that. I argued the first part, not the latter.

If you want to argue that a woman that’s 8 months pregnant should be able to get an abortion, that’s fine. But find someone else.

hotdaniel ,

Which is something you support, doesn’t make it ‘correct’ - your line of thinking is what’s causing the modern day division in politics.

You challenged me about my position and now say you don’t want to discuss it at all.

Hazdaz ,

Abortion is legal in the vast majority of the industrialized world.

MasterObee ,

Abortion is, is abortion at 28 weeks legal in the vast majority of the industrialized world?

exothermic , in Texas worker accused of being on drugs was actually dying of heatstroke

A million dollars is hardly enough. The lawsuit should be for the dollar amount of his lifetime worth of gainful employment. Anything less is despicable and wrong.

Master , avatar

and then times it by 10. If it bankrupts the company so be it.

I work in construction. We have a re-roof job running right now. They go through almost a pallet of water every day and are required to have x amount of rest in shade. When it got to hot the hours were moved to night till mid day to protect them from the heat.

If they suspected him of being on drugs they should have pulled him from the job site immediately once symptoms were showing. Anything less is a danger to the employee as well as everyone else on the site.

What this company did was illegal, morally wrong and down right evil.

JackbyDev ,

Yeah, as if being on drugs means they don’t need help and should return to work. Insane.

MajorHavoc ,

When a corporation kills a human, we should dissolve it, sell it’s assets, and turn the money raised over to the victim’s next of kin.

We can see how long it takes for stockholders to vote in favor of safety regulations after we do that a few times.

SeaJ , in Alabama Failed to Carry Out Its Last Two Executions. It’s Trying Again This Week.

They won’t do nitrogen because there is no protocol despite being legal for five years. But clearly the protocol for lethal injection is shit. So instead of using that would almost certainly be painless they will do something that has caused many painful deaths over the years simply because they’ve done it before.

whatsarefoogee , in Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown

An uptick after these changes make sense. People want to continue their comfortable routines. However now that it’s draining their wallet, they will probably be on the lookout for cheap/free alternatives.

It’s the same with increasing prices. Short term your revenue will spike, but it will bleed as you slowly lose customers because you offer less value.

But the people who were previously paying is where Netflix is playing with fire. They released the customers who were paying only because they were sharing it and didnt want to cause an inconvenience.

I think it’s a pretty big gamble by Netflix, it will take time to see how it played out.

tjhart85 , avatar

I did that for years. Checked usage and found out the other couple people I was sharing with weren't using it anyways.

Cancelled after 10 years.

Sure they might have gained a few subscribers short term, but are they the type to just let the sub roll for a decade straight or will they just watch what they want and cancel until they can re-sub and binge again?

Crackhappy , avatar

I wasn’t sharing my password with anyone but the complete 180 they did on their own policy to chase dollars pissed me off so I cancelled. Been a subscriber since the first year they came out. Oh well.

Greenskye ,

Gotta edge a bit closer to that trust thermocline. I feel like it’s pretty much guaranteed for at least one of the major streaming services to all but collapse in the next 5 years. There’s just too many and something will happen to push people into leaving them.

nostalgicgamerz , in Axios- Many hospitals posted record margins during pandemic, study finds

And they also made acquisitions and eliminated competitors during that time like a motherfucker

Tenthrow , in Alabama GOP refuses to draw second Black district, despite Supreme Court order avatar

Imagine packing the court with conservative stooges, doing something SO unconstitutional that those stooges tell you to stop, then defying the orders of your lopsided Supreme Court, that you built yourself.

goforliftoff ,

ThE cOuRt HaS a LiBrUl BiAs!!!1!1

The Alabama legislature, probably.

EricHill78 , in Texas worker accused of being on drugs was actually dying of heatstroke avatar

I live in the city this happened. I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to do physical work in this weather. May he RIP.

PenguinJuice , in A teachers union says it’s fed up with social media’s impact on students

We should make kids sleep at school during the school year with no access to phones or the internet.

hi_im_FitcH ,

We should do the same with you, at your work then, just so you can see how dumb that would be. But only you.

grte , (edited )

Surely you can understand that person was being facetious? Are people this clueless?

[Edit] I guess we have our answer. People are clueless.

520 ,

Some people genuinely believe these things, and it's not a small number. There's an entire horrific industry around it.

grte ,

There is not a large number of people who think children should be made to spend 100% of the time at school, including being made to sleep there. People are interpreting that person’s obvious sarcasm seriously so they can be upset about i t. Not necessarily intentionally, they may just be dense. But that’s what they’re doing.

520 ,

Look up the 'troubled teen' industry. You will be shocked an appalled.

grte ,

No, I won’t, because that has nothing to do with what the person was saying.

520 ,

It has EVERYTHING to do with what that person is saying - 'troubled teens' is just how many of them justify abuses. Normal teenage behaviour, or even signs of LGBT+ or autism/ADHD are enough to get you sent to one.

grte ,

No it has absolutely nothing to do with what that person said. That person was making a fucking joke and you are running wild with it like a crazy person. Cut it out.

520 ,

I'm just saying it's possible he was 100% serious, like flat earthers and anti-vax. It's possible to be 100% serious and completely idiotic at the same time

grte ,

Okay but it’s 1000x more likely they were making a joke so why are you acting like they being serious was the most likely option?

520 ,

I'm not the one acting like it's one way or another, I just said 'some people genuinely believe these things'.

You're the one acting like I'm on the attack when I'm not.

520 ,

I didn't make any commentary about how likely one or the other is, I just said 'some people genuinely believe these things'. I don't know them, I don't know you, what I do know is that there are people out there that actually believe this stuff and actually send their kids to them all because they had the nerve to answer back.

You're right, it's far more likely they're a sane person being sarcastic, but Poe's law is a very real thing. Because some people actually sound like this.

ninbreaker ,

Defo military parents would love turning all schools into training camps.

Protoknuckles ,

I mean, boarding school is a thing. He’ll, Hogwarts was a boarding school. The students slept there.

Drusas , in Nearly two years after Texas' six-week abortion ban, more infants are dying

And this is what happens when you force women to give birth to non-viable fetuses. They become dead babies, and sometimes dead women.

Alteon ,

Well, asking a christofacist conservative to think logically and empathetically vs emotionally and personally is like asking a rock to talk to you. It will never happen.

The traits that make a diehard conservative are counterintuitive to thinking in a macroscale; I literally dont think they are capable of it.

LillianVS , in Nebraska teen sent to 90 days in jail over abortion avatar

These people care more about an unborn baby than they do about the baby after it’s born. Actually sad.

If every one of these anti-abortion assholes want to start taking the babies of families who cannot raise them then it wouldn’t be seen as just a disgustingly hypocritical movement. That is not the case. If you want to start forcing women to have babies they can’t care for but you don’t want to take care of the consequences of that, you are the problem.

Nobodies out here delivering fully sized aborted babies for shits and giggles. Pregnancies are painful and traumatic enough.

theViscusOne ,


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  • LillianVS , avatar

    I read the article, people who stand outside abortion clinics disuading people from getting abortions when they’re within the term time is the problem. It’s also possible to have invisible pregnancies. The article doesn’t contain enough to go into but you can’t deny that protesting and harassment outside of abortion clinics would scare people away from doing it legally. Which now it’s made harder.

    theViscusOne ,

    The article and the story presented do not include what you are talking about.

    LillianVS , avatar

    No shit, I’m questioning why she didn’t go through the usual routes to get help. You know. responding with thought on what I think about the story… what you’re complaining about

    theViscusOne ,


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  • tallwookie , avatar

    yeah, it’s obvious that they didn’t read the article

    XbSuper ,

    Doesn’t seem like you read the article.

    Xariphon , in A teachers union says it’s fed up with social media’s impact on students

    What we should be fed up with is the influence of teachers and teachers' unions.

    Wooly ,

    Great idea. Teachers should t have control in schools. Let’s let social media teach and raise kids.

    MostlyBirds , avatar

    What kind of dumbass hot take is this?

    brygphilomena ,

    Explain. I’d love to hear your take on this.

    Xariphon ,

    My take on this is my take on school in general: it's manipulative, coercive, and overall bad for you. I say this having considered becoming a teacher, and having chosen to become a librarian instead precisely because I refused to lend my energy to the school system.

    Teachers have a disproportionate influence over the lives of basically everyone. School being compulsory, and most people* not even understanding that alternatives exist let alone having the resources or wherewithal to pursue them, the influence of teachers is very nearly inescapable, and yet they always demand more. More hours, more days, more ceaseless undivided attention (regardless of the quality of their content or the interests of their captive audience), all in direct contradiction to mounting evidence that all of those things are bad for you.

    Studies from Europe indicate that homework, for example, at best does nothing at all, and more likely is actively bad for you. (This doesn't really require modern science -- John Holt and John Gatto were writing about this in the 80s -- but modern science confirms it.) Students nowadays are subjected to levels of anxiety that would've gotten their grandparents hospitalized. The pandemic largely disbanding in-person schooling resulted in a noteworthy drop in student suicide rates. And still, the school system demands more control, more influence, more access to more of young people's waking lives, seemingly not content until every conscious breath is scheduled and supervised.

    And then there are teachers' unions. Considering how badly teachers are paid and what utter trash their benefits are, it can be observed that the only significant function teachers' unions serve is to keep bad teachers from being fired. I know it's only anecdotal, but I have in my own experience observed teachers who re-use the same test papers for literally decades without changing a thing. This might be acceptable in math -- math doesn't change much -- but I've seen history teachers do this. Fuck's sake, man. Unions certainly do little enough to guarantee the quality-of-life of teachers making any effort to do their best.

    The combination of artificially insatiable demand and utterly dogwater compensation means that the system has an incentive to churn out an unholy number of mediocre teachers, and then never let them be removed no matter how mediocre their service is. This is leaving aside the problem of teachers forgetting that the people across the desks from them are their employers, not their subjects, and the authoritarian attitudes that comes with that.

    (I have to include an asterisk * above because when I say "most people" I mostly mean "most parents" -- the people actually affected by the failures of the school system are routinely denied any voice whatsoever in the management of that system, and as a matter of course denied any choice about their own education, so we can only talk about the knowledge and ability of people who are at least one step removed from even being involved in the situation, which is it's own problem, as you might imagine. In no other aspect of life does leaving decision-making in the hands of people unaffected by the consequences of their own decisions lead to good outcomes...)

    There's more I could go into here. The failures of 'zero tolerance,' for instance; the root causes of school violence; the almost comedically cruel euphemism that is 'bullying'; the entire concept of the school-to-prison and school-to-military pipelines. There's a lot wrong with the idea of giving teachers more influence over people.

    I am explicitly not saying that social media is the answer, but I am saying that I can very easily understand the desire -- the need -- of young people to claw back a few minutes at a time of their own waking lives for themselves.

    doleo ,

    I kind of wish you'd posted this before your original post, though I appreciate it was significantly more effort to type. You've made a number of well laid-out points that I largely agree with, but I'm not sure your original post indicated anything other than teacher and/or union bashing, which was difficult to get on board with!

    brygphilomena ,

    I really appreciate the response. There are many good points you have. Though I would place much of the blame on school administrators, districts, and politicians that are meddling in the education system rather than teachers. I have family that are teachers and some I wouldn’t trust to teach basic arithmetic.

    I personally would weigh teachers opinions heavier than those of the school and district administration as they are front line and see what our children are experiencing directly. I do agree that much of our education system could use reform to be more holistically focused on children’s general life and well-being. Though I consider that an extension of a general reform of our society with a greater push towards better work/life balance, improved social services, infrastructure, housing, etc.

    As you’ve eloquently presented, teacher pay and benefits are abysmal. I would rather spend more time and taxes to improve those work conditions rather than condemn the union. I was regularly in classes of over 30 students (mind you, this was 2 decades ago) and decreasing the student:teacher ratio has always been an active topic they are working towards. Whether it’s better to have a lower ratio vs firing bad teachers is up for debate. There have been plenty of studies that show high student:teachers ratios are detrimental to students.

    I haven’t spent a lot of time exploring the different schooling theories and styles like Montessori but perhaps another style may be a good change. A lot of parents aren’t aware of the options they have for their children, but that may also have socio-economic barriers that prevent them from being able to make a choice.

    peopleproblems , in Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown

    Well I mean The Witcher season 3 came out. yeah it went up.

    They’re kidding themselves if I’m keeping it after. Again.

    the_itsb ,

    For me, it was I Think You Should Leave’s new season that got me to sign up for a month to binge that repeatedly. After we finish the documentary on Homo naledi we’ve been watching, we’ll cancel Netflix and start Max for a month so we can watch the new season of Righteous Gemstones.

    _haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

    You should’ve just pirated it.

    melon_lord ,

    Not even worth pirating.

    _haha_oh_wow_ , avatar


    missveeronica , in Judge: West Virginia can't require incarcerated atheist to participate in religious programming

    As a Christian, I agree with this.

    Squirrel , avatar

    Seriously. Forcing prisoners to participate in a religion is just wrong. Imagine the uproar if it was Islam instead of Christianity.

    missveeronica ,

    And yet, I’m being downvoted.

    Squirrel , avatar

    Yeah, I’m not sure if people thought you agreed with the state…? I guess we generally see “As a Christian, I <insert terrible opinion here>”, so assumptions of that sort are likely, but I’m not sure. I try to do my part to show that we’re not all the Westboro Baptist type, too.

    missveeronica ,

    Good point. I do not agree with the state. Nobody should have a religion forced upon them.

    Transcendant ,

    There will be people browsing the comments who read the article, left feeling angry and powerless. Then you reveal yourself as someone who ascribes to what they see as ‘enemy’, downvoting you is a way to exert some (small) sense of power. Try not to take it personally.

    I wish more Christians thought like you.

    Stan , avatar

    People are stupid.

    captainkaladin , in Tony Bennett, US singer with seven-decade career, dies aged 96 avatar

    He’s the only guy that was on the same level as Sinatra

    Hazdaz , in Miami woman, 18, arrested after allegedly trying to hire hitman to kill her 3-year-old son, police say

    So she’s 18 and has a 3 year old. I ain’t no mathmagician, but that tells me she was knocked-up at 15.

    Seems to me that if she had simply gotten an abortion like she should have at 15 she wouldn’t have ruined her life now.

    But then again, this is Florida, so they ain’t too good at thinking down in America’s wang, and with her last name and living in Miami, I wouldn’t be too surprised if she was Cuban. Cubans tend to be rather conservative and conservatives tend to be anti abortion. So you done fucked up your life over some stupid ass shit.

    Good job.

    DarkThoughts ,

    Murdering a born child is way worse than aborting a lump of cells. Also, she could've saved the 3000 bucks and hand the kid over to the state. At least that way it might've had a chance at something, unlike his dumbass mother.

    spacedancer ,

    Murdering a born child is way worse than aborting a lump of cells.

    Not for conservatives it ain’t.

    MrBusiness ,

    It’s Florida. What chance does that kid have? Their foster care system is a joke. Between child trafficking, number of missing (AND unreported) children, overcrowding, children being placed in the care of convicts, I don’t know how that could be better. I don’t know many states that could rank worse than Florida when it comes to child care.

    The foster system in the US is pretty shit as a whole, but Florida is going the extra mile.

    Tischkante , avatar

    Generous optimistic math, she was most likely 14.

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