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Lucidlethargy ,

Being a republican means you never have to admit you’re wrong. You just live in a whole other universe where chemtrails turn the frogs gay, and Trump is an innocent, Christ-like patriot.

camelbeard ,

What I never understood (not from America), is that one party claims to really care about freedom and less involved government.

Whenever I hear that I think cool, so the freedom to have full autonomy over your body? Legal drugs, abortion, etc. Or the freedom to marry who you want, whatever gender. The freedom to legally end your own life, for example if you are terminally ill.

But usually it’s just large companies shouldn’t pay tax and we want guns, but for everything else fuck freedom.

MrVilliam ,

No, you understand completely. The people voting for that party are just brainwashed morons and middle class dipshits with a few stocks who think they’ll become billionaires if only regulations were looser. You understand American politics better than like 80% of Americans.

horsey ,

Also while they claim to oppose the government, somehow the military and police don’t count. Plus how most veterans vote for the party that routinely wants to reduce benefits for veterans.

irmoz ,

What gets me is the obvious con of it all. They preach anti establishment rhetoric… while being the establishment. They tell people not to trust the government… while in government… and expect people to trust them. And it works.


USA is not the center of the world

CosmicCleric , avatar

USA is not the center of the world

I’d love to see a full discussion from those who are downloading and uploading this comment, to try to understand the discrepancy between the people voting for and against the comment.

spikespaz ,

I upped because I don’t understand the perspective of the downies

CosmicCleric , avatar

Like many things about humans, I think it just comes down to perspectives moreso than truths.

Jakeroxs ,

I would think people are downvoting because it doesn’t make sense in context, like when was the OP claiming the US was the center of the world?


Why talk about republicans then ? They don’t exist everywhere

In my country it’s not even only the right that believed in this kind of complotism, lot of them sure but also a lot of poor/middle class people

Jakeroxs ,

Is the term Republican used outside the US? I honestly don’t know and Google won’t tell me

spikespaz ,

Dude that’s a generalization and is just not true.

Twelve20two ,

While it is a generalization, it accurately covers the majority of Republicans who have been vocal online over the last few years.

spikespaz ,

As far as I’m concerned each side has been just as annoying and incorrect as the other. Have you seen some of the stupid and objectively false things people say? It’s not just conservatives.

Twelve20two ,

One side wants to advance and protect human rights, and the other side wants to ensure some people never have those rights. While there are boneheads on both sides, the core arguments aren’t same-same-but-different. And there seem to be way more people on the far right who are coal and in greater numbers than there are radical leftists.

NigelFrobisher ,

And I don’t get why they hate the King so much either. The monarchy brings lots of tourism money into the country.

bquintb , avatar

MAGA: wrong about everything

toy_boat_toy_boat ,
  1. Tell them that’s what it really stands for
  2. Say it over and over and over and over
  3. Country fixed. America is great again!

I mean, it’s already worked on them already…

instamat ,

They did it to woke, let’s do it to maga

toy_boat_toy_boat ,

Suggestion: Let’s NOT do the shit they do instead!

PatFussy ,

Operation warpspeed? Never heard of her

jcit878 ,





quadropiss ,

I kinda wish we still had to wear masks

Arfman ,

Winter time in close quarters where people are sick are the perfect time to wear

kandoh ,

The facemask keeps so much heat inside my body, really shows how scarves have been fucking around this whole time.

SpezBroughtMeHere ,

No one is stopping you. Go for it!

Player2 ,

Still ‘had to.’ It’s pretty disgusting to sit in a poorly ventilated classroom with 10 people coughing their lungs out and wiping their snot on the chairs. University by the way.

SLaSZT , avatar


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  • IHaveTwoCows ,

    I like how the Japanese have always worn masks any time one of them was sick and it was never a problem for anyone. Fucking Americans are goddamn idiots and always have been. Being the biggest military as your only bragging point is proof of incompetence.

    Fedizen ,

    US gov: Spend 10 trillion dollars on the world’s biggest military operation to prevent retaliatory attacks caused by 3 trillion in oil investments after an attack kills 3k people in NY.

    Also US Gov.: Spend 2 trillion to fighting a disease that kills millions of people, give up after 2 years. Most the money actually went to business bailouts.

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Did you support the Iraq war at the time? Be honest

    WoahWoah ,

    Ok boomer lol

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Gen X. We were stuck having to try to teach those idiots how a mouse works

    Jakeroxs ,

    Interesting question, I know I was like 7-8 when we invaded Iraq, living in the south and definitely propagandized (I remember they played “Proud to be an American” in the cafeteria for weeks after 9/11)

    I didn’t know any better, afraid of/hated Muslims and remember asking a teacher why we didn’t just nuke all of the Middle East 🤦‍♂️

    I don’t remember getting a rebuke at all.

    Now I see how we were all played by the propaganda machine

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Yes, exactly. The same people who are doing the antivax/antimask propaganda were the same ones who masturbated furiously to Toby Keith songs and called all of us who said “BAD IDEA!!!” traitors, America-haters, and every other slur under the sun. Never once have they apologized to Dixie Chicks even twenty years later having finally recognized the war for the sham it was. Still, those who hate the COVID response will still get mad as hell if you suggest cutting the “defense” budget. None of these people care about the money or the debts incurred or the astronomically high interest bill; their only concern is “will we be able to kill or punish someone?” regardless of the necessity.

    merc ,

    Masks only protect other people from your own germs

    They offer some protection to you too.

    Rambi ,

    Yeah I’m pretty sure fffp3/N95 masks should leave you almost completely protected in normal circumstances, outside of working in a hospital or whatever.

    merc ,

    If worn properly, which is actually pretty hard to do. Getting a proper seal on them is pretty uncomfortable, at least for me.

    quadropiss ,

    I mean I do when I can? I look pretty in a mask

    NigelFrobisher ,


    finnie ,

    I’m sure they think it’s because they were so annoying, lmao. Like they think they did something.

    Nails ,

    No time to talk about that now. Busy moving the goal posts.

    _stranger_ ,

    can’t move goalposts if they’re dead!

    merc ,

    Moving the goalposts suggests that they’re still talking about the same thing. Instead they’ve moved on to a new conspiracy and don’t even remember claiming the lockdowns were going to be permanent.

    In other words:

    “Who cares about lockdowns, that was 2 years ago. What matters is the Biden Crime Family!”

    limelight79 ,

    Remember when the “plandemic” was going to end the day after the 2020 election?

    Nails ,

    Check out INFOWARS (or much better yet check out Knowledge Fight). The ever looming prospect of more lockdowns and the globalist takeover is always coming tomorrow. When it inevitably doesn’t come, it’s because they exposed it.

    Trump gave a speech recently to his army of idiots trying to convince them that the lockdowns will be back just in time to stop them from voting for him.

    merc ,

    That’s why I’m getting my mom (who is a conspiracy nut) to write down her predictions on a calendar, so we can look at them as they all fail to come true.

    ProvokedGamer , avatar

    Especially since there are people in places of the world that would kill for a vaccine

    forgetmangos ,

    Like Africa where the overall population wasn’t able to get it and yet had a significantly lower mortality rate than the rest of the world? 🤔

    CptOblivius ,

    70% of Africans are under 30. Age was one of the highest risk factors for COVID.🤔

    forgetmangos ,


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  • Mr_Dr_Oink ,

    Give it a rest. You have already made it clear at this point that you are impervious to evidence. Just go home mate.

    forgetmangos ,

    Maybe I need a few more “vaccines” that don’t prevent contraction or spread of a respiratory virus


    Oh shit, it’s almost like a lot of other vaccines, like the flu vaccine. You’ve uncovered a big government secret! The Immuminati will be by to give you a gold star tonight.

    Donkter ,

    But they do mitigate rates of hospitalization and death. Pretty good tradeoff for something that’s free and doesn’t affect me otherwise. Kinda value.

    Mr_Dr_Oink ,

    Tell me, would you rather catch a virus that can harm/permanently harm/kill you with or without a vaccine that can prevent it from doing that?

    Or to put in another way, would you rather run in front of a firing squad with or withoir body armour?

    Would you rather be in the rain with or wothout a coat/umbrella?

    You moron.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Thankfully we are vaccinating newborns now.

    The minimum age is six months.

    EvolvedTurtle ,

    Damn lemmy is harsh on misinformation

    Tbh tho I’m down for it

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Truth, above all.

    chocobo13z ,

    I wonder if that’s because there’s a high rate of overall mortality, i.e. they’re only living past 30 sometimes?

    merc ,

    It’s because of a drop in child mortality which hasn’t yet been matched by a drop in the fertility rate:…/nigerias-demographic-moment…

    coffeeaddict ,

    To layman’s terms, people used to make 5 children and 3 of them would die. Then this mortality has dropped. People still make 5 children. The country has too much children. The country is really young and very few per capita are susceptible to covid.

    The opposite happens in Western countries. Old people don’t die. People don’t make children anymore. Population is really old, covid really affects a lot of people per capita.

    chocobo13z ,

    Makes sense. Thanks for the info!

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    FOUND ONE!!!

    beebarfbadger ,

    Still waiting for Obama to take all my guns and outlaw Christmas tbh.

    M137 , avatar

    I’m very happy I have very little real-life experience with any of the anti-vax idiocy, and that it wasn’t really a big thing in my country. Seeing all of the conservative 'muricans loose their minds over it has been both hilarious and frightening.

    Stalinwolf , (edited ) avatar

    We still see occasional clubhouse rallies on the side of the street here in my city. They don’t even know what they’re protesting anymore, and are now waving both US and Russian flags. We’re Canadian. My wife and I like to appear visibly laughing whenever we pass by. Sometimes I fantasize about having a device on the side of my car that launches a hornet’s nest in their general direction, but I don’t think they make those.

    seitanic , avatar

    Everybody who got the vaccine was supposed to be dead by now, too. This is has gotta be the slowest-acting poison in history!

    NigelFrobisher ,

    I had like four shots now, so it’s possible it killed me so hard that I came back to life again.

    ElBarto , avatar

    Coved vaccine, so deadly it will save your life!

    supercriticalcheese ,

    Within the next 100 years it’s a nearly 100% mortality thanks to the 5G receiver by Bill Gates, checkmate!


    vivadanang ,

    “any moment now anyone who got the vax is gonna flop over and start foaming at the mouth, I heard it on the My Pillow Guy show.”

    I can’t decide which is more depressing, people stupid enough to believe the shit, or the absurd lack of credibility their sources provide - fucking rubes and idiotic liars deserve each other I guess.

    Polar ,

    If the government wanted to kill people, they’d kill those who refused to comply.

    So the thing that would make more sense, is that the COVID vaccine was an antidote, and the government was going to release a toxic gas to kill everyone who didn’t take it.

    But nah, their argument is that the government is killing those who comply. Ya, because that makes sense.

    Lianodel ,

    That’s one of the things that bugs me about conspiracy theories. So many of them don’t even have a point.

    How can so many be people be so wrapped up in conspiracism, but never once have the though, “Oh, wait, why would anyone do this? It’d be pointless.”

    kraftpudding ,

    That’s what gets me about flat earthers. The “best” explanation I’ve seen is that it would show the Bible is true and the elites don’t want us to believe in God, but… would it show the Bible is true? Why even start this century long lie in the first place? I don’t think discovering the earth is round is what pushed people into secularism in the first place, and revealing now it was wrong wouldn’t get people into religion?

    okiloki ,

    It’s because people aren’t wired that way. There’s a name for that phenomenon, but I forgot.

    The idea behind it is that people make up “reasons” (conspiracy strategies) that fit the event. A big event needs a big reason, they can’t just accept that some things happen due to accidents or just by chance.

    That’s why Covid can’t have been natural, it must have escaped from a lab! The government is giving us free vaccines? It can’t be that they just want to get us back to work, there must be a secret plot behind that!

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Flat Earth is exactly that.Nobody has explained to me why “NASA doesnt want you to know the truth”

    AlteredStateBlob , avatar

    Someone straight up told me its because the elites only want those they can respect to survive.

    It's a wierd form of hating them but desperately wanting their approval. I think they all just have daddy issues that aren't the kinky fun kind.

    merc ,

    ‘That’s because the COVID “vaccine” is full of nano-particles that the government can use to control you.’

    See, you didn’t take the crazy-thinking far enough.

    jwagner7813 ,

    This is my same argument for gun ownership as well. While I’m not against people owning guns, to think that us civilians would survive any decent length of time of the government finally came down on us is laughable.

    Misconduct ,

    When you point out its been a long time, and you’re fine, so they say, “Give it 10 more years” lmao wtf just shut up and crawl back under your rock you science denying turnips

    Jay ,

    And then when you die in 50 years after a long and healthy life: “I told you so!”

    DeathWearsANecktie ,

    Everyone who got the vaccine will eventually die. Checkmate vaxxers!!

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Nearly every case I heard about the vax killing people was somebody who was 79 and had poor heart health

    merc ,

    Meanwhile virtually every possible (and infrequent) side-effect of the vaccine is also a possible (and frequent) side-effect of COVID.

    Like, cardiac issues are possible, very rare side effects of the vaccine. Cardiac issues are common side effects of getting COVID. So, even if you’re really worried about one specific side-effect of the vaccine like pulmonary embolism – guess what, you’re much more likely to have one if you don’t get the vaccine because then you’re much more likely to get it as a COVID side-effect.

    Misconduct ,

    I think I’d survive covid decently but the long covid some people ended up with sounds horrifying. Like the people that have had their sense of taste all fucky for years. I love food too much to take that risk. Also, I’d never forgive myself if I found out I carried it around and potentially gave it to others that might not survive it. A few little shots and a little mask are really nothing compared to potentially killing someone’s memaw. It takes so little effort to just not catch it or spread it around people are ridiculous.

    jwagner7813 ,

    No, the way it is currently is any time someone in the news that is seemingly healthy but has a major heart issue (for example Bronny James) they immediately jump and say “IT WAS THE VACCINE!”.

    merc ,

    And, since the vast majority of people have been vaccinated, it follows that the vast majority of people who have heart attacks have been vaccinated.

    Go-go base rate fallacy!

    BTW, it’s awesome that the graphic for the Base Rate Fallacy is specifically about COVID vaccinations.

    BetaBlake ,

    Or that everyone who got a vaccine would be dead in a year

    Custoslibera OP ,

    Oh shit, I’m a ghost‽

    Qwaffle_waffle ,

    And yet, I’m still paying taxes, wtf.

    wolo ,


    WaxedWookie ,

    Yep, but you’re still piloting your flesh-armoured skeleton.

    scrubbles , avatar

    I was literally told that I was in danger of being “liquified” within 2 years. Literal melting in my skin Indiana Jones style

    Ganbat ,

    I saw someone spreading the idea that it would turn people into bioweapons, Resident Evil style.

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Dude that would be sick af

    M137 , avatar

    Marion, don’t look at it!

    JustAManOnAToilet ,

    It turned me into a newt.

    mrbonejangles ,

    A newt?

    JustAManOnAToilet ,

    …I got better.

    SwiggitySwole ,

    He got better

    WashedOver , avatar

    I saw a early video from a “medical expert” the government was trying to “silence” we would all be dead within 6 months from the first jab containing cancer, ground up aborted baby fetuses, Aids, Cancer and Alzheimer’s. I usually joke due to the Alzheimer’s I’ve forgotten to die more than once now.

    Most have moved on to Trans hate, bathroom use, child groomers and kidnapping. After reading Carl Sagan’s Demon Haunted World, it seems there are old themes religions have used to invoke emotional responses from the masses to maintain control. These conspiracy types have stolen the same plays for their causes to great effect as who does not think child grooming and kidnapping is terrible?

    It doesn’t require much thought or research to be moved with this kind of raw emotion and in the 90s these child abuse themes were hard to confirm on a grand scale but also invoked the same responses as alien abductions once did.

    jcit878 ,

    not only was it an idiotic thing to believe, but the sheer joy many of them said this with, like they actually would revell in delight at the thought of “vaxxers” dying everywhere. real charming people.

    another reason I will never give a cooker the time of day, other than to mock them and watch them get shouty and mad

    SuckMyWang ,

    And now that all their friends, family and coworkers who got the vaccine aren’t dead they’re kind of shitty about it. Any reasonable, decent human being would be so overjoyed and relieved that they were wrong. But they’re not, they’re annoyed. And now I’m supposed to carry on and trust them like they care about people other than themselves.

    Elivey ,

    I saw a minivan go by just the other day that had large homemade foam (?) syringe on top of their car with the word “genocide” painted on. They’re still waiting for it to happen.

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    Unironically my health seems to be better for completely unrelated things. It’s not the vaccine that did that, it just happened, but according to these novax I’d be a mutant by now. Also people stopped talking about it, the only people who still insist on the covid thing are these novax conspiracy nuts.

    Taleya ,

    I wish. They still protest against the lockdowns every saturday down here in Melbs. You know, the lockdowns that are long over. But they want those freedoms that aren’t being restricted in any way, shape or form, dammit!

    Custoslibera OP ,

    Dictator Dan is just biding his time before the full communist takeover!!!

    EurekaStockade ,

    I wish

    Taleya ,


    (no lie, still see bitches whining about that…)

    50MYT ,

    I’m still waiting for them to pull Commonwealth games out of their ass

    Taleya ,

    Oh they started that as soon as the news broke. “BiLliON wAsTEd!! 11oneoneone”

    NigelFrobisher ,

    I’ve seen the anti-vaxxers out and about. They have all these photos of people on little sticks and you think it’s going to be people who allegedly died of vaccines, but when you get up close it’s all stuff like “Marie had the Moderna vaccine. A day later she sprained her ankle climbing down off a horse.” “John had a sniffly nose a few weeks after Pfizer.”

    Polar ,

    “I know people who got the vaccine and died right after”

    Ok. And I know 1,000,000x more people that didn’t get the vaccine and died from COVID. Even if they died from the vaccine (they didn’t), the vaccine is safer.

    borth ,

    And there’s even more people that died after drinking water lol 😂

    Polar ,
    Taleya ,

    ask 'em to name the people though and suddenly there’s a new topic to discuss

    Nath , avatar

    There is genuinely a small percentage of the population who is severely allergic to the vaccine. It happened to someone I know. She didn’t die of course - but yeah, was in hospital for a while and couldn’t take the subsequent shots after that first one. It was pretty rough.

    Happily, the vaccines were administered in the presence of health professionals with a proper plan in-place especially to deal with these cases. They’re aren’t jabbing people with cow medicine they bought off the black market in their own back yards.

    BigNote ,

    Allegedly there are two known instances of people in the US dying due to complications from the vaccine, though one of them wasn’t the mRNA vaccine that the anti-vaxxers were most scared of. Compare that to the over 1 million people who died from COVID.

    merc ,

    I would even bet that she wasn’t allergic to the scary-sounding part of the vaccine, the mRNA. I would bet it was something like the fats the vaccine mRNA was suspended in, or the sugar/acid stabilizers in the solution that made up the majority of the liquid.

    Nath , avatar

    I am not medical at all, so don’t take me as any kind of expert. But it would have been Pfizer - the first shot 40-somethings in Australia received. Is that one even mRNA based?

    merc ,

    I think so. Of the major vaccines, only J&J&J wasn’t mRNA based.

    Taleya ,

    In laws were making noises about ivermectin, we actually managed to knock that one square on the head when we casually mentioned “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff we used to give our rats” looooool

    landsharkkidd , avatar

    Tell me about it… They shit me up the walls.

    Now they have their “say no to the voice” rally with actual literal Nazi’s. I mean conspiracy theory territory can get alt-right very quickly but to have actual Nazi’s at your rally… You fucked up.

    Taleya ,

    Honestly at this point you need to send some mental health professionals after them. They clearly aren’t doing well and lockdowns broke something. Given the state of mental healthcare in Australia though good fuckin’ luck.

    landsharkkidd , avatar

    My ex-stepdad was (supposedly from his mouth but I went no contact with him once he left) a huge conspiracy theory person. Vaccines cause Autism, Alex Jones was a huge presence in my house, anti-anything left of centre. Funny thing is, he’s Canadian. But when he spoke to my mum about something she had contacted him about, he mentioned to her how the last lockdown at the time was what did it for him. And now he’s “supposedly” not a massive conspiracy theorist nut job. So what I’m trying to say is, yes, I agree, we need mental health professionals working with these people. Because if I can go off my ex-stepdad and his problems, then I’m sure there’s a large majority of these dickheads who are probably of similar or worse mental health.

    jcit878 ,

    they are beyond help mate. the only thing covid did was embolden them

    HMH , avatar

    You know what’s also been disappearing? The clip where Rachel Maddow claims “the virus stops with every vaccinated person” on MSNBC. Has anyone admitted that the efficacy of the new vaccines has been massively overstated?

    Jakeroxs ,

    I mean, people not vaccinating didn’t help as it gives more people for it to run through, mutate, spread, mutate again, spread again, etc… Which means needing new vaccines depending on the mutations.

    There are likely many more factors, I’m not a doctor

    Really shouldn’t listen to Rachel Maddow tho, she went hard into russiagate too and afaik still defends her coverage.

    Doorbook ,

    Be careful they might actually think there trucks and protests is what saved the world.

    jcit878 ,

    still plenty of cookers in Australia. they are even still protesting that shit that ended checks calendar 2 fucking years ago.

    they never admit they were wrong, but you can’t shut those stupid fucks up

    merc ,

    Cookers? What are they cooking?

    jcit878 ,

    their minds

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