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johannesvanderwhales , in Hey there both good

I agree, Terranigma is a great game!

byzerium , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

Iam so sick of this conversation. It is not cheap, it’s not clear where to let the waste and in the end it’s even dangerous. Don’t let some populists make you think nuklear energy is good. France made a big mistake to go all in. All projects take longer than expected and cost much more than calculated.…/Positionspapier_Atomkraft_final.pdf

EvacuateSoul ,

Yes, all projects do those things, generally.

Have they had issues with your other concerns?

qjkxbmwvz ,

France made a big mistake to go all in.

Not only does Germany import electricity from France (which comes from…?), but Germany has (according to this) a substantially higher carbon footprint per capita.

If the only issue is cost and projects taking longer than expected, isn’t that a good tradeoff for carbon neutral power?

And yes, of course, I would prefer renewables, you would prefer renewables, we all would. But it’s somewhat disingenuous to decry the use of nuclear, advocate for renewables, and at the same time, rely heavily on coal, as Germany does (or at the very least, did recently.

byzerium ,

Germany Imports 0,5% of the Electricity from France. It’s not that we are depending on it. The day ahead prices for electricity are lower in Germany than they are in France. The Coal Plant are not running on full capacity, cause it is cheaper to import electricity through the European electricity Grid. Level of burning coal is the same level that it was in the 60’s. The most imported electricity is Norway water power and Danish wind Power.

The cheap news that we depend on France are just wrong. No idea why everybody is riding this dead horse. Even in the summer 2022 when gas prices where high caused by the Ukraine war and the summer was hot, we had to help our France with energy, cause their nuclear power plants couldn’t get enough cooling water from the rivers, cause the water lvl in it was to low and the most power plant needed maintenance.

And the CO2 thing. The emissions are infinite high, cause there is not a solutions for it. Not even close! I just don’t buy the shit, that the EU declared nuclear as co2 free. That’s bullshit.

I like to discuss and get new ideas. But the whole nuclear thing is just stupid and so many people are ignoring the facts about that.

AngryCommieKender ,

China will be offering nuclear waste disposal services once they complete the molten salt reactors that we designed in the '60s. Nuclear waste will be a non-issue, unlike the cyanide waste created in coal and natural gas plants.

daniskarma , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

In Spain we are starting to get negative prices every weekend for electricity thanks to renewables. France is not even close to those prices with their bet for nuclear.

Don’t get me wrong, I love nuclear power. And I’m not a big fan ok what thousands of windmills made to our landscapes. But efficiency wise renewable is unbeatable nowadays.

qjkxbmwvz ,

I’m not a big fan

thousands of windmills

I see what you did there.

Katana314 ,

The Spanish government is now petitioning its public for ideas on how to waste power.

i_ben_fine ,

They should build the Matrix.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

time to start mining for crypto and running LLM AI servers.

Sanctus , avatar

They should have public fridges that are left open to help cool the planet.

uis ,

Mine bitcoins. Or ditch capitalism. Wait, last one is opposite of wasting. Feed capitalism.

SuddenDownpour ,

Look. Bitcoins might be useless at a societal level. But if we’re going to use excess renewable energy to drive out of business the crypto-miners who get their power from coal…

menemen , (edited ) avatar

They don’t need to be exclusive. Power generation should be diverse. Otherwise prices will go through the roof on times without wind (happens in Germany). This can lead to higher energy prices in combination with high energy exports.

ShortN0te ,

Nuclear power does not solve the issue here. Nuclear reactors take hours or even days to ramp up or down. They are not quick enough to react to such occasions.

menemen , (edited ) avatar

True, it wouldn’t be enough, This is why Germany still has a lot of coal-fired power station and natural gas power stations, despite huge investments into renewables, and is also investing a lot into wood-fired power stations (imo a really terrible idea). The nuclear plants could still ease the situation by giving a stable basic load that has some planable variability (wind models are getting also better every year and aren’t that bad as it is). For now renewables cannot really provide a very stable basic load (at least not here, might be different for other areas).

There are great concepts to improve all of this with stuff like pumped-storage hydroelectricity, but those cannot be build everywhere and take up a lot of space. It is going forward and I think nuclear power will come to an end eventually. For now, I think they still have their place (and imo Germany acted irrationally by shutting them all down).

I mean, we’ve been lucky that France completly fucked their energy sector up (hints towards that nuclear plants probably also won’t be the ultimate solution), otherwise we’d have lost a loooot of money and would have had energy prices even worse.

Here an imo interesting read: ……/capture-price-of-importsexports-i…

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

Meanwhile in Georgia (USA) they completed a new nuclear power plant and they have to raise rates because it went 100% over its $14 billion budget.

kaffiene ,

Like every other nuclear power plant ever built

Tlaloc_Temporal ,

Like every other US government project ever built.

•cough cough• SLS •cough•

fellowmortal ,

Negative energy prices are a bad thing! That means that someone is dumping energy into the grid (you should be paying the grid if you have solar panels!!) In the UK all renewable energy had to be called ‘experimental’ so that the pricing was fixed and the government picks up the tab - that’s not good. Check this map - right now the wind isn’t blowing and solar hasn’t got out of bed - so most of the countries using renewables are looking shit - later today solar will kick in, but tonight it will be bad again. That isn’t a solution.

Mubelotix , avatar

Energy is expensive in France because we are legally forced by european regulation to sell at those prices. Our energy is the least expensive to produce

jaagruk , in Mood

Btw is Image transcription AI generated or you did it.

BlastboomStrice OP , avatar

I did it, but it’s my first time doing it😆

Should I change something? (I think I put a lot of info that may be unnecessary.)

jaagruk ,

Naah It is great for differently abled people.

BlastboomStrice OP , avatar

Aw thank you. I that it’s a thing people do here on lemmy so I thought about doing it too.

DessertStorms , avatar

differently abled

Pro tip - “disabled” isn’t a dirty word, please use it! 👍

asbestos , avatar


DessertStorms , avatar


grrgyle ,

Genuine question, because I don’t have a confidant that I can comfortably ask this to, is that the general opinion of people with disabilities?

DessertStorms , avatar

I am not a spokesperson for all disabled people, nor are we a monolith, but yes, it is the correct term, and enough disabled people care that there have been several campaigns and there are probably thousands of articles and other pieces of media discussing why it’s important people . Look that hashtag up to find this content, here are a couple of examples:……/euphemisms-for-disability-a…

You might also benefit from reading through this:…/understanding-disability/

grrgyle ,

Thanks for the links. I will read them. I’ll admit that my first reaction is to assume that speaking directly is rude, but I’m ready to do some unlearning.

DessertStorms , avatar

You’re welcome.

I think why you think “disabled” is rude is the thing to focus on (and the answer very briefly is because you, we all, were socialised to think that way).

I’ll just drop this link in too, I think intersectionality is vital, and understanding how systems of oppression stand alone and interact with each other is vital to unlearning them, and I think this is a good starting point that goes in to several:…/systems-of-oppression/

grrgyle , (edited )

This resource is dropping woke bombs left and right (I’m into it). Extremely rich text.

… societal interpretations of and responses to specific differences from the normed body are what signify a dis/ability.

Not to glom onto this one pat definition, but it’s one of the many paragraphs that jumped out at me.

I still haven’t got to any part that is specifically challenging using “polite” language when speaking to disabled people about their disabilities. But with your question about why I might consider the term disabled a slur, and these links, I think I’m getting there…

EDIT: uhhhh nvm, the paragraph literally after the one I quoted goes into it, very specifically.

Some advocate for People-first language (a person living with disability), while many disability activists advocate for identity-first language (a disabled person).

DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

I’m glad you’re finding the info helpful and insightful.

I think with regards to use of language, this is another good read (E: also the understanding-disability link I attached earlier will will probably help with the “why” behind thinking “disabled” is a slur). It might be coming at this from a slightly different angle, but I think the point still stands - “politeness”, “offence”, “political correctness” these are terms most often used by the privileged to police the speech of and control marginalised people (aka “respectability politics”), rather than the other way around, but I might be digressing a little at this point lol…

grrgyle , (edited )

I mean it’s getting more academic for sure, but I think I get you - that’s one of them there intersections you were talking about (neoliberalism x ableism, maybe (to name just 2 anyway)).

EDIT thank you, that was fire. A cogent and succinct breakdown of offense vis a vis harm.

I don’t feel like I learned anything, because what I learned seems obvious (now), but if I think about my previous statements in this thread about rudeness they feel like they were made by someone else, so I guess this reading is doing something!

DessertStorms , avatar

We’re all learning, all of the time, being open to it just makes it more interesting!

I’m glad we’ve had this exchange, it’s honestly been really refreshing.

jaagruk ,

Hmm, I thought showing respect could be better.

DessertStorms , avatar

That’s the fucking point - there is nothing disrespectful about the word disabled, while there definitely is a lot of disrespect in using bullshit euphemisms like the one you used. The fact that you’re arguing back rather than listen and try to do better proves that you don’t care about respecting disabled people at all, but only about making yourself comfortable.

Feel free to read the links I shared with the person bellow if you actually want to start showing respect to disabled people. Either way, I’m done here.

jaagruk ,

Okay brother let’s fix it up. Basically I had heard that those words are more respectful so I used them I didn’t had any intention to show me in good light. I totally respect but I replied to tell what was my point. As English is not my first language probably u concluded something I didn’t intended. Still apology for all misbehaviour I did.

Have a good life brother.

jaagruk , in Mood

Rss and Rss and just Rss

[Got this post from there as well)

BlastboomStrice OP , avatar

I see you are efficient by using only 1 app😆


jaagruk ,

Actually Website (FreshRSS)

ignotum , in Mood
  1. Lemmy
  2. Mastodon
  3. Lemmy again
  4. Youtube
  5. Believe it or not, Lemmy
allywilson ,
  1. Lemmy
  2. Hacker News
  3. BBC
  4. The Register
  5. The Verge
asbestos , avatar

404media maybe?

umbrella , avatar

the misinformation combo would be complete with a zucc app and youtube

jballs , avatar
  1. Lemmy - sort by top 12 hours
  2. Google News
  3. Lemmy - sort by top 6 hours
  4. YouTube
  5. If desperate, Lemmy sort by Hot
pelespirit , avatar

Can I suggest sorting by new for your favorite communities? There are a lot of downvoters that have gamed the system.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

If you forget about Lemmy, straight to jail. No question.

HotsauceHurricane ,

I’m in this comment And I’m fine with it.

Teppichbrand , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

Must. Not. Feed. The. Troll.

Tar_alcaran , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

Hi, I work in waste handling, and I would like to tell you about dangerous materials and what we do with them.

There are whole hosts of chemicals that are extremely dangerous, but let’s stick with just cyanide, which comes from coal coking, steel making, gold mining and a dozen chemical synthesis processes.

Just like nuclear waste, there is no solution for this. We can’t make it go away, and unlike nuclear waste, it doesn’t get less dangerous with time. So, why isn’t anyone constantly bringing up cyanide waste when talking about gold or steel or Radiopharmaceuticals? Well, that’s because we already have a solution, just not “forever”.

Cyanide waste, and massive amounts of other hazardous materials, are simply stored in monitored facilities. Imagine a landfill wrapped in plastic and drainage, or a building or cellar with similar measures and someone just watches it. Forever. You can even do stuff like build a golfcourse on it, or malls, or whatever.

There are tens of thousands of these facilities worldwide, and nobody gives a solitary fuck about them. It’s a system that works fine, but the second someone suggests we do the same with nuclear waste, which is actually less dangerous than a great many types of chemical waste, people freak out about it not lasting forever.

EisFrei ,

I didn’t know that before but it appears cyanide does have a half-life that is a fraction of nuclear waste.

That doesn’t make it or the other compounds less dangerous, of course.

Tar_alcaran ,

That’s uhh, not what that says. One of the two mentions of half life are your body converting cyanide into thiocyanate, which will kill you and depending on your last bowel movement, make your corpse into hazardous waste itself.

The other mention is hydrogen cyanide in air, which is lighter than air and will decompose back into cyanide eventually, scattering it over a large area. Which will technically make it go away from your site, but spreading toxic waste over the countryside is illegal for a reason.

EisFrei ,

Most cyanide in surface water will form hydrogen cyanide and evaporate.

As long as it has a surface to evaporate, it will degenerate.

Tar_alcaran , (edited )

Oh yeah, you could totally just leave it in a giant pool and ignore it. It’ll react, evaporate and eventually break down into cyanide again, rain down, subtly poison the area, react again, evaporate again, etc.

And that’s great for the owner of the big pool of cyanide, and very bad for everyone else. Stuff that evaporates doesn’t disappear, the cyanide doesn’t magically change into cookiedough. You’re just spreading it around more.

EisFrei ,

Hydrogen cyanide will turn into “cookie dough” in 1-5 years. Which is way shorter than “forever”.

The way you said it in your first comment made it seem longer lasting than radioactive waste. Which it isn’t according to the linked PDF. That is the only point I was trying to make.

nickwitha_k ,

… Hydrogen cyanide is literally what has been used to execute people in gas chambers and genocide during the Holocaust. The LC(Lo), the lowest recorded lethal concentration is 107ppm, resulting in death in 10 minutes. That’s, objectively, far more dangerous than the respective material that firefighters were exposed to at Chernobyl. You don’t want that in any appreciable quantity in the air around people that you want to continue living.

Valmond ,

Yeah but how is the Kremlin going to control us with their gas & oil if we have nuclear?

Checkmate uh pro democratic people I guess?

DadVolante , avatar

They have more uranium than we do

veganpizza69 , avatar
anachronist ,

As a friend once said “benzene is what anti-nuclear people think nuclear waste is.”

Tar_alcaran ,

I mean, spent fuel is actually quite lethal when not packaged, but you get something like 300-400MWh out of a kilo of fuel. And that’s significantly more than I’ll use in my lifetime.

I’d gladly keep a kilo of dry-casked spent fuel in my house. It’d make an excellent coffee table or something, if a bit hard to move. I would absolutely not put a lifetime supply of benzene anywhere near my house.

Edit: it would make a shitty coffee table. 1 kilo of uranium oxide is just under 100ml

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

The density of uranium always fucks with me. How can something that takes up so little volume weigh so much?

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

It’s thicc.

oo1 ,

phat nucleasss

uis ,
nondescripthandle ,

Cyanide is used extensively in precious metal recycling too. So even reclaiming resources has a harsh chemical cost. Meeting workers from there I was surprised to say the least about how ‘casually’ they work with Cyanide. Clearly they have safty protocall but nothing like what I imagined something like Cyanide would call for.

Tar_alcaran ,

In addition to hazardous materials regulations, I also do workplace safety, and this doesn’t surprise me at aaaaall. People get really casual around stuff that kills you slowly.

kaffiene ,

Curious to hear you say this. I live in NZ and cyanide waste is always raised as an objection to gold mining.

Tar_alcaran ,

An unfortunate reality is that while we CAN store things safely, that doesn’t mean they always will be.

ShortN0te , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

No it is not. If you calculate in the future money tax payers have to pay to keep the nuclear waste safe (for thousands of years) or the cost of a larger incident like Chernobyl or Fukushima which also has to be paid by the tax payers then the ‘cheap nuklear power’ is not so cheap as it looks like…

ZombiFrancis ,

The disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima are symptoms of a greater issue: construction and maintenance of an extremely volatile and sensitive process reliant upon the integrity of infrastructure and quality of manpower.

Nuclear requires a stable society and economy flush with resources and education and little to no risk of political stability.

Those places are welcome to invest heavily into nuclear while CO2 concentrations build up as emmissions continue unabated.

corsicanguppy , in The British be like

Some day we’ll learn that memes aren’t rushed pre-T9 SMS messages from 1995. ‘ppl’? The nineties are over: evolve with the times!

Routhinator , avatar

Hard agree. Sadly Twitter did nothing to help rid us of these short forms with its initial character limits.

saigot , (edited )

I think it’s more likely that ppl will simply become the more expected way to spell it. When was the last time you saw someone write out etcetera, and ASAP is common in all but the most formal of settings.

wasabi , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

Nuclear waste is still an unsolved problem that absolutely no one wants to touch with a ten foot pole. Also nuclear power is a pretty expensive method of power generation and can’t be insured, leaving all risk of disaster on the shoulders of society. To be clear: society will be pretty fucked when a nuclear disaster happens anyway.

It’s a lot better than coal, though.

Honytawk ,

Nuclear waste is a much smaller problem than most people think. The waste is very little and can be stored underground for eons without much risk.

Yes it exist for a long time, but one kilo of uranium produces as much energy as 16 ton coal, and leaves behind 47 grams of nuclear waste.

sushibowl ,

I could not find the 47 grams figure on the page you linked, where is that stated exactly?

ShortN0te ,

World Nuclear Association’s mission is to facilitate the growth of the nuclear sector by connecting players across the value chain,

I would not ca that trustworthy. There not even close to independent.

someguy3 , (edited )

Storage of nuclear waste is solved. It’s unbelievable that people say it’s not.

Edit here

gnygnygny ,

Digging hole. Problem solved.

ShortN0te ,

You posted a 18 min Youtube video, sponsored or at least supported and sanctioned by a nuclear power plant operator.

At least point to the section of the video where the source of your claim is.

Slovene , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

It’s pronounced nookielurr.

spongeborgcubepants ,

And it’s not a noun

zakobjoa , in I hate this fucking Twitter account with burning passion avatar

It’s really stupid, because regardless of device or OS, the built in screencapture is faster. Apart from maybe some fringe cases of user impairment.

crazyminner , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

Freedom is solar/micro-wind with batteries.

AngryCommieKender ,

We literally can’t get rid of nuclear power totally. It produces isotopes that are essential to modern medicine.

Churbleyimyam , in The British be like

Purely from the point of view of a museum visitor it’s a unique and exceptional experience being able to see so much of the worlds history and culture in one place. But at the same time it takes away something that could be really special about travelling to another country because that’s the only place where these things are on display.

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