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pokexpert30 , in Like I get there are several reasons people remain. It just feels kinda weird to listen to a podcaster or youtuber go off on twittter, yet they still use twitter exclusively. avatar

I could also call it the “Linux struggle”

"Windows and Microsoft spy on you, it breaks, it’s heavy, its hardware requirements are too hard, windows updates…

  • you could try Linux, you can even game on it nowadays.
  • naaah it’s too complicated. Anyway, gotta edit the registry to disable a feature"


sixty ,

It IS too complicated tho. I consider myself pretty techy, but my Linux experience, just trying to do basic things like downloading a program, became a long chain of troubleshooting and installations of dependecies and searching online for answers.

Sadly, it got me REAL turned off Linux. I love the concept of it, but at the end of the day, I just want something that works.

msage ,

Yes, let me just buy a new CPU, disable telemetry by this random EXE from the internet, and get everything broken with every update.

Not even drivers are better on Windows.

Besides, what do you download and on which distro to solve dependencies manually?

QuazarOmega ,

just trying to do basic things like downloading a program, became a long chain of troubleshooting and installations of dependecies and searching online

Why, are you using Gentoo?
Package management is by far one of the easiest things on Linux, especially with Flatpak, even easier than on Windows that, for comparison, got a package manager only recently and it’s still barebones af

mgiuca ,

As a long time Linux user, I was amazed when the entire tech industry “invented” package management a couple of decades after Linux. Did you know Apple invented the idea of being able to install an app and all its dependencies, signed by a central authority? So much easier than any other OS before it!

QuazarOmega ,

Lol, didn’t even know about it, well typical Apple behavior ¯_ (ツ) _/¯

smallerdemon , avatar

I’ve been using a Mac since 1991, so to say I’m invested in a particular OS already would be an understatement. That said, I’ve also tried Linux many times, and in the long run I’ve abandoned each of those for ridiculously simply things I think it should be able to do that will take me more time than I’m willing to lose to get that simple thing to work. I -work in IT- and I still don’t want to sped my off-time troubleshooting problems. Learning, yes. Fixing, not so much.

Holzkohlen ,

Sounds like you really don’t want to learn smth new and you don’t want people to think you are lazy.

smallerdemon , avatar

LOL how about you go fuck yourself while your taking a break from fucking pigs

Dr_Wu ,

I’ve run into these issues in the few years since I’ve switched. Old outdated stuff or windows exclusive software can be a hassle to get running. Possible, but your putting a square peg in a round hole.

Were flatpaks a thing when you tried Linux last? Flatpak makes installing most programs extremely easy. I just search my distros software store and hit install. As a bonus, you often get newer versions than when you install software traditionally, and updates can be set to automatically download.

I’ve run Pop OS since 2019. I have never reinstalled and I only touch the terminal maybe once every 6 months. Absolutely everything I do is GUI.

MonkderZweite ,

You forgot the ‘/s’.

MJBrune ,

Honestly, People on lemmy are outlandishly pro Linux. I will say that the primary thing that people use, Twitter, Reddit, windows, ends up working a lot better than the alternatives. I love my instance but it’s downtime is like 1 nines at this point. If that. I dedicate time to check out Linux distros every year since 2012 when it stopped being my daily driver and constantly hit problems that I just do not want to deal with.

smallerdemon , avatar

And whatever you do, don’t say “Apple” lest you release the banshees that somehow think Android isn’t just Google spyware. Seriously, Android core OS will end up as easily corrupted as Chrome in the long run, but sure, keep thinking it’s freedom I guess.

HappyMeatbag , avatar

I think people like Android devices because you can put a completely different, non-google OS on them.

Some Android fans don’t quite get that, and some aren’t specific with their language, so it reads like they’re talking about how secure the Android OS is. That’s my guess, anyway.

randint , avatar

What does “1 nines” mean?

By the way thanks for actually trying out Linux before deciding that Windows works better for you.

zagaberoo ,

One nine is 90% uptime, three is 99.9% etc.

randint , (edited ) avatar

Ah, I see. 90% is unbearable for me. I would move away from any instance with an uptime of less than 95% no matter how much their ideology aligns with mine (unless the admins promise to improve it).

MJBrune ,

No problem. I make games for Windows/Linux and still believe Linux one day can be for me again. I still script in bash using WSL rather than batch or powershell. I use an array of open-source software rather than Windows-locked apps. This year I’ve used OpenSuse, Debian, Pop_OS, Manjaro, Garuda, and Linux Mint.

Jorgelino ,

I’ve got a dual boot currently, with windows exclusively for gaming and ubuntu for everything else. Would love to fully switch to linux, but some games still don’t work on it, and then there’s gamepass of course, which likely never will.

Kalkaline , in How though? avatar

Is this a serious question? If you really want an idea of how it works you should get a laser pointer and point it at the egg in the mirror and then put some fog/dust in the beam. It should be apparent what’s happening.

morrowind , avatar

There was some stupid trend of tiktok of people being confused by it

geeraff ,

I see this as many people are curious of why this happens which leads to the eagerness to learn about optics, and I wouldn’t call that stupid.

This is exactly the type of experiment that engages students and ingrains the phenomenon to their memory.

morrowind , avatar

It wasn’t an experiment. The creators just feign stupidity to generate engagement. I wouldn’t mind if they used it to teach how optics or light work .

Mana ,

That’s a great idea!

jarfil ,

Beware of adding a double slit to the paper and aiming the laser between the slits, weird things might happen.

froghorse , in This is the way

Maybe if they had a system where people weren’t so damn broke then dangerous work like poaching rhinos wouldn’t be so attractive.

That would be a better way.

I mean, these guys are doing this to pay their bills because they see no better options.

dansity ,

Poverty hardly justifies crime. It is a cause not a justification. They are still poachers doing illegal hunting for protected animal on protected land. Also poaching is rather lucrative, even if the government raises income 200% poaching will still stand out.

bouh ,

Poverty does justify crimes. When you need to eat, killing a rhino not so bad.

I hate this mentality where poverty crimes are evil but any rich guy destroying the lives of millions of people through financial schemes or to make a better profit are considered almost like good guys. This is completely fucked up.

EndOfLine ,

So if they are poor and eradicating a species off the face of the planet, then they should get a pass? They have the equipment and skills to hunt non-endangered animals which would provide food for themselves and their family. Excess meat could likely be traded or sold. Poaching is not a crime of necessity.

emergencyfood ,

The problem is that under Indian law, hunting non-endangered species such as deer and rabbit is just as illegal (most of the time).

EndOfLine ,

And if they were hunting non-endangered species for food, then I would be outraged by a lethal response, but that’s not the case here.

emergencyfood ,

My point is that the forest laws and forest departments in India are set up to criminalise tribals whatever they do. Most of the rules date to the British era, when the government wanted to protect game animals from the tribals and farmers. So when tribals, who have been hunting boar and other common animals for thousands of years, are suddenly told that hunting for food is a crime, they have no option but to break the rules. Now they have a choice - keep hunting boar and deer every week and risk arrest each time, or kill a rhino and get enough money to last a few years. If we could relax the laws on hunting common species, I expect to see rhino poaching go down automatically. Some Indian states have more liberal hunting laws (for tribals) than others, and in those places you do see reductions in human-animal conflict.

If you don’t want to take my word for this, or would like to read more, I would suggest the last two sections of An Ecological History of India by Prof. Madhav Gadgil and Ram Guha.

EndOfLine ,

I am happy to take your word for most of it, but it does not change my view. I am completely in favor of identifying and taking steps to remediate the underlining cause of all forms of crime rather than simply punishing violators. That being said, the hubris that an individual, or group of individuals supercedes the survival of an entire species is repugnant to me. I have no sympathy for anybody that actively contributes to the the extinction of another species (except mosquitos).

The one point of your argument that I do question is the “kill a rhino and get enough money to last a few years” claim. While I have not looked into the details in India, as I understand it, poachers in Africa can make roughly the equivalent of an average 1 month salary for killing 1 rhino. If, in India, they make enough money to last a few years than either poachers are almost exclusively first timers, which seems highly unlikely to me, or they are doing it for greed rather than survival, which would negate your argument of the restrictive hunting laws.

bouh ,

What if we shoot the wealthy people buying the horns instead? Wouldn’t that be better? I think so.

It’s like fighting drugs by arresting the last guy in the chain selling the stuff in the street.

But it’s always easier to blame and punish the poor guy at the end of the food chain.

EndOfLine ,

You are using 2 different analogies that contradict each other. The poachers are cultivating a product, similar to poppy and coca plants, not the street dealers, and the wealthy are the buyers / “users”.

dansity ,

There is a broad spectrum of crimes, from stealing an apple to mass murder other people. When you decide to steal food from the supermarket to feed your family it is justified. Hunting… I don’t know… deer or hogs is justified so they can feed their family. But picking a very lucrative business and say you are doing it coz of poverty is kinda fucked. Just for clarity: I’m not agreeing with gunning these people down.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

No, stealing is justified. Not wiping out endangered species. Morality is complex and there is nuance in this discussion.

GreenTeaRedFlag ,

yeah no if I can feed my starving family by killing some animal I would take that in a heartbeat. In contrast, if I can work in a factory and make enough to live decently I’m not going into the woods to try and kill something that can kill me back and risking getting into trouble with the law. Have fun in perfect actor land where you live though.

dansity ,

They can choose to hunt deer or I don’t know monkey to feed their family or even steal food. All justified. Poaching is extremely lucrative. Its like saying I’m robbing my sixth bank because I’m poor. They are not eating the rhino. I’m not OK with gunning these people but it is a shit act even if you are poor

GreenTeaRedFlag ,

Like yeah it’s a bad thing to do, but I can see why someone might do it once to try and set their family up. Yes they should be stopped and punished, but should we personally hold them in contempt? There’s definitely better off people involved with it, fuck them, and fuck the shit heads who are making the market.

PosadistInevitablity , avatar

One side is hunting animals.

The other is murdering humans.

Even beginning to equivocate this is insane.

mihor , avatar

Poacher spotted. 🎯

PosadistInevitablity , avatar

Oh, are you fantasizing about murdering me right now?

You’re an eco fascist.

ShimmeringKoi , (edited ) avatar

Murder freak farquaad-point

mihor , avatar

This is the way.

CaptainEffort ,

You know humans are animals… right?

interdimensionalmeme , (edited )

Yes, no matter how rich you are, sleeping under a bridge is illegal and immoral ! Shoot on sight !

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Holy shit, a false equivalency from the left. About as rare as a shiny Mew yet here we are

PosadistInevitablity , avatar

Hunting is perfectly normal and has been a key to human survival since the dawn of man. It’s suddenly immoral because some capitalist country said so?

Rethink what crime is.

Gork ,

There’s a bit of a difference between hunting a gazelle for its meat and another for poaching an endangered rhino for its horn.

PosadistInevitablity , avatar

Because otherwise rich people won’t get to see them on safari.

No animal life is inherently more valuable than one another. The concept is absurd and so full of contradictions.

I’m not about to cheer the violent murder of a human being to preserve a fucking safari.

giotheflow ,

Nah fuck humans. The worst animals of them all. I wont advocate violence but I wont shed a tear over a dead poacher nor rich horn buyers. Humans can just make more humans, with ease. Rhinos aint never called me bad names. Im im the Rhinos corner.

alcoholicorn ,

Yes, the gazelle can feed your family for a week, the rhino horn can feed them for a year.

mihor , avatar

Dead poacher doesn’t need food.

PosadistInevitablity , avatar

Eco fascist drivel.

You’ll be cheering when they start killing climate refugees in a couple decades

“Crossing the border is illegal!!!”

Fuckass ,

Do you really think the poachers surrounded by wild animals that can kill them and ‘animal loving’ deaths squads are living lavishly and eating lobster and steak dinners?

dansity ,

This is all relative. Their paychecks are nothing compared to what people have in the west, they are not eating lobster. Its like you get 1 usd a day for manual labor or 100 usd for a single rhino shot. So the difference is multiple fold. They know what are they getting into. It’s like someone asks you to sell coke. You know you will get easy money and you know the risks as well.

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Honestly, this is the biggest thing that sets off my 👁 senses whenever some version of this post goes around. It squicks me out in the same way as the “Somali pirates OWNED” genre of content that was popular a while back. Stuff that encourages and socially conditions us us to cheer the killing of people who’s have been brought to this point by hostile economic conditions.

Fuckass ,

I mean, pirates aren’t just smashing and grabbing diamonds out the store. They’re holding actual workers hostage while the executives are on some yacht, so I don’t really care one way or another about them. But the whole “killing poachers” shit is greenwashing nonsense that not only allow vigilante murders, but also victimize random people who have nothing to do with poaching because when you put out a flier recruiting killers, you don’t get the most stable people

pm_boobs_send_nudes ,

Yes, this is why financial crimes and financial crime laws don’t exist in rich countries!! Oh…

Pagliacci , in Burn baby burn.

I get why people do it, but man do I hate the glorification of Sherman when it comes to addressing Confederates southern conservatives.

He used the same tactics that he used against the Confederacy against the Native Americans, to vile ends.…/shermans-war-on-native-americans?cm…

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Remember, when terrible things happen to people I hate, it's okay.

Montagge , avatar

Nah, the war against the south the crimes against humanity that was manifest destiny are two completely different things.

PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

Remember he thought the war was wasteful.

Because…what white man would live in the swamps of the Seminole, and the US Army lacked clear goals.


Sherman, was pro union and anti confederacy. It was that simple—to own slaves, or not, was not his concern.

There is no glory in war; Sherman’s own words say it often…the ACW was the waste of poor young American men, dying in fields because wealthy plantation owners would have it so.

This was the unforgivable sin in Sherman’s eyes, to inflame the passions of our youth, to no end.

Why glorify Sherman? He slept, rode, and ate, as his soldiers did. To know the capability of his army, he did not separate himself, unlike his peers.

He suffered ill health, mental breakdowns, familial loss, often on the verge of quitting — and yet, saw it to the end, despite the death and senseless carnage.

scrubbles , in Burn baby burn. avatar

Okay all I know about this song is that it seems that it’s pro redneck and subtly racist with strong suggestions of “I’m a fraud of the big city because scary”. Also I hear the Iowa governor quoted it.

Anything else I’m missing?

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Here is a good article that explains it:…/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-s…

Now it’s become a favourite song of Republicans who feel like they are owning the libs playing it.

WarmSoda ,

They just love owning people, don’t they?

flossdaily ,

Remember when they owned us by refusing to vaccinate, and mask, and eventually breathe?

WarmSoda ,

There’s that, too.
I’m talking about thier fantasy of physically owning human beings. They love the idea.

MarkC568 ,

They’re owning the libs by getting gas ovens too, so they can deeply breathe the sweet benzene of freedom.

scrubbles , avatar

So weird, I don’t feel owned…

I remember living in a small town and being on the outside of the “community” he so proudly boasts about. Small towns aren’t “communities”, they’re gossipy high schoolers that never left. I remember going to church and having “friendly” church people openly make slights about my family because we were poor. I remember people say hello to you on the street and then immediately turn to their friend and say “Did you hear about ____ and what happened?”

Nah, screw all of that. Big cities no one knows you and you can be you without being ostrasized just for going outside. I don’t have neighborhood karens asking me what I’m doing in their neighborhood.

I have never been carjacked or mugged, but I have been pushed out of small town cul-de-acs because I had police called on me and my friends for being “up to no good”. So yeah, keep your small town “communities”, I’m much happier being outside of them.

Baphomet_The_Blasphemer ,

I grew up outside Chicago and hate big cities and the endless urban sprawl, moved to a tiny town in Wisconsin with less than 7k people and had similar experiences as you described. Currently living in a nice big/small town of about 50k and loving it. It’s big enough that most people don’t know me or my business, but small enough it still has that small town vibe to it. As an added bonus I’m only an hour or two away from large cities, so not an unreasonable drive if there’s something fun happening that I want to attend… I’ll probably live here for the rest of my life.

scrubbles , avatar

That’s very fair reasoning. Thanks for understanding why I hate small towns, people think I just hate the tininess of it (and I do, I hate driving 30 minutes to get a pizza), but it’s really how clique-y it gets. I like being able to choose who knows me and never see those I don’t want to know again

theluckyone17 ,

Jason’s also from Macon, GA. Population 150,000. Small town country boy my arse. To quote Shooter Jennings:

I get home from a long day, put on the radio Lookin’ for some country soul, but I don’t find it, no It’s a dirt road free for all, some old boys sayin’ they’re outlaws, They dress the part and they talk the talk You know they’ve been taught to walk the walk These boys think they’re tough like they been robbin’ banks Cause they name drop Johnny Cash and they name drop poor old Hank

Lemmylefty , avatar

These are the kinds of guys who like their jeans like they like their women: bought distressed.

Viking_Hippie ,

Damn, that’s a great one! Gonna be using it for sure!

scrubbles , avatar

lol, I’m from a town of 9000 people, and in my state that still wasn’t a “small town”. We had a pizza joint! People drove to our town because we had a pizza joint. Douche has no idea what it’s like being in a small town.

Wisely , (edited )


  • Loading...
  • scrubbles , avatar

    You had a walmart? Damn look at you and your fancy high falootin’ society over here.

    And no, no one ever got in fights in my town, there was a lot of tough toxic masculinity brovado, but everyone was too afraid to get in fights. No the real thing is what I alluded to, small towns like to say they’re nice but really everyone is gossiping behind everyone’s back because there’s nothing else to talk about.

    Did you hear so and so’s husband was at the store alone the other day? They’re going to be divorced in a week, guar-an-tee.

    Vespair ,

    And Jason Aldean was onstage during a shooting at one of his concerts, and do you know what Mr. “Try That In a Small Town” Big Britches did? Ran offstage and hid. Which like, I don’t blame the guy, but don’t release a song cosplaying as some big tough guy that will stand up to bad gunmen when there is literally evidence that you won’t.

    decay ,

    I’m a half hour South of Macon and while it isn’t tiny, it isn’t big either. My home town population was only a few thousand (an hour South of Macon) and had a lot of farms / livestock. Granted, it seems most “country” people round here are only aesthetically country

    Tigbitties , avatar

    Yeah, I don't think Hank done it this way.

    bitsplease ,

    Nah, you’ve pretty much got it.

    Deuces , (edited )

    Nobody’s mentioned it yet so I have to bring up the music video. It removes all the subtitles of the racism. It flashes back and forth between carefully chosen snipits of BLM protests - sometimes as they desolve into riots, sometimes as the police get violent - and scenes of the band playing in front of a court house where a famous lynching happened.

    I don’t think they thought too much about the lynching, but I find it hard to believe that in a song so intentionally racially charged nobody glanced at the Wikipedia page for their filming location and thought twice about it.

    scrubbles , avatar

    Wow. That’s uh, really subtle. I haven’t watched it, definitely not going to now.

    I remember in my small town they all claimed to be open minded and welcoming. Oh yeah we love black people! We even had one in our school of 400 students! Of course I was young and naiive, looking back, there was a ton of racism around every corner. If any black person showed up in town everyone would know about it. It wasn’t “the family down the street” it was “The hispanics down the street” - or worse. It’s hard realizing that just because no one is telling you that you’re racist, or everyone around you says you aren’t, it doesn’t mean anything.

    Shame on him for inciting more violence and stirring up more fear and resentment in people.

    empireOfLove , in Equality for all!

    And the posts are made by an obvious alt account with no other history, used to end run around defederation and bans from every other hate instance lmao

    sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

    It’s proper cowardly.

    praeceptorem666 ,

    When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection

    Somsphet ,

    You are literally claiming someone is projecting, while you yourself have nothing to indicate such things.

    Also you are just copying and pasting the same response in defense of a troll. A specific troll that everyone easily recognizes now. You. You are the troll.

    Rethink your life.

    praeceptorem666 ,

    Why would I rethink my amazing life, man… Y’all love the projections. I had an indication, you’ve now contradicted yourself. Thus. False. All contradictions are false

    db2 ,

    Shut the hell up. Thanks.

    praeceptorem666 ,

    No. Cope Chud. Imagine being this fragile 💀

    db2 ,


    Cry about it more, snowflake.

    praeceptorem666 ,

    When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Ironic coming from a person who’d absolutely shatter when faced with any opposing views, as you are doing now

    db2 ,

    Nobody cares. Nobody will ever care. Cry more.

    praeceptorem666 ,

    I don’t speak whinging bitch. I speak English, could you say that again? Need a diaper change?

    db2 ,

    I don’t speak whinging bitch

    🤣 Your doing it right now, sweaty. Cry harder.

    ElBarto ,

    Naww, someone got a thesaurus for their birthday!

    praeceptorem666 ,

    He thinks speaking basic English requires studying a thesaurus

    Imagine being this mentally deficient 💀

    ElBarto ,

    Someone needs a cookie and a nap I see.

    praeceptorem666 ,

    When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Cope Chud

    ElBarto ,
    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    praeceptorem666 ,


    rickywithanm , in Whatchu got
    ButtholeSpiders , in The Adblockalypse is coming avatar

    Kiss my sexy Klingon ass, Google. I will forever battle ads.

    whileloop , avatar

    Perhaps today is a good day to die!

    ButtholeSpiders , avatar

    Well said, we must never give up in the battle with ads.

    Ejh3k , in Whatchu got
    moonsnotreal , avatar


    marco , avatar

    Döner macht schöner

    runblack ,

    Und auf Dauer auch schlauer.

    balderdash9 , avatar

    This is like German-Japanese interracial meme porn

    Kage , in Whatchu got
    beeng , in Stay safe down under

    Roo will launch off its back tail in panel 1 and then tear your guts to fucken shreds.

    Good luck cunt.

    minkshaman ,

    QI said the tail is loaded with muscle and is strong enough that it actually counts as a limb.

    So yeah. You’re fucked.

    turddle ,

    Gdamn. Imagine having another leg that can throw your whole body right behind you

    C_Leviathan ,

    back tail

    Yeah but how do you get around it’s front tail?

    otacon239 , in Whatchu got
    TimeSquirrel , in Hackerman avatar

    Ae people actually using Kali to get their normal shit done? Isn't it some sort of pentester's liveCD or something? (not sure haven't used it since it was Backtrack),

    CompassInspector ,

    Last I messed with backtrack, it was basically just Debian pre-loaded with pen-testing and security software. I never thought to install it to my hard drive - I’m pretty sure it was not meant for that. I haven’t messed with Kali so I’m not sure how it’s different.

    BeautifulPain ,

    Kali is very unsafe as a daily driver

    morrowind , in So anyways I started blasting avatar

    “oh you couldn’t sleep all night because my dog was barking and now you have the audacity to complain? Let me just murder you in cold blood”

    seumadruga , in Inflation yaay!

    You guys need to unionize and fight for raises that exceed the inflation rate. Here in Brazil, we have this in almost every type of labor.

    Five years ago, the right-wing began dismantling the unions’ monetization system in an attempt to break them, and they also raised the retirement age. However, the unions are still doing their job, and every year we receive a raise above inflation.

    The current left-wing government has already said that they are working to recover a monetization system for unions. They are studying a way to implement this in a manner that will make it difficult for a future government to repeal.

    ipkpjersi ,

    Some industries like programming are not quite as simple to get unionization going. Pretty much only public sector jobs have unions when it comes to programming. I wish that weren’t the case. On the flip side though, the abundance of programming jobs (when there isn’t a damn near tech recession) makes switching jobs to get a huge raise pretty clearly the way to go.

    artisanrox , avatar

    USAians are overall too dumb to figure all this out

    stonedemoman ,

    You seem to be forgetting the 10 other reasons why relative wages are falling behind aside from ignorance

    artisanrox , avatar

    In many places they wouldn't be falling behind if dirt poor people weren't frothy-mouthed cheering for trust fund inheritor babies who only pay attention to hot escorts and dad's hedge fund lawyers.

    stonedemoman ,

    The cult of personality that adheres to the philosophy of being “self-made” doesn’t help, but anti-union practices by the US’ ruling class have been exercised since the industrial revolution, and meanwhile government has hardly ever stepped in to regulate or break monopolies.

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