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unreachable , in Never have I seen this meme avatar

to make it harder to escape the matrix monthly/annual subscriptions

perishthethought , in Never have I seen this meme

Cypher was a bastard.

over_clox , in Never have I seen this meme

Me either. Welcome to the Matrix.

andrew_bidlaw , in Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth avatar

You know a lot of soviet buildings was built by prison labor? Let’s make a next meme about egyptian pyramids. They look great too.

Stalins_Spoon , avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">citation needed
AngryCommieKender ,

Way more shit is done with prison labor in the US. I guarantee. We have 25% of the prison population of the world, and the USSR had a tendency to send a massive amount of their prisoners to Siberia, which would make it difficult to help build apartment blocks several thousand miles away.

andrew_bidlaw , (edited ) avatar

What’s with that whataboutism? I don’t care about the US. Why do your type brings it up every time, like it makes USSR’s wrongdoings more acceptable. It doesn’t. It’s rather a lesson to learn and not repeat in your country.

and the USSR had a tendency to send a massive amount of their prisoners to Siberia, which would make it difficult to help build apartment blocks several thousand miles away.

So? They built infrastructure there, yes, so it’s enormous territory can be somehow crossable. And they also built infrastructure, housing and plants\factories all over it’s territory. Gulag wasn’t just a one small camp, it’s the Main Office of Camp (Managenent), it had a lot of people to send elsewhere, based on what Kremlin wants.

EuthanatosMurderhobo , avatar

В смысле руками пленных нацистов? Тут жаль только, что их потом домой выпустили.

Или руками советских преступников, которым платили и было гарантировано трудоустройство после окончания срока, а не полоскание на ветру, как в твоих любимых либеральных залупах, раб?)

maculata , in Can I park here?

That’s in Dundee, Scotland.

DAMunzy , in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore

Jokes on you, I just shifted to DDG last week.

Zerush , (edited ) in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore avatar
trashgirlfriend , in #FixTF2

Just let the game die honestly.

It’s never going to get better, the dev time is just not worth it to valve.

MYM was their last attempt to do anything with the game and it failed terribly, mostly due to their incompetence.

CanadianCarl , in #FixTF2

Gmail, and my temp mail doesn’t work on the website.

SeekPie ,

Because of the high amount of users, emails could be delayed for some time. Mine took about 12h.

Venat0r , in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore

The difference between G+ and now is that Google search is actually bad now and they need to do something to fix it, but they just did the completely wrong thing…

Zerush , (edited ) avatar

The logical Destiny for a search engine which give more importance to SEO crap and surveillance advertising, than on relevant and reliable results. It’s a filter bubble platform like others which logs your searches. It’s like someone which always agree with you, even if you are wrong.

Scary_le_Poo , in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore avatar

The difference is that Google+ was actually a wonderful product.

But a couple years down the line Google did what Google does and destroyed it from the inside making it worse and worse until it was just a shell of what it started out being.

bolexforsoup , (edited )


Scary_le_Poo , avatar

If you were into tech, the tech people were amazing. Yonatan Zunger comes to mind. He was a backend engineer at Google and the guy was great.

I also met many people who are still friends, many of whom became real life friends too.

I even got an amazing job thanks to my contacts on g+.

The feed layout was awesome. The fact that everything got fed to rss. The fact that you could tailor posts so easily. God I miss it. Only social media I’ve ever really been a part of.

It was wonderful ♥️

bolexforsoup , (edited )


Scary_le_Poo , avatar

Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying that your experience isn’t valid, I am merely providing a counterpoint based upon my own experience.

bolexforsoup , (edited )


Laser ,

Also basically every Linux big name posted there. It was so great. I’m still sad it’s gone

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

A wonderful product or a wonderful community? It sounds like you’re describing the people who were on it and not the platform itself.

Scary_le_Poo , avatar

The platform was wonderful. Intuitive, powerful, everything every other platform was not. Google started killing it slowly long before it died, but in its heyday it was amazing.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

I have to admit I mostly only used it for testing purposes. I worked on a product that integrated with it, and I remember it being frustrating to work with. I forget the details of what frustrated me about it, though.

MonkeMischief ,

Google did what Google does

I remember wrapping my head around “Google Wave” and being like “Hey that sounds nea–oh it’s gone already?”

Scary_le_Poo , avatar

Dude for real. Wave was awesome.

itsgroundhogdayagain , in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore

I’m kinda surprised he isn’t bound by some sort of NDA.

can ,

AI told him he could ignore it.

BakerBagel ,

So excited for AI written TOS that are just around the corner.

drcobaltjedi ,

I was just talking to my friend anf his job is going to use AI to parse contracts to understand who is Liable for X, whose responsibility is Y, etc.

So yeah no we’re close.

LwL ,

Can’t wait for that one to go horribly wrong.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

So not only is no one reading the TOS, soon no one will be writing them either.

mkwt ,

These are all general opinion statements. There aren’t any verifiable facts like, “on this date at a meeting with x we discussed how AI project y is myopic and non-user-centered.”

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Every tech company I worked at, NDAs were a doc to not share code or research discoveries.

EnderMB ,

Some companies have you sign things after leaving.

Obviously, when you start laying people off, or do stupid shit like stack ranking, some people are going to walk out and just blab about all the dumb shit your employer does/did - and they’re heroes for doing so.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

NDAs are usually signed when you’re hired, not when you leave.

EnderMB ,

I think that Amazon and Meta (where this is a known practice) do both. I’ve not signed anything in tech that stops me talking about internal company practices or any work that might have resulted in “voluntary” dismissal, but others in these companies that do the Jack Walsh thing and fire their employees do…

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

What are they gonna do if you refuse to sign? Fire you?

If this guy voluntarily left, then he wasn’t getting a severance package that they could withhold (and on that note, this is a good reason to include involuntary severence in your employment contract, if you can negotiate it).

EnderMB ,

For many, it’s the severance offered that makes them sign. If you’re about to lose your job, a few months pay, and free relocation back home if your visa is due to be cancelled is likely enough to make you sign something.

I’m not condoning it, at all. I think the practice is fucking disgusting, and have seen it wreck lives, but it’s a reality in many tech companies, including Google under Sundar.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

But they’re not gonna offer severence to someone who quits, right?

The wording made it sound like he quit rather than got laid off.

EnderMB ,

My understanding is that while you’re 100% being terminated (and are ineligible for rehire) what you sign indicates that you’re actually volunteering to resign.

For more info on it, look up Amazon’s Focus and Pivot programs.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

Laws will differ in different places, but I’m familiar with 3 categories of terminations:

  1. With cause (firing)
  2. Without cause (layoff)
  3. Voluntary (quitting)

When someone is terminated with cause or quits, they are not entitled to severance and they do not collect unemployment insurance. When someone is laid off, the employer is obligated to pay a severence package.

The Amazon focus and pivot program is interesting. That definitely looks like they’re bribing low performers to quit, and I smell an ulterior motive. Maybe it’s to get them to sign an NDA but I feel like it’s to avoid wrongful dismissed lawsuits. Although I suppose why not both?

ThePyroPython , in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore

I mean if this is Google’s new Google+ moment there’s only one person we can call upon in our time of need:

░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
█████████████████ ☻ I███████████████████]… ▌ ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤… / \

TropicalDingdong ,


Starkstruck ,

I legitimately can’t stop laughing at this omg

GenosseFlosse ,

Here is a friend for him:

🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🎩🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑🌒🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕 🌕🌕🌖🌑👁🌑👁🌓🌕 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑👄🌑🌔🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌒🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌘🍈🌑🍈🌒🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌑🌑🌑🌔🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌘🌔🌖🌑🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌖🌒🌕🌗🌒🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌗🌓🌕🌗🌓🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌘🌔🌕🌗🌓🌕🌕🌕 🌕👠🌕🌕🌕👠🌕🌕🌕

TrickDacy , in Last one, i've been farming Ai for memes but last one with lore avatar

I’m going to start calling all these bullshit posts as they are.

They aren’t entertaining. Karma is not even a thing anymore on Lemmy. So why are you lying?

schteph ,

I won’t say they’re not making it up, but their screenshot has “AI overview”, yours doesn’t. It is probable that “normal” google gives different results than “AI” Google.

cottonmon , avatar

I tried it on the Gemini web app and couldn’t replicate the results. Is that different from the AI overview?

Atrichum ,

My understanding is that Google is doing a partial roll out of AI summary so most people don’t have it yet.

TrickDacy , avatar

So that pulled out text essentially saying the exact opposite of what the OP screenshot says is not the same thing?

Zron ,

No, that’s a card that’s been standard in Google searches for years. It basically copy pastes an excerpt from an article written by someone else.

The AI card is an entirely new feature that is being rolled out where an LLM attempts to fill the same roll without deliberately copying a third party source.

mlg , avatar

This is a normal engine search lol. All the memes are from the AI response feature, similar to Bing’s GPT tab.

blackbirdbiryani ,

That’s a featured snippet, so not AI at all.

eatham , avatar

This is about the new ai thing on Google, which you clearly don’t have, so they probably arnt lying. Look at the post before you reply.

TrickDacy , avatar

I literally only replied because I looked at it. Just because there’s a small tagline present in theirs doesn’t mean anything

meliaesc ,

Wow you’re dense. Google released a new feature, Artificial Intelligence summaries. Your screenshot does not have that feature.

TrickDacy , avatar

Thanks prick

AWistfulNihilist , (edited )

I just need to assure you sir, you were actually the prick in this exchange. Have a great day!…/ceo-google-ai-hallucinations

TrickDacy , avatar

Ah, the transphobe returns to white knight for the asshole

In any case nothing you say matters

AWistfulNihilist ,

LMAO, I love it when you show your ass like that in front of all these people!

TrickDacy , avatar

Oh won’t you explain your jk Rowling views for us? ;)

It will be very popular

AWistfulNihilist ,

Uuuuum ok, JK Rowling is a shitty person who does her best to be on Twitter 24/7 with the other animals. Bigot, competly enamored with her own creation, and totally believing everyone who’s ever said she’s a genius. Ego driven nightmare.

What does that have do to with you being objectively wrong and kind of an asshole in this thread? You know it all, terminally online jackasses never fail to out yourselves with your goal post moving.

Oh I get it… Your ego is a problem for you personally as well, right?

TrickDacy , avatar

Ah so you just hate people that refuse to buy Rowling’s shit? Comment history exists bud

AWistfulNihilist ,

Wow, you are really butthurt by being wrong about the Google AI…

Oh my God, I see, you are conflating the fact that I confirmed that people will call you a transphobe for buying the Harry Potter game by calling me a transphobe. Then I think went back and forth with a terminally online twatter (was that you?) who really wanted me to engage in a debate I wasn’t having.

I think, and correct me if I’m wrong, clearly this made much more of an impact on you than it did on me (I think this was like months ago). Yes, I don’t agree with performative boycotts that have no true impact beyond preaching to the choir, that includes all the fucking incel stellar blade shit. I think I also pointed out that by engaging in these performative boycotts, you just encourage other people you don’t agree with to also engage in performative boycotts.

Again, so crazy you got so butthurt that you had to drag a discussion we must have a quarter ago that didn’t impact me at all.

TrickDacy , avatar

Didn’t read this, transphobe

AWistfulNihilist ,

You did all this just because you were so ego hurt over being smugly wrong in a meme thread!

LMFAO, but you were right, people didn’t like my opinion, this was fun!

TrickDacy , avatar

This either. Purposely ignored every word

AWistfulNihilist ,

Did you cover the text with your thumb when the notification popped up, or are you just really good at ignoring things?

If it was me, I probably would have noticed the LMFAO just by reflex.

TrickDacy , avatar

This either, terf simp

AWistfulNihilist ,

I mean, you’re getting the message, clicking reply, and typing out your reply, I’m genuinely amazed at you ability to both interact with this text but but ignore it. It just seems like so much more work than blocking.

Zetaphor , avatar

Bro just accept the L and quit while you still can

Edit: I just saw the thread 💀

ricecake ,

Your’s is a “featured snippet”, which is where it highlights a relevant portion from a top result.
The AI results have the AI synthesize a new sentence or set of paragraphs answering the question using data from multiple sources.

They’re different results because you didn’t seem to get the AI search results. After making it available to everyone they’ve been hit with a bunch of weird results and have started scrambling to manually remove the particularly strange ones as they crop up.

This is what it typically looks like:

TrickDacy , avatar

There is a lab icon which I clicked and I shows me this.

Then if I click the try example button I see this

I’m pretty sure they are just testing different UI presentations of that same feature.

ricecake ,

No, yours literally says “featured snippets”, as opposed to something saying it’s AI generated.

TrickDacy , avatar

Fair enough. Thanks for not being a dick about it like some of the others were

DickShaney , in Pray for Spiro

Imagine showing up to repossess a picture of an ape. You would think you’re being fucked with.

Selmafudd ,

It’s not even a picture but a promise that you own that picture that anybody at any time can see and download…

squaresinger ,

It’s basically the receipt for an ape.

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