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zumi , in Suggest me a distro

Right now I would go with Debian. Newish release. Everything is up to date, and they are quite stable.

Fryboyter , in What's the best way to restore your desktop environment after install?

Unfortunately, as always, the best solution does not exist. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

For example, I like Chezmoi for managing configuration files. But the tool is only for the configuration files in /home.

Ansible, on the other hand, can be used for / and /home. But already the basic functions are more complex which requires some training time.

spauldo , in What's the best way to restore your desktop environment after install?

I just tar up /home and /etc, install the new system, untar my backup to a directory inside my home directory, and then copy only the stuff I wanted to keep.

I see a fresh install as an opportunity for a new start.

npmstart_pray , in Advice for a middle-age, moderately pc knowledgeable person to finally switch to or become proficient with Linux?

I love when people switch on the same machine and experience a performance boost. They finally start to understand all my under breath muttering about hating windows and it’s geriatric bloatware.

lemminer ,

Windows is a liability. I’m forced to use it because of the propriatary nature of the games (and tech) I play.

There is nothing awesome coming out of Microsoft.

StabbyFace ,

Proton and steam work pretty great these days. Try it out.

lemminer ,

RT isn’t available and few games using EAC still need support for Linux. Additionally Logitech headphones aren’t supported on Linux (proprietary drivers for virtual surround)

Besides that I’m very well aware of proton’s existence and I’m planning on building a new instance of Gentoo just for gaming.

npmstart_pray ,

Agreed, derivative me too stuff is what they’re doing. But then, with the world using Office, they don’t have to work too hard to keep the lights on and their bellies full.

Alkider ,

Especially when the potato laptop stops being so potato all of a sudden. It’s satisfying.

npmstart_pray ,

Exactly, vindicating. Best example I have is my 72yr old mother, with her very old Celeron laptop that originally came with Win7, but Win10 has bogged down: stick in a current kubuntu usb live image usb and she doesn’t have time to make a cup of tea while it boots anymore. She won’t have to buy a new one anytime soon either…but an SSD upgrade may be a good idea.

Tippon ,

My wife and I have identical 7th gen i5 laptops, except hers has Windows while mine has Mint. I regularly use mine in front of the TV, and recently she tried to do the same. We had to turn the TV volume up and it took a minute to figure out why. The fans on her laptop were running flat out to keep it cool because Windows had so much going on in the background that the CPU was at 100%.

She was ready to scrap the laptop because it was so slow, thinking that it was normal.

Fryboyter , in looks like 2023 is finally the year!

according to StatCounter’s data

Our tracking code is installed on more than 1.5 million sites globally.


Such statistics are always to be taken with a grain of salt.

There are more than 1.5 billion websites worldwide. Statcounter therefore covers only a small fraction of them. So chances are good that you as a Linux user do not use any of these 1.5 million websites that Statcounter uses to create their statistics.

Furthermore, I suspect that many Linux users use tools like uBlock Origin or Pi-Hole, so that the things that are used to track users are blocked.

Apart from that, I have several Linux installations with which I never access a website. Sometimes they have no direct connection to the Internet. Thus, they are also not recorded.

But now to the most important. 3 percent of what? Percentage numbers don’t tell anything if you don’t know the number of users behind them. Let’s assume that there were 2.8 percent Linux users in May. In June, only 2.6 percent. Nevertheless, it is possible that there were more actual users in June if the total number of all users increased accordingly.

FarLine99 ,

yeah. It is weird statistics. Maybe ethic telemetry on Linux will help with user counting.

BanthaFood ,

Yeah man that’s how statistics work. It’s not a census. The people behind statscounter make calculations and approximations based on the data they get from they trackers. I think they know that there are people with tracking-blockers. And not only on windows.

They don’t just present simple numbers they get. They polish them and that’s literally their job.

lengsel , in looks like 2023 is finally the year!

I'm genuinelly not sure if it's sarcasm or delusional.

Is fair to say that long term Linux users who are very proficiant in command line know that Linux will never have any relevence on the desktop and that the year of the Linux desktop is a delusional fantasy, it's never going to happen?

At this point it's humourous when there's some new feature in whichever distributon and someone says "Year of the desktop!", it's legitimately comical, if it's said to mock all of that talk

chicagohuman OP ,

I was being sarcastic, tbh. I’m happy to see this (I use Linux everywhere), but I’m realistic. 3% doesn’t look super impressive. I’m not sure where the line would be, though. 10%?

lengsel ,

I would guess Linux desktop means nothing until it gets close to 15% for software developers to include a Linux version for new software releases, of any kind or type of software.

I do PC gaming and I only use Windows on that one gaming computer, so I can play any and all games, and have the best graphics hardware performance.

All of my other computers are only a mix of BSD and Linux, but for playing games I'm not willing to use anything other than Windows.

BCsven ,

It seems to have grown enough that software like Zoom, MS Teams, Webex and Teamviewer all have versions available for the various linux OSs. If the market was so tiny no software developer would want to release these and handle bug reports, and fixes. It would just not viable. So there must be enough of a base that this is needed.

lengsel ,

Yes, I know there is a market, as tiny as it is. Imagine how much further along corporate software for Linux would be if there was a single format for installing all software in a default configuration for a fresh Linux install.

I genuinelly don't understand why Linus never develeped a universal installer like .dmg, .msi, .exe, for Linux.

BCsven ,

He was focused on the kernel, not the OS part unfortunately. Maybe Snap, Flatpak or AppImage will rise to the top for default install. For now I run OpenSUSE which has 1 click installer for rpms, probably as close to msi or exe there is right now.

Dnn ,

I also think “year of the desktop” is a unicorn (even if it were to come, you wouldn’t pin it on one year - it’s a process) and I personally believe that if Windows is going to die, it will be replaced by some web-only shit instead of another local desktop-based OS.

However, Linux desktop adoption did increase quite steeply in the past few years and to a point I confidently moved also my wife’s and mother’s computers to Linux because it actually causes me less headache than Windows did.

So, no need to be condescending and sarcastic about it.

lengsel ,

Would you agree that what makes Linux laughable as a replacement for consumers is how splitered or fractured it is?

Although up to a certain point I believe the choice of GUI desktops to be a good thing, but I believe the only choices should be Plasma and Mate, with all the customization available for each one, the format for software insallation is what kills it. I never understood why when Linus started it, he never developed a built-in way of handling software installs along with tools for making changes to programs that got install.

Making people learn about which distribution they are using means it's better for them to forever stay on Windows where they can use any program they want without learning anything beyond looking for a Windows file to install.

As Theo de Raadt says, people want to use the software, not study it.

Dnn ,

Would you agree that what makes Linux laughable as a replacement for consumers is how splitered or fractured it is?

Again, while you might have a point, your tone just sucks and makes me not want to interact with you.

Consumers can just pick one off-the-hook polished distro like Mint and are never even confronted with all the possible choices.

tony ,

ChromeOS has a massive market (10%-20% depending on who you ask) and that’s basically linux with a chrome frontend.

So it really depends on what you mean by ‘year of the desktop’ as you can spin the definition either way… either it’ll never happen or it happened years ago.

rockSlayer , in looks like 2023 is finally the year!
fulano , in looks like 2023 is finally the year!

I joined the community before the 1% mark. It has been such a nice journey.

segfault , in ELI5 what is the difference between UEFI handles passed to grub by a proprietary bootloader versus coreboot?

coreboot isn’t a UEFI implementation. It is comparable to the UEFI SEC+PEI phases. It then hands off control to a payload. If you want UEFI, that’s going to still be edk2.

j4k3 OP , avatar

What is a typical real world application for tianocore/edk2? Like who is using this and where/why? Like is this for custom hardware projects, servers, hardware hackers, OEMs?

segfault ,

All UEFI system firmware uses edk2. It’s not just the reference implementation; Pragmatically, it’s the only implementation. Independent BIOS vendors (IBVs) like AMI, Phoenix, and Insyde have built all their tooling for and around edk2. Companies like System76 and Purism use it as a UEFI payload for their coreboot based firmware.

Crow , in looks like 2023 is finally the year! avatar

I’m a new Linux user since the start of the year. Windows has become so stressful to use for a pc I just want to game on. Before I was stuck using windows, but proton has changed the game so much I don’t feel like I’m missing anything now using Linux.

ChatGPT has also helped a lot by giving me all the technical support for Linux I could ever need. It’s taught me a ton while also helping me with all my problems.

isVeryLoud ,

I had never considered this as a valid purpose for ChatGPT. Well done you for being resourceful!

entropicdrift , avatar

ChatGPT is a fantastic tutor. Even if it doesn’t know already, you can copy a dense technical document and paste it into the chat, then ask it questions in plain english in subsequent messages

Raphael , avatar

You can ask chatgpt pretty much anything and it answers you.

Anticorp ,

Not always truthfully, but it does answer. It is quite confidently incorrect sometimes.

Lmaydev ,

It’s works better as a conversation then just answering questions. The prompts you give it can also drastically alter it’s accuracy.

I use it at work frequently instead of the docs nowadays.

Anticorp ,

Me too. It sometimes saves me hours and writes code that is better than I would write. Other times it recommends code that doesn’t actually compile, but insists that it should. Often it provides working code that is about 3 times more complicated than it needs to be. But overall it is an amazing tool that massively improves productivity. If you use it for help with complex subjects that you already understand well, then it is a bad-ass advisor.

mexicancartel ,

Imagine chatGPT beliving trolls in its training data and suggesting users to sudo rm -rf /*

Anticorp ,

They’ve gone overboard in preventing troll behavior in this version. It constantly apologizes and refuses to say anything that could be considered even slightly controversial. It also spews morality lessons. But most importantly is that it understands the context of what it suggests, so it wouldn’t recommend that unless you’re trying to nuke your system. It probably wouldn’t recommend that even if you’re trying to nuke your system and would instead give you a lesson on why what you’re doing is destructive.

BCsven ,

The weird thing about it is it often gives incorrect results for stuff like programming, but when you say that is wrong, it comes up with a correction. LOL Like, just tell me the correct thing from the start .

like47ninjas ,

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this year is the year I make the same jump. Really good, practical use of the tool.

Voyajer , avatar

ChatGPT has probably trained on the bulk of the Internet's Linux support threads and manages for various commands now that I think about it.

cyanarchy ,

I’ve basically stopped using google for tech support, a computer is now teaching me how to use a computer.

Lmaydev ,

Not to sound rude but isn’t this like the main use of ChatGPT?

I basically use it as an interactive docs that I can ask questions.

Konlanx ,

Do you feel performance is good while using Linux to game? How is it compared to windows?

I would love to switch, the only two things keeping me away is potential performance decrease and the fact that my GoXLR doesn’t work with Linux and it was way too expensive for that.

Crow , avatar

I’m using a 4070 (which has very new and slow release Linux drivers) and I don’t see any worse performance. But I barely used my 4070 with windows before switching over to Linux. However I seem to get similar results to other people on windows with the same hardware.

ultranaut ,

I haven’t personally benchmarked but so far everything I’ve tried in Steam has worked and performed at a level where I don’t even think about it. If you’re chasing the top possible FPS then it’s not a good option, but performance is way better than I ever expected and definitely good enough for me.

Dnn ,

This is a good summary. It really depends on the game. There even are a few examples where a Windows native game runs faster on Linux with Proton.

Konlanx ,

Thanks for the answer. I might give it another shot. My favorite game (Hunt: Showdown) even got a natively running version earlier this year.

domi , avatar

It’s not running natively but they enabled anti cheat support for Linux.

Played a few hours already, works flawlessly.

Konlanx ,

Thanks for the correction. I will try it out as soon as I find time to setup a Linux again.

oce , avatar

This is the place to check how well your games run on Linux:, it shows at least 10k games running well, including recent triple As.

cows_are_underrated ,

You can try dual booting and see if you can get it to work. If it doesn’t than you can just ditch Linux and otherwise you can ditch Windows.

FarLine99 ,


KanariePieter ,

I have found that some games that are problematic on Windows actually run better on Linux through Proton. Performance in general can be slightly worse or slightly better depending on the game, but these days it definitely rivals Windows. That said, if you like multiplayer games; those usually do not work well on Linux, especially when they have anticheat. Also, native Linux versions are often broken, the Windows version through Proton usually works better.

Can’t speak to the GoXLR, you might be able to find some info on I got my Tascam audio interface and my Mooer GE200 working out of the box though (with less latency than on Windows).

Konlanx ,

There are some Linux-tools to get the GoXLR working on Linux, but last time I tried I had… “mixed” results. It has been a while, though and there seems to be active development for a Linux solution.


Alkider ,

For the most part it works really well! 90% of games on steam work without any hassle and the 10% with errors have workarounds. It’s not perfect but it’s definitely getting better as time goes on, especially with more anticheats having compatibility with linux than 5 years ago. When it comes to standalone games, it can be a mixed bag because sometimes it works perfectly and other times it doesn’t, but launchers like lutris help get the games that don’t work run decently. When it comes to emulators, they work really well, sometimes better than running them on windows, but keep in mind where you’re getting them. I have less issues overall with the flatpack variants of emulators.

lel ,

I don’t have a gaming PC or anything, I just have a laptop, so ymmv, but performance in Linux, even of Proton games, is noticeably far better for me. Things are faster, I can crank the graphics settings up higher without lag, and my fan spins less angrily. Linux is just generally less resource-intensive than Windows by a very wide margin, so I think it leaves more for the game? Idk. All I know is it works better.

boonhet ,

ChatGPT helping you migrate to Linux is peak irony considering Microsoft owns 49% of OpenAI

Lmaydev ,

Tbf they make a huge chunk of their money from azure services now.

And while windows drives certain services they are super invested in Linux.

letbelight ,

There are Microsoft Linux now days derived from Fedora !fedora

joel_feila , avatar

yeah really by profit generation they mostly a could service company

FujiTive ,

What distro are you currently using?

Crow , avatar

Pop os

aport , in New Steam Client Stable Update Fixes UI Issues on Linux for Intel/AMD Users

Praise Gaben

amihan , (edited ) in looks like 2023 is finally the year!
bilb , avatar

Do you use a VPN?

amihan , (edited )

No, but I’m away from home, so I’m on mobile data at the moment.

Edit: I got around it by accessing its archived version. It’s kinda sad though that I had to resort to that. Thanks anyway!

kikuchiyo , in looks like 2023 is finally the year! avatar

I wonder if Steam Deck is helping with that number (but I don’t know if that many of them were sold to make that much impact).

ultranaut ,

I tried to look it up and they may haveeither sold about 3 million already or are projected to have sold around that many by the end of the year.

kikuchiyo , avatar

That’s huge number for sure! I think what Steam is doing to make playing games on Linux easier is a big factor too.

MonorailPanda ,

I’ve trying to move my main desktop over to Linux for years, and getting a Steam Deck was the last thing to convince me. It’s been about 8 months now and I won’t got back to Windows.

The only exception is the few Forza games I “own” on the Microsoft store, but that’s around every other month at best. Really hope the popularity of the Stream Deck can get support for them.

ChickenAndRice , in Linux customization is GREAT; Even if it can lead to bad decisions

Favorite video on the design:

Ret2libsanity , in ELI5 what is the difference between UEFI handles passed to grub by a proprietary bootloader versus coreboot?

I’m not sure I completely understand the question.

But vendor / custom UEFI implementations could obviously pass around whatever structures they want.

The EFI RUNTIME services - for example - could expose custom functions in a proprietary UEFI implementation. Though in my experience this usually is not the case.

Grub should run as an EFI bootloader binary after core UEFI is done. Afaik there is no particular ring / exception level required here. It could vary depending on UEFI implantation.

on android arm32/64 devices I obviously don’t see grub, but core EFI handles and services are not modified much. If anything it’s just expanded to support the next bootloader stage and handle stuff like key combos to select next boot image

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