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Why do I get a strange, yet comforting feeling when I stop in quiet places

I find it extremely difficult to articulate what I mean. I’ve gotten this feeling throughout my entire life, even when I was a child, and I’m sure there must be many others who’ve experienced it; I just can’t find any mention of it online.

I’ll give you an example. Sometimes you might be going from place to place, doing your own thing. When you’re done with whatever you were doing, you just… stop … and take in your surroundings. Suddenly the quietness around you seems to give you a tingling, comforting feeling that’s quite honestly a beautiful feeling.

I’m 22, and I’ve been getting this throughout my entire life; and heck, I even get it when playing videogames (particularly open-world games), if they’re immersive enough. The most common place I get this feeling in the real world is when I’ve been travelling in a car for a while (I don’t drive currently, usually it’s my mother driving me), and we reach our destination: The car stops; the engine turns off; the music on the radio goes silent, and I’m in no rush to hop out. For some reason this feeling rushes over me; it feels similar to butterflies and goes through my upper legs and stomach; even in my upper arms for some reason, but is all very comforting.

My earliest memory with it (although I know I had it years prior to this), was one day when I was 7-9 yrs old. I remember it quite vividly, actually. I don’t remember where I had come from (probably school or something), but my Mum had been driving me for what felt like quite a while. She pulled into our front driveway and stopped. The engine shut off; the radio went silent. It felt calming, and I didn’t get out of the car because I was just appreciating and enjoying the feeling of sitting in the quietness, with the subtle ticking sound coming from the cars engine you tend to hear when turning it off, just outside. My Mum said to me, something along the lines of “Why aren’t you hopping out, Liam?”. I don’t remember what I said in response, but I definitely had no idea how to explain the reason to her; I find it difficult to even explain now as a young adult.

Now, I’ve managed to learn where and when to just “stop”, and have this feeling come over me, like second-nature, but I still find that I can’t well explain when or how it happens with words; that’s why this post is so long.

As I said earlier, I also sometimes get this feeling when playing videogames. One of my favourite games of all time is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (The sequel, too). It’s an open-world game where you can travel to almost every single nook and cranny of the land of Hyrule, on foot or by horse. One of the things I absolutely love the most, is just walking around the world, exploring, and taking it all in. I don’t care about defeating every single monster in every single enemy campsite across the world, or getting from place to place in the shortest time possible, or finding the most powerful loot or weapons; I just like to immerse myself in the world, like I’m actually there. And that feeling I described: I get it around almost every single corner, especially in out-of-the-way places like the top-edges of cliff-faces, where people in Hyrule never visit. In fact, I can give you an example: I was watching IGN’s video of the game from 2016 when it was still in development (video link is timestamped to where I want to show you), and because I had been watching this gameplay video for the past 20 minutes, I was very immersed and relaxed in the game world. As soon as the player climbed up to this rock that was protruding out of the cliff-face, he immediately turned around to stop and take a look at the view in the distance, due to being so high up. I immediately, immersed, had that feeling come over me again, and it felt so nice; as it always does.

Is there name for this? If so, what is this called? There has to be some kind of psychology behind all of this.

Truffle ,

I get this feeling too and actively look for it. My best times achieving this have been scuba diving or snorkeling, sitting still after an intense ashtanga class, stopping by after a storm while driving out of a woodsy lonely area. That lack of auditory or otherwise sense stimuli makes me feel super calm but I try to watch out how I do it so I don’t freak myself or others out. I have been tempted to go to a flotarium, you know like that kid from Stranger things in her giant tub of water, but it kinda scares me.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

The scuba diving sounds like it would do it for me, for sure. Even though I’ve never done it before and might not be able to because of my asthma, just imagining it (especially if I’m by myself), slightly gives me that feeling (I’m pretty good at visualising environments). That sounds like it would be fun.

Truffle ,

You are in for a treat I’m sure! I hope your doctor gives you the green light to go try it.


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HootinNHollerin ,
FrostyCaveman ,

I get this too. Like the Dark Souls bonfire feeling IRL

intensely_human ,

That’s called “chill”. Welcome to stopping to smell the roses.

Septimaeus ,

Your description is consistent with frisson and/or ASMR.

As an example, if I am trudging through deep snow, especially during a windless snowfall, especially in a wood, and especially at night, I can reliably trigger it by standing very still and breathing in the silence.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

It’s not the same thing as this, but frission and ASMR is nice; they just produce a completely different feeling to what I’m referring to (usually tingling in the actual skin)

The feeling I’m talking about feels similar-ish to butterflies, but it goes through the legs and arms too, and feels calming rather than nerve-racking, and it leaves you wanting to remain in the moment and continue to appreciate it.

Septimaeus ,

The feeling I’m talking about feels similar-ish to butterflies, but it goes through the legs and arms too, and feels calming rather than nerve-racking, and it leaves you wanting to remain in the moment and continue to appreciate it.

That is how many describe certain types of asmr, and that’s how it manifests for me in moments of silence and serenity. I would add radiant warmth in the extremities and the feeling that my senses are reaching out into the darkness.

Regardless asmr (and to a lesser extent, frisson) is an overarching category of a variety of sensations one may experience given different external or internal stimuli, rather than a single isolated sensation one experiences while doing a particular thing (e.g. listening to asmr yt videos). These sensations are characterized simply as forms of pleasurable paresthesia with some element of euphoria or eudaimonia (sense of wellbeing).

DreitonLullaby OP ,

I understand, but that’s not what my experience with ASMR is like. I don’t get anything like butterflies from it, I just get enjoyment and often an almost “tickling” sensation in my ears. But it’s completely separate to the feeling I’m talking about. And besides that, I’m capable of getting the feeling mentioned in the post from my environment in a noisy environment, it’s just uncommon.

geoma , avatar

Probably, most people will give you answers from a psychological point of view. And probably most people will downvote me. But I encourage you to inquire this aspect of your being from a spiritual perspective. This may be a thread that could lead you somewhere. Have you learned buddhist/mindfulness meditation for example? (This is not necessarily “spiritual”, though, but it is certainly beneficial). There are other realities/worlds happening and you may here have something that connects you to that. Keep deepening into this! Congratulations for being aware of it.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

I’m a Christian and believe in the existence of spirit, so I agree this is probably something spiritual.

BCsven ,

Almost sounds like goosebumps from music that touches something, like a full body primal tingle

mryessir ,

Before reading other comments I feel the need to put my thoughts out first.

Awesome how you can put your feelings into words. To me it is a sign that you are deaccelerating at some time and then realize it explictly. You may spot yourself reflecting on thr things you just done. Probably you developed to realize this emotion due to good parenting - would be my guess.

You would call this state inner balance but in English this isn’t very percise. Ausgeglichenheit explictily includes the mental state. The jucking things in your body may simply be happiness. The clearance in your mind - since you can remember it vividly - is your good attitude.

But I have no idea and just guessing from my gut. Bet there are other valid opinions and stances within here. Anyhow I wouls try to preserve it by going to a yoga class twice a month.

Very nice read, thanks.

wheresmysurplusvalue , avatar

If I understand what you mean, I might have experienced something like it. I think I noticed it more when I was a kid, especially while sitting in my desk at school when I’m done with work, any time I could daydream a bit. It’s a nice connected feeling to my surroundings, almost feeling like the world is alive but not really.

That’s how I interpret this poem - someone who felt this kind of feeling and experiences/daydreams it as girls watching him. I take it like anthropomorphized version of the feeling you describe.

I suppose it’s some kind of mild meditative state, and probably also related to your body being relaxed in general.

Or, alternate theory, maybe you’re just animalmaxxing. I mean, you ever look at a goat or something and think how they’re so content to just stand there and do fucking nothing for hours? Maybe it feels really damn good to do that for goats. Humans are animals too, maybe you just got to that part of the brain.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

Actually, now that you mentioned it, your experience does remind me of one that I used to get on rare occasions as a kid, but it felt different to this one and was separate. It was kind of like a sudden full-awareness state of mind of my surroundings, I can’t remember much of how it felt, but it was a positive feeling. I don’t think I’ve really felt it since I was at least 14 though, and I was quite recently wondering about it and why that might be, because I have another memory from when I was about 9-11 with this “other” feeling that’s similar but different to the one I originally mentioned; and seems to be the feeling that you experienced: I was walking by myself out of an outdoor car parking area of a shopping centre. It was out the back area of the car park, where there are usually very little cars. I suddenly had this feeling you seem to be talking about come over me, and I was actually thinking to myself, “I’m here… right now!”… I didn’t understand the significance of what “being here” meant, but those were just the only words that could come to my mind when I felt it. It was kind of like for a brief moment, I was… no longer mentally a child; I was fully aware of the young stage of my life that I was in, and fully aware that I was standing out in the open air of the world all by myself (mind you, at that age it wasn’t common for me to be alone). As soon as I continued on my way, I forgot about the feeling and mental-state, and life just continued on as a normal, ignorant child, unaware of the beautiful complexity of the world we live in.

I’ve never heard of animalmaxxing before and can’t find a definition; but I’m assuming it’s the thing that animals do that you’re referring to? You could possibly be right about this all being related to that, as mammals. If I am somehow “animalmaxxing” (that sounds weird to say about myself 😂), I certainly can’t do it for as long as animals do; sitting around all day like goats and cows doing practically nothing.

wheresmysurplusvalue , avatar

To be honest, the animalmaxxing theory was just to amuse myself, it’s not a real thing as far as I know. But you ever look at a cat just staring at a wall and think, how is the cat not bored?! It must be because it feels good

YeetPics , avatar

Escaping a haven of agitprop is truly special.

Touch more grass.

xilliah ,

It has many names and you can get there through mindfulness and meditation.

My tip is go into nature. I don’t mean some shitty dog park. I mean nature. Take a bottle of water. The first hour you’re gonna feel awful and you want to go home, get through that, and you’ll see what I mean.

Another more advanced way is to just stop. Just don’t do anything for as long as possible. 10 minutes. An hour. When you become practiced it’ll be easier. Try different spots, and you’ll notice some spots are more conducive. For example busy train stations work for me.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

That explains why I’m so interested in getting into solo hiking. I just want to go out there and be in the wild, because it’s so calming; particularly far away from civilisation. I live in Australia btw.

xilliah ,

Lucky. You could even visit NZ or the islands north.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

I really want to visit and hike in New Zealand (they call it trekking). My Mum came from the North Island. I’ve even considered the possibility of moving there before.

Psychogasm ,

I experienced this when I was in the military doing a field training exercise. As we got in our sleeping bags for the night I noticed there wasn’t a single noise. No wind, no insects chirping. Temperature outside was pefect. I felt that tingling sensation. It was the most comforting and peaceful feeling. SERENITY is what I would call it.

Taalnazi ,


mryessir ,

Hollywood taught me when there is no ambient noise shit is gonne go down. Wtf wrong with you!!

Psychogasm ,

Maybe I’m the stalker in the woods. . .

DreitonLullaby OP ,

I think serenity seems to be the best existing term. Although I’m beginning to think that people might feel the feeling of serenity differently to each other. So if feelings were an easier thing to communicate, or if people got into more deep discussions about them more often, the exact form of serenity we are feeling might be able to be given it’s own proper term.

zelifcam , (edited ) avatar


Mindfulness as a practice is described as:

  • "Mindfulness is a way of paying attention that originated in Eastern meditation practices"[106]
  • "Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally"[1][note 1]
  • "Bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis"[1]

D61 ,

Its very odd how there’s always noise but you never notice it until its actually quiet.

No bugs, no fans, no vehicles in the distance, no dripping water, no birds chirping, no breeze… nothing.

It almost feels like a physical presence, this lack of sound.

Like walking from a hot room into a cold room, or suddenly feeling a huge gust of wind when the air was still moments before.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

Yeah, it’s like when I’m by myself out in the wild away from people, houses, or roads. I suddenly realise how constant noise is everywhere else in my life; especially because my house is right next to a highway which has cars and trucks passing constantly, and a train track right next to it too. And because I live in a country area of Australia, the night-time traffic suddenly becomes so small, that the difference in noise between day time and night time noise is massive. Even so, there’s always noise coming from somewhere: right now it’s from my keyboard and my computer fan, and it’s night, so I can’t hear any vehicles passing.

StaySquared ,

Maybe you’re burning out mentally… so your body or mind even, is in desperate need of relaxation in a quiet space.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

Definitely not, but thanks for the suggestion. If that was the case, I would personally call that “relief”

pelespirit , avatar

Generally, inner peace is defined as a low-arousal positive emotional state coupled with a sense of balance or stability (Cherif et al., 2022).

Low-arousal positive states are those calm and relaxed happy feelings that aren’t extreme or exciting. They include feelings of calmness, serenity, tranquility, and contentment, in contrast to feelings like exuberance, ecstasy, or euphoria. Low-arousal positive feelings come from within and may be more authentic, stable, and durable than high-arousal positive feelings (Dambrun et al., 2012).

I think you might be one of those truly mentally healthy people I’ve heard so little about.

DreitonLullaby OP ,

Serenity! Yeah, I think that’s the word I’ve been looking for… maybe.

I think you might be one of those truly mentally healthy people I’ve heard so little about.

😂 I sure hope so!

pelespirit , avatar

I was thinking more “inner peace”, but “serenity” really works too. Congrats, it’s awesome to see someone not knowing why they feel great or having the words to describe it. We need to spread the serenity.

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