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What does this mean on Google Maps?

My best guess is it’s a busy road so it’s dangerous and not really meant for bicycle and walking. I’ve done 13 miles yesterday to get a comic book on a bike and this right here is the distance between my house and a friend’s house I told I can come on bike because what I just did gave me a feeling I could do it but my...

Dems blast 'evil' Trump team over debate watch party at gun store near GA school shooting (

Ahead of Trump’s debate Tuesday night with Vice President Kamala Harris, several Democratic groups issued a joint statement denouncing the watch party. The groups included Voters of Tomorrow, College Democrats of America, Leaders We Deserve, College Democrats of Georgia, Georgia High School Democrats, Young Democrats of...

Games industry layoffs not the result of corporate greed and those affected should "drive an Uber", says ex-Sony president (

Ex-Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering does not believe recent layoffs across the games industry have been a result of corporate greed. Instead, workers who have lost their jobs should “drive an Uber” or “go to the beach for a year” until employment settles....

‘My God, Are You Ok?’ Swalwell Confronts Jim Jordan in Committee Hearing for Reposting Bizarre Image of Trump (

What in the hell is this?! The chairman tweets, “Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio” because he goes down some crazy rabbit hole, completely debunked that aliens are eating pets. My God, are you ok, Mr. Chairman? Because last year, for a very long time, you tweeted and promoted Kanye West as he was calling for genocide...

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