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moody , to worldnews in South Africa to Sue US and UK as Complicit in Gaza Genocide

Don’t forget Canada

BigPotato , to worldnews in U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously

Look, this article runs every few months from the Syrian regime. To be blunt, the trucks bring in Wheat and probably arms or something else they shouldn’t. The SDF (formerly called the YPJ and YPG) runs oil refineries and sells the oil as a means of finding themselves. The US… Well, ‘Coalition’ supplies them with the refineries.

Why all these steps? Turkyie hates the YPJ/YPG but Turkyie is part of the Coalition against ISIL. The ‘SDF’ gets bombed by Turkyie but the SDF also runs the largest ISIL prison in the region. So Turkyie and Syria don’t team up against the SDF, the SDF doesn’t get full US support, and resupply trucks have to ‘sneak’.

Everyone in the region has stakes in not letting them break out. Iraq doesn’t want it, Syria doesn’t want it, the US and Coalition don’t want it but, outside of the US, no one can publicly back the SDF and save face with their regional counterparts. The US makes sure the SDF has food and funds, everyone gets to keep the ISIL and Refugee camps ‘running’ and no one has to support the SDF and lose face with their local parties.

I’d call it shades of gray but it’s more like shades of blood…

yogthos , avatar

There is absolutely no difference between what US is doing in Syria and what Russia is doing in Ukraine. Yet, all of a sudden it’s a shades of gray.

nahuse ,

There’s absolutely no difference?

Are you… are you serious?

yogthos , avatar

Well I guess there’s a bit of a difference. Russia was invited by LPR and DPR to help stop the ethnic cleansing. Nobody invited US into Syria last I checked.

nahuse ,


highalectical , avatar

Of course there’s a difference. Russia is addressing a severe national security concern and stopping a genocide in Ukraine. The great satan is destroying Syria to loot its resources and prevent West Asian countries from throwing off the yoke of imperialism.

yogthos , avatar

good point

cyclohexane ,

There have been many videos posted before that clearly show oil-carrying trucks

BigPotato ,

SDF has extraction, not refining. Crude has to be shipped out.

Imagine thinking the existence of oil tankers in the middle east is somehow evidence of a grand conspiracy.

cyclohexane ,

Ahh, it’s only crude oil? That makes it all legitimate then /s

It’s not a grand conspiracy. It’s an occupation and illegitimate military intervention. The US has a long track record of doing it, and your people have a long history of supporting it :)

BigPotato ,

I’m not saying it’s legitimate or illegitimate and, yeah, there are US assets (likely other countries too but they ‘need’ more discretion) in Syria. Not just ‘force projection’ but troops on ground, patrolling with the SDF.

So, yeah, you’re not wrong but US assets are supporting SDF assets who are keeping detained ISIL under lock and key and, when they get uppity, hellfire missile.

But, at the end of the day, The Syrian Government could simply roll out into the country and take back the oil fields from the Kurds that everyone in the region loves to oppress and ship it out themselves. I’m against Iraqi oppression of the Kurds. I’m against Turkish oppression of the Kurds. Guess what? I’m also against Syrian oppression of the Kurds. If that makes me a US (and Coalition by proxy) shill then by all means, think me a shill. The Kurds have held their lands since the beginning of written history but you think that the Syrian Dictatorships of the last fifty years have more right to that land then go off, friend.

cyclohexane ,

who are keeping detained ISIL under lock and key

Yeah I am not going to excuse a US occupation with ISIS as pretext when it was the US that sponsored ISIS’ creation.

I’m completely lost about your last paragraph. It sounds like you’re assuming I have some stances that I do not. I support Kurdish autonomy and independence. Tying that into letting more people in non-US-occupied regions fight for a drop of heating or cooking oil is ridiculous. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

BigPotato ,

Turkyie doesn’t like the Kurds, maybe for a good reason in their eyes. Syria doesn’t like the Kurds and again they probably think that’s a good idea too. Iraq gives them autonomy but that’s who knows what will happen if Sadr continues to expand Iranian influence.

The US has on multiple occasions used the Kurds and left them out to dry, so they’re not some blameless paragon, but they didn’t at Al Sina’a and they continue to keep food shipments moving in despite Russian aggression raising the price of wheat and Syrian shelling the White Helmets.

There’s no angels but at least the US isn’t bombing whole towns for the crime of being “rebel held”. They keep their collateral down to whomever might be standing near their targets…

Or, in the case of their Task Force 9, merely precision bomb their civilian targets.

I think we can both agree that US actions in the region have been abhorrent. Though, the Coalition at least attempts to maintain an air of legitimacy (and aid funding) and the Kurds by and large don’t have many other friends.

cyclohexane ,

maybe for a good reason

There’s literally no good reason

The US coalition’s bombings has been far more cruel than even the Syrian regime and ISIS. Just compare the size of the destruction, the number of destroyed buildings between the liberation of Raqqa vs the battle of Aleppo. Despite Aleppo being a much bigger city, and the fight being far more fierce, Raqqa had far more destruction and was raised to the ground.

I agree with you that the SDF does not have many friends, and I support them in milking as much US aid as they can. But selling off the oil when most Syrians are struggling for a drop of oil is cruel, and we should not accept this.

BigPotato ,

What kinship do the Kurds owe Aleppo when they would hand their lands over to Russia? They can sell it to the Americans or they can sell it to the Regime who bombs them, who’d rather they be bombed out to make room for their Russian Allies. Not much choice for them.

If Assad, because I don’t blame the Syrian people as a whole, recognized Kurdish autonomy they could begin to move towards unifying in the people’s best interest instead of scraping what little they can through bad deals. Instead, the Assad Government is ready to move the Kurds out of their lands to hand them over to Russian companies. The people of Syria don’t really get the oil either way - the people do struggle for US benefit but Assad is not a heroic revolutionary fighting for the people either. A free Rojava would be the first step in removing the US yoke but it would also remove the Syrian one.

cyclohexane ,

When did the people of Aleppo hand over land to Russia? You do realize the SDF collaborated with Russia and even hosts a Russian military base?

Also, the Assad government, despite all its horrors and corruption, actually cooperates with the SDF on a moderate level. There is already some trade between the two, and they fought side by side on a few occasions.

acockworkorange ,

Too many shades of grey, give it to me black and white, doc. Who should I cheer for?

EstraDoll , to worldnews in Barbados To Recognize Palestine as State avatar

Barbasedos kelly

highalectical , avatar

Beat me to it.

Viking_Hippie , to worldnews in Hunger Moves Thousands of Argentines to the Streets

Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello replaced traditional social programs with limited-reaching programs, suspended deliveries of medication for people with serious illnesses, closed ministry offices across the country, and canceled food deliveries to popular kitchens.

Yeah, those ARE the expected actions of someone appointed by “Captain AnCap” to a post that by its very name implies monetizing of human misery 🤬

In response to today’s mobilizations, Security Minister Patricia Bullrich threatened to activate her anti-riot protocol, which includes the intervention of federal forces to ensure “free circulation” in public spaces.

And of course the only reaction to extremely reasonable dissent a far right government can think of is authoritarian violence 😮‍💨🤬

Skullgrid , avatar

Popular kitchens is a mistranslation, it means soup kitchen/food bank where poor people are fed/given food.

“Ollas populares” - pots for the population

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, I was quoting the article and DID think that had to be a translation error! Thanks for clarifying!

Diplomjodler , to worldnews in Hunger Moves Thousands of Argentines to the Streets

“Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

taladar , to worldnews in Global Temperature Could Rise Above 1.5°C in 2024

I would assume that it is not the global temperature but the rise in global temperature that would reach that level.

Gilles_D , (edited )

Something tells me you’re right.

Then again, it’s damn cold outside and I have no concept of averages so 1.5 for the whole year seems about right

Edit: /s

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

Do you know what 1.5 °C is?! Anchorage, Alaska gets an average of 2.2 °C.

kandoh , to worldnews in U.S Troops Loot Syrian Oil and Wheat Continuously

If I go digging, am I going to find out that this is an anti-Kurdish hit piece trying to manufacture consent so Assad can use chemical weapons on Rojava?

BigPotato ,

Just like everything on SANA, yes.

Unfortunately, there’s basically four flavors of propaganda in the region and that’s it.

cyclohexane ,

Why not evaluate the information for what it is rather than checking if it belongs to your preferred camp of propaganda or not?

NaibofTabr ,

What “information”?

cyclohexane ,

For starters: “US troops loot Syrian oil and wheat continuously”

NaibofTabr ,

This is an accusation. It doesn’t become information until it is substantiated with some evidence and corroborated by multiple sources.

So far, none of these articles actually show any US forces anywhere.

cyclohexane ,

There’s no way you don’t believe the US is in Syria? They do not make it a secret. I’m happy to provide you with a wealth of instances where the US admits this.

kandoh ,

Information has been evaluated.

This is an article attempting to frame Kurdish settlements in Rojava, whose existence is only possible because US forces in the area stop the Turks and Assad from bombing them, as the US stealing fuel and food. The Kurds are the ones pumping this oil and growing the wheat. The US isn’t robbing Syrians at gunpoint for their wheat. It’s only considered theft because the people eating and using the fuel are ethnically undesirable.

cyclohexane , (edited )

You’re still too busy analyzing the motives or agenda of the author instead of evaluating the information. Of-fucking-course the Syrian state TV is going to have an agenda that… Surprise: agrees with state policy. This is not the revelation you think it is.

Guess what? Every source has a bias or agenda. For many it is money related. If you take any source for granted, you’d be a fool. Analyze the information for what it is.

Now, the US is indeed stealing. There have been several videos posted before, and local witnesses arresting to it. This has nothing to do with whatever you think it is framing. This is actually happening.

The US isn’t robbing Syrians at gunpoint

What the hell do you call installing your literal military and building 14 bases (more US bases per square mile of any similarly-sized region in the world), and has initiated multiple attacks on Syria since?

It’s only considered theft because the people eating and using the fuel are ethnically undesirable.

Maybe to you. To me, it is considered theft because the oil fields which were once keeping all Syrians warm, cooking, and supplying them with electric power is now being given to an occupying military while most Syrians are struggling for a drop of heating or cooking oil, many dying of the winter cold.

AMDIsOurLord ,

Didn’t the Assad chemical weapons turn out to be another Kuwait Propaganda moment lmao (some other group was actually responsible)

kandoh ,
  • Investigations have found that the Assad regime has carried out the majority of the over 336 confirmed chemical weapons attacks in Syria, with 98% of the total attacks attributed to the regime.[1]
  • The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has documented 222 chemical weapons attacks in Syria as of November 2023, with 217 of these carried out by Syrian regime forces. These attacks have killed 1,514 individuals, including 1,413 civilians.[2]
  • The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has confirmed five separate instances of the Assad regime using chemical weapons, including the April 2018 attack in Douma that killed 43 people.[3]
  • Human Rights Watch has documented the Syrian government’s “widespread and systematic use of chemical weapons” since at least 2013, despite the government’s pledges to cooperate with OPCW and UN inspectors.[4]
  • The 2013 Ghouta chemical attack, which killed hundreds, was the deadliest use of chemical weapons since the Iran-Iraq War.[5]

In summary, the overwhelming evidence from multiple independent investigations and organizations confirms that the Assad regime in Syria has repeatedly and systematically used chemical weapons against civilians during the civil war, in clear violation of international law.

Citations: [1] Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia…/Use_of_chemical_weapons_in_the…[2] the Syrian Regime Still Possesses a Chemical Weapon Arsenal, With ……/day-remembrance-all-victims-chemi…[3] OPCW Confirms More Syrian Chemical Weapons Use…/opcw-confirms-more-syrian-chemi…[4] Death by Chemicals - Human Rights Watch…/syrian-governments-widespread-and-syste…[5] Ghouta chemical attack - Wikipedia

davel , (edited ) avatar

Oct. 2023:

Mar. 2023: Aaron Mate at UN: OPCW cover-up denies justice to Douma victims

Aaron Maté, Kit Klarenberg, Max Blumenthal, Ben Norton, and others have been reporting on this extensively for years: , -helmets,

Human Rights Watch’s main purpose is to manufacture consent for US regime change operations.

yesman , to worldnews in Barbados To Recognize Palestine as State

Neat. Put the embassy in Jerusalem.

Alsephina OP , to worldnews in Argentina Applies for NATO Global Partner Status

Milei’s government is dead set on becoming a US dog huh.

Skullgrid , avatar

what gave it away, the idea to get rid of the arg peso and replace it with the dollar?

popcap200 ,

Based on what happened to Ukraine, I don’t blame any nation for running to NATO as fast as they can.

queermunist , avatar

Because otherwise… Russia will invade Argentina? 🤨

popcap200 ,

Venezuela almost invaded Guyana. If Guyana was a NATO member it never would have been considered.

queermunist , avatar

You mean the thing that didn’t happen?

Looks like NATO wasn’t necessary to me!

popcap200 ,

Didn’t happen yet. Venezuela is still escalating tensions with force buildups on the border and passing laws claiming the territory, even though they agreed to go through the ICJ to settle the dispute.

queermunist , avatar

Unfortunately Israel shitting all over the ICJ has delegitimized the court’s ability to weigh in on the matter, but they’re working it out through the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. This is distinctly different from the situation in Ukraine because there wasn’t an equivalent organization that could handle disputes.

wildncrazyguy , (edited )

The whole Venezuela v Guyana thing is complicated as hell. It essentially started with the Dutch & Britain drawing Guyana’s maps wrong. Flash forward and Venezuela is all pissed that Guyana’s maps include their territory so arbitration is called in…and the arbiters are the US and UK of all nations. And of course they vote in Guyana’s favor.

So Venezuela of course is once again pissed and doesn’t accept the binding arbitration agreement. Flash forward again and now it’s been made even more complicated since oil has been found off the coast of the contested territory. Even worse, Guyana is poorly equipped to defend it.

To put it simply, it’s a shitshow.

Dudewitbow ,

its more like alliances in the americas is a giant venn diagram of sub alliances. its not really a black and white picture on country alliance. there are sub allliances that may only include 4 countries, then a few of those countries may have a seperate alliamce with 6 othera and such.

for example, most countries in the Americas are defended by monroe doctrine in the case of outside of americas colonization. some of these alliamces are basically conditional alliances fighting a specific cause.

Zehzin , avatar

Even if he invaded he’d leave in a week that shit ain’t worth it

wildncrazyguy ,

I wouldn’t put it past them, They have crossed over the Pacific Ocean before ☺️

queermunist , avatar

They’d have to cross Chile too, though. Or I guess go around them Southern cape. Either way, kind of impractical!

Pistcow , to worldnews in Venezuela Achieves 96.7% Local Food Supply: President Maduro

Sounds like they’re hungry.

yogthos , to worldnews in NATO Claims Western Strikes on Yemen Are Defensive avatar
TWeaK ,

Rubber dinghy rapids bro

anarchoilluminati , to worldnews in Argentina Refuses to Supply Fuel to Cuban Planes avatar

We’re going to need an :argentina-cool: real fast.

Aquilae , avatar

For the non-Hexbears that means a variant of the amerikkka isntrael nato-cool emojis

Kbobabob , to world in Estimated Number of Ukrainian Casualties in Counteroffensive

The Russian Foreign Ministry reported

Oh, well. Why would anyone believe anything that comes out of Russia?

Rose ,

The source is also based in Venezuela. Isn’t Putin friends with Venezuela?

QuarterSwede , to worldnews in Boluarte Authorizes the Entry of US Military Into Peru avatar

US intelligence doing what the they do best, infiltrating a country’s political network and then helping to overthrow their government so that US based companies can extract resource (in this case lithium apparently).

AdamEatsAss ,

That sweet sweet lithium. Can’t sell a new iPhone every year without lithium batteries.

9488fcea02a9 ,

How many iphones is 1 electric car battery?

BongRipsMcGee420 , to worldnews in Former Afghan Guantanamo Prisoner Calls for Compensation

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Mesothelioma getting tortured by the US government you may be entitled to financial compensation.

AnotherPerson , avatar

There would be a long list of people on that class action lawsuit list.

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