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Fidel_Cashflow , to worldnews in Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age' avatar
yogthos , to worldnews in Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age' avatar
STUPIDVIPGUY , to worldnews in Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age'

I believe if Israel is going to actively commit crimes against humanity and simultaneously threaten other populations’ existence, then Israel itself has no inherent right to exist like the apologists claim

Amir , avatar

I have news for you then! They’re already doing it

MsPenguinette , to worldnews in Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age'

Suprising how numb we all are to countries saying they will make an entire population suffer rather than talking about fighting the military. We are just one or two layers away from countries saying “we’ll kill all the babies till they regret even thinking about looking at us sideways”

Zaktor ,

We’re there. Netanyahu referenced Amalek in his war speech, a story where god commanded the Jews to kill every last infant of an enemy nation. The deputy speaker in parliament explicitly said there are no innocent civilians in Gaza and it must be wiped off the face of the earth.

card797 , to worldnews in Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age'

This tracks.

eskimofry , to worldnews in Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age'

Israel needs to be taken down by Jews. The rot is quite deep.

flambonkscious ,

That’s probably the only way they can save themselves.

Tragically Palestinians doing the same to Hamas is also needed - the odds of both peoples doing that together must be near zero

Majestic ,

Hamas is a legitimate resistance group exercising their legitimate, legal right under international law to violently resist unlawful colonization, occupation, land-theft, and genocide. They have every right to exist, they have every right to use violence against settlers who should leave and give back the stolen land.

If you want more moderate types, know that the zionists intentionally crushed them and propped up Hamas to create just this kind of argument and by spouting it you’re carrying water for them. Only the end of the occupation and the formation of a full Palestinian state will result in the breathing room for the creation of moderate groups and opinions.

flambonkscious ,

You are absolutely correct. I was being intentionally simplistic due to the harsh edges of the morning

nekandro OP , to worldnews in Russian space control center in Crimea struck by Ukrainian ATACMS missiles

This strike is extremely confusing. It’s a space radar thats only other use case is as an early-warning radar for ICBMs (that is, in the event of nuclear war).

Why is Ukraine going after Russia’s nuclear triad? What the fuck is going on?

ThePyroPython ,

I would guess this is likely to get Russia to dedicate more forces to protecting their nuclear capabilities because without that Putin knows he’s fucked.

The more anti-missile and anti-air are dedicated to protecting nuclear triad infrastructure, the less is protecting other assets like HQs, supply depos, aircraft and other conventional combat systems.

nekandro OP ,

The implication being that somebody wants to launch a nuclear strike on Russia.

Attacking a country’s nuclear triad is cause for a nuclear retaliatory strike under all non-NFU doctrines. If Russia can’t identify whether an incoming object is a nuclear strike, any no first use doctrine goes out the window.

This is pushing us straight towards nuclear war with our eyes closed.

sweng ,

How is that the implication when there are lots of other explanations, one even given above?

If the target costs more than the missile (including the opportunity cost), and/or the target is a high priority for repairs, it makes sense to target it. It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.

filoria ,

I guess the fear of nukes has waned since the end of the Cold War.

Y’all will literally sacrifice the entire world so long as Russia loses.

modifier ,

Or Russia could stop annexing sovereign shit.

Funny to read people carrying Russia’s dirty pisswater, pretending to wring their hands in fear about a response to fucking aggression. We aren’t happening to Russia, Russia is happening to us.

filoria ,

Funny that you should bring that up, because Eastern Ukraine is ethnically and linguistically Russian-dominated, just like Crimea. Self-determination for me but not for thee?

Why does Western Ukraine get to dictate the sovereignty of Eastern Ukraine?

modifier ,

Which invasion mission was “self-determination” code for again?

surge_1 ,

As a Russian speaking Ukrainian from eastern Ukraine, a sincere fuck you is sent your way.

Just because we were raised speaking russian doesn’t mean any of this shit is ok.

filoria ,

And yet your neighbours evidently disagree, given the extent from which the Donbas and Luhansk militias successfully recruited from the population.

An anecdote does not disprove statistics.

Lysergid ,

You talking about those forcefully recruited after being blackmailed into accepting Russian passport or those who already had it before 2014 and were sent there after? Yes, sure, there are people who genuinely wanted those regions to be part of Russia. As there are Russians fighting on Ukraine’s side. Following your logic Ukraine or other “high moral” party should’ve run “special military operation” to help Russian Freedom Legion to overthrow Putin. Why not mentioning Crimea’s tatars in Russian army? Is it coz they were repressed, their property was taken and they were forcefully moved out of their native lands? Why their ethnicity is not that important? Can’t absorb Russian identity nationalism to the degree they blindly follow their tsar? Or better tell us if Russia is so pro-ethnicity independence then why Russia taking down those Dagestan rebels? Or not giving Siberia’s people independence? “That’s all western propaganda” you’ll say. Don’t bother.

I’m join my neighbor in request to you to fuck ff. Don’t make me mad and keep “your” imperialistic opinion for Russian Empire fan meetup. The only anecdote here is you

surge_1 ,

Well said, thank you. I decided not to feed the troll any more.

Petter1 ,

We had this topic in our country as well as gadafi thought “ehh? In this country, they speak German French and Italian, so logically those parts of switzerland should belong to Italia, Germany, France.”

But german speaking swiss people don’t want to belong to Germany, Italian speaking Swiss people don’t want to belong to Italy and French speaking swiss people don’t want to belong to France.

It makes me sad and mad that there are so many people thinking in simple ways like this and think they are stable geniuses. Like, get yourself some culture, FFS.

Iapar ,

Like in school when you hit the bully back and get suspended.

“Warum tun menschen einem schlimme Dinge an? Weil man es zulässt.”

Sometimes the only decision is dying kneeling or dying standing.

yogthos , avatar

No matter how many times you repeat this Russia isn’t going to stop the war. That’s been obvious for two years to anyone with a functioning brain. The fact that psycho wasps want to turn this war into a nuclear holocaust is just incredible.

modifier ,

Russia could end it, but won’t, so who is courting nuclear war?

yogthos , avatar

The idiots attacking first strike detection infrastructure. Amazing this needs to be spelled out.

modifier ,

It doesn’t need to be spelled out. You just keep misspelling it intentionally.

Attacking first strike detection isn’t the provocation, it’s the response. Amazing this needs to be spelled out, except we all know it doesn’t because we all know you understand perfectly well.

bloubz ,

So bombing civilians protesting neo-nazi government was a response as well? You can go very far like this

yogthos , avatar

Attacking first strike detection isn’t the provocation

The fact that you genuinely believe this really says all we need to know about your intellectual capacity.

modifier ,

Thank you! Have a good one.

CyberMonkey404 ,

Our eyes aren’t closed. The ruling class wants it. The proles have been taught to want it - just go to any thread discussing Russia or China, you’ll see calls to bomb Three Gorges Damb or just a broad “bomb the blyats” (actual quote). Our eyes aren’t closed at all

filoria ,

dedicate more forces to protecting their nuclear capabilities

Are you hearing yourself? The nuclear capability is the protection. There’s a reason that during the Cold War nobody was stupid enough to attack someone else’s nuclear early warning radar. The entire principle of mutually assured destruction relies on both parties knowing what the other is NOT doing so they know that they don’t need to respond.

Buddahriffic ,

A preemptive strike is still suicide even if it’s done because early detection capabilities are reduced or lost. And a first strike against someone without early detection capabilities still isn’t a guaranteed win when the subs are still hidden and the doomsday device is still armed.

Taco2112 ,

Where are you reading that is a radar for ICBMs? The article just says a Krasukha radar jammer is reported to be there. Reading the Wikipedia article for these systems indicate that they can jam the radar for UAVs and drones. Since Ukraine has been using drones heavily, I can see why they would attack. I’m not saying that it doesn’t work against ballistic missiles but it’s seems like they have a lot of other applications to Russia’s war effort.

filoria ,

Saying that a radar jammer is protecting Russia’s nuclear triad is like… Well, obviously? Like, are you stupid, or are you just trying to justify nuclear war?

Some analysts point to a nearby Soviet NIP-16 Space Tracking and Deep Space Communication Centre near the city of Yevpatoria on the Black Sea coast that is a nuclear early-warning station.

nuclear early warning system

Taco2112 , (edited )

If you’re going to come at me with a link about Ukraine, please make sure it’s from a website that’s not run by this guy:

Ben Aris: There’s a narrative in the mainstream media about, you know, “Stand with Ukraine and never report the negative stuff, only report the positive stuff.” But people I deal with, professional investors in particular, they’re interested in what’s actually going on because they’ve got money in the game in the form of investments and assets.

I don’t think the negative stuff shouldn’t be reported but fuck him and his professional investor friends.

BTW: Ben Aris has controlling interest in the company that owns the link you shared and got his start in journalism in Moscow.

sunzu ,

Thank you!

PS. if you did the looking up or just know it, just drop it down!

useful info

PS2. i did not confirm if this guy is right but i trust a bro lol

zephyreks ,

If you’re going to discredit a link, please make sure that the statement itself is incorrect. You are being warned.

Kyiv Post also calls it an early warning radar complex:

Visstix ,

“won’t someone please think of the poor military targets”

MrVilliam ,

Because any country fighting a war on defense against aggressors/invaders knows that the path to winning is to hold strong, wait out the clock, and drain resources from the enemy. Something as essential as that will cause urgency to redirect resources and personnel to replace/repair and then better defend it so that it doesn’t just immediately happen again. This makes defense easier because there’s less of an offense while that’s happening. This also can cause internal loss of support since Russian citizens can see the costs of this going up. They will know people who were sent to die on the front lines. They will see taxes go up and availability of goods go down. Once Russian citizens start to question and criticize the campaign, there could be a snowball effect that ends with Putin and his cronies having to make a choice between stopping the invasion or losing power. I don’t think Putin will ever stop, so the real choice will be desperate attacks (which could include nukes, triggering article 5 and effectively ending Russia) or a coup. Putin has checkmated himself whether he is aware of it yet or not. His best case scenario at this point is dying of natural causes in office and leaving that hard decision to his successor who will probably back down and be a pariah for it, saving Russia in the process.

LarkinDePark ,

Didn’t work. Only the western aggressor is drained, militarily and morally. The war is lost, Russia won.

Chainweasel ,

Well it’s Russian infrastructure on Ukrainian land, who cares what it’s for?

corsicanguppy , (edited )

So a simple eviction -slash- fireworks show then.


yogthos , avatar

Also, according to the genius logic there Ukraine is using cluster munitions to bomb their own civilians since these clowns claim that Crimea is Ukrainian.

Olifant ,

Which by all rights it is… annexation not withstanding.

yogthos , avatar

Given that Ukraine has no qualms murdering them, it’s no surprise that people actually living in Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia. Funny how westerners only care about self determination when it suits them.

LarkinDePark ,

It’s literally Russian land. The people voted to leave the fascist puppet state.

yogthos , avatar

literally everyone who is not an imbecile

Nakoichi , avatar

Well that’s not at all concerning…

I used to think nobody was stupid enough to kick off an apocalyptic nuclear war but in the last two years I feel like that belief may have been a bit naive.

Collatz_problem ,

I guess they are trying to achieve the possibility of a decisive first strike for USA.

KeenFlame ,


Liz ,

Open source researchers on social media suggested a Krasukha electronic warfare radar jammer had been positioned on the complex.

That’s why. The jammer is messing with Ukrainian operations and Russia put it there so they could scream “nuclear site!” if Ukraine ever went after it.

realharo ,

Is this a tinfoil conspiracy site? Tankie infowars?

n3m37h ,

Dude, leave your bubble every once in a while

realharo ,

You don’t think coming to the conclusion “omg, this must be nuclear war preparations”, instead of this just being a regular target, is conspiracy level thinking?

It would fit right into Alex Jones’s show. And it’s the most upvoted comment here.

n3m37h ,

TankieMore generally, a tankie is someone who tends to support “militant opposition to capitalism”, and a more modern online variation, which means “something like ‘a self-proclaimed communist who indulges in conspiracy theories and whose rhetoric is largely performative.’”

How is asking a simple question suddenly make one an Alex Jones Tankie? Yes there is a implication, but I don’t see a conspiracy theory here.

Plus Alex Jones target audience aren’t tankies. They are racist, Christian white nationalists

Once again, please leave your bubble every once in a while

realharo ,

I can’t believe I have to explain this. Anyway

The comparison to Alex Jones and other conspiracy nutjobs was about how they don’t care about any facts or context, and just like to string together random headlines into some doomsday narrative that supports their view.

The phrase “tankie infowars” means basically that - same methods, just different target audience. So you would switch around who the good guys and bad guys are, but not much else.

Nomecks , to news in Nato is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China, the head of the alliance says

8 billion stupid monkeys

AbidanYre , to news in Nato is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China, the head of the alliance says

Cold War 2: Nuclear Boogaloo

disguy_ovahea ,

There’s nothing cold about the war in Ukraine. With Russia actively destabilizing bordering nations, and China aggressively maintaining presence in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, I only expect things to escalate when the opportunity arises.

FlyingSquid , to news in Nato is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China, the head of the alliance says avatar

Not coincidentally, the nuclear war nightmares that plagued my childhood in the 1980s have returned.

rockSlayer ,

Brought to you by the same people involved in the last one, it’s time for Cold War 2: Electric Boogaloo

FlyingSquid , avatar

To make things worse, my dreams almost always end when the missiles start hitting, if it even gets much past finding out they have been launched.

That idea that I know the world’s about to end and I have maybe an hour’s warning and there’s literally nothing I can do about it… I had that nightmare twice Friday night.

ours , (edited )

An hour? Oh boy, it’s worst. 30 minutes for ICBMs and only for the higher ups. Even less for submarine launch missiles.

I’m currently reading Nuclear War: A scenario and so far it only cemented my initial understanding that once the bombs go off, not much matters since it’s the end of the World.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I just hope I die right away rather than linger due to not being close enough to a ground zero.

Nougat ,

... when the missiles start hitting, ...

I'm lucky! That's also when my reality would end in a blaze of shockwave!

FlyingSquid , avatar

Hopefully mine too, but that’s the point I wake up if I get that far. There’s no living in a Mad Max world in my dream. It’s always about the total lack of control as the world ends.

Hexadecimalkink , to worldnews in Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby

NATO is the evil empire

einkorn , avatar

Yes, comrad! Freedom is slavery and war is peace!

wheresmysurplusvalue , avatar

Epic bacon quoting the Jorjor Wells book! You win the internet for today.

einkorn , avatar

Sure do. Waiting for the next ban now, since I just notice that I again found my way on to the official tankie instance.

Black_Mald_Futures ,

You wouldn’t get banned if you had opinions that weren’t dogshit

robinnn , avatar

Maybe don’t mindlessly say it requires cognitive dissonance to consider NATO (an organization that bombed Libya and supported anti-black rebels leading to an open-air slave market in the country, and armed/collaborated with Nazis and ethno-nationalists to sabotage left-wing movements in West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Italy, etc. (Operation Gladio)) an evil empire (and for slavery/against peace to use your 1984 comparison).

einkorn , avatar

Maybe don’t mindlessly rattle off the same Whataboutism every time the current Russian war against Ukraine is being discussed.

realharo ,

It was Medvedev who started talking shit about nukes more than a year ago (and a lot since then)…/russias-medvedev-wed-have-use-nucle……/putin-ally-medvedev-warns-nuclear-w…

LarkinDePark ,

Originally it was NATO via its puppet Zelensky.

Hexadecimalkink ,

Medvedev is a nut. I think he’s just spewing vitriol to appease the hawks in Russia. The same way Lindsey Graham does in the states.

yogthos OP , avatar

always has been

JohnDClay , to worldnews in Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby

The boomers are always on active alert, so would standby be a step down? I didn’t get what this would do. Everything is already ready to launch quickly and has been for decades.

bbigras ,

Yeah. It just sounds like silly war marketing.

breadsmasher , to news in Alleged Russian spy from Essex appears in court charged with passing on MP’s details avatar

The court heard that Mr Phillips is charged with “acquiring and retaining personal contact details of a Member of Parliament”

is this specifically a crime?

QuantumSpecter OP ,

National Security Act 2023

breadsmasher , avatar


Leg , to world in Man detained in mental hospital after trying to set up Pakistan’s first gay club

I don’t think I know what progress looks like anymore.

nifty , to world in Man detained in mental hospital after trying to set up Pakistan’s first gay club avatar

It’s kinda ridiculous, I hate that Islamic countries fail the separation of religion and state test. Education is a great way to change it, and just aiming to make people less religiously inclined.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Islam was designed to be all encompassing. A separation of religion and state is anathema to Islam.

nifty , avatar

Doesn’t matter, and same can be said of any religion. What matters is educating people and making them prefer secular states.

force ,

It worked for Turkey… until recently…

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