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Grandwolf319 , to memes in Chat Apps

Am I the only one who agrees with this non ironically?

I like how my notifications are segregated by friend lol.

unconfirmedsourcesDOTgov ,

You’re probably in the minority, but probably not the only one.

pineapplelover , (edited ) to memes in Chat Apps

I only use two of these (signal/molly and discord/aliucord/webcord)

Edit: oo element is on there. I also use that lol.

Baku ,

I use Discord and WhatsApp

ImplyingImplications , to memes in The Extra Mile

I go the extra mile. It’s not for pay. It’s because I’m stuck at work for 8 hours anyways and I’d rather work than pretend to work.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah I put in enough work to be proud of myself and not bored. I try to focus on skills and projects that are marketable

SkybreakerEngineer , to memes in The Extra Mile

The guy that does nothing at all and whines until he gets someone else to do it, is also paid the same as you. And will never get fired.

Takeshidude , to memes in Chat Apps

Element is okay, but I really wish Matrix had better clients on iOS. If Cinny put out an iOS app or got the web app working better on mobile, I’d be way more willing to start using Matrix more.

LodeMike ,

Element sucks but the fact that it uses Matrix makes it really good.

Cysioland , avatar

Unable to decrypt message

toastal ,

Syncing for 15 minutes

pearsaltchocolatebar , to memes in The Extra Mile

Eh, going the extra mile is how I went from customer service agent to senior server engineer in 5 years (with the same company).

There’s always a balance between the two, but the most important thing is knowing how to say no without sounding like you’re saying no.

explodicle ,

My career has also gone very well in this time period by slacking on my previous job and using the extra time to get my current job. Per minute spent, I think it’s more cost effective to look for a new job. Companies hate loyalty now.

I don’t even sugar coat the “no” anymore. When the next company calls, all they’re going to share is how long I worked there.

Here’s a Venn Diagram:

(me) [alienation] (my labor)

lil_tank , avatar

but the most important thing is knowing how to say no without sounding like you’re saying no.

Yeah it’s a lot about how to market yourself to your higher ups. An employee is a commodity and selling commodites is more about marketing than the actual quality of the product. The biggest victims of that system are the introvert ones who do six extra miles but don’t get any recognition

InputZero ,

Tell me about it, my inability to recognize my own achievements is almost pathological. Work extra to get a difficult but interesting project out on time then deflect any praise provided after is a sure fire way to never get noticed.

crushyerbones ,

Eh going the extra mile is how I got so burned out I had to quit a job for the sake of my physical and mental health.

Did I get promoted? Hell no. Never did. The boss’s wife sure did though.

Yes I’m aware you said balance but I just had to share why I’m currently trying not to care anymore. Note I said trying, I’m really terrible at not giving everything to every project I’m in.

dtjones ,

It is entirely job dependent. I have been in jobs where it was just a grind and going the extra mile simply put a smile on my boss’s face. In jobs like these the best thing you can do is carve out as many hours as possible during the work week to build new skills or apply to other jobs. I’ve also been in jobs where going the extra mile directly contributed meaningful skills to my resume/portfolio and helped me get a new job with way better pay.

Mog_fanatic ,

I’ve been in this game for a good bit now and while I’ve seen a bunch of go getters put in ridiculous hours and slave away and actually get promoted, I have seen faaaaaaar more just get promoted for being in the right place at the right time or, most times, being the child, spouse, in-law, or friend of someone high up in the company. In my experience your social standing or just plain luck accounts for about 90% of it. The other 10% isn’t the work you do, it’s the work they think you do.

MrVilliam ,

the most important thing is knowing how to say no without sounding like you’re saying no.

The best part is that once you have proven expertise and an impressive resume, you don’t even have to sound like you’re saying no anymore. After being a lackey for a long time, it feels wrong to say no because it makes you feel like an asshole, but the reality is that there’s only so much time; there are only so many hours in a day, and you have only so many days left in this world, and you should expect to actually enjoy some amount of those remaining days. Plus you start to realize that your value far exceeds your compensation, otherwise a company whose sole existence is for the purpose of profit would be incapable of existing since there is no profit if the labor is paid what it is objectively worth. So you just pick your battles and tell people to fuck off when they overstep. It costs money to hire and train a replacement, so unless you’re already highly compensated, you have the power to say no to egregious asks and you really should, or you set precedent that you’ll say yes to that type of shit and they will continue pushing until they find the line where you finally say no. There is risk that they’ll fire you and figure out later that it takes more than one new hire to do what you were already doing without considering the scope creep, but with a good resume and a healthy savings I enjoy playing chicken with a bad boss.

I’ve been with my current company for almost 3 years and I’ve only had to say no a couple of times. They’re far from perfect, but they’re good enough that I actually don’t like to say no when I have to here. They pretty much always have reasonable asks. I’m 35 but I could actually see myself staying here until retirement unless they drastically change. I know for a fact that I could go elsewhere for similar pay and treatment pretty easily (because I’ve interviewed and received offers but turned them down because the pain of change wasn’t worth something lateral), so I’m ready if they do pivot to fuck this environment up but I’d really rather stay.

g8phcon2 , avatar

that's capitalist bullshit

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

OK, buddy.

brb , to memes in Chat Apps

Whatsapp for irl friends, Discord for online friends and gaming, email for professional communication. Not too complicated

Sabata11792 , to lemmyshitpost in Sit up straight, damnit avatar

Pass, The sound my spine makes while sitting "properly" is a sign this is wrong. I will continue sitting like a tied up pair of pants fresh out of the drier, and you can't stop me.

Track_Shovel OP ,

I fucking love the analogy

Speculater , to memes in The Extra Mile avatar

Bro, I’m salaried and only really need to work six hours a day. So that’s exactly what I do. My coworkers put in 12-14 hours a day six days a week… We get the same paycheck.

Granted, I’m consistently rated at the bottom of my department by my supervisors, but I’m also the most highly requested employee by our customers. Literally no one else gets requested by name and I have to triage projects.

HobbitFoot ,

Why do you think there is so much disparity between your bosses and your clients?

Speculater , avatar

I show up late and leave early and don’t participate in the “work culture” stuff, this makes my employer upset.

I get requested because I’m the best at my job and the customers talk to each other. I’ve had clients from other employees ask to switch to me but that’s not allowed by policy. The best I can do is look at the work they’re receiving and give feedback.

HobbitFoot ,

Sounds like shitty management.

Speculater , avatar

It’s crabs in a bucket and they’re mad I won’t get in the water. I’m paid well and they mostly leave me alone. They’ve only once fucked up my career once by bad-mouthing me to a department I tried to transfer to in order to learn a new skill.

HobbitFoot ,

Crabs in a bucket makes sense for the staff, but not the management. Management should be judging with outputs in mind.

Landless2029 ,

See I’m salary but I’m forced to put in 8 hrs a day. Even if I have no work to do. It sucks.

Speculater , avatar

That’s horrible. What’s the point of salary if you have an hourly requirement? That sounds like fake hourly.

Pickle_Jr ,

The point of Salary is so they don’t have to pay for overtime. The slave labor is the purpose, forcing people to work more than 8 is just a nice little cherry on top ☺️.

Speculater , avatar

Having a one way street that can only work for them seems like some serious bullshit. I’m glad we don’t track our time where I work. If I had mandatory hours I’d insist on hourly rates.

theangryseal ,

Boom shakalaka. He shoots he scores.

This is the answer. I worked for a company before the law changed where “managers have to work 60 hours a week”. You know why? Because those last 20 hours made them half of what they would have had to pay someone else. Somehow people fell for it though. “It’s a guaranteed paycheck if I git sick. It’ll work out, won’t it?”


It ain’t for you boo boo.

EndHD ,

do you have any other advice? they got us going back to the mines soon with no additional pay, no parking, and no bus passes. so I’m looking to adjust accordingly

Speculater , avatar

Honestly, if you have time and are risk tolerant, going to flight school is a great career at the moment. You take on $200k in debt though.

MrVilliam ,

I’m consistently rated at the bottom of my department by my supervisors

Unless you miss out on raises or promotions because of this or lose your job, this is meaningless. It’s “this will go on your permanent record” but for adults. This is coming from somebody who is pretty proudly the quiet worker who stays around the middle of the pack and does just enough to keep things slightly better than just maintained, so both coworkers and bosses can objectively see that I’m neither making things worse nor just keeping things coasting. And I got a promotion last year, so I guess it’s the right strategy (here, anyway) lol.

Speculater , avatar

Yep, they’re only middle management as far as the company is concerned I’m still competitive for corporate level promotions and my “bad” reputation will stay back in my current office. I’m gunning for a promotion next summer, so hopefully these dingbats will be in my rearview mirror next year.

MrVilliam ,

Good luck and Godspeed! Write down every recent and upcoming success so you can cite objective improvements in your interviews/meetings. Customer feedback will help too. If you have any big clients who can vouch for you personally being the reason that your company kept their business, even better. The only risk there is that they may decide that you’re too valuable in your current role, but you can get ahead of that by pitching that you’ll be able to apply your success to bigger wins in a higher role and guide others to learn how to do what you’ve done. Worst case scenario, you don’t get that promotion but you still have it all compiled for interviews elsewhere. If you want to be at the level of that promotion, you should chase it whether it’s within the company or without! You got this!

Jedi , to memes in Chat Apps avatar

Wait, do you guys have friends?

cumskin_genocide , to memes in The Extra Mile

that’s why I outsource the work to other parts of the world for a cheaper price. They will do it better, cheaper, faster and won’t whine about.

TexMexBazooka ,

Exploitation, yeah!

Rooskie91 , to memes in The Extra Mile

As if either employee is the problem. Blame the fucking aristocrats shorting both of their paychecks

bennieandthez , to memes in The Extra Mile avatar

Go the extra mile, not working but bootlicking your boss and you’ll ascend faster.

moon , to lemmyshitpost in Zen

Idk I usually am thinking that I just wanna die

sangriaferret , (edited ) to memes in Chat Apps

Somebody please tell me what’s wrong with just texting? Why did half the world decide MMS needed to be replaced with a proprietary app? It works, everyone has it and there’s no confusion. Unless you are concerned about privacy or something, why not just text?

Edit: MMS not SMS. I didn’t understand the difference.

hakobo ,

SMS doesn’t handle pictures, videos, gifs, reactions, or group conversations. Things I use all the time. MMS handles some of that, but implementation varies greatly by carrier and device. If you want consistency of that functionality, you have to go with an app. Apple and Google have created replacements for SMS and MMS that could be the next version of “texting” but Apple refuses to let anyone else use theirs (iMessage) and Google has only half opened up theirs (RCS), so those don’t really fix much.

sangriaferret ,

(I guess I don’t know the difference between SMS and MMS.)

I must be using MMS for texting. All of those features work for me and anyone I text with. The only issue I’ve ever had is imessage compressing videos to and from my android.

I still don’t get it

dditty ,

This article does a pretty good job differentiating SMS, MMS, RCS, and iMessages

Appoxo , avatar

Wait until everyone and their dogs gets back to MMS…
You know how expensive they were during the upcoming of WhatsApp? Germany paid 0,80€ (at the time. Though the price is probably not much different during the early iPhone/Android 2.3 times) per picture. Compare that to the amount of stuff sent today and at the time you will probably pay 5€ per day just to get some things across.


frostycakes , avatar

It’s ironic that Europe adopted SMS years before we did in America because texting was absurdly expensive here. I remember paying $0.25/SMS back in 2003 or so (it dropped to a comparable bargain of $0.10/SMS after you sent 20 messages in a month), plus we had to pay to both send and receive them. I remember having to pay my parents $20/mo extra just to have unlimited SMS/MMS on my line only a couple years later once I was old enough to get a job.

I’m surprised that Europe kept up per message charges for MMS so long, they were basically always billed at the same rate as SMS here.

Appoxo , avatar

It’s just that almost every phone plan includes sms (dunno about mms) nowadays. So it’s a no brainer and those that are getting pre paid sims probably only need it for calling anyways.

2xsaiko , avatar

MMS is still 0.37€ for me right now (SMS is free though). Completely unacceptable.

Shatur , avatar

Why did half the world decide SMS needed to be replaced with a proprietary app

SMS is even worse in terms of openness. You won’t find a modem that runs open source baseband firmware. It’s because the radios are subject to several regulations which means customers can’t be able to modify that firmware.

kofe ,

Imma be honest, half my communication involves emojis on discord. Jeb with his arms up is part of my personality now and I won’t apologize. When I started seeing someone a few weeks ago I had to explain that he’s missing out on half of my personality by texting. I substitute by jebbing in person but it’s just not the same 😔

(and yes, Jeb has become a verb)

brbposting ,
kofe ,


Supermariofan67 ,

It’s unencrypted and we know with certainly that the messages are stored by federal agencies and cell carriers. It also requires giving out one’s phone number which may be undesirable in some situations

Perfide ,

MMS doesn’t have much bandwidth available and it’ll just compress instead of failing to send, so even android to android if you send a long enough HD video the recipient will get compressed garbage. Then, of course, there’s the fact any videos sent over MMS from android to an iPhone(and vice versa iirc) becomes compressed garbage no matter how long or HD the video was, but that’s more Apple’s fault than MMS directly.

abhibeckert ,

what’s wrong with just texting

If you have friends in another country, it might cost a quarter every time you send a message.

In regions of the world (e.g. Europe, and a lot of Asia) where some countries are the size of a large city (or perhaps the entire country is one city), that’s a problem. You’d be sending international texts all day every day.

helenslunch , avatar

SMS and MMS are literally the worst possible option. Zero security, zero privacy, zero features, dogshit quality photos and videos (especially when messaging an Apple user).

KillingTimeItself ,

because cellular providers are actually criminals.

Also sms (and mms, whatever the fuck else exists, it’s all terrible, shits all packets flowing through the internet, it’s the same shit) sucks, and is bad, and you shouldnt use it.

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