There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

smeg , to lemmyshitpost in trash


Do you mean the Recycle Bin?

_number8_ , to lemmyshitpost in trash

i recently bought a new device so i had to install the fresh / current versions of my apps. very annoying because god the twitter icon looks like fucking garbage now

BruceTwarzen ,

The funniest thing about the renaming stunt is that it's still either called twitter, x/twitter, xitter or x formally known as twitter.

SpaceNoodle ,

You didn’t have to install Twitter.

stoy , to lemmyshitpost in trash

Wrong year for Twitter.

Orbituary , to lemmyshitpost in trash avatar

In 2022 it was still Twitter.

ilinamorato ,

For almost everyone in the world it’s still Twitter today. Nobody calls it X except Musk and Linda Y. Even the weird tech bros still call it Twitter.

Lemminary ,

Even Twitter calls itself Twitter. Almost as if they half-heartedly made the switch just to shut the boss’s yap.

FinallyDebunked , avatar

Futures generations will call it x

Hiro8811 ,

I still don’t give enough shit to care how you refer to shit. X, Twitter or greatest propaganda machine, at the end of the day it’s the same platform

mordred ,

Implying it will survive a generation

HelixDab2 , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.

So, here’s a thought.

Instead of complaining, get active at a local level. Start doing shit, instead of complaining that other people should do shit. Be a local activist. Run for office. Work in person to persuade people. Get backing. Shake hands, kiss babies, meet people. And then? Vote for the best choices that you have.

If you want shit to change, you can’t complain on-line, you have to get off your ass and do something.

TrismegistusMx OP ,

So, what EXACTLY do you think is my purpose in creating propaganda like this post?

And why do you assume I am not doing more?

Is it projection?

HelixDab2 ,

I assume that you aren’t doing more because almost all of the people bitching about the Dems only aligning with 95% of their views and therefore don’t vote for the Dems because they’re just as bad are accelerationists; they just want to make the system function even less well than it already does so that the whole things crashes and burns. Or, worse, in the case of someone like Jill Stein, are actively working against the interests of the country. Best case scenario? They’re speaking to an in-group to harden people in a position so that they’re less likely to engage with political opponents.

If you really, truly want things to change, you gotta do that shit on a 1:1 basis, in person. If you’re serious about changing people and fixing shit, I’d suggest looking at techniques of street epistemology and reading David McRaney’s “How Minds Change”.

TrismegistusMx OP ,

Maybe you should stop arguing with your fantasies and projecting your frustrations so you can engage with people who are actually doing the work.

HelixDab2 ,

I do. Do you? Or do you think that ‘spreading propaganda’ is ‘work’?

TrismegistusMx OP ,

It’s one of the things I do. You don’t know anything else about me, but you seem to think you do. All I know about you is that you can turn any subject into a conversation about yourself.

knightly , avatar

Tried that, all I got for my trouble was a total disillusionment with the American voting public.

Americans, generally, do not care, and I can’t convince them that they should.

HelixDab2 ,

You can. But you need to engage them one on one, and you need to find out what’s important to them, what frustrates them, and why. And then build on that. It takes empathy, and not faked empathy. It’s not a short conversation, like asking someone to donate to Greenpeace on a sidewalk in Brooklyn. It’s deep canvassing.

knightly , avatar

“A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on.”

One-on-one might be effective, but it can’t scale. There’s no hope for the most heavily propagandized country on Earth that doesn’t start with an end to the incentive to lie for profit, I.E. Capitalism.

HelixDab2 ,

It does scale, but it doesn’t scale directly.

For the most part, people change based on relationships, not raw information. In general, you can’t counter a belief simply by presenting overwhelming information. (This is one of the only areas where Trump is a savant; he’s actively fostered a parasocial relationship with his cultists. They believe that they have a strong social relationship with him, so they’re inoculated against information that’s critical or negative of Trump.) What this means is that ideas can be contagious, and can spread through relationships. If you are able to use you relationship with your parents to help them understand why e.g. Trump is terrible for the country, then they can, in turn, spread that to their friends.

While I appreciate your desire to abolish capitalism, in the case of fascism, it’s not money, but power that’s at play. Even if you eliminated all profit motive, people would still shill for Trump because they think that they can get some kind of benefit that isn’t necessarily monetary.

knightly , avatar

Money and power are equivalent, hence my identification of the problem as Capitalism. Billionaire-owners who can afford to run a propaganda machine as a loss-leader are also to be abolished.

Omega_Haxors , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.

Counterargument: If the democrats don’t want to lose they should stop funding mass genocide.

TwistedTurtle ,

To be fair the GOP would happily fund it too

nilloc ,

Hey, only if it doesn’t conflict with Putin’s goals.

TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

Anything USA/Europe intentionally does wrong… the Chinese/Russians/Jews/Muslims!!!111!1!!!1

brain_in_a_box ,

Speaking of fascism: blaming the evils of your own country on the perfidious scheming of conniving foreign enemies.

Rubanski ,

How can anyone think that Trump wouldn’t support it. If anything, he would call the IDF a bunch of pussies for not bombing Gaza even harder.

bobthened ,

That’s not the point. People aren’t saying that they’d rather have Trump in charge. The point is things will never get better if everyone keeps unquestioningly giving their votes to the Democrats regardless of how little the democrats represent their interests. The only real way most people have of making a political party change is by withholding their votes until that party changes in order to regain the votes.

ZombiFrancis ,

Trump would denounce Israel, even as a lie, to win the White House.

spudwart ,

Your options:

  • Genocide overseas & decent domestic policies
  • Genocide overseas & Genocide domestically
Omega_Haxors ,

American lives > Brown people lives

Got it.

spudwart ,

This is not a winnable situation. This is a two party system with a lesser of two evils option.

But we cannot consistently remain on the edge forever. If we pass over that line. And we have trump next year, it will be our last election.

We’ll either have a civil war and finally revise the system or end up like Russia.

Alternatively we can stay on the edge a little longer and build up a different strategy. Maybe A third party that only runs non-president candidates nationwide. Running in off elections and non-presidential yearsto gain seats and national trust. Maybe reforming local laws to make PACS less effective to avoid situations like the current one.

It’ll be slow and not ideal, but it’s a better chance at improving things then flipping the switch and having the dictatorship now.

Either way Palestinians die because we don’t get a say in that. And to end off this little rant.

Biden is enabling the genocide because his PACs have his hands tied. Trump would be cheering on the genocide because his PACS and his base would support him for it.

Omega_Haxors ,

I’m sure his PACs are also making him believe those obviously fake stories about Hamas. It’s time to admit you’re voting for a fascist.

spudwart ,

Theres the Fascist who will keep the veil of democracy on and avoid total outright Fascism or the Fascist who will burn democracy to the ground and have outright Fascism.

Voting for anyone else is at best throwing your vote in the garbage and at worst voting for the greater of two evils.

This was never an issue of “Voting for the good guy” that hasn’t been an option for as long as I have been alive. This is an issue of biding time to build up a strong enough third party, and we don’t even have a strong enough third party to have a presence in congress or the senate

Omega_Haxors ,

Buying time for what?! The instant Biden got into office you all went back to brunch. All that did was tell the rest of the world “we don’t care how much you’re suffering, as long as we get to be comfortable we are going to continue to sit on our throne of blood”

So congratulations, now the world doesn’t want to support you this time. Good job on that.

spudwart ,

But there have been active courses of action.

The Presidency is one person, with increasingly too much power.

Unions have been exploding in popularity, various local elections have been swinging farther left than the standard democrat playbook.

The people are not voting democrat because they are content with them, they’re voting democrat because there is not another viable option.

It needs to start local and grow. We need a proper left-wing party, if we can ever get organized enough to do such a thing rather than relying on what already exists.

And as I said, I think the best course of action is a measured approach. Local Elections, Off-year elections and non-presidential elections. Grow in numbers, gain public confidence and start snowballing.

The reason why third parties are progressively weakening is because of a lack of faith, and third party’s consistent decimation in the presidential is a big part of it.

Its counter intuitive, but voting third-party hurts third parties in the long run if you focus on them primarily during presidential elections.

I’m not the standard “Oh the third party will never win type.” I’m actively against trying to run before we can walk.

Confidence is a big deal in elections. It’s more obvious in Primaries. If people see a candidate they like in the Primaries, but they don’t think they can win against the opposition candidate, they will not vote for the candidate they like. They will vote for the candidate that they have the most confidence in even if they don’t like that candidate.

We need to start a from the ground up political party that’s entire focus is to stay out of the view of presidential elections, We need to start focusing on bringing Ranked Choice Voting to as many locations as possible. And it will be a long process. But it’s far better than repeatedly doing the same thing every election cycle.

We always have the situation of 99% evil vs 100% evil both with a roughly 50/50 chance of winning and a selection of third party candidates who are decent but have 0 chance of winning.

Third party candidate loses, 99% or 100% evil wins. Third Party yet again becomes less relevant and less considered. Repeat. This cycle can only end if we stop focusing on the obvious losing strategy.

bartolomeo , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT. avatar

This is so good, did you make it?

TrismegistusMx OP ,

I used Dall-E to generate the individual elements and put them together in Paint.NET. AI couldn’t understand the prompts I was using well enough to generate what I wanted.

bartolomeo , avatar

Lol cool. It reminds me of 2016 when I checked the Republican party website and on the Donate page the background was a picture of Trump. Then I checked the Democratic party website and on the Donate page the background was a picture of Trump but with a scary red hue.

marxistsynths19 , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.

Why would we continue doing the exact same thing that has been time and time again proven to be a cheap bandaid that never addresses the issues? Fuck that. We have to try different ways of making progress in this country or we’re fucked. We’re not really a democratic country anyway. None of our representatives actually fight and do what we ask of them. So why fall for it again?

explodicle ,

Bbbut we just need to buy time for [insert other thing that hasn’t been working]!

Avnar , to memes in I'm in danger.Png

It not the decline of Civilisation it is the Decline of the Western Civilisation.

Titan , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.

Neo-liberal fascism or conservative fascism? 🤔

TrismegistusMx OP ,

They’re two faces of the same demon.

Hazmatastic , to memes in *Door slams. Tires squeal in distance*

Men-leaning folk, please try this line on your partners and let me know how it goes

Zerush , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT. avatar

Citizens of the US are really screwed, with a pseudo-democracy where they can only choose between conservatives or fascists, apart from practically half of the population who show that Descartes was wrong, because they exist but they don’t think.

FaeDrifter ,

The US has never been a country that’s good or fair. It’s only very slowly gotten a little better through the sweat and blood of good people.

If we want it to get better it’s going to be a lot of difficult and painstaking work.

interolivary , avatar

show that Descartes was wrong, because they exist but they don’t think.

“A therefore B” doesn’t imply “B therefore A”

taanegl , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.

Biden sucks… but vote for him. I mean the two party system sucks, first passed the post sucks, gerrymandering sucks… but the republican party sucks even more. I’d rather have a dottering old liberal than an outright fascist, and at the same time the system won’t be reformed because of an election cycle. People need to organise, get off their lazy butts. But since you ain’t doing that, there’s only one thing to do.

Vote Biden. Don’t be dumb. It’s like the only sane alternative, no matter how insane that sounds.

yogthos , avatar

People of Gaza are so lucky that it’s the lesser of the two evils facilitating their genocide.

ChairmanMeow , avatar

Yes, I honestly dread to think what Trump would have done.

Lessor of two evils sucks balls, but you can still minimise the damage at least.

yogthos , avatar

Trump would’ve done the exact same thing. You’re not minimizing any damage your regime is facilitating a literal genocide. The fact that you’re keep trying to minimize this fact because it’s your fascist in office shows how utterly morally bankrupt you are.

OpenPassageways ,

The immediate response to the war would probably have been the same, but another 4 years of Trump would have meant more time to inflame tensions in the region even worse with actions such as:

  1. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem
  2. Withdrawal from the Iran deal
  3. Assassination of Iranian generals


yogthos , avatar

Biden has continued all the same policies and has also dragged the world into a proxy war against Russia while continuing to escalate tensions with China. Biden is a lunatic whose actions continue to bring the world closer to a world war.

SylviaTheDragon ,

Pretty sure it was literally Russia who started that war.

Edit: Sorry, meant to say ‘special operation’. This is how states operate now. It fucking sucks. It all fucking sucks. Everyone fucking suck. Throwing shit at each other is no way it’s going to stop. People need to pull their heads out of their ass as point fingers at the people who actually put this shit together. The entire world economy is tired to oil and guns. As long as oil and guns reign supreme, so will war.

yogthos , avatar

Even Ukrainians are now saying that it was the west that stopped negotiations last March…/ukraines-top-negotiator-confirms

Meanwhile, Stoltenberg finally admitted that the reason the war started was because of NATO expansion…

Meanwhile, people who put this all together are the ones running the empire, and as long as Americans keep voting for the lesser evil nothing’s going to change.

ChairmanMeow , avatar

Meanwhile, Stoltenberg finally admitted that the reason the war started was because of NATO expansion

Your link does not support that. It literally states that Putin wanted to completely veto NATO expansion, which he has no right to do. In retaliation for not caving to his absurd demands, he declared war on Ukraine. All of this are actions by Putin and could only have been prevented by Putin. He started the war, nobody else.

yogthos , avatar

Stopping NATO expansion would be an absurd demand if Russia did not have the power to stop do so by force which is what it’s now doing. Russia gave NATO a choice of either stopping expansion to its borders, or resolving the situation by force. NATO chose to resolve the situation by force. The whole narrative that Putin started the war and nobody else is beyond infantile because it just ignores all the history and geopolitical context pretending as if this was some random event that happened out of the blue and for no logical reason.

NATO has maintained a policy of might makes right since the fall of USSR, it has invaded and razed numerous countries over the past few decades, and now it’s run into a country that will no longer tolerate an aggressive military alliance on its borders.

ChairmanMeow , avatar

NATO chose to resolve the situation by force.

NATO did not fire a single shot during this war. Russia was the one who started all the shooting. Not to mention that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that gets to choose if it wishes to associate with NATO. Russia decided to use force to prevent Ukraine from doing that.

There is no history or geopolitical context here that justifies Putins invasion of Ukraine. To claim anything else is an endorsement of Putins flavour of fascism, where he is literally saying that Russian might makes right. It’s insane how deluded you are to literally draw the opposite conclusion from facts that do not support your arguments at all.

yogthos , avatar

The whole point of a proxy war is that you use somebody else to do the fighting for you. Meanwhile, Ukraine lost its sovereignty back in 2014 when a democratically elected government was overthrown in a western backed coup. Painting this as Ukraine freely choosing to associate with NATO is the height of intellectual dishonesty.

Meanwhile, bleating about justifications is just a distraction from the reality of why the war happened. Pretty hilarious of you to run around calling others deluded while spewing utter nonsense. One thing that’s abundantly clear here is that you don’t care one bit about the actual facts. You’re an ideologue regurgitating propaganda you’ve memorized.

ChairmanMeow , avatar

Meanwhile, Ukraine lost its sovereignty back in 2014 when a democratically elected government was overthrown in a western backed coup. Painting this as Ukraine freely choosing to associate with NATO is the height of intellectual dishonesty.

You are ignorant of the facts. The democratically elected Ukrainian parliament adopted a treaty for closer association with the EU, which Yanukovich tried to block. After sending snipers to fire at protestors against his deeply unpopular decision, the Ukrainian parliament voted by a large majority to remove Yanukovich from his post. There is no evidence of Western involvement here, and the only nation that spoke of a “coup” was Russia, as Putin lost his ally in Yanukovich. All of this happened through democratic votes, by a democratically elected governing body.

And one of the first things the interim government did? Hold new elections. How did Putin respond? By sending in troops and illegally occupying Crimea. And in Donetsk and Luhansk the pro-Russian separatists tried everything to disrupt the elections and deprive the Ukrainians there of their democratic right to vote.

Had Yanukovich decided not to send in snipers, the protests would have happened without bloodshed. Had Putin decided not to send in troops, there would not have been bloodshed. Every single time the decision to use violence was taken by Putin or one of his allies.

You’re an ideologue regurgitating propaganda you’ve memorized

Rich coming from someone who only regurgitates Russian talking points verbatim.

yogthos , avatar

No, I’m not ignorant of any facts. And this has been extensively documented in western media.

The regime that got in power started doing these kinds of things to people of Donbas, as was openly reported by CNN at the time.

Now, let’s take a look at a few slides from this lecture that Mearsheimer gave back in 2015 to get a bit of background on the subject. Mearsheimer is certainly not pro Russian in any sense, and a proponent of US global hegemony. First, here’s the demographic breakdown of Ukraine:

here’s how the election in 2004 went:

this is the 2010 election:

As we can clearly see from the voting patterns in both elections, the country is divided exactly across the current line of conflict. Furthermore, a survey conducted in 2015 further shows that there is a sharp division between people of eastern and western Ukraine on which economic bloc they would rather belong to:

Turns out that the civil war started exactly where the current line of contact is, and it started precisely because the nationalist regime the west installed started doing ethnic cleansing.

Rich coming from someone who only regurgitates Russian talking points verbatim.

Ah yes, Russian talking points as reported by western media. You’re an utter clown.

Juno ,

You know, when Biden took office the capitol building had literally just been attacked by a violent mob who smeared shit on the walls. And we were still in covid-lockdowns, and gas was $4 a gallon, and Ukraine had just started getting attacked.

Idk why Biden gets so much shit, but given where he started, I think we are doing a damn fine job and our inflation numbers are much better than most of the rest of the world.

explodicle ,

If inflation is our metric, then Democrats have been in agreement with Republicans ever since the Nixon Shock.

brain_in_a_box ,

Idk why Biden gets so much shit

The genocide is a big part of it.

HikingVet ,

What genocide is he responsible for?

brain_in_a_box ,

Not been watching any news recently?

TrismegistusMx OP ,

Do you think that’s any comfort to the Palestinians Biden is helping to genocide?

taanegl ,

What’s that? Somebody thinks that a different president is going to stop the drones and bombings!? Like they’re not tied up in deals?! Like if a third party candidate won the process would just magically stop?!?!

Bush made the bombs drop, Obama made the bombs drop, Trump made the bombs drop, Biden made the bombs drop… wtf do you think the next president will do? The CIA tells them what’s what and that’s it.

Vote Biden, or get a republican president. Your call.

TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

The faster USA collapses, the faster a possibility would be created for tearing down the 2 party Deep State terrorist system, rebuilding America, and ushering in socialism without leftover crusty poisonous bread crumbs like Bernie Sanders.

It is better for a Republican to accelerate the process that Democrats will eventually lead to, regardless of the quality of copium Americans smoke.

DeLift ,

Vote Trump, for a brighter, socialist future!

Also, blood for the Blood God!

TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

Comrade Trump… MAGA Communism was true all along… albeit in an unexpected way.

TrismegistusMx OP ,

This meme is about you.

taanegl ,

I know. This was clapback to all those who think the notion of voting third party does anything else but taking away votes from the democrats. It’s naive, it’s dumb, it’s quite frankly ignorant. Change in power dynamics happens from the ground up, not the top down.

Just calling a spade a spade.

Overzeetop , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT. avatar

I mean, that's a weird-ass AI prompt. But if fascism wins and you voted third party, yes - it's partly* your fault unless you're too stupid to understand how first past the post voting works.

*conditionals against massive fascist party majority states notwithstanding.

TrismegistusMx OP ,

Keep typing. You’re making my point for me.

OpenPassageways ,

If your goal is to have a third option to vote for, the best way to help is to support independent candidates on the right as well. If the fascist vote is split (say between Trump and Liz Cheney) then a vote for (Cornell West for example) is less likely to be a vote for fascism.

TrismegistusMx OP ,

Third party candidates will never be the answer. They exist only to dilute resistance. The answer is to raise awareness and outrage until it can’t be ignored.

Renevar ,

While I agree third party candidates are not really the solution, what exactly is rage and outrage that can’t be ignored gonna do? How is that gonna change things? Do you think the lawmakers and people in power and gonna just gonna fix the system that put them in power just cause some people got mad? More importantly changing all that would take time, way more time than we have before the next election, so what do you recommend we are suppose to do right now?

Please be a bit more specific than “get mad”, cause trust me, a lot of people have been mad for a long time, just getting mad doesn’t fix anything

TrismegistusMx OP ,

We were on the verge of forcing real change before the neolibs convinced the middle class that they won by electing Biden. The people in the streets fighting cops is always the beginning of change. Spreading information, and not accepting the premise that Biden is the solution is how we get people back in the streets.

explodicle ,

If one is a leftist and wants a third party just so we’ll be represented at all, then supporting right wing independents could backfire. Their corrupt corporate moderates are costing the right just as much support as they cost us. There’s a lot of religious folks out there who - if united - would usher in the Handmaid’s Tale.

Ross Perot came very close to actually winning. In today’s climate, a far right candidate just might.

OpenPassageways ,

Just curious… In what way did Ross Perot come close to winning? I see that he got 8% of the popular vote in 1996 but I’m not seeing that he ever got an electoral vote.

explodicle ,

In that he got a large percentage of the total votes.

Scary_le_Poo , avatar

“very close to actually winning”

“8% of the popular vote”

“Very close”

explodicle ,

Yes, that was only 25% short.

Scary_le_Poo , avatar

Yeah if only 4x more than what they actually got, they totally could have won. You do understand that 25% is nowhere near “very close”

explodicle ,

No. I’m telling you that within 25% is close and you’re trying to argue that it’s not.

Scary_le_Poo , avatar

He would need at MINIMUM 3x+ votes more than he got in order to win. That isn’t close.

explodicle ,

We seem to agree entirely on how math works, yet disagree entirely as to how easily 25% of voters can change their minds.

simple , to memes in Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT.


TrismegistusMx OP ,

Propaganda is a form of meme.

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