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iAvicenna , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza avatar

calling for a ceasefire when it matters the most: before the elections. good job Biden.

Shialac ,

when he realizes he is probably going to lose the election because a lot of his former voters don’t support genocide as much as he does

ashok36 ,

When those same former voters watch Israel murder every Palestinian while Trump actively cheers them on and rounds up all Palestinian Americans to deport them for further ethnic cleansing.

pjwestin , avatar

I mean, it’s pretty hard to make an argument that Trump would be materially worse for Palestinians than Biden if both are going to defund UNRWA and give Israel military aid. What Biden is doing now is definitely a step in the right direction; I hope he keeps this up, even when the Republicans inevitably say he’s being, “soft on terrorism,” (or whatever the talking point becomes).

Seasm0ke ,

2024 where the harm reduction vote goes to whoever supports genocide less fervently. Thanks DNC!

ashok36 ,

It isn’t the dnc’s fault a third of the country is apparently fascist these days. Nothing moves left until the ultra right is thoroughly defeated and sent back to the shadows.

Glytch ,

Yes it is. The Democrats have had plenty of opportunities to step away from their pro-corporate stance and start doing things to help people. Every single time they cave to Republican pressure in the name of “bipartisanship”. Look at the border policy they just proposed that was everything that Republicans wanted. Democrats will give the whole game away just to keep that sweet sweet donor money coming in.

“Republicans are worse” is a shitty argument when Democrats already give them everything they want.

In fact the Democrats LOVE the far right because they can just point to them and go “well you don’t want THOSE guys in charge do you?”, while doing absolutely nothing to help the populace who are suffering under greedflation.

Maggoty ,

Bullshit. They can absolutely move left and pick up all the voters they left behind over the decades.

ashok36 ,

There are nowhere near enough left behind voters to make up for one’s they’d lose. We have to marginalized the ultra right first.

Maggoty ,

So we have to keep moving right to marginalize the right? We keep running party propaganda further to the right, and expect that makes less people vote to the right?

That’s the most insane shit I’ve heard all day.

Maggoty ,

Right and at this rate the Democrat will be doing that in 2028 while telling us it’s okay, we can still vote and the other guy is worse!

Harm reduction only works so long as there is remediation between elections. Just ratcheting shit further to the right and telling everyone they have to vote for you because you’re still not as far right as the other guy isn’t a scenario I want to participate in. If they want my vote the least they can do is not be worse than GW Bush.

ashok36 ,

If you think Biden is no better than GWB then I don’t even know what to say. You’re living on a different planet.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

Sucks because Trump is going to stay behind Isreal too. The people that refuse to vote for Biden because of this likely just won’t vote. Which = Trump.

seathru , avatar

And again we’ll blame it on the voters that failed to “fall in line” instead of the establishment that gave them no reason to.

abracaDavid ,

Gives a whole new meaning to “vote or die”.

blazeknave ,

You got what you asked for you


filister ,

Didn’t the US just recently block another UN resolution calling for a ceasefire?

TacoButtPlug , avatar

This made me laugh through my nasal passages because I read it in the sarcastic tone I would’ve delivered it in.

lagomorphlecture , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

Cool, cool. Are we still supplying weapons to Israel? Give the weapons to Ukraine and tell Israel that’s enough genocide for now.

filister ,

Didn’t he claim he will airdrop humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

Damn you guys behind the pond should introduce a law setting the max age a person can hold a presidential position. There is a reason why old people are not given a driver’s license and you should take the cue and do something about it.

TacoButtPlug , avatar

We’re trying but we’re up against hateful shitty old fucks who have a deathgrip on positions of power, absolutely stupid masses who enjoy a steady diet of warped theocratic leadership mixed in with batshit conspiracy, an alarming growing group of outright fascist af young people, and then a rather large contingent of apathetic cunts who can’t be bothered with doing the bare minimum in civic duties. It’s a fucking mess here. Not looking great.

dumpsterlid ,

I don’t disagree with you but at least along the issue of Gaza, young people are OVERWHELMING on the side of reason and that is heartening even while it is heartbreaking to see it doesn’t fucking move the needle on Biden’s actions even a nanometer.

absentbird OP , avatar

It seems to be moving his actions somewhat. He’s calling for a ceasefire and airdropping aid to Gaza. I feel like a lot of that is due to pressure from constituents.

dumpsterlid ,

Yeah kinda feels like he is airdropping hotdogs into a baseball stadium though, like, ok those people needed hot dogs but what about the whole hot dog distributing apparatus that is surrounding all those people with multiple concession stands distributed strategically throughout the stadium to minimize congestion and even people walking around who specialize in just distributing hot dogs. Kinda feels like you are beating around the bush buddy when you plan to airdrop hotdogs into the baseball stadium instead of just having all of those people and systems start giving people hotdogs who need them.

I hope the pressure keeps making him take concrete steps though.

TacoButtPlug , avatar

Gotta wonder if he’d care if it weren’t election season, though. After his whole four year term he finally got around to wiping my student debt a week ago. I know that was election driven.

Facebones ,

Oh we let old people drive too, there’s not really any tangible system for ensuring they’re still capable. There’s a way your doctor can have it pulled but healthcare is privatized so they’ll just shop around for the guy who’ll say it’s totally fine if they have to.

My ex’s mom randomly passed out completely multiple times a day sometimes, it never got pulled - until some innocent pedestrian paid the ultimate price for eagle fuckin American “freedom.”

Haha , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

Dont get hopes up, its a a stunt for reelection

lolcatnip ,

Almost everything any politician does is because they think it will help them get reelected. That doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do.

Haha ,

That just means to me that they dont really care about what people wants until they need people. Thats very hypocritical honestly.

nurple , avatar

Welcome to politics.

Draedron , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

Insisting so hard he will send more weapons to israel?

pjwestin , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza avatar

He’s taking the Michigan numbers seriously. Let’s hope it’s not too little too late.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

If we can get a similar result in another swing state, we might see real progress

vin , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza
crystalmerchant , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

“war-torn strip”???

More like, “massacred and obliterated strip”. Not much of a “war” going on here

mlg , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza avatar

mmm “insist”, really a strong word that will surely bring a change.

inb4 the air drop supplies get bombed too since it’ll light up more civilians for Israel to shoot at.

blazeknave , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza


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  • go_go_gadget ,

    How about you shut the fuck up and let us speak so we can whip a piece of shit politician into shape? Your views are well represented all over the media. Everybody knows what you think and that you will be voting for Biden. Great. Now let the people who on the fence have the floor so Biden can get their votes.

    UristMcHolland ,

    On the fence? Seriously?

    Zehzin , avatar

    The headline I want isn’t asking nicely for a ceasefire, it’s complete disoccupation and recognizing the sovereignity of the Palestinian state.

    You know, what people have been saying should happen for 60 years.

    jordanlund , avatar

    This is your 10th removed comment in less than 24 hours. Go outside and take a walk.

    ricdeh , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza avatar

    Too little, too late. Military intervention or nothing, Israel and Gaza need to be taken in by UN peacekeeping forces and a new dialogue needs to be started about how to find a permanent solution for the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis. If the need exists, maybe even deconstruct the current Israel to make way for a more tolerant and democratic nation that respects people of all origin.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    Doubt UN troops would help here. They’d either get swayed like UNRWA was or would get the same treatment as Israelis.

    filister ,

    What is more plausible according to you:

    • Hamas managed to sway UNRWA and pretty much all of the known humanitarian organisations operating in Gaza?
    • Or that the situation on the ground is really dire and it was like this long before the 7th of October no matter what Israel is claiming.

    And please feel free to send me any article of any non affiliated NGO or humanitarian organisation with Israel praising their efforts to achieve long lasting peace before the 7th of October.

    Because I can easily do the opposite.

    Maggoty ,

    Our own intelligence agencies rated that as “low confidence”. Which is the Intel version of pressing F to doubt. It means they found nothing to support the allegations. Typically it’s followed by the briefer saying something like, “we do not recommend action on this item at this time.”

    chiliedogg ,

    They absolutely need a 2-state solution.

    And neither of the 2 states should be the current states of Israel or Palestine.

    Maggoty ,

    A 2 state solution is effectively impossible at this point. Israel won’t let their settlements go and the Palestinians will not accept anything less than the 1967 borders. There’s also the split country problem. Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan. Split countries have a bad habit of one part getting exploited pretty hard.

    chiliedogg ,

    So what you’re saying is the problem with the 2-state solution is the 2 existing states that I specifically said shouldn’t be part of the solution?

    Maggoty ,

    You can’t just do a rebrand. These are thousand year old ethic identities. There has to be a structural change as well.

    dangblingus ,

    It’s about re-election optics, not about helping Gazans.

    abracaDavid ,

    Ding ding ding!

    They started seeing everyone posting on social media that they’re not voting to support us paying for a genocide.

    dumpsterlid ,

    Vote “uncommitted” in the primaries, all the centrists shaming progressives for having a red line at “genocide” are so desperately wrong about now being not the time to raise our voices, fuck them.

    The only way to get Biden to care about the horrific mass slaughter of an entire population is to directly make him afraid he won’t get his power trip again if he doesn’t capitulate because it is blindly obvious nothing else will sway him until it’s farrrrrrrrr too late.

    After the election is the worst time to do it, if Biden wins he will just completely ignore progressive/almost unanimous international outcry over Israel’s genocide and continue handwringing because why would he do otherwise given his ideology and the fact that he doesn’t need the votes anymore?

    BigMacHole , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

    And if they DON’T then SURELY more Bombs and Billions of Dollars to Israel will stop them!

    sebinspace ,

    Bro do you want the fucker to change course or not?

    go_go_gadget ,

    Yes. Yesterday.

    sebinspace ,

    Well shit, let’s just hop in the Time Machine!

    KevonLooney ,

    Some people are literally never going to be satisfied.

    News flash: if you tell everyone that you won’t be satisfied with anything remotely possible, people will stop listening to you.

    Stop being like MAGA chuds who don’t even know what they want. They just want “to win”.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Stop pretending Biden achieves anything before he does it.

    We heard this dumb excuse of “we’re trying” for months while Biden keeps sending israel more bombs.

    kinther , avatar

    Lol moving goal posts again. Love this propaganda account

    go_go_gadget ,

    He hasn’t accomplished anything yet.

    Why are you all still talking? Biden has your votes. Be quiet and let the people who are on the fence have the floor. Stop fighting us.

    go_go_gadget ,

    Or up the timeline. Biden is thinking this statement is enough to get him over the line. It’s not. He’s too slow. This call should have been made months ago. Cutting off arms shipments should be happening today.

    sebinspace ,


    go_go_gadget ,

    Life moves forward. Biden needs to move faster.

    WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

    Obviously they don’t. Lemmy is a hive of bloodthirsty fascists pretending to be progressive.

    dangblingus ,

    There are a lot of tankies. It is known.

    Nudding ,

    Aiding a genocide is a crime is it not?

    dangblingus ,

    That isn’t the pertinent question to ask. A better question would be: isn’t this the messaging that everyone was looking for?

    Nudding ,

    I would disagree that this is not a pertinent question. Did Biden know Israel was going to use those weapons for war crimes? If yes he needs to see consequences. That in itself is a war crime. Y’all are too soft on your representatives.

    sebinspace ,

    Do you want him to stop aiding in genocide or fucking not?

    Nudding ,

    Judging by my comments, what do you think?

    IchNichtenLichten , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza avatar

    It’s in Netanyahu’s interest to drag this out until November and do everything he can to make Biden lose to Trump. After that, all he has to do is mention the chonky fascist’s “big manly hands” and he gets to do all the genocide he wants while continuing to keep his corrupt ass out of jail.

    Biden needs to wake the fuck up.

    nova_ad_vitum ,

    Trump will offer Netanyahu the full services of the 6th fleet within days of taking office.

    Cool_Name , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

    Well… watcha gonna do about it Joe?

    FrostKing , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

    It’s important to note that we can essentially do this because we’re providing aid to Israel. In my mind it’s sort of the best of a horrible situation, but at least with us aiding them, we can insist on certain conditions. Rare Biden W, in my mind.

    samsepi0l ,

    They need to make the aid conditional. It won’t do much immediately but it is an essential step to stopping the genocide that is currently happening.

    dumpsterlid ,

    The engine of this genocide would have ground to halt before tens of thousands of innocent people were doomed to death if Biden hadn’t specifically blocked other UN powers from forming a coalition with overwhelming international leverage to force Israel to stop slaughtering Palestinians.

    This isn’t a “glad Biden is in the room to temper a bunch of insane, violent people” situation, Biden specifically allowed this entire situation to happen more than any other international figure outside of Israel.

    Biden has an immense amount of blood on his hands.

    Maggoty ,

    Except Netanyahu already told him to go piss in a pot on any deal.

    pyre , to world in Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

    wow don’t be rushing Biden! I’m sure there are still some munitions you have provided Israel that hasn’t been used on children yet!

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