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Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

The US will begin air dropping food aid to the people of Gaza, President Joe Biden announced on Friday, as the humanitarian crisis deepens and Israel continues to resist opening additional land crossings to allow more assistance into the war-torn strip.

Speaking in the Oval Office, Biden said the US would be “pulling out every stop” to get additional aid into Gaza, which has been under heavy bombardment by Israel since the October 7 Hamas terror attacks.

“Aid flowing to Gaza is nowhere nearly enough,” the US President said, noting “hundreds of trucks” should be entering the enclave.

Biden said the US is “going to insist that Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need, no excuses”.

He also noted the efforts to broker a deal to free the hostages and secure an “immediate ceasefire” that would allow additional aid in.

rambling_lunatic ,

I’m a bit out of the loop. Did he stop funding Israel or is the USA helping both sides?

absentbird OP , (edited ) avatar

Congress controls the purse, they have been providing foreign aid to Israel since long before he was elected. Biden directs the armed forces, and is using them to supply aid to Gaza.

That said, the US has been ‘helping both sides’ for ages. We provide more money to Israel than any other country, and also contribute more to UNRWA than any other nation. The goal of the US has been to reach a two state solution, so it makes sense to fund both states.

rambling_lunatic ,

Ah. Thank you.

cogman ,

This is such a misleading headline, it’s propaganda. Biden Did not say “Immediate ceasefire, no excuses” Boy I wish he did. Instead he said “Boy I hope we have a cease fire. There’s no excuses for Israel keeping aid from going in”.

TCGM , avatar

About fuckin time, Joe!

BigMacHole ,

We’re going to pull out EVERY Stop! Like Air Dropping food to Palestine and Bombs also to Palestine!

Solrac ,

Isn’t funny how they were an arms dealer and NOW, after what feels like total anahilation, do they say enough is enough?

hark , avatar

If only the president of the united states had power to do something about this!!!

SuddenDownpour ,

Plenty of countries would have been capable of forcing themselves into the situation, if only they weren’t legitimately afraid of Israel retaliating and the US backing them in their retaliation.

recapitated ,

Talk isn’t news.

ArmokGoB ,

Everyone’s in here giving Biden shit like not voting for him and letting Trump win will make things better for anyone.

Atomic ,

You know that you can vote for someone AND be critical of their future, past and/or present decisions right?

ArmokGoB ,

There’s a time and place to be critical of dumbass politicians taking half-measures on important issues, but doing it now is potentially undermining the election in favor of fascist criminals.

AgentDalePoopster ,

Seems like Biden should listen to his constituents if he wants to win re-election.

TengoDosVacas ,

When the options are that or try to capitulate to fascists to gain favor, this should be a super easy choice.

Oh, but wait…he’s a Catholic, and Democrats are Zionists.

We are super screwed

Bloodh0undJohnson , (edited )


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  • ArmokGoB ,

    I’m not happy about it, but it’s the reality of the situation. We’re sliding towards fascism as our rights are being eroded away. The government ignores our protests and no one will take up arms against the ruling class. This is how it is.

    OmnislashIsACloudApp ,

    honestly doesn’t it seem like this change of direction is him listening? Even weeks ago I would have never thought I would have heard the words ceasefire out of his mouth.

    to me this seems like a direct response of the message people sent to him with the Michigan primary and I am happy to see it.

    doesn’t mean I’m happy with what he’s done so far or even that he has not immediately taken direct action but this is a pivot and failing to acknowledge it weakens protest actions like this in the future.

    Maggoty ,

    If you read the article, he still wants the hostages released as a pre condition to any ceasefire. His position there hasn’t actually changed.

    OmnislashIsACloudApp ,

    maybe I am missing something that I don’t see why that is an objectionable position? like obviously the ceasefire needs to happen immediately but what is wrong with hostage release as part of it?

    not that long ago politicians were doing anything they could to avoid the word ceasefire and now they’re actively calling for it I’m really not thinking that this is an unchanged position but I am willing to listen if I have some drastic misunderstanding.

    Maggoty ,

    Because the hostages aren’t why we need the ceasefire. We need it to deliver aid. Also it’s an Israeli pre-condition. So what the white house is doing is putting the one big thing Israel wants and telling Hamas they’ll get a temporary peace out of it. Hamas has no reason to take that deal. Israel would similarly tell the white house to pound sand if they showed up in Tel Aviv to say Hamas has a deal that just requires the removal of all IDF troops from Palestinian territory.

    OmnislashIsACloudApp ,

    thank you for the explanation that is a lot more understandable now.

    hostages being released in order to stop the violence is what I was thinking.

    but you’re saying it’s more like losing leverage in order to temporarily pause the violence.

    they would have nothing left to bargain with and would just have to hope the world actually cares enough to step in.

    I can definitely see why they wouldn’t want to do that

    fellstone , avatar

    I mean, wouldn’t it be a good thing if hostages were released? Also, surely getting a ceasefire like this is one of the reasons Hamas took hostages, right?

    Maggoty ,

    In a vacuum, yes. But we aren’t in a vacuum and Hamas needs something more than a shaky ceasefire to release all of the hostages. Israel isn’t agreeing to a ceasefire unless every hostage is released. At that point Hamas loses all leverage.

    It’s also an incredibly partisan move by a mediator who says their main concern is getting aid into the area. You need cooperation for that and you don’t get cooperation by backing the demands of just one side.

    zarkanian , avatar

    It sounds like he’s starting to. He’s gone from full-throated support to silent complicity to actually calling Israel out. I hope he can do more.

    RalphFurley ,

    Tell that to the terminally online edgelord jimmy Dore “left” crowd

    drislands ,

    You’re right, but there are a lot of people (that I’ve seen, at least) who are willing to abstain from voting over Biden’s handling of this.

    Atomic ,

    Then that is their democratic choice. And it’s Bidens loss for not listening to his voters.

    Don’t blame the voters for using their votes

    xenoclast ,

    We’re not. We’re blaming them for being fucking idiots who will vote in a literal dictator because they’re mad at Biden. Someone who will do far more damage to and destroy hundreds of millions of lives in the US and the rest of the world.

    30,000 deaths in another country is nothing compared to US deaths little orange is responsible for when you only consider his one choice to fuck over pandemic response at the beginning of the pandemic. Dude has the deaths of millions on his hands already.

    Anyone, any human being alive, that would vote for him is a fucking idiot that needs to give their head a bashing

    I love that you used the phrase democratic choice to describe it too. A+

    marxistsynths19 ,

    America’s path to fascism doesn’t begin and end with Trump. Forcing people to vote for someone they do not morally support is fascist. The last time he was president the world didn’t end. Millions of peoples lives in the United States are already horrible and the US regardless of who is president , democrat or republican, murder people all over the world. This narrow minded take of how the world works is part of the problem not the people abstaining from voting for Biden.

    CeruleanRuin ,

    Okay, sure, but voting on a single issue is what fucking morons do.

    xenoclast ,

    And children without a lot of life experiences to understand. Imagine coming of age in the last decade. This is their “normal”. Its awful and terrifying… exactly what all the people working to divide and and destroy democracy around the world have been working for.

    As much as I’m angry at their ignorance, it’s also really fucking sad.

    xenoclast ,

    No. It is not, this is a scary and extremist perspective and I’m sorry you feel like that. The media in America and the propagandist dismantling democracy have done so much damage.

    So many bots, so many promoters of disjunction. It’s overwhelming.

    You’re being asked to make a choice between eating a gross vegetable and a the barrel of a shotgun and you’re arguing for the shotgun.

    Atomic ,

    First you say “were not” and then in the next sentence you say “we do”. Good one.

    Best part about a democracy is that everyone gets to vote.

    Worst part is that everyone gets to vote.

    This is how it works. Just because you’re afraid of being on the losing side doesn’t mean anything has changed.

    And before you start yapping on. I’m not American. We don’t work on a 2 party system. I’m just saying what everyone else can see looking in.

    You can’t support democracy ONLY when your side gets what they want.

    ArmokGoB ,

    It’s the unalienable right of every US citizen to say whatever dumbass shit they want. I’m still gonna call them a dumbass for saying dumbass shit though.

    fellstone , avatar

    People who are able to vote and specifically choose not to should absolutely be blamed. Voting third party is perfectly reasonable, but you have no right to complain about the state of politics and deserve to be ridiculed if you make the conscious decision not to vote even though you are fully able to.

    machinin ,

    It’s the trolley problem. It is much more difficult for people to be an active part of genocide by voting for Biden than simply not voting and allowing a worse outcome to happen if Trump becomes president…

    nurple , avatar

    Seems like they missed the lesson of the trolley problem, then.

    Jentu ,

    Perhaps we should work to make sure no one is on the tracks instead of pulling the lever?

    nurple , avatar

    We should do whatever we can to keep people off of the tracks in the future. But that’s not mutually exclusive with pulling the lever right now, since the trolley is already heading towards people.

    Jentu ,

    It’s an easy decision to make if you aren’t the one tied to the tracks. Palestinian Americans are losing their families and flipping that lever will neither bring them back nor make the situation better. Not only that, but flipping the lever without any real change of action from the DNC just means they can just trust their base to overlook genocide again and again in perpetuity as long as republicans remain the worse choice (which will be always).

    flying_sheep , avatar

    Maybe read up on what the trolley problem (together with its variations) is about then.

    zarkanian , avatar

    I’m not abstaining. I’m voting for Jill Stein.

    Jill’s currently polling at 5%. If the Green Party could get 5%, we’d qualify for millions of dollars in federal grant money, which would go a long way towards helping us fight the corrupt two-party system.

    ThePrestige ,

    yes i do

    cogman ,

    Exactly, I demand better of him and I will probably vote for him. I really wonder though how someone that’s a Muslim or Palestinian can stomach voting for him. His policies around Israel are pretty much identical to what Trump would do which is a big deal for a lot of people. He’s basically saying “Forget that I let Israel murder and starve to death your loved ones, I’ve been pretty good when it comes to monopolies right?!?”.

    I’ll vote for him because he’s the better of two options, however, he has blood on his hands and that may just lose him a second term.

    Hotmailer ,

    F… Him, he needs to be in a care home yesterday.

    zalgotext ,

    You’re allowed to swear on the Internet

    derf82 ,

    And they are never satisfied.

    “Biden must demand an immediate ceasefire!”

    Biden: I demand an immediate ceasefire!

    “Biden isn’t doing enough!”

    cogman , (edited )

    Ok, read what actually was said then come back.

    The headline is misleading. Biden simply said “I hope a ceasefire happens one day”. Which is a FAR cry from “demanding a ceasefire now”. He isn’t doing enough because he hasn’t been saying things like “We are planning on withdrawing aid from Israel if they keep up this offensive”. Instead it’s “Well golly gee I hope Hamas returns all the hostages for a 2 week ceasefire and no troop withdrawals by Israel.”

    But hey, at least he’s decided that he can say the word “ceasefire” Up until maybe a couple of weeks ago that was a forbidden word by the administration.

    zarkanian , avatar

    When Biden ran in 2020, this was the argument I heard from Biden supporters: sure, Biden may not be perfect, but we should support him anyway, and then, once he gets elected, we’ll hold his feet to the fire.

    Yet now, when people try to hold his feet to the fire, they’re accused of supporting Trump. Funny how that works.

    ArmokGoB ,

    My argument is: Biden may not be perfect, but he’s a whole hell of a lot better than the guy that tried to start an insurrection and appointed a Supreme Court justice that got rid of Roe v. Wade. Holding his feet to the fire is a waste of time because the house always wins; the People will be the ones to bear the burden of any sort of loss for the Democrats. All I can do is hope that people will finally be pushed too far and revolt against the government, but that will be a whole hell of a lot harder if the 1st and 2nd Amendments are infringed on any more than they already are.

    bufalo1973 , avatar

    So essentially, shock doctrine. “This is bad, but it could be worse”.

    ArmokGoB ,

    More like “This is bad, but the only other remotely probable outcome is worse.”

    zarkanian , avatar

    Revolting against the government is far less feasible (and far more ethical) than simply voting for an alternative party.

    ArmokGoB ,

    1996 had the lowest recorded percentage of voter turnout in the past century, at 51.7%. Assuming there’s currently about 250 million eligible voters in the US, that is equivalent to about 129 million voters.

    Imagine you were a wizard and could force everyone on Lemmy to vote for a single third-party candidate. Also assume every account on every instance of Lemmy is a US citizen capable of voting. Lemmy has about 421 thousand users. Even if each account on Lemmy could magically convince 50 other eligible voters to vote for the same independent candidate, that would only amount to about 21 million votes, or about 16.3% of all votes in the election going towards that candidate.

    Voting in an independent party is nothing short of impossible in the US.

    zarkanian , avatar

    What does Lemmy have to do with it? I never brought up Lemmy!

    ArmokGoB ,

    My point is that the numbers are so unbelievably stacked against a third party winning that you’re not achieving anything by voting for a third part.

    Haha ,

    Two faced bastard. Billions of aid in ammo for israel then says lets give an airdrop of murder to palestine LMAO what a bitch

    Soulg ,

    “How dare Biden not call for a cease fire. Genocide Joe strikes again!”

    Biden: calls for a cease fire

    “Wow what a fucking nerd calling for a cease fire, nobody cares shup up”

    Haha ,

    A good analogy is the apple repair for everyone bill. Its very easy to say ceasefire after just passing the bill for billions in weaponry to israel. This is just a facet. Sorry but i dont believe its genuine. Its not even happening he is just “calling” for it. In the end this is just talk. The action is what we see in front of us.

    Nevoic ,

    Bit of a strawman, the initial complaint wasn’t that he didn’t say some words, the initial complaint was the billions in military aid and actual physical support the administration gave Israel.

    The only reason words matter is if they have any impact on reality. Israel knows the U.S is giving them a lot of leeway to commit this genocide because that’s what the administration’s actions say, hence they’re two-faced.

    If they decide to stop materially supporting genocide, good. They were still wrong to do it at all, and they can’t undo that, so they’re still shit-libs, but better late than never I guess, and all those dead children will just have to stay dead.

    pyre ,

    wow don’t be rushing Biden! I’m sure there are still some munitions you have provided Israel that hasn’t been used on children yet!

    FrostKing ,

    It’s important to note that we can essentially do this because we’re providing aid to Israel. In my mind it’s sort of the best of a horrible situation, but at least with us aiding them, we can insist on certain conditions. Rare Biden W, in my mind.

    samsepi0l ,

    They need to make the aid conditional. It won’t do much immediately but it is an essential step to stopping the genocide that is currently happening.

    dumpsterlid ,

    The engine of this genocide would have ground to halt before tens of thousands of innocent people were doomed to death if Biden hadn’t specifically blocked other UN powers from forming a coalition with overwhelming international leverage to force Israel to stop slaughtering Palestinians.

    This isn’t a “glad Biden is in the room to temper a bunch of insane, violent people” situation, Biden specifically allowed this entire situation to happen more than any other international figure outside of Israel.

    Biden has an immense amount of blood on his hands.

    Maggoty ,

    Except Netanyahu already told him to go piss in a pot on any deal.

    Cool_Name ,

    Well… watcha gonna do about it Joe?

    IchNichtenLichten , avatar

    It’s in Netanyahu’s interest to drag this out until November and do everything he can to make Biden lose to Trump. After that, all he has to do is mention the chonky fascist’s “big manly hands” and he gets to do all the genocide he wants while continuing to keep his corrupt ass out of jail.

    Biden needs to wake the fuck up.

    nova_ad_vitum ,

    Trump will offer Netanyahu the full services of the 6th fleet within days of taking office.

    BigMacHole ,

    And if they DON’T then SURELY more Bombs and Billions of Dollars to Israel will stop them!

    sebinspace ,

    Bro do you want the fucker to change course or not?

    go_go_gadget ,

    Yes. Yesterday.

    sebinspace ,

    Well shit, let’s just hop in the Time Machine!

    KevonLooney ,

    Some people are literally never going to be satisfied.

    News flash: if you tell everyone that you won’t be satisfied with anything remotely possible, people will stop listening to you.

    Stop being like MAGA chuds who don’t even know what they want. They just want “to win”.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Stop pretending Biden achieves anything before he does it.

    We heard this dumb excuse of “we’re trying” for months while Biden keeps sending israel more bombs.

    kinther , avatar

    Lol moving goal posts again. Love this propaganda account

    go_go_gadget ,

    He hasn’t accomplished anything yet.

    Why are you all still talking? Biden has your votes. Be quiet and let the people who are on the fence have the floor. Stop fighting us.

    go_go_gadget ,

    Or up the timeline. Biden is thinking this statement is enough to get him over the line. It’s not. He’s too slow. This call should have been made months ago. Cutting off arms shipments should be happening today.

    sebinspace ,


    go_go_gadget ,

    Life moves forward. Biden needs to move faster.

    WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

    Obviously they don’t. Lemmy is a hive of bloodthirsty fascists pretending to be progressive.

    dangblingus ,

    There are a lot of tankies. It is known.

    Nudding ,

    Aiding a genocide is a crime is it not?

    dangblingus ,

    That isn’t the pertinent question to ask. A better question would be: isn’t this the messaging that everyone was looking for?

    Nudding ,

    I would disagree that this is not a pertinent question. Did Biden know Israel was going to use those weapons for war crimes? If yes he needs to see consequences. That in itself is a war crime. Y’all are too soft on your representatives.

    sebinspace ,

    Do you want him to stop aiding in genocide or fucking not?

    Nudding ,

    Judging by my comments, what do you think?

    ricdeh , avatar

    Too little, too late. Military intervention or nothing, Israel and Gaza need to be taken in by UN peacekeeping forces and a new dialogue needs to be started about how to find a permanent solution for the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis. If the need exists, maybe even deconstruct the current Israel to make way for a more tolerant and democratic nation that respects people of all origin.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    Doubt UN troops would help here. They’d either get swayed like UNRWA was or would get the same treatment as Israelis.

    filister ,

    What is more plausible according to you:

    • Hamas managed to sway UNRWA and pretty much all of the known humanitarian organisations operating in Gaza?
    • Or that the situation on the ground is really dire and it was like this long before the 7th of October no matter what Israel is claiming.

    And please feel free to send me any article of any non affiliated NGO or humanitarian organisation with Israel praising their efforts to achieve long lasting peace before the 7th of October.

    Because I can easily do the opposite.

    Maggoty ,

    Our own intelligence agencies rated that as “low confidence”. Which is the Intel version of pressing F to doubt. It means they found nothing to support the allegations. Typically it’s followed by the briefer saying something like, “we do not recommend action on this item at this time.”

    chiliedogg ,

    They absolutely need a 2-state solution.

    And neither of the 2 states should be the current states of Israel or Palestine.

    Maggoty ,

    A 2 state solution is effectively impossible at this point. Israel won’t let their settlements go and the Palestinians will not accept anything less than the 1967 borders. There’s also the split country problem. Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan. Split countries have a bad habit of one part getting exploited pretty hard.

    chiliedogg ,

    So what you’re saying is the problem with the 2-state solution is the 2 existing states that I specifically said shouldn’t be part of the solution?

    Maggoty ,

    You can’t just do a rebrand. These are thousand year old ethic identities. There has to be a structural change as well.

    dangblingus ,

    It’s about re-election optics, not about helping Gazans.

    abracaDavid ,

    Ding ding ding!

    They started seeing everyone posting on social media that they’re not voting to support us paying for a genocide.

    dumpsterlid ,

    Vote “uncommitted” in the primaries, all the centrists shaming progressives for having a red line at “genocide” are so desperately wrong about now being not the time to raise our voices, fuck them.

    The only way to get Biden to care about the horrific mass slaughter of an entire population is to directly make him afraid he won’t get his power trip again if he doesn’t capitulate because it is blindly obvious nothing else will sway him until it’s farrrrrrrrr too late.

    After the election is the worst time to do it, if Biden wins he will just completely ignore progressive/almost unanimous international outcry over Israel’s genocide and continue handwringing because why would he do otherwise given his ideology and the fact that he doesn’t need the votes anymore?

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