There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

TimeSquirrel , (edited ) to linux in Linux can be used at your workplaces avatar

Yeah, I remember your previous post. They were irritated at you secretly subverting security restrictions put in place by your company to use an unapproved OS on THEIR company machine and network without their permission. Not that it's "not ready". They were also warning you that you were treading in dangerous water, legally.

Now you're manipulating us by telling us it was just all about IT admins "not being ready" for Linux, not about it being a major security breach.

You have no rights on other people's machines and networks that you do not own unless explicitly granted. Period. The same would apply if you were to bring a Windows workstation into a Linux-based organization.

milkjug , avatar

At my previous job in a Fortune 500, circumventing the IT security policy is ground for instant dismissal. Like literally marched right out of the office kind of dismissal. We had an IT breach before and it cost the company US$300m to fix, and IT security was locked down HARD after. At best, OP is not wise.

thanevim ,

Yeah, this straight up happened to a dude I was rather fond of. We were working in desktop support for a big fintech company, and he used his not-quite-admin privileges to bypass the bootlock on the laptops for personal use. I warned him that it was a bad idea, he brushed it off. Was gone by the next week.

blkpws OP ,

My previous post? Was not mine, I don’t do that to my work company laptop, I stick with what I have, Mac.

cooopsspace , to linux in It either runs on Linux or refund

Blaming the Publishers and Devs because it’s actually pretty hard to fuck up a game so that it doesn’t work on proton these days

IDew ,


QuentinCallaghan , to memes in I heard there will be a fediverse messenger. avatar

Quickly, give him a CAPTCHA to read!

Samsy OP ,
TimeSquirrel , avatar

Anyone can be a bus if they really, really want to. Don't vehicle-shame.

Fester ,

“Select all squares where a human might place a bottle of barbecue sauce”

scottmeme ,

selects every square

RaivoKulli ,

I get a kick out of it when I get a dumbass captcha like that and the stupid fucking robot tells me I did it wrong. Like, the whole point is that I know how to answer them and you don’t.

roon , avatar

This image broken for anyone else?

<span style="color:#323232;">Request error: error sending request for url (http://localhost:8080/image/original/4fe51189-2dca-4d98-9cdb-992a37384211.jpeg): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Address not available (os error 99)

Edit: okay, I think is down when posting this

wabafee ,

This car looks bussin

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Meta uses LLaMA AI.

It hurt itself in its confusion.

HappyMeatbag , to memes in Abe-sama gives advice avatar

“Hey, baby, the prime minister is telling us to have kids. That’s got me pretty horny. No, he’s not making any significant changes to help take the edge off that massive expense and responsibility, but who cares? I’ll put his speech on loop and turn it up. Let’s fuck.”

MisterMoo , avatar

“Also if it helps he’s been dead for over a year.”

JillyB ,

Japan is trying to change things. I think it’s just really far behind. While I was there, I remember government run/funded dating programs. The government names and shames companies that overwork their employees. But their definition of overwork is probably well beyond ours. The one-employer-for-life mentality is slowly eroding but it’s slow.

HairHeel , to programmerhumor in Early disappointment avatar

4 years later: “this button is the wrong color. fix it ASAP”

Zetaphor , avatar

I was interviewed with complex logic problems and a rigorous testing of my domain knowledge.

Most of what I do is updating copy and images.

AkumaFoxwell , avatar

This hurts so much because it’s my life :(

flamingo_pinyata , to memes in Colombus was a Bastard Man.

Preempting all the “he was a man of his time” apologists:

Columbus was arrested during his lifetime because his actions were considered awful by his contemporaries.

bumphot ,

Worst part is, he wouldn’t be arrested for genocide in 2024. He would probably be seen as lesser of two evils or something stupid like that.

Zehzin , avatar

Something savages something something terrorism

Rhynoplaz ,

He’d probably be Trump’s running mate.

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

Specifically, Columbus was the first transatlantic slaver - although he went in the nontraditional West-to-East direction. And was imprisoned by Queen Isabel for that shit.

vvv , to linux in Mm.. can someone help?

just to add a little more explanation to what the other posters are suggesting… a hard drive, from the perspective of your OS is very very simple. it’s a series of bytes. for the sake of this example, let’s say there are 1000 of them. they are just a series of numbers.

how do you tell apart which numbers belong to which partitions? well there’s a convention: you decide that the first 10 of those numbers can be a label to indicate where partions start. e.g. your efi starts at and ends at . root at starts at and ends at . the label doesn’t say anything about the bytes after that.

how do you know which bytes in the partions make up files? similar sort of game with a file system within the bounds of that partion - you use some of the data as a label to find the file data. maybe bytes 71-78 indicate that you can find ~/.bash_histor at bytes 732-790.

what happened when you shrunk that root partions, is you changed that label at the beginning. your root partion, it says, now starts at byte and goes to . any bytes after that, are fair game for a new partion and filesystem to overwrite.

the point of all this, is that so far all you’ve done is changed some labels. the bytes that make up your files are still on the disk, but perhaps not findable. however - because every process that writes to the disk will trust those labels, any operation you do to the disk, including mounting it has a chance to overwrite the data that makes up your files.

this means:

  • most of your files are probably recoverable
  • do not boot the operating system on that drive, or any other that will attempt to mount it, because you risk overwring data
  • before you start using any data recovery tools, make a copy of the raw bytes of the disk to a different disk, so that if the tools mess up you have an option to try again

ONLY after that is done, the first thing I’d try is setting that partion label back to what it used to say, 100gb… if you’re lucky, everything will just work. if you aren’t, tools like ‘photorec’ can crawl the raw bytes of the disk and try and output whatever files they find.

good luck!

some_guy ,

While I appreciate the jokes, this is the only comment I’ll upvote because this was a call for help and this one helps.

t0mri OP ,

Yeah i remember now. I have to format the partitions to complete partitioning. Thanks for info

ImplyingImplications , to memes in The three faces of the fediverse

I could see the old man making his account
“Breeding college? I’m a big supporter of American agriculture.”

xmunk , to programmer_humor in remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her

My partner insists on syncing data to Facebook - even a locally running instance may introduce privacy breaches.

sharkfucker420 , avatar

Interacting with Facebook is generally a bad idea privacy or no

morrowind OP , avatar

You can try imprisoning her with a wall of fire.

xmunk ,

What kind of kinky valentine’s day do you have planned!

21Cabbage ,

Maybe he’ll revoke her superuser permissions.

umbrella , avatar

hot and bothered night of cleaning up python scripts and reflashing router firmware.

Honytawk ,

That spell it too high level

Steve , to memes in Playing an unsupported file

Uninstall that shit and use VLC

comrade_pibb , avatar

this is the correct answer

Octopus1348 , avatar

And if you want to play on a TV that doesn’t support the format, convert it with FFMpeg.

kuberoot ,

I’ve had good experience using mkvtoolnix to mux video into an mkv with subtitles included. Not sure if mkv support is widespread, but as janky as the TV was with other formats, mkv worked great every time.

Magnetar ,

VLC could play a polaroid image of the Voyager records.

deranger ,

MPC-HC also a very good choice

Da_Boom , avatar

VLC works most of the time. That said some videos VLC can’t seem to decode correctly - I never get VLC complaining about unsupported file formats, but I do get weird artifacts and glitched rendering when I try to play certain ones.

It’s then that I usually try MPV or MPlayer. One of those will usually play the video correctly.

ch00f , to memes in My cousin said the gas savings for a prius and a motorcycle were the same.

living to the fullest

Until, abruptly, you aren’t.

Sarcasmo220 OP ,

Sad, but true

dan1101 ,

Just assume you are invisible and that all the other vehicles will do the worst likely thing, and you might be alright.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

When I rode I went beyond being invisible to just imagining they are all actively targeting me, and making sure I didn't give them a chance.

Deceptichum , avatar

You targeted them first?

ImplyingImplications ,

Motorcycle licences should come with an organ donor registration card

ricecake ,

At least in my state all drivers license applications do.

pingveno ,

Same with my state. Also with voter registration update reminders. Oregon really takes its voting seriously.

ricecake ,

Yeah, I changed to automatic registration after voters voted yes to voting. Now you have to explicitly state you don’t want to be registered if you don’t, and any drivers license or ID related paperwork automatically registers you or updates your registration as needed.

Weirdly, passing a bunch of voter equity legislation initiated by the voters shortly resulted in a change in legislative makeup that better represented voters, and is weirdly more in favor of voting rights.
Crazy how that works.

OmenAtom ,

Holy fucking based

pumpkinseedoil ,

In my country everyone (literally everyone) is an organ donor by default. You can opt out instead of opting in.

Nindelofocho ,

Probably because of a shitty driver or tesla autopilot:

nickwitha_k ,

Speaking from experience, the former is extremely likely. Given the increase in sociopathic driving, I’ll not be riding on slabs again anytime soon. I really don’t want to get hit by another truck.

JokeDeity ,

Every motorcycle driver I’ve ever encountered was a shitty driver. They all do dangerous shit for no reason beyond their thrills and act like complete dicks on the road.

Wage_slave , to memes in Everytime avatar

Growing up weird and poor in a very conservative and arrogant part of the prairies, I was bullied relentlessly. The teachers never did anything unless it was me fighting back, to which it was suspension and I was a bad kid.

As high school came along, I grew more and more violent to the point I wasn’t a loser or a tough guy, but a snap case. The other kids thought I was edgy, the parents thought I was bound for prison, and the teachers probably had a beer when I dropped out.

My mom didn’t know what to do. And this was in a time where if your kid was in therapy, it’s was your failure as a parent. Combined with my disgust at the idea that I was what was broken, it was off the table. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I went for psychological help.

By then, I was so suicidal and gone that I wouldn’t be near ok until my late thirties. In my mid forties now, I look back and see myself as the potential shooter. I’m holding back my emotions right now, thinking of it. Fortunately, there were no guns at my disposal back, back then is how I feel looking back. I don’t know if I’d be able to hurt anyone like that, but I’d fuck myself up.

I lay a lot of blame on a system that allowed it to happen. In a community where open racism and homophobic views were the norm at the time, teachers were as judgmental as the students in some situations. Now maybe if I were white, it’d be easier, but even the broke white kids didn’t get any breaks. Especially from the teachers.

Look at me go, a meme has me fucked up thinking back and dumping online. But yeah, there it is.

I’d like to close by saying the town I grew up in is a far different place now. I’ve moved back and feel good here. I see teachers and bullies who don’t make eye contact, will not recognize me at all (which is my favorite) and the occasional happy to see you moments. I don’t communicate well in public these days, so it makes it ultra awkward, much like being in high school, talking to students you barely know.

jrbaconcheese ,

Glad you are okay, my guy.

Cannacheques ,

I can relate somewhat though probably not to the same degree, I think sometimes people are just assholes. Which is why I do my best to just let my actions speak by just doing my best to help out.

Even if I get angry with my words, I’m usually very direct about what I’m upset about, what bothers me is the degree to which people are often passive aggressive in a way that forces you to respond differently from how you normally would to begin with.

madcaesar ,

Fuck man, really sorry that happened. I’m glad you’re doing better, keep up the good fight!

SwampYankee , to cat in Cats understand 'naughty'

To be fair, raccoons give (and take) gifts. I think they consider anything shiny or colorful you leave out accessible to them a gift. My wife was attempting to feed neighborhood cats and we did get some, but we also got raccoons. They took a bright red bowl we were feeding them out of. In return, we’ve received several shiny rocks and a spoon.

Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

Raccoons giveth, and raccoons taketh away.

Rubanski ,

That sounds lovely! I would like to trade gifts with racoons!

bmsok ,

But when it’s 1:30am and two of them jump out of a dumpster at you as you’re taking out the trash after a night with friends it feels more like a standoff and your trash is a mafia-style bribe

Rubanski ,

But what will be my mystery gift in return?

bmsok ,

I guess in the moment my gift was that I didn’t have to get a rabies shot? Time will tell if/when I see those critters again.

Ziglin ,

I’d prefer magpies.

littlewonder ,

The magpie of mammals.

TheDarksteel94 , to memes in Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth

What if, and hear me out on this one, the problem isn’t which “-ism” is prevalent. The real problem is that ANY form of power or society needs checks and balances. If those are missing or not enforced, then everything goes to shit. It’s a balancing act, not just a matter of black or white.

SloganLessons , avatar

But I want to defend my -ism

killeronthecorner , avatar

Sir please put your -ism away, you’re scaring the children.

pythonoob ,

Name checks out lol

Grayox OP , avatar

The whole point of Communism is to balance power away from the 1% and back to the masses. The fact that it is an “-ism” and has decades of propaganda demonozing it, doesnt make that any less true.

TimeSquirrel , (edited ) avatar

balance power away from the 1% and back to the masses

By installing a dictator...every time it's attempted...

Maybe not do that next time and try doing it from the bottom up instead of top-down🏴. It's much more work to convince people that this is a solution and have them help willingly instead of forcing them to go along with it. We tried the Marxist-Leninist way dozens of times, let's try the anarchist way. A capitalist boot or a communist boot on my neck makes no difference to me, it's still a boot on my neck.

MotoAsh , (edited )

That is a problem of how revolution works, not a problem of communism.

Create a power vaccuum, and those who had the most power will STILL have the most influence. Even if you literally killed all the old power, you would be immediately creating an authority structure with the legal authority of capital punishment, which many, MANY communists wouldn’t agree with.

The problem is horrible people exist, NOT the concept of communism. For every reason people shit on Communism, there are twenty valid reasons to shit on capitalism. Neither system works in the real world on its own. To pretend like capitalism is magical in comparison is literally failing to observe reality.

The rich and powerful constantly shit on political action because it IS effective. They do not enjoy going through the effort of retaining power through internal conflicts and ESPECIALLY not actual revolutions. Why would they EVER tell you the truth?

yogthos , avatar

Even the fucking CIA isn’t dishonest enough to say such things…/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf

Cowbee ,

Why did Napoleon take power after the French Revolution if Capitalism doesn’t have dictators every time a revolution occurs?

AngryCommieKender ,

Because short man special!

/s (do I even need this? This one HAS to be so absurd as to make the “/s” superfluous)

Grayox OP , avatar

HE WAS AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR THE TIME PERIOD!!! (I miss overlysimplified so much)

emergencyfood ,

Maybe not do that next time and try doing it from the bottom up instead of top-down🏴.

Those have been tried, but they often tend to get liberated by the CIA. Or in some cases, the KGB / Red Army.

rchive ,

I’m certainly not advocating for toppling other countries’ governments, but honestly the fact that so many countries end up not being able to withstand the attacks from outside is kind of a mark against them.

emergencyfood ,

Well, that’s the problem with bottom-up government, isn’t it? It is better in most ways, but the local empire will invade you at the first chance they get.

If I remember correctly, the fall of the Paris commune to a Franco-German alliance was what led the early Marxists to embrace a centralised system. Of course, that brings its own problems, as power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

kugel7c ,

Rojava wants a few words.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Rojava is doing exactly as I suggested. Spreading the power out. It's a rare bird among the many communist attempts. I was actually going to offer it up as an example.

superduperenigma ,

The whole point of Communism is to balance power away from the 1% and back to the masses

But there needs to be some governing body that is responsible for determining how the power and wealth is distributed. Per the OP’s point: if the proper guardrails are not in place, control of that governing body will eventually shift towards a person or party who corrupts it for their own purposes. It doesn’t matter what the “point” of a system is, corrupt people will always attempt to take the wheel.

OurToothbrush ,

This was legitimately a problem after ww2 where the politically active communists were more heavily involved in the war and a bunch of the human infrastructure of (especially local)democracy got killed by nazis

Kalkaline , avatar

The important part is it’s not an authoritarian running the show and calling it “communism” or " democracy" when the reality is it’s just a plain old oligarchy with a new title applied.

Grayox OP , avatar

100% couldn’t agree more.

MrSqueezles ,

This is why Xi Jinping lives in a giant gilded castle and any negative thing said anywhere about him is censored, just like every other citizen. Everyone’s equal.

OurToothbrush ,

Citation fucking needed, do you even know anyone from China?

jeansibelius ,

Just look at “balance power away from 1%” in China, Ruzzia or North Corea. Do you really like it? Or you just read books and not looking at real life examples?

MrSqueezles ,

Why is there so much communist propaganda on Lemmy? Could it be that reddit is actually good at filtering out state-sponsored content farms?

Cowbee ,

Decentralization appeals to leftists, as that’s the principle of the ideology, away from bourgeois interests.

I haven’t seen evidence of state-sponsored propaganda, though there are people that simp far too hard for China and the CPC on Lemmy though.

OurToothbrush ,

You should read capital volume one, it will explain how the problem actually is capitalism

Jungle ,

Actually, the problem is homelessness.

The solution is either housing (ethical) or genocide (unethical).

Provision of housing for the poor can be achieved by means of social housing programs. These can exist in both communist and capitalist societies. E.g. the Netherlands is capitalist, but there is almost no homelessness thanks to its social housing program. The few homeless that are present are choosing this way of life and are therefore not part of problem.

qyron , to lemmyshitpost in Hello there

The best thing I ever read on this subject in a zombie book:

“Why are you taking the jeans off that zombie?” “100% cotton; after boiled and washed, I can cut it up for pads.”

Can’t remember the rest of the book but this stuck.

havokdj ,

By that logic, couldn’t you just do the same thing to the used pads?

qyron ,

Most sanitary are made to be single use. Cutting one and breaking it apart to understand how those are made is an interesting experience.

Reusable, washable pads exist but, to my knowledge, are not that main stream. But should.

I grew up surrounded by women recalling the time before discardable sanitary pads were a thing and every single one remembered using home made cloths made of thick and absorbent cotton, capable of being washed again and again, even for a lifetime.

Soft leather would also be an alternative, being absorbent, durable and washable.

havokdj ,

I should have clarified, I meant the pads that she made from the jeans, therefore negating the need to harvest more.

Thanks for the info though, I didn’t know about the leather fact.

qyron ,

There is no such thing as too many pads, even more if we consider the setting of the story. I can even imagine being used as a barter item.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

They could also double as bandages which would be in short supply

qyron ,

Good point

Thisfox ,

Linen (the fabric, not necessarily “bed linen”) is better, it absorbs the blood differently and leaves a cleaner surface for longer, but I am told that linen is pretty rare in the US, and cotton more common. You can put a leather or a synthetic core in to prevent soakthrough. Leather isn’t machine washable (less of an issue in a post apoc world, but I live in a pre-apoc world) so synthetic layer is better. They smell less and work well, and cost little. I recommend to all.

qyron ,

I’m going to remind this for when I write my own zombie book.

I’m not in the US, but linen is hard to find here as well. It’s expensive and to my knowledge the process is harder to mechanize than other fabrics. But the end product is a lot more durable. I’ve held an heirloom bed set made of linen and with years of use it was still very much new. And the feel…

Thisfox ,

I’m in Australia. Linen Teatowels are pretty common in second hand shops for cheap, and real linen bedsheets and similar are common in Aldi.

qyron ,

I wish they carry those here as well

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