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ConsciousLochNess , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar

The new CPU requirements for Windows 11 are why I wiped it and am now on Linux Mint. No dual-booting.


NewAgeOldPerson , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

This is one of those things I see people complain about everyone complaining. Like vegans or CrossFit people. I’ve met far more people complaining about complaints than actual incidents.

Most of us get it. It’s kids. I’ve seen obviously not emotional support animals brought in by asshats. Kids aren’t my concern.

ThePac , (edited )

Kids these days (Yes, I said that unironically) can’t be assed to deal with any amount of discomfort. They’ve had a childhood of screens put in front of them so they don’t have to deal with boredom and other shit that just ruins a person’s ability to operate in society.

Grow the fuck up and deal with it.

EDIT: So apparently people are reading this like I’m talking about the crying babies. I’m talking about the ridiculous, pseudo-child-free adults who can’t believe a baby might have trouble while flying and god forbid they should hear it cry.

AeroLemming ,

You mean their brains have been wired from an early age to be addicted to short-form content and never tolerate moments with nothing happening because they were given unfettered access to the internet and the psychological manipulation from big corporations that comes with it?

They’re just supposed to grow up and deal with that? How?

ThePac ,

They’re just supposed to grow up and deal with that?

Literally yes. I’m sure the process might be different for each person, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that people learn to deal with the world around them instead of expecting the world to bend to their complaints at every discomfort. It won’t.

UnicodeHamSic ,

Your aren’t tlaking about people. You are talking about children.

silent_water , avatar

kids are people, but yeah, point stands

AeroLemming ,

Mental disorders relating to attention have skyrocketed in recent years, most likely due to the influence of social media on young minds. This shit is causing actual brain damage to these poor children because they don’t know any better and their parents won’t limit their screen time. You can’t put that all on the kid.

ThePac , (edited )

I am putting it on the adults complaining about crying kids on planes or whatever other little thing that gets under their skin.

AeroLemming ,

Oh, well that changes the meaning of your comments entirely. Damn pronouns, always causing ambiguity everywhere!

Zalzabar ,

Not long ago I heard someone on the radio get very angry over kids playing ball hockey on their own street and in the same breath will complain that kids don’t go outside enough so yes I 100% agree with you people expect the world to bend for them when it’s inconvenient for them they are less of an adult then these kids crying on a plane smh

kablammy ,

FYI the younger ones are screaming because of pain from the inner ear air pressure changes that they don’t know how to prevent.

ThePac ,

JFC are people really understanding my take as blaming the fucking babies? The whole “kids these days” was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the adults in the plane complaining about the babies.

SpiderShoeCult ,

nah, lad, people are most likely understanding exactly what ya meant and they’re downvoting because of that. also the ‘pseudo-childfree’ mention might also be bothersome to some, what with it suggesting said lifestyle might be just a phase and thus claiming to have the absolute truth and such things. pretty sure parents would downvote a childfree person for suggesting a pseudo-parent notion.

but I’m 2 ales and a barleywine in already, so YMMV

this thread is entertaining though, for what it’s worth. I just want to see the fuckcarspeople get involved here as well, 'cause it’s getting kind of repetitive

why isn’t there a fuckplanes community, I wonder? I mean they still use leaded fuel and are probably making us all stupider and more violent and stuff

ThePac ,

Maybe go start c/fuck_everything?

also the ‘pseudo-childfree’ mention might also be bothersome to some, what with it suggesting said lifestyle might be just a phase

That was not my intention. I don’t consider it a phase and I don’t think everyone needs to be a parent. I just got a very c\fuck_kids vibe from the whole thing. I’m sure I could have said it better, but… eh.

oregoncom , avatar

kids these days can’t be assed to deal with any amount of discomfort.🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓

Your lack of self awareness is astounding.

UID_Zero , avatar

I’m thankful that my kids fly well, and always have. We flew with them at ~15 months with no issues.

I’ve always heard the complaints about screaming infants and whatnot…but I’ve never seen it. Granted, I don’t fly too often (and less so more recently), but I’ve never had the “classic” kid crying through the entire flight. It just doesn’t happen as often as people think. I’m sure when it does happen that it’s pretty f’n annoying, though.

Dr_pepper_spray ,

I have. It’s pretty unpleasant, but you put your headphones on and listen to something. These people that assume there is some policy that flights have to be as quiet as a church are beyond me.

Ryumast3r ,

FYI, emotional support animals aren’t protected on flights any more than other animals on flights, meaning they have to stay in a crate/kennel.

Only service animals can be outside of the carrier and there’s extra paperwork associated with that.

Fuckass , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

I don’t think I’ve met anyone who enjoys windows 11 unless they’re like 75 years old and only click on google chrome and the power off button

OfficerBribe ,

For the most part there is practically no difference between 10 and 11 minus changes in UI and higher HW requirements. If someone liked 10, do not see why 11 would be different. Same in theory could be said about 8.1 and 10. Most of the UI changes are better IMO, but there are some annoyances mainly related to taskbar.

I believe the only thing that many could dislike and have impact on daily work, would be the new context menu. It can be swapped to old one, but as of now there is no easy setting / toggle for that.

Duamerthrax ,

There’s even more telemetry and built in ads with Win11 over Win10. If they’re so similar otherwise, why would anyone upgrade to Win11?

OfficerBribe , (edited )
  1. I like newest OS versions. Visually I do like it better as well. Kind of wish I could get back rectangular design though, not a fan of rounded corners, but that is very minor thing. When I say nothing much has changed, I mean the backend, backwards compatibility. Everything you know about Windows since 8.1 still applies + some additional features, improvements.
  2. Do not have ads. Maybe because I am in Europe or maybe because I have Education (Same as Pro Enterprise) license or because I am using local and not MS account.
  3. Do not care about telemetry. Have disabled most “personalization” things. I am fine with MS collecting random basic telemetry like HW inventory / SW crashes or whatever they collect.
LinuxSBC ,

Education edition is the best edition. It does not have ads, which is not true of Pro.

OfficerBribe ,

Made a mistake about comparison. Education is comparable to Enterprise and not Pro. Have experience only for these 2 editions so no idea what’s the situation with Home and Pro and if there really are ads that cannot be disabled.

void_wanderer ,

I highly recommend this little tool to get back the old taskbar and context menu:

OfficerBribe ,

I sort of want to try barebones/native experience now. Old context menu can be accessed by holding shift when needed so it does not bother me much, probably there is a simple registry fix as well if you would want to always get it by default.

For me only main initial annoyance with W11 was no seconds for clock in taskbar, but that was added some time ago so I am fine.

Previosly I used start replacement Classic Shell, but not anymore. Kind of realized I do search instead of clicking what I want anyways. Besides Win7 like start menu looking more pleasant for me, I do not care about it much anymore.

aerir ,

Honestly, my Win11 works well enough for my day 2 day use. I don’t have to troubleshoot any random issues I may encountered in Linux (I use Nvidia). I turned off all the telemetry settings I could but let’s be real, I am still using Google and all the big social media.

Win10 gave me more BSODs too. My only tip for the few Windows user here, do a fresh install instead of upgrade.

Linux desktop just ain’t worth it for a gamer; when it works it’s great, when it doesn’t - I don’t want to spend anymore of my limited time to fix or make it work.

knobpolisher , to memes in This is the way

Reverse poacher rhino bbq birthing

nobleshift , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar


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  • atticus88th ,

    I always book late night / red-eye when travelling with kids / grandkids. For some magical reason I cannot comprehend, they sleep nearly the entire flight.

    ThePac , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

    How anybody flies without noise-canceling headphones these days is beyond me.

    rab , avatar

    I just had a 9 hour flight where both bathrooms were plugged and aisles were completely covered in puke because this kid got so sick, and refused to throw up into a bag. Every time he got sick he ran from his mom and threw up somewhere else on the plane

    Left flight with puke on my backpack and shoes. Whole back of the plane was vomiting throughout the flight due to the smell. Nobody could use the bathrooms for the last 3 hours of the flight

    My noise cancelling headphones were not effective

    VikingHippie ,

    Should have gotten Bose.

    bronxasaur ,

    Literal nightmare fuel

    rab , avatar

    Yeah I’ve always had pre flight anxiety, all the “what ifs” going through my head

    I actually didn’t think it could ever be so bad. Forever scared to fly ever again…

    Randomocity ,

    Really though this is probably the worst experience you’ll ever have on a plane.

    I_Fart_Glitter ,

    Dude. How did the fucking marshals not step in? Allowing anyone, child or not, to repeatedly spread bio hazard on other passengers is not ok. One time? Fine, kids are gross and things happen. Repeatedly? That kid is a terrorist.

    familyfriendly , avatar

    Believe it or not but not everyone is from the US. Flight marshals are mainly a US thing

    Duxon ,

    Recalibrate your irony sensors.

    rab , (edited ) avatar

    Canada to Germany flight. Not much can be done while you are flying over Greenland.

    The kid was mentally ill. I blame the mother. She tried to wash a blanket or something in the sink, clogging the entire plane. People were pissing into bottles

    Surprised this didn’t make the news really. It barely sounds like a true story

    Colour_me_triggered ,

    Lol I’d have paid good money to see that.

    AeroLemming ,

    See and NOT smell.

    Also, blur the footage a bit please.

    rab , avatar

    Yeah I know it barely even sounds like a true story, but it really happened

    Vancouver to Frankfurt via condor, Aug 3.

    Anyone here remember the scene from team America where he vomits endlessly? It was sort of like this. The kid probably lost 50 lbs that flight

    bermuda ,

    I’m taller than average so it already sucks but last year I had three flights IN A ROW where I got placed behind somebody who was obsessed with leaning back in their seat. Like they’d lean back as much as the seat would let them which was already painful but then they’d try and push it more and more and jump back into the seat which was only hurting my knees more. One was 6 hours and I literally could not sleep 1 second because of the pain. three DIFFERENT people did this! Noise cancelling headphones did not help.

    electrogamerman ,

    Im gagging just thinking about it. Ok, i will forever bring a facemask plus aromatic salts with me everytime i do an intercontinental flight!

    Tankiedesantski ,

    In business class, no less. Like come in you rich dorks, you have no excuse to be prepared for this shit.

    original_ish_name ,

    Overpriced. And then you need them for every member of the family :)

    And they also might not work well enough

    JackBruh ,

    Yeah anything below the ultra premium ones barely work as wanted.

    oregoncom , avatar

    Or just suck it up and be and adult instead of complaining about literal babies 24/7. Go back to r/childfree

    Krachsterben ,

    They’re good at cancelling out deep grumbling noises but purposely let through high tones so users can hear fire / safety alarms ringing. Unfortunately baby’s screaming is more similar to the latter and cuts right through to your ears

    Malfeasant ,

    It still takes the edge off… I have two little sirens myself.

    turkalino , avatar

    noise-cancelling headphones don’t help with crying babies unfortunately, just hums & buzzes like the engines, HVAC system, etc.

    ThePac ,

    I kind of assume people are listening to music or something with the headphones on. That does a good enough job to drown out all sounds for me. If you just put on noise-canceling headphones, turn them on, then don’t play anything… yeah… not going to be super effective at filtering out crying babies.

    UnknownQuantity , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

    I was flirting with Linux for 20 years. There was always something that put me off an I went back to Windows. Recently I installed ubuntu with Kde plasma and I’m not going back. It just works and is heaps faster on older hardware. The old driver issues are gone, compatibility is awesome. The only issue is getting used to new software names.

    batmaniam ,

    Same. I started with Ubuntu like a decade ago. I hated it and didn’t really see the fuss, kind of gave up.

    But then I started putting in tons of time in rasbian, and windows kept getting more and more… Well, windows. I eventually realized how much more I liked working on stuff on the pi, and just needed proper hardware. That’s also when I started to understand the differences between distros. I’m not flaming Ubuntu (I’m not really smart enough to have an opinion), it was just a lot of hastle for something I didn’t understand the upside of yet.

    Been wrestling with my first all Linux (Debian) box. It’s a bit of a learning curve but there’s this weird headspace it frees up. It does what I tell it. There’s no random software that shows up. There’s nothing I can’t nuke. No surveys on my favorite BBQ dish in my Taskbar (true story). It’s so godamn nice. It’s the opposite of a black box.

    Im getting another (3rd) box specifically to slowly replace my current desktop. Ill be fooling around with WINE and whatnot for the software I need for work, probably setting up a small windows partition for when I absolutely need it. But all in all I’ll be 90% penguin by years end.

    ThePac ,

    How’s gaming support?

    thedeadwalking4242 ,

    Decent, with proton I can play most games with no issues

    Shinji_Ikari , avatar

    A large majority of games on steam work via proton.

    For games outside steam, there’s a pretty good community around wine wrappers. I think it’s called lutris.

    I used to play GTAV, assassins creed, and other AAA titles through it 4 years ago and its only gotten better.

    Hikiru , avatar

    For single player, the majority of games should work just fine. Most gaming issues nowadays are either because of invase DRM or anticheat, but more and more games are getting support. A large part of it is thanks to the steam deck.

    floofloof ,

    Surprisingly good. It’s no longer that depressing list of the same handful of open source games. These days you can be fairly confident most games will run OK, especially if you’re running Steam.

    ThemboMcBembo , avatar

    Through Lutris, really good

    averagedrunk ,

    I dual boot fedora with plasma (it has all my laptop drivers without me having to install anything) with Windows and it’s pretty great, but I was out of Linux for a long time and there’s things I don’t remember. So I’m missing stuff and don’t have the time to relearn what I knew 20 years ago.

    It works well enough for day to day tasks and dev work. Windows works well enough to run some games.

    wizzor , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

    I have found Linux to have excellent HW support for all older hardware. Only notable exception is fingerprint readers. Granted, it’s been years since I tried gaming.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    I don’t look up Linux compatibility for hardware, everything just works

    If a game doesn’t support Linux then I don’t support the game

    It’s like people trying to run Linux or Mac software on Windows - they just don’t do it.

    loutr , avatar

    Funny anecdote about FP readers: got an XPS 13 for work. At first I tried to make do with Windows, and everytime I tried to register my fingerprints, the laptop rebooted instantly. Then I got fed up jumping through hoops to set up my workflow, installed Ubuntu, installed the FP reader driver, and it worked like a charm.

    As for gaming, I finally got rid on Windows on my gaming PC (AMD GPU), and all my games work very nicely (I don’t play multiplayer games). Most problems were fixed by selecting another proton version through Steam, biggest issue I had was manually updating the fucking Ubisoft launcher thing for AC Syndicate.

    stealth_cookies ,

    I don’t think the fingerprint reader is the problem it is how the OS supports it. I tried with my framework laptop and it just stopped logging me in after a misread or something like that.

    TheBurlapBandit , to memes in Team Xavier

    You can’t spell heroine without heroin

    uralsolo , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

    Just the other day I was posting complaining about a thing I was trying to do that should have been simple but Linux made really hard for some reason. Still prefer it to Windows tbh.

    selokichtli ,

    Oh, that’s why I moved from W10. My audio card refused to work with this OS. The solution: go back to W8.1 which I just skipped as hell. I could never get rid of that problem in W10, BSOD as soon as it rebooted into W10. No matter what I tried, couldn’t debug the problem. Fuck it, Linux may be complicated, but at least you end up knowing what’s going on. I can’t go back to not knowing.

    Duamerthrax ,

    The other day, I dug out an old scanner to use. No mac drivers ever and no Win10 drivers. Worked on my Mint laptop with no drivers to install.

    tbagmobile , to memes in Team Xavier

    He is the chosen one

    Twink , to memes in How though? avatar

    Magic. Don’t let mage apologists gaslight you.

    db2 , to memes in How though?
    EherVielleicht , to memes in How though?

    I am angleless…

    RoquetteQueen , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

    The entitlement of the edgy childfree people (not all childfree people; most of you are cool) is hilarious. Screeching about entitled parents daring to take their children in public because they (the edgy childfree people) are entitled to being perfectly comfortable at all times. The irony is amazing.

    rab , avatar

    People shouldn’t even be reproducing anymore is the thing. Unless the parents are millionaires those kids are completely fucked later in life

    Dinsmore ,

    I mean, shouldn’t this really a call for the abolition of capitalism, not the abolition of the human race?

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    We’re overpopulated, so no. If the earth were healthy, not having rising sea levels detracting habitable lands, weather that wasn’t ruining crops, and the list goes on… we could easily handle this many people and more. But uh, not so much right now. Food shortages are coming.

    Dr_pepper_spray ,

    Whatever dead-ender. Just mind your business and leave everyone else alone.

    rab , avatar

    Having kids is the most selfish thing you can do. I’m never going to stop reminding people of this.

    Dr_pepper_spray ,

    There’s no law against ranting and raving.

    ursakhiin ,

    As a child free adult, I don’t mind that kids are on planes. I mind if the parents aren’t making sure they behave.

    Too many times I’ve had a kid scream at me for my attention and their parents just ignore it.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Oh that would stop real quick. Travel with terrifying (yet legal!) things to show them.

    r1veRRR ,

    It is not about taking them to public places and you damn well know that! It’s putting them into a metal tube with a lot of stressors and ruining the flight of many many other people just because you couldn’t be bothered to take a break from flying for the first 2-3 years of their life.

    RoquetteQueen ,

    Lol you guys are ridiculous. Get over yourself. My family has to miss several years of anything that requires a plane so YOU don’t have to be mildly inconvenienced for half an hour? Sure, bud.

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