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orca , (edited ) to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

It has taught me that imposter syndrome fucking sucks.

On a more serious note, it’s taught me to be a solid ally for colleagues but always be skeptical of the business owners and decision makers themselves. I woke up to a layoff along with 5 other people and was laid off for 3 months before I found a new gig. Don’t allow emotions to cloud your job search. It’s all a negotiation and you should push for whatever you can get in terms of salary, PTO, etc. Never sell yourself short because the company sold you some story about how they need help.

Stoneykins , to lemmyshitpost in Finding out the hard way

Also each of them resists different type of foods better. Wax paper will hold up to wet food, and parchment paper holds up better to oily food.

This is not anything I can prove just personal experience so take it with a grain of salt

Goldmage263 , avatar

And let’s not forget about butcher’s paper. Also totally different application but still no oven.

Alteon ,

You can use it for lower temperatures. (< 300°F). You can realistically go up to 400°s but I think it starts to do odd things when above 300°F (it’s been awhile since Ive used it so take that with a grain of salt).

It’s used in a lot of smoking/roasting applications to keep the moisture in. Just don’t let it touch the element and you should be fine.

grue ,

It’s used in a lot of smoking/roasting applications to keep the moisture in. Just don’t let it touch the element and you should be fine.

What is this, “el-em-ent?” I don’t understand. Are you talking about the hot coals?

(On a related note, Hank Hill was wrong.)

Alteon ,

Lol, yeah, essentially coals. An element (or coil) is what’s used to heat a standard convection oven or toaster.

MNByChoice ,

To add, this is for electric heat. Not gas.

Goldmage263 , avatar

Ty! I didn’t know it was safe for a smoker.

Alteon ,

No problem. Yeah, if your doing something like brisket, you can smoke it for the first half to get a good bark on it. And then wrap it in butcher paper to trap the moisture in for the second half. It’s to help prevent stalling.

It’s also known as the Texas Crutch.

eestileib ,

I recently got “food wrapping paper” for bundling up sandwiches, it is still coated but has just enough stickiness left for tape to hold it shut.

Previously I was using parchment paper and if you wanted to hold it shut you needed to use a rubber band or run the tape all the way around to stick back to itself.

IamSparticles ,

Which one holds up better to a grain of salt? Should I use aluminum foil for that?

PersnickityPenguin ,

No, calcium chloride actually corrodes aluminum.

pH3ra , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

That, given the chance, always choose a smaller company: having a direct contact with the person that pays your salary gives you a better shot in terms of professional growth

ours ,

The downside is that in smaller companies, assholes have a bigger impact on you.

pH3ra , avatar

Agree, I’ve been lucky (and persistent) enough to end up in an asshole-less workplace.
As they say “job interviews are both sided” and the smaller the company is, the more relevant the person interviewing you is gonna be for that company: that’s a good litmus test for what your potential workplace is going to be. I turned down many offers from people I had the feeling (or proof) they could be assholes.

Mellibird ,

Another downside with smaller companies is there not always room for you to grow or move up.

Riven , avatar

My situation. I was told unless someone retires there isn’t really a way to go up. The only reason I’m sticking around is because I have gotten decentish raises and benefits like them paying for all my personal gas. That said, 2 of the old timers retired and they just cut those positions. If I don’t get a bug raise or another position come my next year I’m gonna bounce.

Unaware7013 ,

A smaller company means smaller salary and bigger potential to have to fill in the cracks as management decides to not backfill.

I moved from a 10 person map to a hundreds of employees map/hosting provider and doubled my pay for minimal extra work. My team isn't much bigger than my previous team, but I don't have to work nearly as hard being a JOAT vs staying in my lane and passing off stuff that's out of my primary knowledge domain.

pH3ra , avatar

I had quite the opposite experience: my last job was for a big company (800+ employees) I had a shitton of work with the downside of being extremely repetitive and alienating, just a small cog inside a huge machine.
Now it’s just me and my boss. Of course I’m a JOAT and I have more responsibilities, but that makes the work way less boring and I feel more appreciated for what I do every day. I earn a little more than before and I have the upside of having learned many new skills that make me a more valuable asset on the work market.
I’m aware that not all kinds of job allow you to do this, tho.

ArcaneSlime , to memes in Very

So you don’t understand how mass surveillance works? “Big brother” isn’t “watching” you in real time, they’re collecting and storing all the data they can en masse and having AI look at it for them. I personally object to the warrantless collection and storage of everyone’s data.

WindInTrees ,

they’re collecting and storing all the data they can en masse and having AI look at it for them.

And then what? Why do I care?

moosetwin , avatar

If there is a data breach, all of the information gathered can easily be used for mass identity theft. (Or other thefts, i.e. credit card theft)

Reddit_Is_Trash ,

AI wrongly flags you as suspicious and someone has to take a manual look at all your data.

Why would you want anyone from the government doing any sort of investigation on you? Even if you have nothing to hide it’s a breach of privacy and you put a lot of trust in the government.

madcaesar , (edited ) to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

In this picture:

1 cute baby

1 caring parent taking his kids on a trip

And a bunch of entitled douchenoozles, not understanding that THEY used to be screaming babies too!

Edit: The replies to this are wild lol this platform really is just single dudes circle jerking. If you really have no compassion for the parent in this picture, you need to take a deep look at yourself.

hungryphrog ,

Well, what would you expect from someone who says they “own” children?

cufta22 , avatar

It’s a joke…

Holyginz ,

I’m not a screaming infant anymore. And I chose not to reproduce because I didn’t want to deal with screaming children. Not wanting to listen to someone else’s screaming/crying children in an enclosed space you can’t get away from them in isn’t being a douche its expecting common courtesy and a pleasant experience everyone has pain potentially a lot of money for.

ButtermilkBiscuit ,

Why isn’t this infant baby showing common courtesy? My God does this infant have no shame?

Fucking lol

Holyginz ,

Don’t be stupid. It’s on the parents not the infant. Nobody cares if the infant cries some, or if they do they aren’t worth talking to. The point is if you know you can’t control your child or have no way to handle them on a plane, you have no business bringing them and you should’ve driven. Simple as that.

Dr_pepper_spray ,

Why are you under the assumption all parents who travel are doing so for leisure?

Honytawk ,

Cause they would pick other options than the plane if it wasn’t.

Reddit_Is_Trash ,

Tbh taking your baby on a trip is a giant waste of money. They aren’t going to enjoy/remember it. And if you bring them on a plane they will have no clue what’s going on, be stressed, and annoy everyone else

Holyginz ,

Exactly! All these parents and self absorbed people trying to come after me for my comment because they think they should be catered to or bent over backwards for because they popped out a kid is laughable. It’s not a good experience for the kid and it’s not a good experience for other passengers who had no input on the kid being there.

jcit878 ,

people travel for reasons other than just taking holidays too…

Dr_pepper_spray ,

Why are all of you assuming people are going on vacation? People travel for all sorts of reasons.

scubbo ,

You used to be a child once, so you aren’t allowed to be frustrated at any behaviours of children or choices of their caregivers” sure is a perspective.

Yes, I was once a child. And if my parents had taken me on a flight before I was sufficiently mature not to yell during it, they would have been being irresponsible and selfish. “Babies scream, sometimes there’s nothing you can do to stop them” is true, but doesn’t imply that you should be allowed to take them anywhere.

Zabjam ,

What about ugly people or people with body odour? Do we not allow them to travel on planes, too? I can easily block noise with earplugs. Can’t really plug my nose or keep my eyes closed all the time.

Why is everyone else responsible for your comfort? Wanting all families banned from airtravel just because wearing earplugs is asking too much is in my opinion a lot more selfish than bringing a child onto a plane.

Honytawk ,

What about ugly people or people with body odour?

They get called out all the time.

Remember the story of Andre the Giant that took a shit on a plane and they had to make an emergency stop?

They should do the same when a baby starts to cry.

scubbo ,

Neither of those things you described are intentional life-choices that people have planned, so no, it is not the same thing at all.

Why is everyone else responsible for your comfort?

This is a circular argument I’ve seen a lot of times on this thread (from several people), so I’m going to respond to it just once and then stop engaging here because this whole thread is not convincing anyone. Both sides of this issue believe that that argument supports them:

  • Pro-babies think “other passengers should just bring earplugs, I don’t have to be responsible for their comfort” (let’s leave aside for a moment the question of whether earplugs are actually fully effective against screaming children (they’re not) and give this view the benefit of the doubt)
  • Anti-babies think “just don’t bring the baby on the plane. The whole rest of the plane shouldn’t have to adapt to your choices

The thing is, one of these groups of people is knowingly introducing a factor that will cause distress to hundreds of people and is saying “fuck all of you if you aren’t prepared to adapt to my choices”, and the other group is saying…“please don’t do that”. The latter feels way more reasonable to me.

The key point here seems to be that air travel is considered to be a fundamental inalienable right, something which should not and cannot be denied. Parents are saying things like “well without air travel, how are we supposed to go on holiday”, to which the answer is…maybe you’re not (or you go by car/boat) until the baby’s a real human? Maybe that was something you should have thought about before you had a child? Maybe, just maybe, it should be the cultural and social norm that a choice that you made does not permit you to inflict the negative outcomes of that choice on a tube of strangers?

Zabjam ,

Body odour is - thanks to deodorant - very much a choice.

You are right, air travel is no fundamental right. Same as air travel in complete silence.

elxeno ,
state_electrician ,

Ugh, forget it. The majority here are young people, mostly men, without any experience with children.

Honytawk ,

I’ve had plenty of experience with children crying on planes.

Neil , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar


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  • MenacingPerson ,

    You need better eyesight then, because there are more than 2 in that photo

    Shady_Shiroe , avatar

    He was talking about the 2 windows users

    kapx132 , to memes in Can you Americans pass the test? avatar

    Thats old Zealand

    Aagje_D_Vogel ,

    That’s actually a bit higher. North of Belgium, Dutch south-west province.

    earned_myself_a_gin , to memes in Berry Club

    Why are there no comments on this! It’s hilarious

    NocturnalMorning ,

    I see two comments :P

    AlphaAutist ,

    They hated tomato for he spoke the truth

    HawlSera , to lemmyshitpost in That'll be another 10B plus tips, thanks 🇺🇸

    Explain to me why Americans can’t have single payer because “ToO eXpENsIve”

    But we can fund Israel’s single payer no problem.

    This is why I wish “America First” wasn’t a racist dogwhistle.

    I would be onboard with a platform where America stops getting involved in other nations bullshit for War Profiteering reasons and just took care of its own people.

    SwallowsDick ,

    Does America fund Israel 's healthcare?

    HawlSera , (edited )

    I believe it does, I think I remember reading that somewhere, but it would have been years ago, so I wouldn’t be comfortable betting my life on that.

    Edit: Okay apparently we did up until 2007

    DarthBueller ,

    No. Military in-kind assistance only since 2007. Before that, substantial financial assistance from 1971 to 2007.

    imposedsensation ,

    Money is substitutable. It’s laughable when politicians earmark funds for only a specific purpose or only provide supplies and equipment.

    If those are things that the recipient would otherwise spend money to buy, then you’re supporting whatever other things they end up spending the money to buy.

    UltraMagnus0001 ,

    iron triangle has a lot of lobbyists

    ox0r , to lemmyshitpost in That'll be another 10B plus tips, thanks 🇺🇸 avatar

    They’re an ally because they kill slightly browner people

    Tb0n3 ,

    They’re an ally mostly because Christian Fundamentalists need it to exist to justify their coming end times prophecies.

    RegularGoose ,

    This is the actual real answer. They say it openly all the time.

    NotErisma , to memes in Abe-sama gives advice avatar
    VikingHippie , to memes in Abe-sama gives advice

    Nah, don’t think I’m going to be taking advice from a holocaust-denying nationalist piece of shit about anything. May he rest in piss.

    nxdefiant ,

    I completely forgot this guy got blunderbussed straight to hell until now.

    ImOnADiet , avatar

    the-doohickey critical support to this thing

    ghariksforge , to linux in Why does Nvidia hate linux?

    Companies love to use open source software to reduce their development costs. They hate to contribute back.

    Cethin ,

    That’s not true. Some companies contribute. AMD does a great job fostering open source software. This is an Nvidia issue. They are a plague and I hope they one day lose market share for it.

    omalaul , to programmerhumor in Tech Jobs Be Like

    Hard requirement is 8 years of software engineering and the daily tasks include maintaining 47 different Excel sheets because the CPO likes the format.

    Kolgeirr ,

    8 years of experience programming in a language that didn’t exist until two years ago.

    such_fifty_bucks ,

    Easy just work 160 hours a week. That leaves time for a nice 8 hour night of sleep, just like the doctor recommends.

    Damage , to programmerhumor in No more problem

    Such a sad end for a good app

    MentalEdge , avatar

    I use the modded version from github.

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