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ignotum , to lemmyshitpost in defoe posting

Not missing a single finger? Must be their first week in the factory

cypherpunks OP , to aboringdystopia in username checks out avatar

or, as we used to say on MeFi: eponysterical

nossaquesapao , to aboringdystopia in username checks out

Is it for all the web? I would never imagine that bots could use more traffic than all people watching videos around the world.

cypherpunks OP , avatar

skimming the “report”, which is actually just advertising for a security company, i don’t think they actually define web traffic anywhere. they might mean HTTP requests, sessions, unique IP addresses, who knows.

if it’s based on actual observations it probably doesn’t mean throughput.

nossaquesapao ,

I have just read in another thread that it’s a misleading headline. The actual study mentions only traffic in login pages. Now the numbers make total sense

SnotFlickerman , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho. avatar

Every Man is an Island motherfuckers realizing that No Man is an Island.

Humans specifically only were successful because of pack hunting. We died quickly in nature as individuals. Anarcho-capitalism rejects this need for each other replaced with the unsound idea that each individual can handle everything on their own.

Works great until you break your fucking ankle and realize nobody decided being a doctor was important or the only person with medical skills has decided they don’t want to do business with you.

punkwalrus , avatar

The ironic thing is that they because successful because of civilization and pack mentality, but are so conceited, they think all that infrastructure (public roads, doctors, restaurants, etc) exists simply because they exist. It’s weirdly how toddlers see the universe, and why tantrums between the two groups are so similar.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Yeah, the old “you don’t find libertarians in poor countries with bad infrastructure” trope.

jaybone ,

Wouldn’t that be the cartels’ upper echelon?

VubDapple ,

Nor weird at all. It requires a social and emotional maturation process to occur before an adult can appreciate the golden rule. When this developmental process fails you have a chronological adult who is developmentally immature. One of the technical names used to refer to this outcome is narcissism. Such people have prominent narcissistic traits.

lugal ,

Kropotkin identified mutual aid as a key factor in evolution, not only but especially in humans

DeepGradientAscent , (edited ) avatar

Capitalism (strictly defined as the private ownership of the means of production) can’t exist without the premise of private property being protected by laws that are collectively agreed upon, enforced, and adjudicated by peers within your community.

If one defines anarchism strictly as a type of government without a hierarchy, then anarcho-capitalism can exist with laws and government by one’s peers, who are societally and politically equal, save for temporary powers granted to them to legislate, enforce, and adjudicate the laws that are collectively agreed upon regarding private property and its ownership, protection, and distribution.

What a lot of these anarcho-capitalist chucklefucks actually advocate for is the corporate-might-makes-right-piracy under the guise of “rUgGeD iNdIvIdUaLiSm”.

They’re authoritarians who want the freedom to fuck anyone over with impunity “without the commies in government getting in the way”.

meowMix2525 ,

It’s literally just libertarianism under a new and more descriptive name.

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

Rebranded libertarianism or not, my point is that what I’ve experienced when talking to self-described anarcho-capitalists is that they’re all wannabe dictators.

meowMix2525 ,

Yes. I was not contradicting that.

OurToothbrush ,

Capitalism (strictly defined as the private ownership of the means of production) can’t exist without the premise of private property being protected by laws that are collectively agreed upon, enforced, and adjudicated by peers within your community.

This implies that any capitalist society is compatible with democracy, as in, “the will of the masses controls society” and not as in “you get to vote for genocidal liberal who will make us richer, or genocidal fascist who will make us richer”

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

This implies that any capitalist society is compatible with democracy, as in, “the will of the masses controls society”


Capitalism is an economic system, while democracy is a political system.

To repeat myself a bit, my argument is that capitalism can’t exist without collective agreements on legislation, enforcement, and adjudication, along with strong protections for an individual’s rights.

In the United States, we technically have a democratically-elected representative federal republic (on paper). This is one of many political systems where capitalism can exist, if we’re defining it strictly, as I’d mentioned above.

And to be absolutely clear:

If you believe that supposed self-described “socialists”, “communists”, “leftists”, and other “cHaMpIoNs Of tHe PeOpLe” have never been or are incapable of being genocidal maniacs, please promptly fuck your own face with your tankie butt-plug and jump off the nearest cliff.

I will never entertain any authoritarian of whatever economic stripe or their apologists for even a nanosecond.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Capitalism is an economic system, while democracy is a political system.

Economics is politics. The two are intertwined in every practical regard.

To repeat myself a bit, my argument is that capitalism can’t exist without collective agreements on legislation, enforcement, and adjudication, along with strong protections for an individual’s rights.

This is ahistorical. Colonialism does not require consensus or respect for individual rights and is a central feature of any capitalist system that is successful enough.

If you believe that supposed self-described “socialists”, “communists”, “leftists”, and other “cHaMpIoNs Of tHe PeOpLe” have never been or are incapable of being genocidal maniacs, please promptly fuck your own face with your tankie butt-plug and jump off the nearest cliff.

Oh yeah, socialists have done some horrible things. They pale in scale to the crimes of capitalism. The British empire, the nazi empire, the American empire. Socialism is a less violent system but that doesn’t mean that violence stops.

I will never entertain any authoritarian of whatever economic stripe or their apologists for even a nanosecond.

If you support capitalism you literally support an informal caste system where a small caste owns the collective accumlated fruits of labor of the whole human race stretching back to the start of agriculture, where any attempt to change the state of affairs that has any chance of success gets jakarta methoded. That is much more authoritarian than a red terror.

Diplomjodler , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho.

It’s not enough to not understand economics, you also need to lack empathy and self-reflection.

killeronthecorner , avatar

Phew, thank god I understand economics

jhulten ,

I thought that was well covered by “incel”.

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

Involuntary celibacy covers that?

DragonTypeWyvern ,


AstridWipenaugh ,

Don’t sell them short; incel lifestyle is about so much more than (no) sex. I’d challenge you to find any incel posts that exhibit empathy or even a reasonable understanding of human interaction.

starman2112 , avatar

Incel as a term describes something much more specific than “virgin (but they don’t want to be).” That may be the literal meaning of the words, but like, we all know that the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea is not democratic, people’s, or a republic.

Incel, the way it’s typically used, describes a particular type of person who’s embittered by their long-lasting virginity, and because of that, views most or all members of the opposite sex as lesser than them, believing that they’re in some way owed sex, and have been denied that ‘right.’

Siegfried ,

Why everybody has to be so concerned with who does and who does not get laid and the reasons why?

pozbo , avatar

Well sometimes the ones that can’t get laid bring guns to school.

OmnipotentEntity , avatar

The word “incel” colloquially covers quite a bit more territory than its acronym expansion implies, much like MAGA means quite a bit more than just a collective of individuals who want to see America succeed. But of course you know this, so why exactly are you asking?

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

But of course you know this, so why exactly are you asking?

No. I don’t. That’s why I’m asking.

I thought incel was an abbreviation for an involuntary celibate person, male or female, who genuinely can’t have sex for a plethora of potential reasons. Since the word “involuntary” is part of the abbreviation, to me, that means the person who’s celibate can’t help it.

For what it’s worth, I’m on the spectrum, and one aspect of my neuropathy is that I over-emphasize strict definitions of words etymologically and need to have strict meaning in communication. I perceive people using fluid or inaccurate definitions for words as a vehicle for hostile manipulation and malicious intent.

I am in therapy for this, but I’m skeptical CBT or drugs can rectify how I interpret linguistic nuance.

voidMainVoid ,

Of course! If you aren’t getting laid, it’s clearly because you’re a terrible person.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

But if you are getting laid that means at least one other person can stand you.

Binthinkin , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho.

I know this lazy, dumb as shit 40yo Republikid who sounds like CNBC and Cramer who finds empathy by feeling bad for the anti-work subreddit.

“At least Im not them” he says.

Try to get into the nuts and bolts of things and the dummy shuts down spectacularly.

Also, he’s never had a gf. IDK how these folks plan on winning when they get no love.

rockSlayer , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho.

I love watching them try to explain why it wouldn’t just become neo-fuedalism lmao

Grayox OP , avatar

Cause they imagine themselves as the Lord and not the Peasants that they currently are in reality.

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

To be fair, some of these fucks are the Peter Thiels of the world that are part of the aristocracy.

But in a world without the state to enforce their bullshit they would fall quickly to violent people like back in the old days of feudalism.

ChicoSuave ,

Peter Theil needs to be hurt in a way money can’t fix. The only way he will start thinking about others is to need them.

0xF21D ,

The thing is that’s what they want. They all want to be feudal lords.

bruhduh , avatar


Grayox OP , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho. avatar Great book on Modern Economics Ive been reading, cant recommend it enough!

Dreamer , (edited ) to worldnews in Palestine-Israel Crisis Megathread II
dog , to aboringdystopia in username checks out

This is what the majority of internet traffic is, and the overwhelming majority of these attacks are botted, no one goes for single-instance attacks.

Edit with better map.

hai , avatar

On a similar note Cloudflare Radar has a fascinating amount of statistics.

nueonetwo , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho.

What about the roads, who will pay for the roads?

zeekaran ,

Honestly fuck the roads.

Grayox OP , avatar

Fuck roads! We want an advanced system of High Speed and Light Rail to make roads obsolete for traveling!

bobs_monkey ,

That’s all well and good, but you’re gonna need roads for last mile delivery of goods, and a transit path for people that service homes and businesses.

Grayox OP , avatar

That’s why I qualified my statement by saying obsolete for traveling.

lolcatnip ,

I fail to see how debating the form of a transportation network is related to the necessity of funding one.

shani66 ,

God i wish i didn’t need a car, they fucking suck so hard.

nightwatch_admin ,

The slaves will be taxed, of course, FREEDOM B***

captainlezbian ,

Yesterday I saw a person say that they should all be privatized. Which is so insane I walked away and talked to someone else. Like I’m not going to convince a guy at a bar that his extremist ideology sounds like it wants to create just a godsawful way to live or that our country has tried the whole “minarchism” thing and it was a fucking disaster that led to us creating regulations, roads, etc.

redcalcium ,

Basically a bunch of toll roads where you pay to use them, right? But paying every time you use the road will get expensive quick, so road companies will offer subscriptions so you can save money if you frequently use their roads. Some companies will bundle subscriptions from many road companies together so you’ll only pay for one subscription instead of dozens. They might even offer discount if you use yearly subscription. Viola! Now you have road tax except paid to private companies.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah but to some people that sounds good. It confuses and frustrates me, like yeah I don’t like the government, but I also acknowledge that publicly run companies tend to be screwed over by legislators not by lack of profit motive. Say what you will about Amtrak, but if you’ve ever rode a train in the northeast corridor you understand that it’s a pretty good deal. And it encourages a more pro-social habit.

We’re facing catastrophes both ecological and social due to failure to govern. We could be doing fine, but we keep choosing as a country that instead of regulating and taxing and investing in things we want to make taxes into a dirty word, kneel at the feet of our corporate overlords. If we want our country to be worth living in we need to invest in it for real

spicytuna62 , avatar

My in-laws live on a private road. They’re the fourth lot down from the main road (for the uninitiated, if your property would block access to another property, then there exists an access easement across your property, and you must allow people - principally the owners - to traverse your property so they can get to theirs). Everyone is responsible for (but not obligated to) maintaining the stretch of road in front of their houses. The first couple houses are owned by folks with a good chunk of change and the road is as nice as it gets. The third house down has never done a thing to their stretch of road and it’s a piece of shit for that little bit. You’re cranking the steering wheel from lock to lock to lock again to avoid holes 6 inches deep. Their house is in a sorry state so there’s not a chance in the world they have the money to fix the road up. My in-laws throw some gravel in the holes from time to time to make things a little easier on themselves.

The municipality can’t/won’t do a thing. They don’t own the road and it’s not like the neighbors are blocking people in or out. The road is only nigh (not completely) impassable.

frickineh ,

Someone I know is a libertarian and when I asked how stuff like road maintenance would work on his ideal society, and he was like, “well everyone would pitch in to pay a company to do it.” Ok, so what if someone refuses, are there any mechanisms to penalize them? And who chooses the company and signs the contract and schedules the work? You guys gonna vote for people to do those things? Congrats, you just created government. He also had no real response to what happens if one neighborhood is full of good people willing to pitch in, and the next one says fuck it, we’re not doing any of that, so the roads are great for a mile and are undrivable the next mile.

So yeah, sounds a lot like what your parents are dealing with. Paradise!

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

Libertarianism as an idea can’t exist without gasp collective societal debates and agreements about government, individual freedom, and limitations of enforcement and adjudication… You know, like in a democratically-elected representative federal republic. Kind of like the United States.

lolcatnip ,

Sounds like the NPR model of funding. Even if you can get everything else to work, you still have a couple of weeks every year when you can’t go anywhere without having to stop and listen to Nina Totenberg lecture you 20 minutes about how important it is for everyone to pitch in as much as they can afford.

soot , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho.
MudMan , to memes in Economic Theory is Fun tho. avatar

Man, I am so glad "anarchocapitalist" is starting to stick. I can't believe they got away with the other word for as long as they did.

Ddhuud ,

What other word? Minarchist?

explodicle ,

Libertarian, which ought to be understood as left anarchist.

NutWrench , avatar

“job creators.”

kraniax , to linux in [SOLVED] Brave Browser not launching in LXQT in Debian 12

To the folks who posted useless comments instead of actually helping: Thanks for nothing.

I don’t know what you expected. There’s no need to be rude. Installing a Flatpak for example is a very valid answer and would definitely solve the problem.

And initially you didn’t even say how did you install brave, which is quite relevant in order to find a solution.

Edit: You put the error in a screenshot which leaves it rather useless for searching the error in the web. In general, I’d say that you have very little error solving skills and instead of thanking for “nothing” you should be thankful that people even bothered to answer.

liberatedGuy OP , avatar

“Installing a Flatpak for example is a very valid answer and would definitely solve the problem” That wasn’t a useless comment. Although it would not have helped, it was still in the right direction. Useless comments are those claiming that I should stop using brave and just stick to firefox.

“You put the error in a screenshot which leaves it rather useless for searching the error in the web” I put the screenshot so that nothing is missed and I have seen this previously.

“In general, I’d say that you have very little error solving skills” I would say that you have very weak probabilty and statistics skill, if you can generalise the entire sample space with just a singleton event.

“and instead of thanking for “nothing” you should be thankful that people even bothered to answer.” Again, not directed to people who gave technical help or asked questions but only to those suggesting I just stick to FF or give up Brave.

frauddogg , to memes in He completely betrayed the Constitution you equate to being a Holy Book you lead poisoned Dunce. avatar

Comrade Usagi really is a strong fuckin energy

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