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Razgriz , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

If I’m not mistaken, before recording temps earth started as a molten volcano ridden planet billions of years ago, no?

Compared to that this is just a slightly warmer ice age. We good.

Checkmate Thunbergers!

GataZapata ,

See this to visualize time frames on this kind of stuff

Razgriz ,

Isn’t the heat causing icebergs to break off of antarctica and melt into the ocean?

Nature is balancing things out. The hotter it gets, the more ice it drops into the ocean. We are panicking for nothing 😊

dQw4w9WgXcQ ,


I honestly can’t tell, as I know there are people who are that stupid.

islandofcaucasus ,

Just for my own sanity, are you just trolling and I’m too thick to catch it, or do you legitimately believe what you’re saying?

Cheems , avatar

I’m pretty sure they are just cosplaying a moron. And if not I honestly feel sorry that the public schools failed them so badly

arin ,

Guess what happens when there’s no ice left🙄

original_reader , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

Does anyone know the true source of this statistic?

DarkThoughts ,

It's literally in the image of the graph.

original_reader ,

Only the institute. Not the link. Edited my comment with the link.

ghostBones , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

“Climate change” is obsolete, now it’s “climate crisis”. I suppose after that it’s climate collapse and then climate desolation.

GataZapata ,

Climate apocalypse pretty soon. Maybe climate collapse of society first, briefly

Chainweasel ,

I’d say climate apocalypse and climate societal collapse are the same thing. Apocalypse doesn’t mean extinction, otherwise how would we have a post-apocalyptic world?

Gamey ,

I will drive a fat car and scream like an idiot 24/7! 😂

Ozzy , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

Yippie! I love global warming!!! Thank you big corporations you are so cool!

arin ,

Way beyond warming, it’s global roasting

tryph , (edited ) to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed? avatar

I’m an artist who is never switching to linux unless they fix my major gripes (which seem like it’ll never happen just looking at the answers here lol).

Allergic to GUIs

  • Devs and most Linux users act allergic to having intuitive GUIs. It’s already a pain to use a lot of small programs that don’t have them on windows. I’m familiar enough with using terminals for stuff but I am so incredibly disinterested in using it All The Time or even often.

Not having easy to access and understand toggles/settings are actually a friction point for most users—I think people who are tech inclined seriously need to remember and understand this. Needing to dig for a command to do simple things IS the OS getting in the way in my experience. I’ve seen screenshots of elementaryOS which seems to get this but my next issue is:

Software and hardware compatibility

  • A lot of things I use for work like CSP, Adobe suite, Live2d, etc aren’t natively supported. I also don’t want to be risking encountering possible bugs or errors trying to get it to run them. Not all my games are from steam either, and I don’t know if those would run. There’s simply too many things I use daily that don’t have native support.

I also keep hearing about AMD driver issues which is no good for my pc.

Overall, as much as I hate windows and microsoft, it’s easier to put up and debloat the garbage that comes up over dealing with the issues above. Because when it works, It Actually Just Works. There’s more google-able tech support answers for it too instead of me needing to ask for help every time I encounter something.

Things that are easy to do does add up eventually, which again, is why needing to use the terminal often is not at all an ideal average user experience especially if this could be cut down with some mouse clicks. I think distros could address this if the devs actually care about the non-tech nerd user experience, but I don’t know if the software support/compatibility will ever be fully dealt with.

edited to fix formatting

Sowatee ,

Agree with pretty much everything. If I have to fight just to do basic shit why should I bother with it? My tools of the trade don’t work on it, a lot of my games don’t work on it, and my computer itself might not work on it (also AMD here). There’s no value to using it. Just a lot of headaches.

Nalivai ,

That’s exactly how I feel on Windows. I have to fight with stupid unintuitive guis and when you google for help, the solutions don’t work because Microsoft changed something in some version switched something without any logic

MaliciousKebab ,

Googling never works for me on windows, I just get redirected to their stupid forums with generic “update your pc” shit, problem solves itself after sometime somehow and I never know what the fuck happened in between. Windows to me is a magical box that sometimes breaks and fixes itself. Wasting my time in the process.

Nalivai ,

I also keep hearing about AMD driver issues

I’m pretty sure it’s a tale from the older times

ikidd , avatar

ie: “I haven’t used Linux in 10 years but feel qualified to pipe up about why it’s shit.”

zygo_histo_morpheus ,

I work with programming so my experience of linux is obviously a bit different than an artist trying out linux for the first time. What are things you remember having to use the command line for? Installing packages is the most obvious one but there are graphical front ends for many package manager. Editing config files maybe? I wonder if part of the problem is that most tutorials when you google explain how to do things on the command line rather than how to do it through a gui.

tryph , avatar

I agree that part of the problem is the tutorials and average linux video shows mostly terminal usage. I’m aware of distros that do have GUI front ends like elementaryOS as mentioned, but again I am not going to install linux due to my program requirements for work not having official support. I try to keep up with some linux OS vids/posts because I think the development is interesting to see, but in the end it really is not built with the “average user” in mind no matter how many people keep saying it is lol.

I use programs in windows with only terminal support and config/json files I have to edit myself but it does remind me how much more convenient a GUI is. But devs and other tech people don’t find it worth the dev time to implement. That’s fine but it’s weird to expect widespread use when convenience is considered a waste. Sorry if I keep repeating myself but that’s genuinely a big point in the matter haha

zygo_histo_morpheus , (edited )

I am not going to install linux due to my program requirements for work not having official support


That’s fine but it’s weird to expect widespread use when convenience is considered a waste

I don’t think it’s just about saving dev time (though that is also a big part of it) but also that many people, such as myself as well as most people who make open source programs, genuinely think that the terminal is more convenient than a gui. This is a niche position though and as you say an obstacle to mainstream use.

I do wonder how far away we are from a linux for casual use that you can use without the terminal, since there are already a couple of gui tools for common tasks. In my mind, the average casual user mostly uses maybe their browser, spotify, office products, steam (which may require installing a different graphic card driver, which isn’t very user friendly), some messaging platform and photoshop or something. Honestly this shouldn’t be that hard to do with just gui tools, modulo the graphic card drivers. Comparability with various programs is a problem though, you might have to settle for libre office and gimp instead of ms office and photoshop for example.

inverimus ,

Creating a GUI for changing a few lines of text in a file feels like a lot of extra work for no benefit for most developers.

tryph , avatar

Yeah and that’s exactly why it’s not going to be an OS with a wide ‘average windows user’ base.

LaggyKar , to programmerhumor in Project Management 101

That doesn’t even make any sense, since it’s not an absolute scale

phorq ,

If you used Kelvin it would be even worse… 300F = 422K, multiply by 3 = 1266K = 1819F…

palordrolap , to programmerhumor in Sourcery

The common loop variable i looks quite a lot like a candle, wouldn't you say?

arin , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

The world is literally on fire

Didz , (edited ) avatar


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  • fiat_lux ,

    For now. Watching the Northern hemisphere be in flames is just the smoky forewarning of what to expect in the next 4-8 months. I'm not looking forward to it.

    Didz , avatar

    Ha exactly, may our sunburn return to our exposed bodies soon.

    damnYouSun ,

    “Climate change doesn’t exist because of winter.”

    fiat_lux ,

    I don't they intended to dismiss climate change, I think they were just taking exception to the use of the word "literally" with "the world" when it's technically just far too much of the Northern Hemisphere across multiple continents. Not necessarily helpful, but at least it's not climate change denial?

    damnYouSun ,

    It’s wrong anyway because the temperatures are high for the current time of year. Even the winter temps.

    So with the northern hemisphere that means that they are higher than they’ve ever been before in the Southern hemisphere it just means they’re higher the winter then they’ve ever been before but they’re still high.

    So it’s a confusing and non relevant distinction.

    FlyingSquid , avatar
    Lodespawn , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

    Interesting that despite it still being summer and roasty toasty in the southern hemisphere in January, the world average temp is still lower than the northern hemisphere summer.

    luthis ,

    Averages mean almost nothing. They can’t really be used to say anything meaningful.

    1000 men vs 1000 women: 999 men earn $1 per hour. 1 man earns $1,000,000 per hour. 1,000 women earn $500 per hour. On average, men earn $1000 per hour, but women earn on average half that.

    The reality is obviously very different to the average.

    CmdrShepard ,

    This would only be a relevant criticism if our temperatures had a swing like 1-$1,000,000 does.

    The reality is obviously very different than you suspected.

    luthis ,

    No, the point remains the same. The point is averages by design remove peaks and lows by averaging them out. A system as complex as our atmosphere needs to be considered more granularly than just as by averages. Peaks and lows cause massive disasters, like in Europe right now.

    CmdrShepard ,

    No your point is still invalid. Explaining how averages work doesn’t lend credence to your point as they’re intentionally used for this purpose by making temperature changes directly comparable day to day. We don’t have any days where the temperature jumps to 1,000,000 degrees Celsius, so there’s nothing to throw the average off.

    You’re correct that our atmosphere and weather are complex, which is why scientists use a multitude of approaches to study them. The fact that you think average temperature is the only method being used for study only shows your lack of knowledge on the topic.

    If you still feel I’m wrong then show us the math using actual temperature values to prove it.

    Lodespawn ,

    The average tells us quite a lot. It shows that overall, year on year temperatures across the entire planet are increasing, whether it's winter or summer. Like you say the impacts of that are higher spikes in more places every year and those spikes are lost from the data, but the average is valuable aswell. Because of the scale, and the fact that it's including winter for half the planet, 1 degree change in the average is pretty crazy.

    fiat_lux ,

    The southern hemisphere has a lot more water surface area, which has a larger heat capacity, is somewhat reflective, and a lower density / conductivity.

    This is why Australians and Brazilians are known to be amphibious during summer.

    Lodespawn ,

    Yeah that was my thought, turns out the land water ratio in the northern hemisphere is 2:3 while it's 1:4 in the southern hemisphere

    DaveNa , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

    3rd party software/hardware. Companies don’t develop for Linux. And Linux developers can’t reverse engineering everything.

    thecoolowl ,

    Things break in weird ways on Linux due to dependencies. Snap/Flatpak/AppImage has yet to show if it’s enough to fix the issue.

    DaveNa ,

    That would depend on a case by case basis. For basic use (I thought this was the point of the post) I never had anything break, software/hardware either works or doesn’t (I always use the stable release of everything).

    suckaduck , to programmerhumor in how am i still single? avatar

    I see plenty opportunities!

    danc4498 , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

    I think the conservatives don’t disagree that climate change is real, they disagree that humans are responsible. To them it’s things like El Niño or solar activity.

    HeavenAndHell , avatar

    No, there are a lot of conservatives that think it’s entirely made up

    loutr , avatar

    Symptoms of climate change are getting harder and harder to ignore. The goalposts are moving slowly, not towards any kind of constructive action mind you. Soon they’ll get to “Of course it’s man-made, but there’s nothing we can do”.

    NABDad ,

    My dad switched from saying it isn’t real to saying he’ll be dead soon so he won’t have to experience it.

    Jokes on him: it’s happening faster than he thought. He’s getting to experience it anyway.

    kent_eh ,

    My dad switched from saying it isn’t real to saying he’ll be dead soon so he won’t have to experience it.

    Ask him if he cares about the world that his kids and grand-kids will have to live in, or is he just a selfish asshole.

    NABDad ,

    I did ask that, and it took the conversation to a bizarre place.

    When I asked if he cared what happened to his kids or grandkids, he asked if I believed in God.

    I said no, and asked what that had to do with anything. He said, if I believed in God, I’d go to heaven.

    So, that’s his suggestion: suffer through a miserable, doomed existence, and then go to heaven when you die.

    Things that I found interesting from that:

    1. He pretends to be a Christian, but he is filled with hate and just wants to pick fights with everyone. I think he doesn’t actually know anything about what being Christian is, other than if you’re not, you burn in hell for all eternity.
    2. My mom, whose beliefs generally align fairly closely with his, does not want to cause trouble, unlike him. So, while he immediately tries to start shit, she’ll avoid topics that will result in argument. She will certainly avoid asking questions if she doesn’t want to hear the answer. So, she visibly cringed when he asked if I believed in God, because she knew what was coming next.

    Lots of teenagers dramatically accuse their parents of being fascists, but in my case, he’s the real thing. He’s not quite a Nazi, but if they came to power in the U.S. he’d be goose-stepping along with them. He idolizes Nazi Germany, but pretty much considers modern Nazis to be pathetic losers.

    In the strange, twisted world of child/parent relationships, I’m stuck. I know what he is, but he’s also my father. I’m twisted up. I know he loves me, and I love him, but I hate what he is if that makes any sense.

    My wife and my kids can’t stand him, but everything I have and most of what they have comes from him. He knows that I disagree with him about almost everything he cares about, but if I go to him for help, he’ll help without question and without strings attached.

    He wasn’t always this bad. He had been better for years, but then as he has declined physically and can’t pretend he’s young anymore, he became more miserable, and I think he wants everyone else to be miserable too.

    sgtgig , (edited )

    That’s a pretty frightening belief. Earth is just some bus stop your soul sits at waiting for heaven, so why take care of it and why fret about all the suffering that takes place on it.

    For all we know, death may be total end of your soul/consciousness/whatever and Earth may be the only place with complex life in the universe. And we’re trashing it.

    steltek ,

    Not sure how you can idolize Nazi Germany without being a Nazi. As for the rest, any good faith attempt in debate will be met with skepticism at best. The Rights propaganda machine is too strong.

    Stovetop ,

    There’s this myth in the modern day that there were somehow “noble Nazis” like Rommel who only cared about making their country great and giving it their all. They take the “Hitler turned Germany from a bankrupt country to a world power in 10 years” perspective, look at all of the fancy gadgets and buildings the Nazis made and their fancy Nazi uniforms, and they think it somewhat excuses the atrocities they committed.

    There are too many people out there who think it’s possible to learn from Nazi Germany’s example and make America great again without all of the “bad Nazi stuff” that led to their downfall, without seeing any of the parallels to their stances on LGBTQ+ people, racial and religious minorities, foreign policy, workers rights, etc.

    If there had been another significant Islamic terrorist attack in the early part of Trump’s administration, I honestly believe he would have pushed for Muslim concentration camps considering his early campaign promises about banning them from the US. Having a minority scapegoat to blame for America’s problems would have inspired more MAGA sycophants without losing the Jewish vote.

    jzzvid , avatar

    The best thing we can do with parents like that is don’t even bother to out them in a home. Let them work themselves to death or die on the streets. They get what they earn.

    atx_aquarian , avatar

    First person that uses that argument with me, I’m going to tell them, in no uncertain terms, to stop voting since the same argument applies.

    atx_aquarian , avatar

    I guess they’re smarter than all of NASA! That’s amazing! What’re they doing working in <whatever they do> when they could be straightening out the so-called scientists? /s

    sgtgig ,

    They legitimately do think they know more than NASA. At least your average conservative voter. Conservative politicians probably believe at least some of the science but deny it to keep getting voters. Conservative voters think climate change isn’t real because it still snows in winter and people who have studied climate their entire lives are just part of a conspiracy to take away their trucks.

    Stovetop , (edited )

    Yep. Personal experience with these types is that they will use the excuse of NASA being funded by the government to discredit it.

    “They’re all stupid liberals just spreading (Obama/Pelosi/Clinton/Biden/Soros) propaganda so they don’t lose their funding, just like the schools,” is what I imagine my in-laws would say.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    And they’re wrong according to virtually every person who actually studies the climate for a living, so they might as well pretend it’s made up.

    And it’s stupid anyway. You might be able to deny human-caused climate change, but you can’t deny smog and pollution. Greener energy sources mean less smog and pollution. Why isn’t that a good thing to them?

    chiliedogg ,

    It’s a fundamental lack of understanding of math and science.

    There’s a video going around conservative circles talking about how CO2 only makes up .04 percent of the atmosphere, and therefore even if it were doubled it would be less than 1/1000th of the atmosphere, so it’s not worth worrying about.

    I tried to explain to my father that that’s exactly why we’re able to have such an impact. They don’t understand that we’re able to make a much larger relative impact on CO2 versus Nitrogen and Oxygen and therefore a larger impact on global temperatures.

    Upgrade2754 ,

    The major oil companies acknowledged climate change is a major threat and they are primarily responsible for it decades ago

    theacharnian , avatar

    It’s actually a spectrum of disavowal of responsibility:

    • It’s not happening.
    • Even if it is happening, it’s not our fault.
    • Even if it is our fault, there is nothing we can do.
    • Even if there is something we can do, it’s too late to do anything.

    It’s just that the first stage (denialism) is starting to become untenable.

    donnachaidh ,

    Ah yes, the standard Foreign Office response in a time of crisis. The tactic does not get old.

    theacharnian , avatar

    THANK YOU! I was trying to remember where my brain dug this up from and I couldn’t pinpoint it.

    • Bernard Woolley : What if the Prime Minister insists we help them?
    • Sir Humphrey Appleby : Then we follow the four-stage strategy.
    • Bernard Woolley : What’s that?
    • Sir Richard Wharton : Standard Foreign Office response in a time of crisis.
    • Sir Richard Wharton : In stage one we say nothing is going to happen.
    • Sir Humphrey Appleby : Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it.
    • Sir Richard Wharton : In stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there’s nothing we can do.
    • Sir Humphrey Appleby : Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could have done, but it’s too late now.…/nm0001329

    Syd ,
    • Even if it isn’t too late to do something it’s the others that should do it
    • Even if we are the ones that should do something, it’s down to everyone individually so no job for the politicians
    • Even if it is down to the state, sorry it’s too expensive.
    panpan , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

    Linux needs more apps that GUI friendly and easy to use, better support for hardware and upgrades with doesn’t break easily. Should come pre-installed with PC. Most people don’t bother or know how to change OS.

    limelight79 ,

    The odd thing about this is that because Linux generally doesn’t come preinstalled (though some sellers do have it), I’ve found the Linux installation process is usually smoother and easier than installing Windows.

    I realize it’s extra work, though, which is a barrier for some. Worrying about screwing up their new computer and voiding the warranty is certainly a deterrent.

    vitorsilva ,

    @limelight79 @panpan

    One funny thing about it is that I bought a pc with linux preinstalled, but reinstalled it anyway, because I don't trust an installation from the oem.

    It made me wonder how, in the windows world, we simply trust the manufacturer with that.

    PlutoniumAcid , avatar

    Having worked with preinstalling Windows with a major pc manufacturer, I will say that it is already such a freaking effort that nobody would want to do even more effort to install malware on top.

    Notwithstanding so called partner apps… If there’s anything in those, I can’t say.

    ayla , to programmerhumor in You can never have too many NPM modules

    npm install prompt math chalk is-number ora text-table numeral d3-format

    conneru64 ,

    Somehow that pulls in the Riemann Hypothesis as dependency

    GitProphet ,

    git add . && git commit -am “Add required dependencies”

    ZILtoid1991 , to programmer_humor in Every time avatar

    I did that many times with my game engine, and every time I have had to postpone a release by at least two weeks: one week of implementing the feature, one week of debugging it. (Where can I find people who want to work on an open source game engine?)

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