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lazylion_ca , (edited ) to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

We don’t have time to do it right the first time, but we will make just enough time to redo it wrong a few more times before the customer complains loudly enough that the boss pulls someone from another job which will now not be done right because we don’t have time.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Thanks, I feel like I’m at work again lol

gaydarless ,

cries in SaaS

pwnstar , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

During covid: the government paid me more than my employer to sit around and do nothing, so I had zero incentive to go back to work.

Lesson learned: Get a better employer

RegularGoose ,

Next lesson: Oops, there aren’t better employers.

pwnstar ,

More than doubled my yearly earnings. I did pretty okayish.

Machinist , to memes in Machinists, engineers and people of common sense unite ! avatar

Oh jeebus fucking christ. Sometimes the dumb hurts and then you get the existential dread knowing you’re about to have to call this moron. And, even better, they usually make more money than you.

BeardedGingerWonder ,

Ikr, should’ve pushed them all the way in so it’s a repeatable measurement ffs.

squirrel_bear , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Always agree on compensation/salary before starting your work.

SouthEndSunset , to memes in Machinists, engineers and people of common sense unite !

Two of them did this.

CrowAirbrush ,

Just for the fun of it: i’m making it 3 in my head. 1 extra to take the photo.

SouthEndSunset ,

Probably. And not one said “hey, thats not the full dimension of the hole”.

pescetarian , to memes in Elbe Day avatar
moonsnotreal , avatar

“Kiss me Gustav!”

dangblingus , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

No respawn. Gambling mechanics.

x4740N , avatar

No respawn

Do we know that for certain, what if past oifes are previous spawns

candyman337 , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

If you’re doing more than you’re supposed to do, or doing things outside of normal work time, no matter what DOCUMENT IT. If they’re a good employer, they’ll compensate and reward you, if they’re a bad employer you can leave and it’ll be easier to update your resume by referencing your own documentation

RegularGoose ,

The fact that “don’t work off the clock” and “don’t do work you aren’t getting paid for” are genuinely needed bits of advice rather than absurdly obvious common sense should radicalize all workers.

candyman337 ,

yeahh, society preaches loyalty to your company first rather than loyalty to yourself and your health first. It’s unfortunate. I will say, I love my team at work, and if it’ll be good for the app we develop and its a very rare instance where we crunch to get something done, I’m willing to do that. But that’s only because it’s not common and because my team is good and my employer is decent. If it were a company that were shitty to me, I would not put in the effort unless I was in danger of being fired and I desperately needed the money, and even so I would be actively searching for a new job.

imaqtpie , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

This thread got me thinking, do we have a replacement for r/outside on Lemmy? That sub was pretty entertaining at times

x4740N , avatar

If someone finds one please tell me

aksdb , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

Ah fuck you all, I will just spin up my own server for me and my friends.

HeartyBeast , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

A central purpose of doing your job is to train yourself up to do the job you would prefer - either at the company you are with - or more likely at another.

Spend your time on interesting new skills

Azzu ,

Doesn’t work, the job I’d prefer would be no job.

Or idk, professional with-friends-chiller, or people-get-to-knower, or world-seer, or randomly-on-piano-player, or casual-video-games-player.

AfricanExpansionist ,

Yeah this is my mindset too.

TheObserver , avatar

The job I’d prefer is hundreds if not thousands of years from now. I want to have my own ship to explore planets and feed the data back to earth. New contact? Great send info to earth for ground troops to stop by and start procedures while i move to the next planet.

A planet that’s lifeless but good for resources. Great, send info to earth for mining ships to start work on it.

Bad areas not suitable for ship travel (black holes, pulsars, etc etc). Ok mark perimeter for other ships to avoid.

Mark scenic areas for possible stations to setup.

Imagine thousands of ships that are doing this. So much data flow. Probably too much data for scientists to keep up 🤣

Someone has to do it and not many would like to do it but those of us that would like to would have a blast! You could even do it as a 1 man crew with robots to help keep the ship going that way if the human lifeform were to die it’s only 1 life vs the hundreds that would potentially die if it was a full crew of humans. The robots could even clean up for the next human to take over.

But that’s all a dream unfortunately.

Nemo ,

I don’t understand this mentality at all. No dreams? No drive? You don’t want to make art, or raise children, or help your community, or cook food, or tend the earth?

The_v ,

FYI This is the majority of the workforce. They have to work in order to do other things that are not paid. The are not interested in self improvement, climbing the social ladder, kissing ass etc. They want to do a job that doesn’t suck, get paid a fair wage, and work a fair number of hours so they can do the things they actually enjoy.

These are the people that drive human society. The most valuable portion that maintains our existence.

Azzu ,

Who says I don’t do these things? Can you turn making art into a job if you want to do it for a few hours each month and aren’t particularly good? Can you turn child-raising into a job if you only raise your own? Can you turn “community helping” into a job if you just help whoever you can for small things without any particular qualifications? Does cooking food for myself, family and friends pay anything? Does tending my garden pay anything?

Nemo ,

You’ve bought into the toxic idea that only paid work is real. Raising your own kids is work. Cooking food for your own family is work, growing food for your family is work.

This kind of labor, and much more, is just as real and important as paid labor.

Azzu ,

The fuck? You do know you’re in a thread about “jobs”, not about generic “work”, right? No one said anything about generic work, this thread was about jobs, i.e. getting paid so you have enough to live.

Nemo ,

Exactly, and that’s a big problem. We need to talk about it, whenever the topic comes up. It’s called “invisible labor” for a reason.

Azzu ,

I have no idea what you’re trying to talk about. You’re not making sense to me.

Nepenthe , avatar

I personally would love to do almost all of those things. I wouldn't want to do them as a job. There is an ocean of difference between doing something because it's enjoyable and doing it because if I ever stop for any reason, I will starve to death in a ditch. Tends to kill the fun.

My ideal job would be chilling out as a professional student, splitting my time between large amounts of socializing and various crafting hobbies that are not stressful because my ability to live does not depend on them. Might even take up an instrument. Wouldn't play it for anyone, I just like learning things more than I like anything else. Which is not monetizable.

Barring that, whatever allows me the most time to do so without making me miserable. Beyond the basic amount required to survive, life isn't about money. Life is life.

HeartyBeast , avatar

You don't want to make the world just a little bit better for the people around you? To contribute something to society?

Azzu ,

Who says I don’t? Just nothing I do can be turned into a job that pays enough money to live. I don’t want to be doing one thing for more than 5-10 hours a week, and I want to do many different things, not stick with one for very long.

I’ve created open source software. I’ve written guides for games. I’ve helped countless people with their problems, online and offline. All my friends would say I’m valuable to them, those are part of “society”. I’m constantly making myself better, more knowledgeable, I am part of society, by improving myself I improve society.

None of this is any job that pays any money.

HeartyBeast , avatar

Sounds like you want to be self-employed

Azzu ,

Sure, can you help me get started and tell me how would I make money with what you’ve read so far from me? Doing things I want to do.

Nemo ,

Your problem is twofold: One, that you’ve bought into the idea that only paid work is meaningful, a destructive paradigm rooted in misogyny; and B, it’s not that you don’t like work, you just don’t like responsibility. Which, okay, but avoiding it is still pretty immature. And maybe you’re young, and being a dilletante is fine for now, but for your own sake you shouldn’t aspire to make it a lifelong pattern.

VoilaChihuahua ,

Everything except world-seer can be done as an at home aid for the elderly or folks with developmental differences. Pay is shit and you may have to do personal care things, but you also mostly hang out with generally nice or at least docile folks. But then there also can be random anger and poop. Scarily enough you usually need little to no qualifications for this work.

SnowBunting ,

I have a friend that works with special ed. No licence, no cert needed. He has to handle poop, spitting, blood and the sorts. On top of that, watching and caring for those that may have a seizure. It feels wrong to put on so many hazards and life determining issues to a person with little to no training in it. To top it off, he has to fight to get a full time potion to even get benefits.

VoilaChihuahua ,

Fair point. I was thinking about an in home aid, which my partner did for 7+ years with developmentally impaired adults. It was rarely dangerous and the employees were prepared for each unique client, which they could spend years with if they chose to stay. The lack of professional training is not ideal nor fair to either party, but neither this is world we live in and those folks need aids who care. If you want to mostly hang out with folks and make a meaningful impact this would be a way to do that.

gamey , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis avatar

Why is the richkid class locked for me?

FleetingTit ,

Your parents need to buy the DLC first!

gamey , avatar


Mcballs1234 , avatar

Nah the poor kid class builds the story better

jarfil ,
dipshit , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Document absoluely everything. Get every agreement in writing. If someone tells you to do something in a meeting, follow it up with an email response confirming the action. Keep a copy of those emails. If it’s not written, it didn’t happen.

Hikermick ,

I got this advice from my boss 35 years ago before texting and email. It’s so true. Beware folks that tell you things verbally, follow it up in writing. They may be trying to dodge accountability. We had a president known for not using email

AnomalousBit , (edited ) to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

They were doing pretty good until they blamed everything on neoliberalism, what a fucking joke

Edit: If the wikipedia page wasn’t clear enough, the 14 definitions and comments below should show that the term “neoliberalism” is a broken dog whistle at best. You might as well go outside and yell at the clouds while you’re at it.

RickRussell_CA ,

Is it? Neoliberalism describes a modern conservative movement closely aligned to libertarian philosophy. Privatization, elimination of government programs, tax reduction, laissez-faire capitalism are all under the neoliberal umbrella.

AnomalousBit ,

Wow, that is not what I expected Neoliberalism to mean. Thank you for the lesson. When I read about Neo-(x-political-term) I generally think of new ideas around it, not ideas reaching back to WWII. My biggest concern after reading your link is:

The term has multiple, competing definitions, and is often used pejoratively.

Also, the last few paragraphs of Current Usage emphasize it’s use as a dog whistle:

“Several writers have criticized the term “neoliberal” as an insult or slur used by leftists against liberals and varieties of liberalism that leftists disagree with.”


“the word is nothing more than a political slur, or a term without any analytic power”

I still think it would serve us all to be more precise about what exactly is failing us.

RickRussell_CA ,

I think that in the minds of Friedman, Hayek, Mises et. al. (who coined the term neoliberal after WW2), it was meant to marry modern pro-market economic ideas (the “neo” part) with classically liberal social ideals, reaching back to the Enlightenment. I think they intended it as a counter to socialism, which combined anti-market ideas with regressive ideas around social and civil liberty (at least, in practical application in the wake of WW2).

But yes, in modern parlance it is often a slur aimed at pro-corporate capitalist kleptocracy.

Piers ,

When I read about Neo-(x-political-term) I generally think of new ideas around it, not ideas reaching back to WWII.

Everything was new at some point. Things are named relative to when they happen, not relative to when you hear about them.

brenno ,

Important to mention that Neoliberalism is a therm not really used by people by people who defend liberty, capitalism and free market policies. It’s not something academic for example. Basically you won’t find liberals calling themselves neoliberals.

It is often used by people that does not agree with liberalism, sometimes in a pejorative way, other times to aggregate a group of heterogeneous people, and sometimes mixing different policies and aspects of modern western societies.

Citing the Wikipedia article that explains and has sources on this:

The term has multiple, competing definitions, and is often used pejoratively.[21][22] English speakers have used the term since the start of the 20th century with different meanings.[23] However, it became more prevalent in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s; it is used by scholars in a wide variety of social sciences,[24][25][26] as well as by critics,[27][28][29] to describe the transformation of society in recent decades due to market-based reforms.[30] The term is rarely used by proponents of free-market policies.[31] Some scholars reject the idea that neoliberalism is a monolithic ideology and have described the term as meaning different things to different people as neoliberalism has mutated into multiple, geopolitically distinct hybrids as it propagated around the world.[32][33][34] Neoliberalism shares many attributes with other concepts that have contested meanings, including representative democracy.[35]

RickRussell_CA ,

I mean, sure, the term can be misused. But “neoliberal” was adopted by Hayek, Mises, Friedman et. al. to describe their philosophy of liberty, capitalism, and free market policies. So it’s not completely inappropriate to associate “neoliberal” with those principles.

brenno ,

Do you have sources on this? I did a quick research and the only thing that I found was this article that argues that Neoliberalism definition changed over time and it would be an anachronism to take how the therm is used today (for example in this post) to define what they mean at the time, and the closest definition for them would be liberals, not neoliberals anymore. Which is totally fine given the time that has passed, and specially how political definitions are hard to define without context (example on how we consider left and right nowadays and 200 years ago for example, its not the same ideas)…/528276/

RickRussell_CA , (edited )

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

This entry explicates neoliberalism by examining the political concepts, principles, and policies shared by F. A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, and James Buchanan, all of whom play leading roles in the new historical research on neoliberalism, and all of whom wrote in political philosophy as well as political economy. Identifying common themes in their work provides an illuminating picture of neoliberalism as a coherent political doctrine.

But several recent book-length treatments of neoliberalism (Burgin 2012; Biebricher 2018; Slobodian 2018; Whyte 2019) have helped give form to an arguably inchoate political concept. As Quinn Slobodian argues,

in the last decade, extraordinary efforts have been made to historicize neoliberalism and its prescriptions for global governance, and to transform the “political swearword” or “anti-liberal slogan” into a subject of rigorous archival research. (2018: 3)

Along similar lines, Thomas Biebricher (2018: 8–9) argues that neoliberalism no longer faces greater analytic hurdles than other political positions like conservatism or socialism.

In light of this recent historical work, we are now in a position to understand neoliberalism as a distinctive political theory. Neoliberalism holds that a society’s political and economic institutions should be robustly liberal and capitalist, but supplemented by a constitutionally limited democracy and a modest welfare state. Neoliberals endorse liberal rights and the free-market economy to protect freedom and promote economic prosperity. Neoliberals are broadly democratic, but stress the limitations of democracy as much as its necessity. And while neoliberals typically think government should provide social insurance and public goods, they are skeptical of the regulatory state, extensive government spending, and government-led countercyclical policy. Thus, neoliberalism is no mere economic doctrine.

… etc …

gamey , avatar

The actual work of Milton Friedman and co. should work best for that, they don’t hide it! ;)

RickRussell_CA ,

“Neoliberalism and Its Prospects”. 1951

gayhitler420 ,

You won’t find liberals calling themselves neoliberals because the term itself was always used to refer to anticommunism after the defeat of the axis powers.

cloudwanderer OP , to linux in [Question] From MacOS to Linux, need advice on best software packages avatar

Thank you everyone for all your suggestions! I’ll quickly try to summarize them for myself. So what you suggest is:

Operating Systems:

  • NixOs
  • Debian 12
  • ElementaryOS
  • mint
  • PopOs
  • EndevourOS
  • Fedora
  • arch
  • Opensuse
  • Novara

Tiling Window Manager:

Recomended to use something based on wayland.

  • hyprland (can be configured from file, good compatibility with nix)
  • sway (proposed with Debian, multiple suggestions, config via file as well, good for custom keybindings, already options for sway in nixos)
  • i3
  • bspwm
  • KDE Plasma
  • dwm / dwl

Status Bar:

  • swaybar (in case of using sway)
  • waybar (when using wayland)
  • eww
  • ags
  • KDE neon

Package Managers:

  • flatpack
  • brew (is this already stable enough?)
  • Nix (obvious choice if nix os chosen)
  • snap
  • (pacman if arch)
  • integrated one


  • together with wayland alacritty or kitty
  • foot
  • Yakuake
  • suckless

At the moment I am trying to avoid anything where RedHat is involved. Not because of the recent controversy, but simply IBM is known to kill their software solutions on a whim. (although i still use ansible), so Fedora is unfortunately out (again, no judging on how great it is). I’ve been quite interested in EndevourOS, so that might be fun to try out. Debian for the desktop probably not right now. I’m running it on servers for stability, but for a desktop environment, i prefer having more recent packages (e.g. neovim). The “sales pitch” for Mint sounded pretty interesting as well. However i’ll give NixOs a try first, simply because it was mentioned very often, same with sway.

Based on this i’ll try out these combinations first:

  1. NixOs with sway and eww
  2. NixOs with hyprland and waybar
  3. NixOs with dwl and ?

If this does not satisfy, i’ll look into endevourOS and mint, but that might require some Ansible I assume.

Thank you very much!

wviana ,

Just get to know Rio that may be an alternative to Alacrity.

cloudwanderer OP , avatar

It looks very interesting!

But I don’t see the unique selling point of it compared to alacritty and kitty, besides web-enabled. Is there anything that it does better than these 2?

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