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makeasnek , (edited ) to memes in WHAT IF...? avatar

What if:

  • Our government didn’t have the ability to print money? What if going to war meant raising taxes?
  • We took the control of the money supply out of their hands and instead used free and open source software to create money and move it around?
  • Our economy wasn’t predicated on a target 2-3% inflation rate? What if you were not incentivized to spend your money because it’s just losing value every day you don’t spend it? How might our consumption/production patterns change? How might that impact sustainability?
  • The government couldn’t move money from the 99% to the 1% every time a bank needed to be bailed out? What if they didn’t print away all the value of money you earned? What if when the economy grew, the value of your money increased just as it would naturally if somebody wasn’t printing away the difference?

How might the world look different?

pingveno ,

Small but steady inflation is good. The macroeconomic fear is that people will just hold onto their money in the form of raw currency. That’s bad. Currency is for a more convenient representation of value. I can’t compensate a roofer in computer code, so currency is a stand-in. But it also shouldn’t languish or else the economy stagnates. The world used to regularly experience zero inflation or deflation, which hurt the economy. As much as we’ve had some instability lately, things are nowhere near as bad as they could be.

Of course the flip side - hyperinflation - is also bad, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.

makeasnek , (edited ) avatar

Good for who? Where does value move when your currency is reduced in value by an expansion in the supply? To regular people? No. Lower and middle class people are the ones who have the most cash, they have a higher ratio of cash to net worth than rich people who can put their money into assets. They have an emergency fund. They are saving up to become property owners.

Humanity survived and grew total economic output for millennia before inflationary paper currency came around. Inflationary paper currency is a relatively recent phenomenon. I’m not saying we should go back to the gold standard, but that ended in 1971. That’s pretty recent.

If you live in a hyperinflation environment, you will spend your money on anything because it’s better than holding onto that money and see it become worthless. It might seem silly to own 12 blenders, but buying yet another blender is a better investment than simply sitting on your money for a month in Turkey. At least a blender can blend and maybe be re-sold at a later date. That effect still happens in mildly inflationary economies: we are incentivized to buy goods and services we don’t need because the alternative is just slowly watching our money lose value. This is not a great incentive to have baked into our financial system when we live on a planet with finite resources.

On the other hand, if your money is expected to retain or gain value, somebody has to really convince you to part with it. Does that mean products are built to last? Built more repairable or sustainable? Perhaps. You will still buy things of course, everybody needs stuff, but at least the incentive is trending in the right direction instead of towards needless consumption.

Johanno ,

Ok ok ok. Now explain to me: if inflation is supposed to ensure people don’t horde money/value

How is it possible that Jeff Besos hords the income of a country?

Yes his value is bound in shares and stuff but still he is holding 185 Billion $ of value to his person.

In comparison to see how much money that is look at this website :

It seems that at a certain point of wealth the rules don’t apply anymore.

Sagifurius ,

you are so close to admitting it’s imaginary

pingveno ,

He is putting that wealth to work by keeping it invested in his company instead of stuffing it under his mattress. That’s exactly how it’s supposed to work. That wealth is doing work for him and for the rest of the economy in the form of Amazon stock (setting aside various ethical qualms about Amazon). Stock is nothing more than an abstract representation of a slice of a company to allow for distributed ownership and for companies to raise capital. So instead of purchasing goods and services from a company, a shareholder provides raw capital to exchange for a slice of the company. That would make sense for a wealthier person who can only buy so many yachts and massages (goods and services), but it applies equally well to someone who is trying to sock some money away for retirement and have it grow over time.

pancake , avatar

Printing money is just one way that inflation can appear. The latest trends in that respect are in fact not caused by money-printing.

Avnar ,

I can tell you want would happen. The Collaps of Capitalims. Because Capitalism needs the State to protect it with police force, Military and Bailouts. Thats the only reason States exist. The Ruleing classes need to work together to keep the rest under controll and to legitamise themselfes with Laws. States are always a tool of one class to rule over the others. They will never change in that regard.

ElectricMoose , to programmerhumor in Floating-point arithmetic

Consider IEEE754 arithmetic as monadic, simple!

SnotFlickerman , to memes in Dr Leo Marvin avatar

We know about Rick…but What About Bob?

Lawnman23 ,
AOCapitulator , to programmerhumor in Floating-point arithmetic avatar


daniyeg ,

NaN stands for Not a Number. to simplify very briefly (and not accurate at all), when defining a standard for representing fractional values using binary digits in computers they systematically assigned natural numbers in a range of values to some fractional numbers. some of the possible natural numbers for reasons not worth talking about were unused, so they were designated as NaNs, and the value of the NaN itself is supposed to tell you what went wrong in your calculations to get a NaN. obviously if you use a NaN in an arithmetic operation the result is also Not a Number and that’s what the meme is referring to.

vrighter ,

i think the real explanation is simpler and more understandable.

NaN is what you niet when you do something illegal like dividing by zero. There is no answer, but the operation has to result in something. So it gives you NaN, because the result is literally not a number

Elkenders , to piracy in this can't be real. is it?

Can bazarr fix this crap? I got something similar recently.

anivia ,

Stop using bad trackers and it won’t happen

Elkenders ,

I use opensubtitles, and I’d love to but it’s not particularly easy to just get into good trackers.

nutsack ,

give me $40

frunch ,

All i got is about $3.50

Tarkcanis ,

Go on, git! Get outta here Loch Ness Monsta!

nutsack ,

how about a picture of your dongis

phoenixz ,

Where do I find good trackers? Even paid ones?

anivia ,

Paid torrent trackers don’t really exist as far as I know, that’s only really a thing on Usenet. The most common way to get into invite-only private trackers is through recruitment threads on other trackers, so if you aren’t already a member of at least 1 private tracker it’s hard to get into the scene to be honest. There are a few private trackers with open signups, or an ability to apply for an account and get manually approved, but those are pretty rare. The only one I’m currently aware of having open signups is pornolab, and as the name suggests that is a tracker dedicated to porn only. Another one that is very easy to get into is IPTorrents. It’s invite-only, but they are giving so many invites to members that there are lots of people that will give you an invite if you just ask nicely

lud ,

I don’t think so, but you can use an open subtitles premium account to get rid of ads. it’s not that expensive.

Elkenders ,

I have premium to deal with the backlog. Maybe it downloaded before I switched.

lud , (edited )

Yes, you will have to redownload the subtitles.

Odd that people downvote me for answering your questions.

The useless comment that provided no information whatsoever and just told you to git gud, was up voted to 24+

Elkenders ,

Haha yeah the classic passive aggressive elitist response wins.

justcallmelarry , (edited )

I have a script that I found somewhere and have made personal tweaks to: it in a file called and check the instructions in the script on how to add it to bazarr

I have not noticed any issues with it, but there can of course be false positives (like someone saying the word “Facebook” in a series/movie), so your miles may wary. (this is why i leave the .trash.tmp file personally, so that i can restore the removed lines if needed)

and as always, this script is provided as is, but it might help someone out there

toastus , to memes in Paying for free software

That asshole doesn’t deserve a meme, cmm.

Just use Calvin.

GravitySpoiled OP ,
Diplomjodler ,

Seriously! I really don’t want to see this nazi fuckface any more.

GravitySpoiled OP ,

Which meme generator do you suggest?

Glitchington , avatar

Photopea - free browser Photoshop

fmstrat ,

I mean, we are talking free software here, so how about one posted to Lemmy the other day:

Ultragramps , avatar
Chakravanti , to piracy in this can't be real. is it?




loudWaterEnjoyer , avatar

What is snitchcoin?

Gooey0210 ,


loudWaterEnjoyer , avatar

That’s a bit harsh

prole ,

Care to explain the comparisons?

AtmaJnana , (edited )

I assume because Bitcoin has a public ledger and Monero doesn’t. Its more than that, but that’s the gist. Monero literally exists to offer additional privacy over Bitcoin.

No idea about those VPNs in particular, but I assume its a similar privacy issue, such as keeping logs…

prole ,

I know what Monero is, it just wasn’t clear to me how it relates to those VPNs

AtmaJnana ,

Sure, but not all readers of the thread will be familiar.

Chakravanti ,

Bitcoin is a Snitchcoin. Everything is does everywhere it goes and everyone trading in its entire history is tracked and publicated %100 all the way down to the IP address.

Closest thing you can get away with that is to swap Monero for the Bitcoin on Bisq.

Monero is anonymous. %100. Regular upgrade to the shuffling of the anonymity is by design and happens between twice a year and every other year.

Mullvad accept Monero directly. No third party snitch tracker doing the acceptance for them. They give the same discount for the payment method.

prole ,

I’m familiar with Bitcoin and Monero, it just wasn’t clear to me how they related to those VPNs.

I’m all for privacy but if you feel the need to pay for a VPN with Monero, and get seemingly offended by ones that don’t accept it, then I really have to wonder what you need it for.

Just an FYI, if I’m suspicious and I’ve only interacted with you once, I’m sure anyone who actually cares is also already suspicious of you. If you’re so big on Monero, then you should also know about OpSec.

Chakravanti ,

Nord is a snitch VPN. Nothing you do in it is private.

I’m paranoid by choice. I’m choice of such because I’d rather have the skill before the need is the status and late to the party with any skill at all.

prole ,

Ok, and how are they a “snitch VPN”? Got any evidence to back up the claim? Or is it just run of the mill paranoia?

I don’t have a horse in this race, and have no interest in defending Nord. I’ve just seen nothing that indicates what you said is true.

Chakravanti ,

No. All my old shit is gone. I was in a coma for 3mo and 3 more in rehab. Came back to all my comps fried or stolen. I know enough never to fuck with them. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own gorramn research.

prole ,

So you think your stuff was gone because NordVPN? A real critical thinker, huh?

Chakravanti ,

You read shit that ain’t there. That rock ain’t psychic despite thinking whatever the fuck you think.

commie ,

don’t tell ppl monero is pvt.

Chakravanti ,

And don’t tell anyone they use it to sling dope on the darknet either.

Dirk , to memes in Paying for free software avatar

You should donate to free software you like because you like it.

Change my mind.

Aurenkin ,

But I don’t want to change your mind

Kissaki , to programmer_humor in Floating-point arithmetic avatar

It’s infectious!

FlyingSquid , to memes in zodiac sign avatar

Dinosaurs don’t exist?!

lugal ,

No, only ambiguous bones that could be anything and are interpreted to be dinosaurs by old earth creationists making you believe the earth is older than a millennium. Most bones are actually from giants, unicorns and centaurs depending on the color.

jaybone ,

Wait only a millennium?

Does this mean Jesus didn’t really exist and his existence is a trick by God to test our faith?

lugal ,

He lived, obviously, but some years after him were counted twice

mriormro , avatar

As a zodiac sign, no they do not.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Isn’t it about time we do something about that? I’m going to write to my congressman.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

But dragons do?

lugal ,

Botanically, dragons are dinosaurs but not the other way around. Most dinosaurs were not dragons.

Tikiporch ,

Botanically speaking, that’s bananas.

lugal ,

Which is my zodiac sign by the way

ReakDuck , to programmerhumor in Floating-point arithmetic

As I was coding in C++ my own Engine with OpenGL. I forgot something to do. Maybe forgot to assign a pointer or forgot to pass a variable. At the end I had copied a NaN value to a vertieces of my Model as the Model should be a wrapper for Data I wanted to read and visualize.

Printing the entire Model into the terminal confused me why everything is NaN suddenly when it started nicely.

OsrsNeedsF2P , to memes in Paying for free software
zxqwas , to memes in zodiac sign

Turns out you can make up any arbitrary distinctions and they just start existing. The question is if they severe any useful purpose.

I can make zodiac 2.0 exist by adding shoe size to distinguish between regular aquarius and aquarius without platypus (above EU 42 is with). So now the Zodiac 2.0 exists with the same predictive power as 1.0.

ExLisper ,

What do you predict for regular Aries this week?

zxqwas ,

Exercise diligence when putting your shoes on, pay special attention to the laces or you will suffer great sorrow.

Ludrol , avatar

Don’t worry we already have Zodiac 2.0

TheBat , avatar
Kusimulkku ,

I’m disappointed none of these are Github links

jaybone ,

This one is like a D&D game.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Except no where near as fun

DessertStorms , avatar

zodiac 2.0

Already kind of a thing, since the constellations the zodiacs were based on have moved since they were "decided", and no longer match what people continue to use:

Johanno , to programmerhumor in Floating-point arithmetic

Nanananana! Batman!

slacktoid , to memes in Paying for free software avatar

Downvote cause calvin should have been used instead

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