There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

FrostyPolicy , to linux in /run/user/1000: What to do with it? avatar

I’d say a good rule of thumb for a beginner is not to touch anything outside of their own home directory. Modifying or deleting files in other locations is an easy way to break your system.

CarbonScored , avatar

Honestly as a power user for 10 years I very, very rarely come across a time it’s a good idea to touch anything outside the home directory.

flashgnash ,

/etc/fstab if you need to setup a new disk

joeldebruijn OP ,

Sound advice, thnx

moritz , to linux in /run/user/1000: What to do with it?

Other people already answered the question, I just want to say that this question was incredibly well asked.

joeldebruijn OP ,

Thanks, definitly positif first time experience with posting also.

JenTheWyvern , to memes in Aint changing sh!t

Raise hell, praise Comrade Dale.

Tja , to memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party

No. My impressions are based on having lived it before the iron curtain fell.

humanhorseshoes ,


  • Loading...
  • OurToothbrush ,

    You mean living under capitalism?

    Tja ,

    Living in the first decade of capitalism after communism, where freedom of the media exposed all the reality, people were still broke but the state no longer provided free housing (and the build codes changed to no longer allow cheap crappy concrete blocks), old “communists” sold half of all infrastructure to their buddies (where did someone get billions during communism??) and professionals started charging higher rates because now they were free to migrate west if they didn’t earn a decent wage at home. Among others.

    As of 2024, things are quite different.

    humanhorseshoes ,


  • Loading...
  • OurToothbrush ,

    Russia and Hungary are capitalist, China is a transitional stage economy run by a communist party.

    Blackmist ,

    But prepare for a 25 year old who lives in his mom’s garage in rural Indiana to try to debate you on the subject anyway.

    Gabu ,

    Says the balding neckbeard living in Brexit-land.

    Blackmist ,

    Bald, not balding.

    AFC1886VCC ,

    He lives in his mother’s garage because he can’t afford to move out on the pittance he makes at work. It sure wasn’t communism that put him there

    Tja ,

    Nope, in communism he would be dead of starvation or in jail for complaining.

    muad_dibber , avatar
    Tja ,

    See how most of those polls are from 2009-2011, in the middle of the worst economic crisis in Europe in a century?

    And they weren’t thrown in jail for saying it?

    Maggoty ,

    Unless you’re over a 100 years old you lived in a totalitarian system masquerading as Communism.

    Klear ,

    Funny how that’s always the result.

    Maggoty ,

    Yeah I don’t think we’ve figured out a good way past the charismatic sociopath problem. The best thing we’re going to have in the short term is a democracy with a strong emphasis on socialism.

    Gabu ,

    Funny how that’s a fallacy, and there have been countless largely communist organizations of human labor over history, which lasted just as long as capitalist society.

    Tja ,

    See how you didn’t even have to ask which country it was? Because a 100% of communist countries became dictatorships ridden with poverty for the working class and gold plated luxury for the ruling class.

    I’m happy now somewhere in the middle in this terrible, terrible capitalism. Oh, and I’m free to leave anytime I want, if I don’t like it.

    Maggoty ,

    So do 100% of Capitalist countries without a strong democracy. In fact capitalism is the one designed to do so by concentrating capital.

    When we figure out communism or socialism there’s a really good chance it’s a strong democracy that prevents it from falling into totalitarianism. Will it be a bunch of anarchic communes in council? Lol no. Will workers share profit equally with executives? Probably.

    Gabu ,

    You mean the impressions of having lived in a dictatorship which discarded the idea of progressing towards communism? How is that relevant?

    Tja ,

    See how you didn’t even have to ask which country it was? Because a 100% of communist countries became dictatorships ridden with poverty for the working class and gold plated luxury for the ruling class.

    I’m happy now somewhere in the middle in this terrible, terrible capitalism. Oh, and I’m free to leave anytime I want, if I don’t like it.

    Gabu ,

    Grade-school level history: I didn’t need to ask which country because all of the possible countries were puppet states of a single other country…

    Because a 100% of communist countries became dictatorships […]

    There are a total of 0 communist countries throughout history. Your lack of very basic knowledge is starting to make me cringe.

    I’m happy now somewhere in the middle in this terrible, terrible capitalism.

    That’s irrelevant. If you’re happy while I’m driving a nail through your eyes, does that make driving a nail through someone’s eyes a good thing? The fact that you are privileged doesn’t make a difference.

    Oh, and I’m free to leave anytime I want

    No, you’re not. Your statement is so completely uneducated, I couldn’t even guess where to begin dismantling it.

    Late2TheParty , to lemmyshitpost in We're Men, Men in Jights avatar

    This is my favorite one so far!

    fulcrummed , to lemmyshitpost in We're Men, Men in Jights

    Basically the Blighters from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.

    Viking_Hippie , to lemmyshitpost in We're Men, Men in Jights

    voice goes up an octave or two TIGHT jights!

    barkingspiders , to memes in 😳😳😳

    I am too old to tell if this is good photoshop, good generative ai, or a real photo . 🫠

    Sekoia ,

    AI. Black guy in the background on the right has a white hand.

    On the left the arms and legs are in very awkward positions too (the second guy has like… two left legs?)

    LittleBorat2 ,

    Yes, I also came here to ask if the pope can play.

    AllonzeeLV , (edited ) to reddit in ...

    And remember, because I feel this always needs to be said with such sums…

    193 million isn’t enough for him, and 193 million plus whatever millions he made in years prior isn’t enough for him. He’s going public because he’s a broken, disturbed human being that looks at his unethical levels of wealth, enough for most of the other humans that live here to live 2 dozen extravagant lifetimes, and still demands mooooooaaaaaar.

    Why isn’t this widely accepted as severe mental illness?! This is hoarding disorder.

    These aren’t big ocean house sums. These are buying politicians sums, and they are only achievable through exploiting other human beings and selfishly pocketing most of the value of their labor because you can get away with it.

    mindbleach ,

    $200M is still big ocean house money. $200B is buying politicians money. The difference is about $200B.

    p03locke , avatar

    Hell no… Politicians are cheap AF. You could buy a senator to lobby for your bill for $20K.

    For $200M, you could buy the entire senate, house, and presidency for a year.

    mindbleach ,

    Have we tried crowdfunding that?

    modifier ,

    Even the more premium offerings, like supreme court justices, are getting to be pretty reasonably priced and they often run deals, too, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye out and shop around for the best price.

    dutchkimble ,

    Help a brother out if you will, use my referral ‘JUSTICE3’ so we both get free services for 3 months

    BedSharkPal ,

    I think you over estimate the cost of politicians.

    mindbleach ,

    Unlike the cost of ocean-front housing, they’re not listed.

    BedSharkPal ,

    There’s been plenty of stories that have come out that it took a relatively small amount to buy important votes. At this point they should just crowd fund buying out these guys. At least it would drive the price up and make it more transparent how shitty some of these people are.

    positiveWHAT ,

    Is it possible to set a roof on private wealth? Everything above put into public funds? Give them a “you win at capitalism” trophy and let them into some other game to play.

    AllonzeeLV ,


    Enforced, adequately high progressive taxation could do that, in fact we had tax rates closer akin to that prior to Reagan, and at one point our highest tax rate was close to 90% as it should be so as to limit accruing enough wealth to warp our society unilaterally beyond their single vote with media and political bribery, but that died a long time ago in the name of “turning the bull loose.”

    But then the greediest fucks among us bribed our leaders to get their way, to thunderous applause by idiot conservative peasants and many so called democrats, today’s neoliberals, and here we are, planet burning, terminal stage capitalism, good fucking times. But hey, as long as Bezos can have a second mega yacht to keep his first mega yacht company (he really does look it up) I guess it was all worth our impending collapse.

    Serinus ,

    You know what people did when the highest tax rate was 90%? They made sure they’d still “max out” 25 years from now. They invested in their company reputation and their workers.

    AllonzeeLV ,

    I can just picture every modern billionaire vomiting into their mouth at the thought.

    ColeSloth ,

    The 1950s had a great thing going. Once you hit $100,000 in a year, anything beyond that was taxed at about 90%. Nobody wanted to give the government 90% of what they’d be making, so no one did, and the 1950’s were absolutely booming for the US middle and lower class. You could afford a new house, car, and two kids at a job you didn’t need a college diploma for (or often even a highschool diploma) on a single income household.

    Without having to pay ridiculous sums of money to the ceo’s and executives and whatnot, companies were just left with the option of using the funds to invest back into their companies and their employees instead going after pocketing as much money as quickly as possible.

    MegaUltraChicken ,

    Not only would I be willing to give them a trophy, give them a fucking parade, shout-out at the next SOTU, let them sign the original constitution or some shit, whatever the fuck these mentally ill people need to stop destroying society.

    Hell keep a leaderboard of who “produced” the most wealth and let them compete with each other. The winner every year gets their name carved in a new " Stanley Cup of Captalism" (the hockey one, not the crazy white lady one). All of that shit would be infinitely cheaper than having billionaires around.

    oce , avatar

    I think the absence of cap also makes super rich people motivated to invest in new projects that could make them even richer. If they don’t have this motivation anymore, it may reduce this investment source, they’d just keep what they have and don’t see the point in doing more with their money. Would the state do that better from taxes money? Maybe

    positiveWHAT ,

    But that means they seek projects that must be profitable and that’s exactly why I want the bloated investment power off their hands and into public projects that value psyche and society in the long run. Profit seeking leads to sick companies like Apple etc. with stances like “the customer should not be able to repair their shit”.

    oce , avatar

    I think better regulation of the market so it benefits the consumers, like what EU tries to do, is more realistic than imagining a state being able to sustainably handle marketable innovation. I don’t think a state would have come out with efficient web search, smartphones or gen AI for exemple.

    KeenFlame ,

    It’s called tax and all countries do it except for the fucking United States that has spread a disease of letting companies and billionaires just skip taxes, in a criminal mob act that is robbing the people of their money in an open corrupt way that nobody dares stand up against

    KevonLooney ,

    All countries? Uh, Russian, Indian, and Chinese billionaires have much more freedom to do whatever they want.

    In the US, Donald Trump (who claims to be a billionaire) is currently being fined $450 million dollars for underpaying his taxes. He accrues $110K per day in interest on that fine. And he was President of the US!

    KeenFlame ,

    I knife it was hyperbole

    theneverfox , avatar

    Here’s the thing… Money is just a points system after you get into the .1%. A billion dollars, with 5% non-compounding interest (ridiculously conservative) would yield $50 million a year. That’s a metric fuckton of money, I can’t imagine a luxury (not based on rarity or shaping society) that you could personally enjoy.

    So I agree, we should take all their shit, except a single home and personal possessions, and give them a $50 million dollar stipend each year. Let’s pin that to the minimum wage and call it absolute rich. Hell, let’s let them divide it up between their children… Their family would be set for generations, and any of them could go for the prize to add another one time prize to go even higher. Let’s make it fancy as hell, give them a special card or a jeweled broach they can pull out and buy anything without seeing a price… And let’s make it not roll over, because we want them to be post-money

    Now, the finances work out easily if we let the government invest money (crazy that we don’t use that instead of taxes at this point), but the trouble is it’s not about money, they need a new game to play. We want to make sure they fuck off and measure dicks with each other in a way that doesn’t use our species as the playing board. They want to compete with each other for rank and social status, and we want them occupied

    I don’t think there’s a one size fits all solution, so I’ll throw out some ideas. A children’s card game, next level Pokemon go battles, a monthly token that can be granted by anyone (with physical proximity) to signify they were helped by an unbillionare, unbillionare exclusive sports (I’d watch), maybe even points for how much of their stipend they don’t spend in a year

    We can even let them prestige, and see if with a small gift of $5 million dollars they can do it again… By that point I’m guessing their brains have probably rotted, but I’d like to give them the option

    Maybe we give them nicer badges that they can whip out based on points, maybe we make a points store where they can use the emergency alert system or rent out monuments for a pizza party… Just things that money can’t buy and don’t meaningfully hurt the rest of us

    Personally, I really love the idea of video game duels and MMA matches (either we laugh or they improve themselves to a point it’s actually impressive, win-win. Let’s stream it)

    Let’s bring back the nobility, but in a way that’s fun for us and doesn’t include ownership of people. Hell, let’s add in titles, and let you get in through capitalism, scientific breakthroughs, or social change

    TWeaK ,

    After they introduced reddit gold, they made enough money to finance the service beyond anyone’s lifetime. Now, all that money is gone.

    Reddit has been mismanaged, just like almost every silicon valley or venture capitalist driven business. The goal isn’t to make a business profitable, let alone one that is sustainable or serves society, the goal is to meet a certain arbitrary metric that only serves shareholders at the expense of anything and everyone else.

    someguy3 ,

    There’s a yacht, and then there’s a yacht.

    exocrinous ,

    Why isn’t this widely accepted as severe mental illness?! This is hoarding disorder.

    Doctors don’t diagnose people with “evil”. That’s what priests and philosophers are for. Doctors diagnose people with illnesses and injuries. Things that negatively impact the patient.

    andrew , avatar

    And he’s accomplished so hilariously little compared to the other billionaires out there. Not that they deserve billions either, but look at Google and the ridiculous progress they’ve made, and innovations they’ve created, and code they’ve open sourced. Steve wants to be among such “peers” in terms of wealth while having done relatively nothing.

    kautau , (edited )

    Once you get to that level of wealth it becomes a mentally ill competition game. It’s no longer about the money or what you could or will do with the money, it’s trying to get yourself into higher tiers of even more abhorrent wealth accumulation.

    “How did you get here? Business class?”

    Laughs the people with private jets

    “Where are you staying? A resort?”

    Laughs the people with a house in every city

    “Where will you go when we end the world? Not my bunker”

    Laughs at the people without bunkers

    MrScottyTay , to programmerhumor in How it goes

    Fuck coffee, swap that with food or just water or something, then it’s right for me.

    Pfnic ,

    Yeah I don’t get it either… Everybody at the office seems addicted to coffee and I just am there for the social ritual but almost never drink it when wfh

    cobra89 , to memes in Everytime

    Fast Car*

    UltraMagnus0001 , to memes in Everytime

    Walker has claimed she was in a romantic relationship with singer-songwriter Tracy Chapman in the mid-1990s: “It was delicious and lovely and wonderful and I totally enjoyed it and I was completely in love with her but it was not anybody’s business but ours.”[78] Chapman has not publicly commented on the existence of a relationship and maintains a strict separation between her private and public life.[79][80]

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    Yeah, don’t out somebody without their consent.

    chemical_cutthroat , avatar

    Especially by calling it “delicious.” Ew. I can’t imagine anyone ever saying that without immediately having to wipe the drool off their chin after.

    idiomaddict ,

    Edit: I remembered the context and won’t make a gross joke

    Dkarma ,

    Fucking prude

    MissJinx , avatar

    i think she was always out

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    Her Wiki article implies that she was outed without her consent, but doesn’t explicitly say that. (I looked it up a while ago when that cover of Fast Car was trending, because that whole situation was interesting).

    possiblylinux127 , to linux in /run/user/1000: What to do with it?

    Do not touch that as you will break things. It varies per setup on how it is used but everything /run is virtual

    DSkou7 , to techsupport in [RMA] What is this lump on my friend's CPU?

    So based on the other comments, I would check the cooler and anything else that was above the CPU to see if something got too hot and dribbled solder on the CPU. Also is the socket next to that drop clean, or are there other smaller droplets nearby?

    onlooker OP , avatar

    Everything on the cooler and motherboard seems to be clean. No droplets around the socket either. We’ve decided to start the RMA process, because troubleshooting a CPU is a bit out of my wheelhouse and also I’m kinda lazy. Thank you, though!

    keyz , to techsupport in [RMA] What is this lump on my friend's CPU?

    Last year GamersNexus covered something similar. Can’t remember the exact video, but I think it was in the series of videos this one comes from

    Can’t remember all the details, but (I think) something was causing a part of the die (I guess not near a temp sensor) to heat up way out of spec, enough to litterally melt the solder on the CPU, and have it drain out.

    CPU is likely dead, and certainly not to be trusted. Is it an Asus or gigabyte motherboard? Potentially it’s one that’s affected and hasn’t had the bios update that fixes the issue applied

    onlooker OP , avatar

    That’s super useful information, much appreciated. MSI motherboard actually. I’ll ask my friend when he last updated the BIOS, if at all.

    keyz ,

    I would suggest not trying to use it anymore though, and just go straight to the RMA process for wherever they were purchased. Or maybe post on the GN discord to see what they say (annoyingly they don’t have forums or anything, just a discord and subreddit).

    If this is just something that’s come from somewhere else, you don’t know where else this mysterious metal may have gone, and there’s a potential fire risk on your hands at worst, or a mobo that could fry any cpus (or memory, etc) plugged in.

    If it’s indeed the issue talked about by GN, it’s dead, and if it’s not completely dead, it’s actively dying in an irreversible way.

    If it’s some other, new issue, I still can’t imagine plugging it back in will make anything better.

    Lojcs ,

    That’s not it. Even if the overheating melted something in there, it wouldn’t just ooze out to some spot and form a neat blob without a trace.

    CrayonRosary ,

    Yes it would. That’s exactly how solder would bahave in this case. The fact that you call what is obviously solder… “something”… means you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    keyz ,

    The photo is almost identical to one shown in one of the GN videos. Gonna be a bad internet denizen today though and ask that you take my word, because I really can’t be arsed to try to look up specific videos and times.

    If you don’t take my word, thats completely understandable, but as I said, cannot be arsed with looking it up, so I’ll just accept that you don’t believe me.

    onlooker OP , (edited ) avatar

    That’s fair. Though I still do believe you since everything you said seems completely plausible. I’m skimming through GN’s videos right now, but there are loooooads. Hopefully I’ll find it eventually, because I really am curious. In any case, my friend and I decided to start the RMA process as suggested in your other comment, because if nothing else, the CPU looks really dodgy. Thank you for your time and insight!

    Klajan ,

    It could actually, the Heat spreader is usually bonded to the Chip with some form of Indium Solder, which usually has a melting point of up to 210°C (most compositions are around 120-140°C).

    Solder likes to form a similar ball around traces and components, since the solder does not stick to the silk screen of the PCB.

    And I remember that this is exactly what happened in the Gamer Nexus video, the Indium Solder was melting due to Overheating.

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