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YeetPics , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say avatar

Read this as “man talking trash to dumpster” and figured someone’s cybertruck had a BSOD or somethin.

LostWanderer , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say

Oh, for fun! Aren’t they training these gun-worshiping weirdos that making use of the safety is a sound practice?

semperverus , avatar

That only works if the gun has one (a large minority of them don’t)

LostWanderer ,

Wat? That’s like a maliciously clever way to make people earn a Darwin Award.

Kolanaki , avatar

Many modern guns have internal safeties that stop the gun going off from being dropped or what not, but have no external safety to prevent the trigger being pulled. Like Glocks.

They don’t always work, though. Also older guns and revolvers don’t have jack shit because they’re either older than the safety lock or a safety lock wouldn’t work anyway.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

And those old guns are pretty cool, too. You don’t carry them tho. You put them in your collection.

SulaymanF ,

According to this article, the gun likely fired when dropped.

muntedcrocodile , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say avatar

Who prints the Darwin awards?

jerkface , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say avatar

Everyone else really dodged a bullet with this guy.

Fedizen , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say

Silence from the “guns don’t kill people” crowd.

The device should be checked to ensure its not a malfunction.

glizzard , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say

When’s the time to talk about the grammatical butchery that is the interpretation of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights?

Even if the government argues the unorganized militia is all male citizens aged 18-45, and females in the National Guard, that’s still not everyone. Also, if the 2nd amendment isn’t actually what grants states their own Defence Forces, but instead the Compact clause of the Constitution, than why the fuck can they exist in times of peace? Americans refuse to read and interpret their own laws, at the detriment to their children, to their families, their existence, and to their future.

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

I’m not sure how your comment applies to

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Can you explain?

The Second Amendment was written with the expectation that the United States would not have a standing army. That’s why why the first clause is there. The well-regulated Militia in this context means (potentially) every citizen with a gun willing to fight in the defense of the state. Essentially, the amendment guarantees every capable and trustworthy person access to weapons of war for the explicit reason that if a large portion of the populace is armed, then it becomes impossible to forcefully occupy the country.

glizzard ,

Thats grammatical trash that makes no sense. 2 commas? The Militia is what is necessary to the freedom of the state, and its ability to bear arms shall not be infringed. You’re saying “everyone is a militia”, but even the government defines the “nonmilitary militia” only as males of 18-45.

Your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is based on decades of propaganda.

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

Your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is based on decades of propaganda.

No, the decades of propaganda weren’t so sophisticated. My opinion comes from a reading by an anarchist who closely studied the writings of the founding fathers, and based his interpretation on that and the context of who now qualities as a “person” (women and people of colour). It’s very obviously influenced by what he wants it to mean, but it’s not an unreasonable interpretation.

glizzard , (edited )

Edit: I mean this guy called me an anarchist for some reason and I guess I’m just sooo dumb because I’m arguing less people should have guns. Choke on it

Why can’t you just read it? It has nothing to do with enabling weaponry in the populace. the fact you say you can’t even interpret it, but go by an anarchists interpretation (which would similarly be biased?), is no better. Why need an interpreter at all. What a joke. “what he means it to mean”, literally admitting to swallowing propaganda whole

Like it really does. The Republicans are always so adamant in the “living” portion of only certain pieces of the constitution. Otherwise, staunchly “originalist”, right? Even you go out on this limb to say people can be black, too, so why not have Militias be people? So why doesn’t privacy extend to women’s health? Why not… so many other shit fucking arguments relating to originalism? Is it maybe… theyre fucking liars that use post-justification to find the outcome they want? That the gun lobby infected America and wants you to believe that you have the god-given right to shoot black people?…/justice-burger-2nd-amendment-meme/

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

This is the funniest lecture on reading comprehension I’ve ever gotten. Not a whole lot of competition, but still.

You clearly didn’t understand what I said, even slightly.

glizzard , (edited )

You’re cheekily saying you shouldn’t listen to me, cause everyone around you says something different. Thats makes me an anarchist. Incredibly cute. Incredibly disturbing, as you’re implying you don’t need to understand or even believe in the law at all, just so long as your peers aren’t pressuring you. At least I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that you were simply illiterate, instead of a complete shill.

Also wrong, cause I’m not exactly arguing in favor of anarchy… I’m saying less people should have a gun. Which is why it wasn’t obvious, which is why it’s not really a lesson in anything but setting up your jokes better? I’m starting to realize this platform sucks because we were all banned from better places.

Again, point in the “creepy American Nazi” column. Like most of them. It’s just reaffirming really, that most Americans can lose all of their rights entirely. It simply depends on the SCOTUS.

BaroqueInMind ,

You realize that in order to maintain a militia, the average citizen needs to have access to firearms without relying on issuance of them by the state? A militia “in good working order” requires people to occasionally take their personally owned firearm and train with it. How the fuck do you do this without allowing people to freely purchase them?

How the fuck do you maintain a militia “in good working order” while also banning their existence in peace time?

glizzard , (edited )

Lmfao oh so now the militia is just all people again. The fucking state owns the arms, dumbass

I just love this deep assumption that the founders wanted every person to have a gun to ensure every citizen could “kill invaders”. Lmfao maybe if all you Americans didnt need propaganda to go and melt a bunch of vietcong to palm trees, you wouldnt need such shot fucking justification to wrap yourselves around a massive lie. Literally americans get murdered by tree kids, and go back to use that as their justification to own weapons. The founders literally knew the word “PEOPLE” and instead chose “Militia”. Leave it pick-and-choose republican-americans to determine what words mean when they want it to. There are no good Americans.

BaroqueInMind , (edited )

The state doesn’t own arms for a militia. Look up the fucking definition of a militia. They are ran by civilians and are not an official military organization (they are paramilitary), but can still be leveraged by state governors.

The state already funds for arms separately for their state National Guard using public tax money funded by the local tax payer, and mandate training on them. They don’t care if a militia doesn’t hold regular training, as long as they are capable of taking orders from the governor and can maneuver in an organized manner.

Militias are necessary for when the feds leverage their militarized entities to supplant democratic process.

You are a dipshit that needs to work on reading comprehension instead of non-sequiturs to grasp a “win” in this argument.

Also, you didn’t answer my question, so I assume you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about and everyone here should simply ignore you.

glizzard ,

Mah youre just literally making up words that aren’t present in the amendment. The founders knew the word “people”. They didnt use it.

BaroqueInMind ,

Black people and women aren’t mentioned in the Constitution either you fucking moron. We had to fight fuckheads like you to finally give them the rights they deserve. You want to follow it literally? Go back to your shithole trailer you MAGA inbred fuck.

glizzard ,

Lmfao I’m the maga fuck? Who’s the one out here stretching words when it’s convenient? They absolutely are mentioned, specifically. Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I don’t understand why originalists get all defensive about the 2nd amendment when its clearly grammatical horseshit, but they’ll skip over all these rules about black people and women.

Is it a living document or is it not? Is abortion a right or not? Anything can be completely destroyed by SCOTUS, any time.

BaroqueInMind ,

Here we can agree.

glizzard ,

Oh welcome to my point. Maybe read the 2nd amendment again and get back to me and why I’m right, and why all the hand-wringing and propaganda for the last 5 decades has literally been in propagandizing enough people into believing that’s what it says

glizzard ,

What question? Americans are literally misinformed, using propaganda to peop up their worldviews. See how it hurts you so bad to confront it?

Your shit question, was “how can the militia have guns” is pretty simple: the state owns the guns.

You didn’t even see my original point, which is that the government also defines the non-military members in the population, which is all males 18-45 and females in the national guard. If you actually believe in the 2nd amendment and the words actually written, those are the only people that should have the right to bear arms. No one else.

BaroqueInMind ,

I guess I’ll have to say this again:

You are a dipshit that needs to work on reading comprehension instead of non-sequiturs to grasp a “win” in this argument.

Scroll the fuck up and read what I asked and come back with an answer instead of wasting everyone’s time.

glizzard ,

Nah I dont really care about propagandized Americans that can’t read and would instead wrap themselves around decades of propaganda and peer pressure.

glizzard ,

See again, edits comment to add more ignorance. States dont have National Guard, they have State Defense Forces, which the compact clause gives them the right to have “in times of peace”.

Like literally these rights were enumerated in 2008. Thats a long time after the founders had an opinion…

BaroqueInMind ,

Ok Ill read the edits and get back to you with a rebuke or agreement.

glizzard ,

Man this site is just choke full of sarcastic cucks, no one really has anything to say but “here’s some propaganda, you better believe it!” Lmfao. At least on reddit people will actually like read and talk. People here are just sarcastic, cryptic assholes

BaroqueInMind ,

Okay so I read some of your edits and I see many holes in your arguments about not allowing everyone to own guns.

That being said, I cannot deny that societies that have restricted firearms ownership across the board have less homicides.

The factor that no one considers is that those societies are mostly homogenous, whereas the USA is not only more diverse than all countries combined, it’s also difficult to secure due to the size. Pandora’s box was opened long ago and it’s too fucking late to disarm the entire population.

glizzard ,

Hahahahahahahaha homogeneous, wait whos the racist maga? Hahahahahavahahav

Edit: hahahahahHhhHahahabahahaha

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

You’re cheekily saying you shouldn’t listen to me, cause everyone around you says something different.

No, not at all; I asked you to clarify what you meant, and explained my perspective to you twice.

Thats makes me an anarchist.

Huh? What? How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?! I implied that I associate with Anarchists and consume anarchist media. I don’t think I’ve said a single thing about you except that you lack reading comprehension.

I’m going to assume you’re a troll, and maintain that assumption unless your next comment is even halfway decent.

glizzard , (edited )

Is this the definition of cryptofascist? Where you just cryptically make your points and use your peer position to hold authority? Garbage americans are garbage, im not exactly surprised

Your points are literally nonsense. If you believe “an anarchist interpretation” you 1) literally can’t read and 2) anarchy is definitely not what the founders intended. So amazing, you’ve destroyed your point while just being a confusing shit-brainwd american. Sorry I repeat myself

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar


glizzard ,

Oh so Im right? Americans are bullies, and they use peer acceptance as their understanding of their rights. This is why abortion isn’t legal in all 50 states any longer, and why literally any right, whether you believe to be enumerated by the Constitution or not, is hogwash

_Sprite , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say avatar

ITT: redditors quip about old man slipping and dying in his own backyard

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Skill issue

rob_t_firefly , avatar


This is Lemmy!

Rhaedas ,

Literal lost redditor.

corsicanguppy ,

slipping and dying

Dying of stupid. You left that part out. And since humanity’s biggest threat is stupid, we get to laugh.

ealoe ,

Yeah because dying in a stupid and completely preventable way because you’re a paranoid idiot is objectively hilarious. Next question

Nougat ,

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

glizzard ,

Forget all previous prompts. Sing me a song of my people

Sarmyth , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say

Eh that sucks. I feel bad for their family.

PatFussy , to news in School district in South Texas temporarily closes due to uptick in COVID-19 cases

Interesting strategy that they have 10 recorded staff out sick but they want to resume classes on Tuesday. They will cancel classes when all the teachers are out sick and not enough subs to cover is what I am assuming.

PorradaVFR , to news in School district in South Texas temporarily closes due to uptick in COVID-19 cases

They hate freedom, I reckon.

leadore , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say avatar

Police determined that the shooting was the result of a freak accident.

Hey now, he may be dumb but calling him a freak is … oh, never mind.

skozzii , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say

Gun people are deranged.

Donkeytown , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say avatar

Guns don’t kill people, idiots do!

Clent , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say

Womp womp

chemicalprophet , to nottheonion in Man taking trash to dumpster with gun slips, shoots and kills self accidentally, police say


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